Ordenar ofertas por:
A Coruña(394)
Ciudad Real(113)
Illes Balears(623)
La Rioja(185)
Las Palmas(469)
Santa Cruz de Tenerife(250)
Sin especificar(760)
Administración empresas(1.896)
Administración Pública(2)
Atención a clientes(813)
Calidad, producción, I+D(1.321)
Comercial y ventas(2.531)
Compras, logística y almacén(2.425)
Diseño y artes gráficas(146)
Educación y formación(70)
Finanzas y banca(56)
Informática y telecomunicaciones(955)
Ingenieros y técnicos(1.856)
Inmobiliario y construcción(925)
Marketing y comunicación(630)
Otras actividades(2.722)
Profesiones y oficios(1.290)
Recursos humanos(466)
Sanidad y salud(1.128)
Sector Farmacéutico(176)
Turismo y restauración(759)
Ventas al detalle(71)
Estudios mínimos:
Ciclo Formativo Grado Medio(161)
Ciclo Formativo Grado Superior(157)
Educación Secundaria Obligatoria(3.645)
Enseñanzas deportivas (regladas)(1)
Formación Profesional Grado Medio(969)
Formación Profesional Grado Superior(834)
Ingeniero Superior(228)
Ingeniero Técnico(40)
Otros cursos y formación no reglada(3)
Otros títulos, certificaciones y carnés(73)
Sin especificar(14.729)
Sin estudios(1.179)
Jornada laboral:
Intensiva - Indiferente(285)
Intensiva - Mañana(171)
Intensiva - Noche(31)
Intensiva - Tarde(57)
Parcial - Indiferente(2.381)
Parcial - Mañana(221)
Parcial - Noche(77)
Parcial - Tarde(85)
Sin especificar(6.367)
Tipo de contrato:
A tiempo parcial(90)
De duración determinada(2.915)
De relevo(10)
Fijo discontinuo(297)
Otros contratos(6.973)
Sin especificar(3.376)
Ver ofertas empleo

Ofertas de empleo de professional

866 ofertas de trabajo de professional

Asesor Jurídico en testamentos (H/M/X)
Manpower Business Professional busca incorporar un/a Técnico/a Jurídico para unirse a un equipo especializado en la gestión de testamentarías, proporcionando soporte legal y administrativo a clientes y departamentos internos.Funciones principales:
  • Análisis de la documentación testamentaria aportada por los herederos y elaboración de informes jurídicos que autoricen la entrega o cambio de titularidad de las posiciones a favor de los mismos.
  • Resolución de consultas jurídicas relacionadas con testamentarías, tanto de forma escrita como telefónica, dirigidas a oficinas y otros departamentos (Operaciones, SAC, Equipo Centralizado).
  • Atención telefónica a herederos a través del Servicio de Orientación al Heredero, resolviendo consultas jurídicas relacionadas con procesos sucesorios.
  • Gestión y resolución de solicitudes de Certificados de Posiciones solicitadas por herederos a través del Canal (banca electrónica).
Perfil del candidato/a:
  • Formación: Graduado/a en Derecho.
  • Valorable: Experiencia previa en Derecho Sucesorio o gestión de procesos testamentarios (no imprescindible).
  • Habilidades clave:
    • Capacidad analítica y atención al detalle.
    • Excelentes habilidades de comunicación escrita y oral.
    • Orientación al cliente y capacidad para manejar consultas jurídicas de manera clara y profesional.
Condiciones del puesto:
  • Salario: 1.433 € bruto mensual.
  • Tipo de contrato: Temporal de sustitución.
  • Jornada: Completa.
  • Ubicación: Zona de trabajo en Hortaleza, Madrid.

Si cumples con el perfil y estás interesado/a en formar parte de un entorno dinámico y profesional, ¡envíanos tu candidatura!

Jornada sin especificar
Otros contratos
Salario sin especificar
abogado, derecho
Back Office Financiero (H/M/X)

Manpower Business Professional busca incorporar un/a Administrativo/a BackOffice Financiero/a para una posición temporal en el departamento de operaciones financieras de una importante empresa del sector.

Funciones principales:
  • Liquidación y confirmación de operaciones financieras.
  • Gestión de la contabilidad y elaboración de informes de reporting relacionados con las operaciones.
  • Conciliación y cuadre de cuentas, asegurando la exactitud y consistencia de la información financiera.
  • Apoyo en tareas administrativas vinculadas al área de BackOffice.
Perfil del candidato/a:
  • Formación: Titulación universitaria en carreras financieras (Economía, ADE, Finanzas, o similar).
  • Idiomas: Nivel intermedio de inglés (se realizará prueba).
  • Conocimientos técnicos:
    • Dominio de Excel avanzado (incluyendo manejo de macros; se realizará prueba).
  • Habilidades clave:
    • Capacidad analítica y atención al detalle.
    • Habilidad para trabajar en equipo y cumplir con plazos establecidos.
    • Proactividad y capacidad para gestionar tareas administrativas en entornos dinámicos.
Condiciones del puesto:
  • Tipo de contrato: Temporal por sustitución.
  • Salario: 21.000 € bruto anual.
  • Horario: De lunes a viernes, de 9:00 a 18:00.
  • Ubicación: Zona Gran Vía, Madrid.
  • Incorporación: Inmediata.

Si cumples con los requisitos y estás interesado/a en desarrollar tu carrera en el área de operaciones financieras, ¡esperamos tu candidatura!

Jornada sin especificar
Otros contratos
21.000€ - 21.000€ bruto/año
HW Researcher/Designer in the Storage Systems Area

CIDETEC Energy Storage is looking to recruit a person to join its Storage Systems unit, which designs, develops and tests the batteries of the future for all types of applications.

If you want to be part of this revolution, we’re waiting for you!

Our work covers the entire value chain, from battery chemistry to the final application. We design and develop cells, modules and battery packs tailored to our customers’ needs, with a clear focus on technology transfer to industry. The researcher’s work will be related to SW development in the different segments in this field.

Your contribution

You will form part of a state-of-the-art research centre geared to sustainability and the circular economy, which has helped electrify Spain’s roads and is now working towards 100% future sustainability.

You will work on training and/or company transfer projects on the storage systems unit strategic line involving HW and validation and its industrialisation. You must be capable of carrying out several lines of research simultaneously, optimising resources and maximising results.

Your work will be geared to:

  • BMS market research, according to the application (automotive, stationary, light mobility, domestic storage, aerospace).
  • Schematic and PCB design to comply with the specifications according to the design standards defined.
  • Providing support for design validation and analysis of results.
  • Providing support for integrating design in the final application.
  • Working on the development of new algorithms for the BMS (Battery Management System) control SW.

You will also be involved in:

  • Generating and implementing new ideas/concepts.
  • Drawing up technical documentation.
  • Drawing up technical documentation connected with seeking funding.

What we offer you

  • At CIDETEC you will be able to develop your career alongside a team of top-level professionals, in a young yet committed environment, dedicated to innovation and seeking to provide practical solutions for a more sustainable world.
  • Professional development opportunities that will help you build a solid career, working on projects to transform industry and society.
  • Work with top-level teams in local, national and European settings.
  • Work-life balance initiatives.
  • Continuous training.
  • A privileged setting in a safe, friendly environment.
  • Variable remuneration package for all employees.
Jornada sin especificar
Otros contratos
Salario sin especificar
Researcher with Expertise in Processes for the Printed Electronics Line

CIDETEC Surface Engineering is looking to recruit an expert in processes for printed electronics / in-mould electronics to join its Nanosurfaces Unit, which develops functional coatings and materials and processes for printed electronics, addressing major challenges to meet industrial demands and European programmes, while maintaining a focus on sustainability.

If you want to be part of this revolution, we are waiting for you!

CIDETEC is an international leader in research and innovation related to surface engineering in the fields of Coatings and Surface Treatments, Polymers and Composites, and Nanosurfaces. We specialise in the treatment of surfaces and materials with state-of-the-art technologies. The researcher will work in activities related to the development of training and industrial R&D projects, in close contact with the most prominent companies in sectors such as aeronautics, automotive and energy.

Your contribution

You will join a cutting-edge research centre, focused on sustainability and the circular economy, which has spent years understanding and revolutionising the surfaces of things, from those we touch every day in our homes or in our vehicles, to the most demanding materials for sectors such as aeronautics and energy.

You will work on training and/or company transfer projects, carrying out your work in such a way that you are able to pursue several lines of research simultaneously, optimising resources and maximising results.

Your work will focus on the following activities:

  • Management and planning/implementation of R&D projects.
  • Direct interaction with clients.
  • Reinforcement and promotion of the printed electronics research line.
  • Analysis of results, drafting reports and preparing presentations.
  • Preparation of proposals for applying for R&D funding in regional, national and European calls.

What we offer you

  • At CIDETEC you will be able to develop your career alongside a team of top-level professionals, in a young yet committed environment, dedicated to innovation and seeking to provide practical solutions that result in a more sustainable world.
  • Professional development opportunities that allow you to build a solid career, working on projects that transform both industry and society.
  • Work with teams at the very highest level in local, national and European settings.
  • Work-life balance initiatives
  • Continuous training
  • Privileged setting in a safe and friendly environment
  • Variable remuneration package for all employees
Jornada completa
Otros contratos
Salario sin especificar
Técnico/a Contable - Accountant
A MagmaCultura estem compromesos amb la cultura. Som un referent en el desenvolupament i gestió de projectes culturals, educatius i turístics. La nostra passió es promoure el valor de la cultura i fer-la accessible a les persones. El nostre motor principal és la professionalitat, el talent i el compromís del nostre equip expert en gestió cultural. Un dels principals valors de MagmaCultura consisteix en la creació d'un lloc de treball en el qual totes les persones se sentin respectades, representades i incloses en un entorn segur en el qual puguin desenvolupar i impulsar la seva carrera professional amb èxit. Per això mateix, com a institució compromesa amb la cultura i la diversitat, vetllem per la promoció d'un ambient de treball en el qual destaqui la igualtat de gènere i el respecte per motius de raça, ètnia, orientació sexual o diversitat funcional. Estem buscant un/a Tècnic/a Comptable amb l'objectiu de gestionar i garantir la correcta comptabilització i documentació de les diferents transaccions econòmiques de la companyia, assegurant el compliment de les obligacions legals i fiscals. Imagina com serà el teu dia a dia: - Assegurar que totes les operacions comptables i financeres es registrin correctament. - Realitzar la preparació d’impostos mensuals, trimestrals i anuals. - Preparar la informació per a la presentació de les declaracions fiscals (IVA, IRPF, etc.). - Conciliació i verificació dels saldos dels proveïdors, clients i bancs. - Emetre i enviar factures a clients. - Processar i gestionar els pagaments a proveïdors dins dels terminis establerts. - Col·laborar en els processos d'auditories. Què t'oferim: - Oportunitat d'incorporar-te a un equip líder en la gestió cultural, compromès amb la promoció del valor del patrimoni cultural i fer-lo accessible per a les persones. - Desenvolupament professional en una companyia amb projecció internacional en constant expansió. - Formació i aprenentatge continuat: creixeràs en un entorn que et convidarà a prendre petites decisions diàriament i on equivocar-se també forma part del procés. - Ambient de treball dinàmic, desafiador i inspirador on estaràs acompanyat/ada per grans professionals en el teu dia a dia. - Contracte indefinit: de dilluns a dijous de 08.00 h / 09.00 h a 17.00 h / 18:00 h, divendres intensiva. Els mesos de juliol i agost podràs gaudir de les teves tardes lliures. - Lloc de treball: Barcelona.
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar
Dutch Digital Marketing Consultant - Google Ads Products
Are you a Google fan? Do you love Google products? Are you passionate about the web and new technology? If you are tech savvy, creative, outgoing, and willing to roll up your sleeves and get things done in a fast-paced, rapidly changing environment, we may have the perfect job for you! Teleperformance Spain, with more than 4,700 employees in 10 sites (certified with Great Place to Work and Top Employer), is looking for a highly-skilled group of professionals to help improve the business, and identify areas of growth based on digital advertising campaigns. Purpose of the role As a Digital Marketing Consultant your role is to identify and apply the appropriate advertising solutions through an active collaboration with Dutch companies and Digital Marketing & Online Advertising Agency Partners. You would work with a wide variety of advertisers, and deliver the optimal digital advertising solution for each customer. It is a target driven environment, where you will work towards individual sales targets and be part of a larger sales team increasing the Client customer base across EMEA. You will be part of the largest team who creates unique customer experiences while actively affecting the Dutch online marketing environment. Responsibilities Implement creative ways to improve our client companies and agency relationships, by tailoring and sharing performance-enhancing suggestions, and upsell or promote other Google products. Provide strategic advice and help businesses and agencies get the best ROI on their clients’ advertising investment by working closely with them in a consultative role. Consistently deliver against assigned quota, while prioritising and delivering outstanding customer sales experience. Communicate with the customers proactively, via phone, video conference and email. Benefits Full time position (39h per week, Monday to Friday). Permanent Contract. Salary: 30.000€ gross/year + up to 3.500€ gross/year in bonus. This is a Hybrid working model in Barcelona. Referral Program: Bring a Friend and get a Referral fee (up to 2.000€ depending on the language/project). Relocation support 4 weeks of intense introduction training on Google Ads and specific sales training. A permanent presence of coaches who will facilitate your personal and professional development. Established career path to grow within the project. Continuous training and certifications within Google products. Bi-weekly, monthly or quarterly contests. Employment with the world's largest provider of contact centre services. Excellent work environment, great colleagues, social arrangements and personal development. Dynamic business casual environment with colleagues of all ages gathered in a highly-motivated team. Office location surrounded by the sea (World Trade Center, Barcelona, Spain).
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar
Danish Digital Marketing Consultant - Google Ads Products
Are you a Google fan? Do you love Google products? Are you passionate about the web and new technology? If you are tech savvy, creative, outgoing, and willing to roll up your sleeves and get things done in a fast-paced, rapidly changing environment, we may have the perfect job for you! Teleperformance Spain, with more than 4,700 employees in 10 sites (certified with Great Place to Work and Top Employer), is looking for a highly-skilled group of professionals to help improve the business, and identify areas of growth based on digital advertising campaigns. Purpose of the role As a Digital Marketing Consultant your role is to identify and apply the appropriate advertising solutions through an active collaboration with Danish companies and Digital Marketing & Online Advertising Agency Partners. You would work with a wide variety of advertisers, and deliver the optimal digital advertising solution for each customer. It is a target driven environment, where you will work towards individual sales targets and be part of a larger sales team increasing the Client customer base across EMEA. You will be part of the largest team who creates unique customer experiences while actively affecting the Danish online marketing environment. Responsibilities Implement creative ways to improve our client companies and agency relationships, by tailoring and sharing performance-enhancing suggestions, and upsell or promote other Google products. Provide strategic advice and help businesses and agencies get the best ROI on their clients’ advertising investment by working closely with them in a consultative role. Consistently deliver against assigned quota, while prioritizing and delivering outstanding customer sales experience. Communicate with the customers proactively, via phone, video conference and email. Benefits Full time position (39h per week, Monday to Friday). Salary: starting from 23.876,19€ gross/year + up to 3.407,56€ gross/year in bonus. This is a Hybrid working model in Barcelona. Referral Program: Bring a Friend and get a Referral fee (up to 2.000€ depending on the language/project). Permanent Contract. Relocation support 4 weeks of intense introduction training on Google Ads and specific sales training. A permanent presence of coaches who will facilitate your personal and professional development. Established career path to grow within the project. Continuous training and certifications within Google products. Bi-weekly, monthly or quarterly contests. Employment with the world's largest provider of contact centre services. Excellent work environment, great colleagues, social arrangements and personal development. Dynamic business casual environment with colleagues of all ages gathered in a highly-motivated team. Office location surrounded by the sea (World Trade Center, Barcelona, Spain).
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar
German Business Development Representative - Cloud Security Description
Teleperformance is a worldwide leader in customer experience management and contact centre business process outsourcing. Our company employs around 420.000 people working in over 265 dialects and languages, in 88 countries, operating across all business sectors and all continents on behalf of major international companies. At Teleperformance, we do business with people, for people. We want our employees to be inspired and motivated. Our main goal is to make them proud to belong to Teleperformance through job satisfaction and a great work environment. Teleperformance Spain, with more than 4,700 employees in 10 sites (certified with Great Place to Work and Top Employer), is looking for highly-skilled professionals. Purpose of the role As a Sales Development representative, you will be responsible for identifying robust sales opportunities, profiling prospective customers, discovering their needs and driving new business through various outbound and inbound campaigns focused on security. You will help businesses work better together, move fast and innovate. As a member of the Sales Development team, you will be the first point of contact for hundreds of businesses, proactively engaging them to build enthusiasm while identifying and qualifying their security business needs to propose adequate solutions and send them on the most appropriate Sales path. You will work towards individual targets, but will also be part of a larger sales team with a focus to grow our customer base across APAC. You will be in a phone-based environment, where you will interact with customers primarily via outbound calls. Responsibilities Hit quarterly Key Performance Metrics, and hit a target level of activity daily and weekly Manage a portfolio of assigned accounts to identify high potential prospects, both new business and upsell Execute outbound prospecting to source, contact, and engage prospective customers Educate customers on what we have to offer Execute daily outbound phone calls and emails (mostly cold calling), contact C-level decision makers, build quick rapport and assess needs. Understand prospects' pain points, gather technical requirements, correlate business needs to available Cloud security solutions (solution-selling) and build value for next steps in the sales process Update and maintain prospect and customer data in Salesforce.com (CRM database). Manage leads, contacts, accounts, opportunities and activities in Salesforce.com Work towards team and individual goals for key performance indicators like productivity, conversion rates, opportunities and pipeline. Benefits Full time position (39h per week, Monday to Friday). This is a Hybrid working model in Barcelona. Salary: 25.760,00 € gross/year + up to 8.540,00 € gross/year in bonus. Relocation support Permanent Contract. Referral Program: Bring a Friend and get a Referral fee (up to 2.000€ depending on the language/project). A permanent presence of coaches who will facilitate your personal and professional development. Established career path to grow within the project. Continuous training and certifications within Cloud products. Bi-weekly, monthly or quarterly contests. Employment with the world's largest provider of contact center services. Excellent work environment, great colleagues, social arrangements and personal development. Dynamic business casual environment with colleagues of all ages gathered in a highly-motivated team.
Jornada completa
Contrato de duración determinada
Salario sin especificar
German Business Development Representative - Google Products
Teleperformance is a worldwide leader in customer experience management and contact centre business process outsourcing. Our company employs around 420.000 people working in over 265 dialects and languages, in 88 countries, operating across all business sectors and all continents on behalf of major international companies. At Teleperformance, we do business with people, for people. We want our employees to be inspired and motivated. Our main goal is to make them proud to belong to Teleperformance through job satisfaction and a great work environment. Teleperformance Spain, with more than 4,700 employees in 10 sites (certified with Great Place to Work and Top Employer), is looking for a highly-skilled group of professionals. Purpose of the role: As a Business Developer Representative, you will be responsible for identifying robust sales opportunities, profiling prospective customers, discovering their needs and driving new business through various outbound campaigns. You will help businesses work better together, move fast and innovate. As a member of the Business Development team, you will be the first point of contact for hundreds of businesses, proactively engaging them to build enthusiasm while identifying and qualifying their business needs to propose adequate solutions and send them on the most appropriate Sales path. You will work towards individual targets, but will also be part of a larger sales team with a focus to grow our customer base across EMEA. You will be in a phone-based environment, where you will interact with customers primarily via outbound calls. Responsibilities Achieve SQO (Sales Qualified Opportunity) quota quarterly, and hit a target level of activity daily and weekly Manage a portfolio of assigned accounts to identify high potential prospects Educate customers on what we have to offer Execute daily outbound phone calls and emails (often cold calling), contact C-level decision makers, build quick rapport and assess needs. Understand prospects' pain points, gather technical requirements, correlate business needs to available Cloud solutions (solution-selling) and build value for next steps in the sales process Update and maintain prospect and customer data in Salesforce.com (CRM database). Manage leads, contacts, accounts, opportunities and activities in Salesforce.com Work towards team and individual goals for key performance indicators like productivity, conversion rates, opportunities and pipeline Diligently document customers notes and deal details over the course of a customer's interaction (using Salesforce.com) to ensure that clarity on the current and past state of customer interaction is available to all stakeholders at any given point in time. Benefits Full time position (39h per week, Monday to Friday) This is a Hybrid working model in Barcelona. Salary: 25.440,00€ gross/year + up to 6.360,00€ gross/year in bonus Referral Program: Bring a Friend and get a Referral fee (up to 2.000€ depending on the language/project) Permanent Contract Relocation support A permanent presence of coaches who will facilitate your personal and professional development Established career path to grow within the project Bi-weekly, monthly or quarterly contests Employment with the world's largest provider of contact center services Excellent work environment, great colleagues, social arrangements and personal development Dynamic business casual environment with colleagues of all ages gathered in a highly-motivated team
Jornada completa
Contrato de duración determinada
Salario sin especificar
German Sales & Marketing Consultant - Google Ads Products
Teleperformance is a worldwide leader in customer experience management and contact centre business process outsourcing. Our company employs around 420.000 people working in over 265 dialects and languages, in 88 countries, operating across all business sectors and all continents on behalf of major international companies. At Teleperformance, we do business with people, for people. We want our employees to be inspired and motivated. Our main goal is to make them proud to belong to Teleperformance through job satisfaction and a great work environment. Teleperformance Spain, with more than 4,700 employees in 10 sites (certified with Great Place to Work and Top Employer), is looking for a group of highly-skilled professionals whose focus is on engaging and obtaining high potential advertisers, and subsequently persuading them to incorporate a range of marketing products into their current Marketing strategies. What you will do: Make outbound customer calls to promote and sell our service Create, maintain and update database of customers with complete information Consolidate existing customer base while building new customer base. Record outbound call history and customers' responses in detail. Ensure customer follow-up all the time. Monitor competitors’ products or services and create selling strategies for their own products or services. Handle customer needs and requirements. Respond to customer inquiries and resolve. What we offer: Full-time position (39 hours/week). Hybrid working model in Barcelona. Salary: 25.330€ gross/year + up to 4.470€ gross/year Permanent Contract. Referral Program: bring a friend and get a Referral Fee (up to 2.000€ depending on the language/project). Relocation package support Intense specific sales training. A permanent presence of coaches who will facilitate your personal and professional development. Established career path to grow within the project. Continuous training and certifications within Google products. Bi-weekly, monthly or quarterly contests. Employment with the world's largest provider of contact center services. Excellent work environment, great colleagues, social arrangements and personal development. Dynamic business casual environment with colleagues of all ages gathered in a highly-motivated team.
Jornada completa
Contrato de duración determinada
Salario sin especificar
High-Speed Wireline Communication Researcher (Grenoble)
Wibit Consulting & Services (WibitCS)
Sin especificar
19 de noviembre

In Collaboration We Are Shaping the Future of High-Speed Communication! ?

Position: High-Speed Wireline Communication Researcher
Location: Grenoble/Paris, France
Type: Full-time | Competitive Salary + Benefits

About Us
At the forefront of innovation, we are revolutionizing high-speed wireline communication to power next-generation data centers and AI infrastructure. With a focus on advancing cutting-edge architecture, algorithms, and systems, our team pushes the boundaries of ultra-high-speed networks — up to 448Gbps!

What You'll Do

Lead Research: Explore innovative system architectures, models, and simulations to elevate high-speed wireline communication.
Algorithm Wizardry: Design advanced algorithms for SerDes PHY architecture, tackling challenges in signaling, equalization, and FEC.
Collaborate & Network: Partner with academic and industry leaders, actively contribute to international standards (IEEE, OIF), and represent us globally.
Optimize Systems: Conduct simulations, manage technical roadmaps, and lead projects that redefine communication technologies.
? Mentor Future Innovators: Guide interns, PhD students, and engineers to drive impactful research.

Your Expertise

? Master’s or PhD in Electrical Engineering, Signal Processing, or a related field.
? Extensive experience in wireline systems, SerDes components, and high-speed modulation.
? Deep knowledge of equalization techniques, clock data recovery (CDR), and PAM modulation.
? Proficiency with tools like Python, MATLAB, and signal integrity tools (ADS).
? Familiarity with protocols such as IEEE 802.3, PCIe, and OIF-CEI standards.

Why Join Us? ?

Be a Trailblazer: Lead transformative projects in high-speed communication for hyperscale data centers and AI.
Collaborate Globally: Work with top researchers, contribute to industry standards, and represent us on a global stage.
Grow with Us: Access professional development and career growth opportunities in a dynamic and innovative environment.

Key Technologies:
#HighSpeedCommunication | #SerDesArchitecture | #SignalProcessing | #DSP | #FEC | #448Gbps | #IEEE8023 | #OIFCEI | #AIinfrastructure

? Ready to Lead the Charge?
Apply now and join a team that’s redefining connectivity and transforming industries. Send your CV and a cover letter highlighting your achievements and expertise.

Together, let’s drive the next wave of high-speed innovation! ?

Departamento: Information & Technology
Jornada sin especificar
Otros contratos
Salario sin especificar
41600 - Educador/a - Projecte Educatiu Com Funciona Barcelona

Aquesta oferta es gestiona per BARCELONA ACTIVA com un procés d'incorporació urgent (PIU) per l'empresa ANTHESIS LAVOLA, que necessita cobrir 1 vacant del perfil: Educador/a projecte educatiu.


Uneix-te al nostre equip com a educador/a ambiental i ajuda'ns a assolir un repte important.

Participa en un programa d'educació ambiental que vol estendre la cultura de la sostenibilitat i educar als joves ciutadans perquè siguin partícips i corresponsables del funcionament ecològic de Barcelona.
Què faràs en el teu dia a dia?
Participaràs en un programa d'educació ambiental on realitzaràs activitats a a alumnat de primària i secundària.
Les activitats es estaran ubicades en centres educatius, parcs, horts urbans i instal·lacions municipals de Barcelona.

Característiques de la vacant
T'incorporaràs a l'equip al 2 de desembre de 2024.
El teu contracte serà fix discontinu.
Treballaràs a jornada parcial.
El teu horari serà de dilluns a divendres de 10:00h a 14:00h.
El lloc de treball que desenvoluparàs serà presencial a Barcelona.

  • Tipus de relació professional: Contracte
  • Tipologia de contracte: Indefinit
  • Núm. Hores setmanals: 20
  • Horari: Dilluns a divendres de 10:00h a 14:00h
  • Retribució brut anual: 20.428,94€ (JC)
Jornada parcial - indiferente
Contrato indefinido
18.000€ - 21.000€ bruto/año

  • Tipus de relació professional: Contracte
  • Tipologia de contracte: Indefinit
  • Núm. Hores setmanals: 40
  • Horari: 9:00 A 14:00 y de 15:00 a 18:00
  • Retribució brut anual: 18.000 - 20.000 según valia
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
18.000€ - 21.000€ bruto/año
Auxiliar infermeria DAI (joves) - Canyamars

Intress cerca un/a Auxliliar d'Infermer/a per formar part de l'equip de manera estable al servei del Centre DAI (dispositiu d'atenció immediata per joves migrats sols), ubicat a la zona de Canyamars, Dosrius.

La persona seleccionada haurà d'atendre i donar resposta a les necessitats de les persones usuàries del centre o servei, assegurant la cura i funcionament en la prestació del servei integral i suport social.

Què faràs?

  • Facilitar la medicació dels usuaris/as del centre amb la finalitat que compleixin amb les pautes mèdiques requerides dels seus tractaments.
  • Atendre les necessitats ambientals dels usuaris/as dins del centre per a procurar que la seva estada sigui conforme a les indicacions marcades pels professionals mèdics i terapeutes.
  • Realitzar la primera revisió i valoració dels usuaris.
  • Control d'estocs de farmàcia i parafarmàcia, material fungible i revisar caducitats i de conservació diària.

Què oferim?

  • Incorporació: immediata, t'estem esperant!
  • Tipus de contracte: indefinit, és una posició estable.
  • Jornada: 38,5h setmanals
  • Horari:
  • Dilluns i dimarts de 09.00-17.00h
  • Dimecres, dijous i divendres de 09.00-16.30h
  • Retribució: 1474,09€ brut/mensual (x14 pagues 20.637,26€ brut/anual).
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
24.000€ - 27.000€ bruto/año
Técnico Contable (H/M/X) (BILLABONA)
Desde Manpower Professional Recruitment en la división de Finance, estamos buscando para una importante empresa especializada en el desarrollo y la fabricación de piezas de caucho-metal una/un Técnico Contable, para incorporarse en sus oficinas ubicadas en Villabona. 

Las funciones a desempeñar son:
- Generación y contabilización de remesas bancarias de transferencias.
- Contabilización recibos domiciliados/cargos y abonos.
- Conciliaciones bancarias.
- Emisión, modificación o anulación de facturas de ventas.
- Contabilización de facturas de proveedores de servicios y materias primas.
- Cierre mensual de ventas y stocks, elaboración información y reporte.
- A medio plazo se formará para polivalencia con el Dpto. de Recursos Humanos.

Se requiere:
- Al menos 3 años de experiencia en puesto administrativo contable.
- Formación de Grado Superior en Administración y gestión y/o similar y/o Grado, diplomatura o Licenciatura orientados a finanzas/contabilidad.
- Conocimientos valorables: Impuesto. IVA
- Valorable conocimiento de Inglés. 

Se ofrece: 
- Contrato directo e indefinido
- Salario competitivo
- Posibilidad de desarrollo profesional
Jornada sin especificar
Otros contratos
Salario sin especificar
41598 - Técnico/a Junior en Sistemas en Barcelona.


- Controlar y gestionar la continuidad de los sistemas, anticipando y resolviendo posibles incidentes para mantener la eficiencia operativa.
- Gestionar la infraestructura de hardware de la empresa, asegurando el correcto funcionamiento de todos los equipos.
- Fortalecer la seguridad de la empresa, supervisando las copias de seguridad y garantizando la protección.

  • Tipus de relació professional: Contracte
  • Tipologia de contracte: Indefinit
  • Núm. Hores setmanals: 40
  • Horari: 08-17
  • Retribució brut anual: 21000mil
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
18.000€ - 21.000€ bruto/año
Enginyer/a de Processos
Per una important empresa del sector alimentari de la província de Girona, que compta amb presència tant en l'àmbit nacional com internacional, precisem incorporar, atès el seu creixement i pla d?expansió a un enginyer/a de processos. La seva missió principal serà coordinar les millores i reparacions a la planta de producció, gestionar projectes nous i actuar com a suport a la Direcció de Manteniment.

Tasques i funcions:
- Gestionar íntegrament els projectes de la planta productiva, incloent-hi obres noves, millores i reparacions, des de la sol·licitud de pressupostos fins a la seva implementació i seguiment.
- Negociar amb proveïdors per garantir les millors condicions econòmiques i tècniques.
- Elaborar plànols tècnics necessaris per als projectes.
- Participar activament en el muntatge i la posada en marxa de les instal·lacions.
- Coordinar tant l?equip de treball intern com els industrials externs contractats per executar els projectes.
- Gestionar els tràmits de legalització i permisos amb l?Administració Pública.
- Optimitzar l?accés a subvencions i ajudes disponibles per als projectes.
- Assegurar que els projectes s?executin amb èxit, minimitzant l?impacte en el procés productiu.

Es requereix:
- Experiència en manteniment preventiu, correctiu i predictiu.
- Capacitat per liderar i executar projectes industrials i gestionar equips de treball.
- Domini de la planificació i gestió a mitjà i llarg termini.
- Habilitat per analitzar i sintetitzar informació tècnica, anticipar disfuncions i proposar solucions efectives.
- Facilitat per treballar en equip, excel·lents habilitats interpersonals i aptitud per a la negociació.
- Coneixements en OEE i Lean Management.
-Aptitud per desenvolupar-se en entorns exigents.

- Incorporació a una empresa sòlida i consolidada.
- Possibilitat de creixement professional i aprenentatge continu.
- Entorn de treball estable i equip de treball consolidat.
- Participació en un projecte de creixement i expansió.
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar
Responsable recepcionista clínica dental
Clínica dental multidisciplinària, de més de quaranta anys d'història ubicada a Terrassa, requereix incorporar un/a responsable recepcionista amb l'objectiu de garantir una experiència excepcional per als pacients des del moment en què arriben: no només coordinant les tasques administratives i de recepció, sinó també promocionant els serveis mitjançant una comunicació eficaç i convincent, a més de dur a terme un seguiment personalitzat dels clients i possibles pacients. La missió de la posició és la de gestionar el dia a dia de la clínica, atendre els pacients i portar l'agenda dels diferents doctors del centre.

Les seves principals tasques i funcions seran les següents:
- Rebre els pacients amb una actitud amable, professional i empàtica.
- Gestionar amb exactitud i eficiència les cites i el calendari de la clínica.
- Atendre trucades telefòniques, respondre preguntes generals i canalitzar consultes específiques cap als professionals adequats.
- Registrar i mantenir actualitzades les dades dels pacients de manera precisa en el sistema.
- Proporcionar informació detallada sobre els tractaments i serveis dentals que ofereix la clínica.
- Promocionar els tractaments dentals, facilitar el tancament de vendes de pressupostos complets i persuadir eficaçment els pacients perquè acceptin aquests tractaments.
- Coordinar amb el personal clínic per garantir una experiència fluida i sense inconvenients per als pacients.
- Gestionar les agendes de l'equip de doctors i doctores, així com organitzar a l'equip auxiliar en funció dels box i els tractaments a realitzar.
- Portar el seguiment de les vacances de l'equip administratiu.

Es requereix:
- Dilatada experiència prèvia en rols de recepció, preferentment en el sector de la salut, hoteleria, turisme o vendes.
- Excel·lents habilitats de comunicació verbal i escrita, amb bona ortografia i expressió en català i castellà. Valorable l'anglès.
- Empatia i orientació al pacient, amb habilitats per resoldre problemes de manera efectiva.
- Actitud proactiva i capacitat per treballar en equip en un entorn dinàmic.
- Responsabilitat i autosuficiència.
- Habilitat per gestionar múltiples tasques simultàniament i amb eficiència.
- Residència a la zona de Terrassa i rodalies.

- Contracte indefinit.
- Horari flexible i adaptable a les necessitats del/la candidat/a.
- Jornada completa.
- Salari fix anual competent amb incentius individuals i col·lectius.
- Estabilitat.
- Possibilitat de formació interna.
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar
Responsable de laboratori de control de qualitat, procés i anàlisis
Important empresa del sector químic, situada al Vallès Oriental, busquem un Responsable de laboratori de control de qualitat, procés i anàlisis per liderar un equip de 3 persones i responsabilitzar-se del control de qualitat del producte final i dels processos i donar assistència d'anàlisis al departament de I+D i comercial. En dependència directa del director d'operacions, les seves principals funcions seran:

· Gestió i lideratge de l'equip de laboratori (3 persones).
· Direcció del laboratori de control de qualitat.
· Control del compliment processos interns de fabricació.
· Assistència i assessorament d'anàlisis al departament de I+D.
· Assistència d'anàlisis al departament comercial.

Es requereix:
· Experiència en validació de mètodes d'anàlisis químiques.
· Gran capacitat d'organització, de lideratge i d'iniciativa.
· Persona amb altes dosis de responsabilitat, d'ordre i de pulcritud.
· Capacitat de treball en equip, esperit crític i caràcter per gestionar equips.
· Persona resolutiva.
· Voluntat de vincular-se a un projecte estable on desenvolupar la seva carrera professional a llarg termini.
· Residència propera al Vallès Oriental.

· Projecte laboral estable amb projecció.
· Incorporació a una empresa en expansió i líder al mercat.
· Contracte indefinit.
· Salari competitiu segons la vàlua i l'experiència de la persona.
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar
Venta telefònica (Comercial/Administració)
Busques una feina doficina? Tens experiència en latenció al client i la realització de ventes? Tagradaria desenvolupar-te personalment?Estem en cerca comercials en oficina estable a Vic, per realitzar la fidelització i captació de clients acompanyades de campanyes de màrqueting.Tindràs:- Contracte indefinit directe per empresa.- Horari de dilluns a divendres, de 11h a 20h al inici de la relació laboral.- Formació inicial i projecció laboral.- Salari fixe, amb objectiu anual de caire positiu mai negatiu.Funcions:- Detecció de necessitats i realització de campanyes.- Realització de venta telefònica i captació de nous clients.- Gestió administrativo/a daltes en sistema.- Control intern en programa, reunions de millora i col·laboració amb màrqueting.Requisits:-Residir a la zona de Vic.- Experiència anterior en atenció i assessorament al client, amb coneixements en objectius de venta.- Motivació per aprendre i desenvolupar-se.- Moltes ganes de treballar en equip i col·laborar!Si busques una oportunitat de desenvolupament professional en un projecte jove i enriquidor, apuntat tesperem!!!
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
21.060€ - 21.060€ bruto/año
comercial, teleoperador
Site Supervisor (Data center) (H/M/X)

Site Supervisor (Data Center) / Lead Technician – Madrid

We are collaborating with an important international client to hire a Site Supervisor (Data Center) in Madrid. The role will involve managing the installation and supervision of security and automation systems in data center environments.

Job Purpose:

  • Effectively lead and manage the installation site functions, ensuring that business objectives are met and operational excellence is maintained.
  • Provide a practical, cost-effective installation service that aligns with best practices and industry standards.

Key Responsibilities:

Business Management:
  • Lead and coordinate security engineering and automation projects, ensuring smooth execution with both internal teams and external vendors.
  • Ensure that all projects are delivered on time, within scope and budget, while measuring performance using appropriate systems and tools.
  • Promote strong Health and Safety management at the site.
  • Control site activities, managing supervisory teams and local service providers.
Department Management:
  • Supervise the installation and commissioning of systems, ensuring best practices are followed to optimize costs.
  • Foster collaborative relationships across site teams and departments.
  • Professionally manage the team, fostering an inclusive and supportive work environment.
Financial Accountability:
  • Manage resources efficiently, controlling expenses and minimizing overhead costs.
  • Ensure that a value management strategy is in place for each project.
  • Communicate effectively at all levels, both internally and externally.
  • Lead the installation team, promoting strong teamwork and a solid work ethic.
  • Be technically proficient and able to step into operational tasks when needed.
Regulations and Compliance:
  • Understand and ensure compliance with current and upcoming regulations related to installations.
Innovation and Knowledge Management:
  • Drive innovation in products and services, adapting solutions from other markets to the Spanish market.
  • Promote best practices within the team, encouraging knowledge sharing and recognition.


Skills and Personal Attributes:
  • Strong multitasking, communication, and customer service skills.
  • Experience in project management and leading teams in the security and automation sector.
  • A proactive, results-oriented approach with strong leadership and problem-solving skills.
Experience and Technical Knowledge:
  • Hands-on experience in security systems and automation, including diagnostics and troubleshooting.
  • Ability to work flexibly, both in a supervisory role and in technical operations when required.
Education and Certifications:
  • Engineering degree or relevant qualifications related to data centers.
  • IOSH certification is desirable.

What We Offer:

Our cliente fosters an inclusive and accessible environment where every individual can achieve their maximum potential. We offer a competitive benefits package, which includes:

  • Competitive salary
  • Special days off, such as "Fun & Laughter Day Off" and "Corporate Social Responsibility Day"
  • Ongoing professional development.
If you're seeking a new challenge in a dynamic and collaborative environment, join the team!
Jornada sin especificar
Otros contratos
Salario sin especificar
41597 - Recepcionista en torn de tardes en bufet d'advocats a Barcelona

Es necessita recepcionista - administrativa per a realitzar les tasques pròpies del lloc de treball. Filtratge de trucades, enviament de burofaxos, arxiu, preparació de sales i atenció a visites, així com el suport administratiu a l¿equip.
Experiència en tasques administratives en general, amb do de gents, responsable, dedicada, compromesa, resolutiva, proactiva, molt organitzada i endreçada, amb una clara vocació de servei al client intern i extern, gran capacitat de treball en equip i habilitats de comunicació.
Persona dinàmica i proactiva.
Nivell avançat d'Excel, Word, Outlook, etc.

Preferiblement amb nivell mitjà-alt d'anglès parlat i escrit, i valorable un altre idioma (preferible francès), a més de molt bon nivell de català i castellà.
Experiència mínima de 3 anys.
Es valorarà experiència en el sector i coneixements jurídics

  • Tipus de relació professional: Contracte
  • Tipologia de contracte: Indefinit
  • Núm. Hores setmanals: 23
  • Horari: De L a J de 15 a 20 h y v de 15 a 18 h
  • Retribució brut anual: 15000
Jornada parcial - indiferente
Contrato indefinido
12.000€ - 15.000€ bruto/año
Adecco Andorra cerca Auditor/a per a important assessoria del Principat d'Andorra. Si busques una oportunitat laboral o bé busques un desenvolupament a la teva carrera professional, aquesta és la teva oferta.És una posició estable. Aquest lloc de treball, és ideal si ets una persona a qui li agrada treballar en equip i tens dots comunicatius i de lideratge.
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
17.000€ - 27.000€ bruto/año
Gaming Presenter with Brazilian/Portuguese (Bucharest)
Wibit Consulting & Services (WibitCS)
Sin especificar
17 de noviembre

In collaboration we are working with a leading B2B solution provider who are looking to recruit Portuguese speaking Game Presenters for their Gaming studios in Bucharest, Romania

Location: Bucharest, Romania

Employment type: Full-time

Remuneration: Base salary + bonuses (including visa, flights, relocation and ongoing accommodation)


  • Host and deal a variety of casino games in a studio while live on camera for real players in a rotating shift work environment
  • Interact with, and provide an engaging and rewarding experience for live players
  • Provide an excellent service to the clients
  • Maintain the highest professional standards.


  • Native/fluent in Portuguese, both oral and written. Fluent in English
  • Minimum of 1 - 2 years' previous work experience in a service-related industry (at least part-time) is ideal but not necessary
  • Have a strong work ethic, be open to learning new things
  • A desire to provide exceptional customer service
  • Excellent communication skills
  • Positive, pro-active approach to work, with a flexible can-do attitude
  • A sense of responsibility and aspire to be the best at what you do
  • The ability to work as part of a wider team and be adaptable to changing business needs – this could include changing shift patterns and providing cover for colleagues
  • To be an entertainer at heart
  • Being a mature and hardworking individual who works well as part of a team in a fast-paced environment
  • Previous international experience with a right to work in the EU is a plus but not necessary.


  • Excellent remuneration package based on experience, skills, and performance
  • Be part of a dynamic international team with positive and friendly atmosphere
  • Guidance and tools to reach your full potential
  • Paid training
  • Performance bonuses
  • Free night shift taxi service to and from the studio
  • Free gym membership
  • Relocation support.

Departamento: Information & Technology
Jornada sin especificar
Otros contratos
Salario sin especificar
Estàs començant en el món de comptabilitat? Vols donar un gir a la teva carrera professional? Cerquem un/a Comptable!
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
1.500€ - 1.600€ bruto/mes