Ordenar ofertas por:
A Coruña(361)
Ciudad Real(115)
Illes Balears(620)
La Rioja(182)
Las Palmas(423)
Santa Cruz de Tenerife(245)
Sin especificar(764)
Administración empresas(1.895)
Administración Pública(3)
Atención a clientes(805)
Calidad, producción, I+D(1.295)
Comercial y ventas(2.320)
Compras, logística y almacén(2.175)
Diseño y artes gráficas(135)
Educación y formación(68)
Finanzas y banca(53)
Informática y telecomunicaciones(971)
Ingenieros y técnicos(1.712)
Inmobiliario y construcción(840)
Marketing y comunicación(636)
Otras actividades(2.206)
Profesiones y oficios(1.244)
Recursos humanos(454)
Sanidad y salud(1.085)
Sector Farmacéutico(190)
Turismo y restauración(778)
Ventas al detalle(58)
Estudios mínimos:
Ciclo Formativo Grado Medio(155)
Ciclo Formativo Grado Superior(164)
Educación Secundaria Obligatoria(3.262)
Enseñanzas deportivas (regladas)(1)
Formación Profesional Grado Medio(820)
Formación Profesional Grado Superior(736)
Ingeniero Superior(212)
Ingeniero Técnico(44)
Otros cursos y formación no reglada(3)
Otros títulos, certificaciones y carnés(93)
Sin especificar(14.233)
Sin estudios(1.021)
Jornada laboral:
Intensiva - Indiferente(246)
Intensiva - Mañana(178)
Intensiva - Noche(36)
Intensiva - Tarde(50)
Parcial - Indiferente(2.151)
Parcial - Mañana(213)
Parcial - Noche(93)
Parcial - Tarde(80)
Sin especificar(6.005)
Tipo de contrato:
A tiempo parcial(90)
De duración determinada(2.729)
De relevo(7)
Fijo discontinuo(416)
Otros contratos(5.884)
Sin especificar(3.388)
Ver ofertas empleo

Ofertas de empleo de cuoronte

15.001 ofertas de trabajo de cuoronte

Desde IMAN Temporing, empresa especializada en RRHH, queremos acompañarte en tu trayectoria laboral. #ConectamoseltalentoconlasoportunidadesEmpresa ubicada en Terrassa dedicada al sector textil precisa de mecánico/a para realizar las siguientes tareas:- Ajuste de maquinaria textil- Cambio de formatos- Mantenimiento preventivo y correctivo- Reparación de maquinariaSe ofrece:- Jornada intensiva de 22h a 6h - Contrato por ETT + incorporación a empresaSe valorará:- Experiencia como contramaestre con tejedoras de calada Panter- Conocimientos en sector textil
Jornada completa
Contrato de duración determinada
20.000€ - 25.000€ bruto/año
Desde IMAN Temporing, empresa especializada en RRHH, queremos acompañarte en tu trayectoria laboral. #ConectamoseltalentoconlasoportunidadesDesde nuestra oficina de Durango, seleccionamos un/a plegador/a de control numérico para calderería dedicada a la fabricación de estructuras para el sector maquina herramienta y aeronáutica ubicada en Elgoibar. Tus funciones serán las siguientes: - Operar la máquina plegadora CNC para realizar pliegues de chapas metálicas.- Leer e interpretar planos y especificaciones técnicas.- Ajustar parámetros de la máquina y herramientas para cada pieza.- Verificar la calidad de las piezas mediante mediciones y controles visuales.¿Qué ofrecemos? - Contratación por ETT. - Turnos rotativos de mañana (6h a 14h) y tarde (14h a 22h).- Salario 15,75€ Brutos/h.
Jornada completa
Contrato de duración determinada
Salario sin especificar
Desde IMAN Temporing, empresa especializada en RRHH, queremos acompañarte en tu trayectoria laboral. #ConectamoseltalentoconlasoportunidadesSomos una empresa comprometida con la igualdad y no discriminamos por género, etnia, orientación sexual, diversidad funcional, edad u otros aspectos protegidos por la legislación. Éste proceso de selección se basa en criterios objetivos de profesionalidad, méritos y capacidad.Desde la oficina de IMAN Temporing del Prat estamos buscando para una empresa ubicada en el Prat de LLobregat:* Un/a MOZO/A DE ALMACÉNFUNCIONES-Recepcionar material, con transpaleta manual.-Ubicarlo en las estanterías.-Separar pedidos, preparar pedidos.SE OFRECE- 40 horas semanales. El horario va entre las 7.30h a las 13.30 y de 15 a 19h- Salario: 11.55 € brutos la hora.- 3 meses por ett + incorporación a plantilla
Jornada completa
Contrato a tiempo parcial
Salario sin especificar
almacen, carretillero, mozo
Desde IMAN Temporing, empresa especializada en RRHH, queremos acompañarte en tu trayectoria laboral. #ConectamoseltalentoconlasoportunidadesDesde nuestra oficina de Durango, seleccionamos un almacenero/a para empresa ubicada en Elgoibar, dedicada a la construcción de piezas de calderería.Tus funciones serán las siguientes;- Preparación de pedidos.- Organización e ubicación de mercancía en almacén.- Control de stock.- Manejo de carretilla elevadora.¿Qué ofrecemos?- Contratación por ETT. - Jornada a 2 turnos y/o partida.- Salario de 15.75 euros€/brutos hora
Jornada completa
Contrato de duración determinada
Salario sin especificar
almacen, carretillero, logistica, mozo
Caser Residencial
Badajoz, Badajoz
Hace 1d

¿Qué buscamos?

Caser Residencial quiere incorporar a su equipo dos enfermeros/as DUE, para nuestra Residencia de Guadiana-Badajoz.

Dependiendo directamente de la Responsable Asistencial de nuestra Residencia de Olivenza, su misión será vigilar y atender el estado general de salud y bienestar de los usuarios dentro de las competencias de su titulación

Entre sus principales responsabilidades están:

  • Realizar valoración de enfermería al ingreso, evaluando todas las necesidades básicas.
  • Preparar y administrar los medicamentos según prescripciones facultativas.
    Colaborar con los médicos preparando el material y medicamentos que hayan de ser utilizados.
  • Ordenar las historias clínicas, anotar los datos relacionados con la propia función que deba figurar.
  • Controlar los riesgos de salud y asegurar medidas para su disminución, comunicar a planta, realizar seguimientos.

¿Qué ofrecemos?

  • Contrato laboral temporal por sustitución.
  • Jornada a convenir en función de la disponibilidad del/a candidato/a (completa/parcial).
  • Horario a convenir en función de la disponibilidad del candidato/a.
  • Salario competitivo.
  • Formación continuada.

Jornada completa
Otros contratos
Salario sin especificar

¿Te apasiona el diseño de hardware digital complejo y la alta tecnología?

¿Tienes experiencia desarrollando sistemas avanzados con FPGA, SoC o microcontroladores? ¿Quieres ser parte de un proyecto puntero en el sector de defensa, desarrollando un prototipo de radar multifuncional AESA?

¡Te estamos buscando! Desde Marlex, en colaboración con Indra, estamos en búsqueda de un JUNIOR DIGITAL HARDWARE ENGINEER, con sólida experiencia en el diseño y desarrollo de soluciones de hardware avanzadas para proyectos de alta tecnología. La persona seleccionada formará parte del equipo de I+D de Indra en Torrejón de Ardoz.

¿Cuáles serán tus funciones?

  • Desarrollo de Hardware Digital para Procesamiento de Señal
  • Integración de Componentes de Alta Velocidad para Comunicaciones Críticas
  • Diseño de ADC/DAC de Alta Velocidad
  • Desarrollar soluciones de protección electromagnética (EMI/EMC) para asegurar la compatibilidad y robustez del radar en entornos electromagnéticos variables y evitar interferencias con otros equipos.
  • Adaptación de Arquitecturas VME y openVPX
  • Simulación, Análisis y Documentación Técnica: Utilizar herramientas como Matlab, LTSpice y HyperLynx para diseño y simulación, asegurando integridad de señal y potencia, y crear documentación detallada del desarrollo para facilitar pruebas y futuras referencias.

¿Qué te ofrecemos?

  • Formar parte de una empresa global tecnológica a nivel mundial bien posicionada en su sector.
  • Oportunidades de formación, desarrollo y crecimiento profesional
  • Trabajar junto a un equipo innovador, dinámico y con ambición, con buen ambiente de trabajo.
  • Modalidad de trabajo: híbrida.
  • Jornada de lunes a viernes.
  • Banda salarial, dependiendo de experiencia.
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar
Educador/a social PIL (Pisos Inserció Laboral) Vilassar de Mar Jornada completa cicle continuat

Ets Educador/a social i estàs acostumat/da a treballar amb joves migrats sols/es? T'agrada fer l'acompanyament d'entrada al recurs, confeccionar els plans de treball, potenciar i mediar en quant la convivència? Vols participar, gestionar i coordinar amb l'equip educatiu?

Doncs aquesta oferta està pensada per a tu!

La Fundació Pere Tarrés et farà créixer en l'àmbit professional, ja que treballaràs fent la intervenció, però també la part més de coordinació i gestió dels pisos.

Quins Beneficis et podem oferir.

- Seràs conjuntament amb altres professionals la persona que liderarà i gestionarà el PIS, per tant, tindràs un creixement i desenvolupament continu.
- Per nosaltres és molt importat el treball en equip, per saber com actuar davant d'algunes situacions, però sempre amb la teva autonomia que necessitis i poder centrar-te en els i les joves.

Que farà que ens decantem per a tu!

Que siguis una persona responsable, madura i autònoma, amb compromís per la feina i per les persones que estan dintre dels Pisos. Experiència prèvia en intervenció amb joves migrats sols/es i en recursos residencials d'autonomia i emancipació.

Els teus objectius seran.

- Orientar i assessorar els i les joves que formen part dels pisos, no només en un àmbit acadèmic sinó també diari, familiar i el que ells i elles necessitin per tal d'assolir els seus objectius.
- Solucionar diferents dubtes que puguin sorgir en el seu dia a dia.
- Ajudar a una inclusió i integració el més fàcil possible i una convivència en harmonia.

Quines seran algunes de les teves funcions:

- Fer tutories amb el jove com a eina educativa, mitjançant entrevistes durant el procés d'entrada i sempre que calgui durant el temps d'estada en el recurs.
- Confeccionar conjuntament amb el jove el seu pla de treball.
- Potenciar la convivència en el pis.
- Fomentar l'adquisició d'hàbits saludables, acompanyant en la gestió de les tasques domèstiques quotidianes: es requereix presència al pis dissenyant menús, cuinant, acompanyant en la neteja, etc., amb els joves durant el procés d'adquisició d'autonomia.
- Participar en les reunions d'equip.
- Participar en espais i debats del col·lectiu.
- Participar en les sessions d'anàlisi institucional i supervisió.
- Participar en l'elaboració i/o actualització de la memòria, protocols, programa anual i el reglament de règim intern de l'habitatge.

Que et podem oferir:

- Jornada completa
- Horaris Matins o tardes segons quadrant horari i treball d'hàbits. Es treballen un dissabtes o diumenges al mes, però s'estableixen setmanes llargues i curtes.
- Ubicació Maresme (Vilassar i Mataró) i Puntualment oficines de la Fundació Pere Tarrés oficines de la Fundació Pere Tarrés

Jornada parcial - indiferente
Otros contratos
Salario sin especificar
Acierta Asistencia S.A.
Madrid, Madrid
Hace 1d

¿Te gustaría formar parte de nuestro Equipo Técnico?

Desde Acierta estamos buscando un perfil Oficial de tercera ELECTRICISTA para formar parte de nuestro equipo de Técnicos en Madrid.

¿Qué funciones realizarías?

Mantenimiento preventivo y correctivo de instalaciones de electromecánicas, fontanería, etc

¿Qué ofrecemos?

Contrato indefinido

Horario de 16:00 a 20:00H y guardias.

Jornada: 20h/sem de lunes a viernes

Salario según convenio del metal de Madrid categoría OF3ª

No lo dudes, ¡Inscríbete y te contamos más detalles!

No dudes en mandar tu candidatura a: seleccion_acierta@acierta.es

Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar
BORSES Monitors/es socials a Ripoll CURS 2024/25
Fundació Pere Tarrés
Ripoll, Girona
Hace 1d

Vols formar part d’un projecte transformador? Si tens passió per l’educació i vols marcar una diferència en la vida d’infants i joves, la Fundació Pere Tarrés t’ofereix una oportunitat única.

Busquem Monitors/res Socials per realitzar substitucions durant el curs 2024/25 a Ripoll

Funcions principals:

  • Elaborar, implementar i avaluar projectes educatius individualitzats adaptats a les necessitats de cada infant.
  • Registrar i fer el seguiment dels progressos i necessitats dels infants, mitjançant informes detallats.
  • Detectar i gestionar problemes personals, familiars o escolars dels infants, oferint suport i solucions efectives.
  • Mediar en situacions de conflicte, facilitant la resolució positiva de les situacions complicades.
  • Personalitzar el seguiment individual, assegurant que cada infant rebi l'atenció necessària per prosperar.
  • Entendre l’entorn familiar i social dels infants, integrant aquesta informació en el procés educatiu.
  • Participar en la creació i implementació del projecte educatiu del servei en col·laboració amb l’equip educatiu.
  • Informar i involucrar les famílies, mantenint-les al corrent de tots els aspectes rellevants dels seus fills/es.

Per què treballar amb nosaltres?

  • Coneixeràs de primera mà el nostre model de treball: Una oportunitat per aprendre i veure com treballem en un entorn professional compromès amb la inclusió i el benestar de la infància.
  • Entorn col·laboratiu i de suport: Treballaràs amb un equip dedicat i apassionat, on cada membre contribueix i aprèn dels altres.
  • Impacte positiu: Cada dia és una nova oportunitat per marcar la diferència en la vida dels infants i joves, ajudant-los a superar els seus reptes i assolir els seus objectius.

Condicions del lloc de treball:

  • Jornada laboral: Dilluns a divendres, de 16:00h a 20:00h.
  • Ubicació: Ripoll

Beneficis d’unir-te a nosaltres:

  • Formar part d'una organització reconeguda per la seva tasca social i educativa.
  • Creixement professional en un entorn que valora l’aprenentatge continu.
  • Col·laboració amb un equip apassionat i dedicat que comparteix els teus valors i objectius.
  • Impacte tangible en la vida d'infants i joves, ajudant-los a desenvolupar el seu potencial i superar els reptes.

Uneix-te a la Fundació Pere Tarrés i ajuda’ns a construir un futur millor per als nostres infants i joves!

Jornada parcial - indiferente
Contrato de duración determinada
Salario sin especificar
BORSES Monitors/es socials a Blanes i Figueres CURS 2024/25
Fundació Pere Tarrés
Blanes, Girona
Hace 1d

Vols formar part d’un projecte transformador? Si tens passió per l’educació i vols marcar una diferència en la vida d’infants i joves, la Fundació Pere Tarrés t’ofereix una oportunitat única.

Busquem Monitors/res Socials per realitzar substitucions durant el curs 2024/25 a Blanes i Figueres.

Funcions principals:

  • Elaborar, implementar i avaluar projectes educatius individualitzats adaptats a les necessitats de cada infant.
  • Registrar i fer el seguiment dels progressos i necessitats dels infants, mitjançant informes detallats.
  • Detectar i gestionar problemes personals, familiars o escolars dels infants, oferint suport i solucions efectives.
  • Mediar en situacions de conflicte, facilitant la resolució positiva de les situacions complicades.
  • Personalitzar el seguiment individual, assegurant que cada infant rebi l'atenció necessària per prosperar.
  • Entendre l’entorn familiar i social dels infants, integrant aquesta informació en el procés educatiu.
  • Participar en la creació i implementació del projecte educatiu del servei en col·laboració amb l’equip educatiu.
  • Informar i involucrar les famílies, mantenint-les al corrent de tots els aspectes rellevants dels seus fills/es.

Per què treballar amb nosaltres?

  • Coneixeràs de primera mà el nostre model de treball: Una oportunitat per aprendre i veure com treballem en un entorn professional compromès amb la inclusió i el benestar de la infància.
  • Entorn col·laboratiu i de suport: Treballaràs amb un equip dedicat i apassionat, on cada membre contribueix i aprèn dels altres.
  • Impacte positiu: Cada dia és una nova oportunitat per marcar la diferència en la vida dels infants i joves, ajudant-los a superar els seus reptes i assolir els seus objectius.

Condicions del lloc de treball:

  • Jornada laboral: Dilluns a divendres, de 16:00h a 20:00h.
  • Ubicació: Blanes i Figueres

Beneficis d’unir-te a nosaltres:

  • Formar part d'una organització reconeguda per la seva tasca social i educativa.
  • Creixement professional en un entorn que valora l’aprenentatge continu.
  • Col·laboració amb un equip apassionat i dedicat que comparteix els teus valors i objectius.
  • Impacte tangible en la vida d'infants i joves, ajudant-los a desenvolupar el seu potencial i superar els reptes.

Uneix-te a la Fundació Pere Tarrés i ajuda’ns a construir un futur millor per als nostres infants i joves!

Jornada parcial - indiferente
Contrato de duración determinada
Salario sin especificar
BORSES Monitors/es socials a Maresme CURS 2024/25
Fundació Pere Tarrés
Mataró, Barcelona
Hace 1d

Vols formar part d’un projecte transformador? Si tens passió per l’educació i vols marcar una diferència en la vida d’infants i joves, la Fundació Pere Tarrés t’ofereix una oportunitat única.

Busquem Monitors/res Socials per realitzar substitucions durant el curs 2024/25 al Maresme .

Funcions principals:

  • Elaborar, implementar i avaluar projectes educatius individualitzats adaptats a les necessitats de cada infant.
  • Registrar i fer el seguiment dels progressos i necessitats dels infants, mitjançant informes detallats.
  • Detectar i gestionar problemes personals, familiars o escolars dels infants, oferint suport i solucions efectives.
  • Mediar en situacions de conflicte, facilitant la resolució positiva de les situacions complicades.
  • Personalitzar el seguiment individual, assegurant que cada infant rebi l'atenció necessària per prosperar.
  • Entendre l’entorn familiar i social dels infants, integrant aquesta informació en el procés educatiu.
  • Participar en la creació i implementació del projecte educatiu del servei en col·laboració amb l’equip educatiu.
  • Informar i involucrar les famílies, mantenint-les al corrent de tots els aspectes rellevants dels seus fills/es.

Per què treballar amb nosaltres?

  • Coneixeràs de primera mà el nostre model de treball: Una oportunitat per aprendre i veure com treballem en un entorn professional compromès amb la inclusió i el benestar de la infància.
  • Entorn col·laboratiu i de suport: Treballaràs amb un equip dedicat i apassionat, on cada membre contribueix i aprèn dels altres.
  • Impacte positiu: Cada dia és una nova oportunitat per marcar la diferència en la vida dels infants i joves, ajudant-los a superar els seus reptes i assolir els seus objectius.

Condicions del lloc de treball:

  • Jornada laboral: Dilluns a divendres, de 16:00h a 20:00h.
  • Ubicació: Barcelona.

Beneficis d’unir-te a nosaltres:

  • Formar part d'una organització reconeguda per la seva tasca social i educativa.
  • Creixement professional en un entorn que valora l’aprenentatge continu.
  • Col·laboració amb un equip apassionat i dedicat que comparteix els teus valors i objectius.
  • Impacte tangible en la vida d'infants i joves, ajudant-los a desenvolupar el seu potencial i superar els reptes.

Uneix-te a la Fundació Pere Tarrés i ajuda’ns a construir un futur millor per als nostres infants i joves!

Jornada parcial - indiferente
Contrato de duración determinada
Salario sin especificar
Acierta Asistencia S.A.
Madrid, Madrid
Hace 1d

Desde Acierta estamos buscando un perfil Oficial de primera ELECTRICISTA para formar parte de nuestro equipo de Técnicos en Madrid.

¿Qué funciones realizarías?

Mantenimiento integral preventivo y correctivo de las instalaciones electromecánicas, fontanería...

¿Qué ofrecemos?

Contrato Indefinido, estabilidad

Jornada de 40h

Horario de 8:00 a 16:00H y guardias

Salario - en categoría Oficial 1ª, según Convenio del Metal de Madrid

Herramientas, materiales y vestualio+EPI´S.

No lo dudes, ¡Inscríbete y te contamos más detalles!

No dudes en mandar tu candidatura a: seleccion_acierta@acierta.es

Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar
BORSES Monitors/es socials a Baix Llobregat CURS 2024/25

Vols formar part d’un projecte transformador? Si tens passió per l’educació i vols marcar una diferència en la vida d’infants i joves, la Fundació Pere Tarrés t’ofereix una oportunitat única.

Busquem Monitors/res Socials per realitzar substitucions durant el curs 2024/25 al Baix Llobregat.

Funcions principals:

  • Elaborar, implementar i avaluar projectes educatius individualitzats adaptats a les necessitats de cada infant.
  • Registrar i fer el seguiment dels progressos i necessitats dels infants, mitjançant informes detallats.
  • Detectar i gestionar problemes personals, familiars o escolars dels infants, oferint suport i solucions efectives.
  • Mediar en situacions de conflicte, facilitant la resolució positiva de les situacions complicades.
  • Personalitzar el seguiment individual, assegurant que cada infant rebi l'atenció necessària per prosperar.
  • Entendre l’entorn familiar i social dels infants, integrant aquesta informació en el procés educatiu.
  • Participar en la creació i implementació del projecte educatiu del servei en col·laboració amb l’equip educatiu.
  • Informar i involucrar les famílies, mantenint-les al corrent de tots els aspectes rellevants dels seus fills/es.

Per què treballar amb nosaltres?

  • Coneixeràs de primera mà el nostre model de treball: Una oportunitat per aprendre i veure com treballem en un entorn professional compromès amb la inclusió i el benestar de la infància.
  • Entorn col·laboratiu i de suport: Treballaràs amb un equip dedicat i apassionat, on cada membre contribueix i aprèn dels altres.
  • Impacte positiu: Cada dia és una nova oportunitat per marcar la diferència en la vida dels infants i joves, ajudant-los a superar els seus reptes i assolir els seus objectius.

Condicions del lloc de treball:

  • Jornada laboral: Dilluns a divendres, de 16:00h a 20:00h.
  • Ubicació: Baix Llobregat.

Beneficis d’unir-te a nosaltres:

  • Formar part d'una organització reconeguda per la seva tasca social i educativa.
  • Creixement professional en un entorn que valora l’aprenentatge continu.
  • Col·laboració amb un equip apassionat i dedicat que comparteix els teus valors i objectius.
  • Impacte tangible en la vida d'infants i joves, ajudant-los a desenvolupar el seu potencial i superar els reptes.

Uneix-te a la Fundació Pere Tarrés i ajuda’ns a construir un futur millor per als nostres infants i joves!

Jornada parcial - indiferente
Contrato de duración determinada
Salario sin especificar
Culture and Communication Trainer with German (Alexandria)
Wibit Consulting & Services (WibitCS)
Sin especificar
Hace 1d

In Collaboration, We Are Searching for a German-Speaking Culture and Communication Trainer to Join Our Egypt Team!

We are excited to partner with a prominent Outsourcing/BPO consultancy in their search for a Culture and Communication Trainer fluent in German. This role is ideal for individuals who have resided in German-speaking countries like Germany or Austria and possess deep cultural insights into language, customs, and local dialects. Your knowledge and experiences will enable you to guide employees in navigating cross-cultural communication with confidence and clarity.

Position: Culture and Communication Trainer

Location: Cairo, Egypt or Alexandria, Egypt
Employment Type: Full-Time

Duties and Responsibilities

  • Design Tailored Training Programs: Develop and deliver engaging programs focused on communication skills, cultural sensitivity, and cross-cultural understanding for German-speaking employees.
  • Create Interactive Learning Materials: Develop presentations, workshops, and e-learning modules that capture attention and enhance learning outcomes.
  • Lead In-Person and Virtual Training Sessions: Conduct training sessions, encouraging participation and ensuring clear understanding across all attendees.
  • Identify and Address Training Needs: Collaborate with cross-functional teams to recognize specific learning needs and create targeted training solutions.
  • Assess and Improve Program Impact: Evaluate the effectiveness of training through feedback, assessments, and performance metrics, making continuous improvements.
  • Provide Personalized Coaching: Offer one-on-one support for employees facing specific communication or cultural challenges.
  • Stay Culturally Updated: Keep up with trends, best practices, and cultural nuances relevant to German-speaking markets within the BPO sector.
  • Support Onboarding: Assist with the onboarding of new employees by providing cultural orientation and language support.


  • Fluency in German (native or near-native) and English proficiency are essential.
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Communication, Intercultural Studies, Education, or a related field (Master’s degree preferred).
  • Prior experience as a trainer or facilitator in a multicultural environment.
  • Profound understanding of German cultural norms, communication styles, and business etiquette.
  • Strong presentation and facilitation skills to engage diverse audiences.
  • Background in instructional design and curriculum development is highly desirable.
  • Excellent interpersonal skills to build rapport and credibility at all levels.
  • Flexibility to adapt training methods to meet the needs of different learning preferences.
  • Proficiency in MS Office Suite, with experience in Learning Management Systems (LMS) or e-learning platforms being an asset.
  • Certification in training or coaching (e.g., CTT+, CPLP, ACC) is advantageous.

What We Offer

  • Competitive salary based on experience and skills.
  • A dynamic, creative, and positive team environment.
  • Access to tools and guidance to support your career growth.
  • Additional benefits and perks in a friendly, multicultural setting.

If you’re passionate about cultural connections and communication, this is a fantastic opportunity to make a real impact! Join us in creating a stronger, more connected team.

Departamento: Management & Consulting
Jornada sin especificar
Otros contratos
Salario sin especificar
Culture and Communication Trainer with Italian (Alexandria)
Wibit Consulting & Services (WibitCS)
Sin especificar
Hace 1d

In Collaboration, We Are Seeking an Italian-Speaking Culture and Communication Trainer to Join Our Egypt Team!

We’re excited to partner with a top-tier Outsourcing/BPO consultancy to welcome a Culture and Communication Trainer fluent in Italian. This role is ideal for someone with firsthand cultural experience from Italy, who has immersed themselves in Italian language, customs, and dialects. Your deep understanding of Italian culture will be key in developing training programs that foster effective cross-cultural communication for our team.

Position: Culture and Communication Trainer

Location: Cairo, Egypt or Alexandria, Egypt
Employment Type: Full-Time

Duties and Responsibilities

  • Design & Deliver Customized Training: Develop and deliver training programs that enhance communication skills and cross-cultural understanding, specifically for Italian-speaking employees.
  • Create Engaging Materials: Craft presentations, workshops, and e-learning modules that make training both interactive and informative.
  • Lead Training Sessions: Conduct both in-person and virtual sessions, ensuring active engagement and clear understanding of training concepts.
  • Collaborate Across Teams: Work with various departments to identify training needs and design targeted learning solutions.
  • Evaluate and Improve: Continuously assess the effectiveness of training sessions through feedback and performance metrics to refine program impact.
  • Provide Individual Coaching: Offer one-on-one support to employees, addressing specific communication or cultural questions.
  • Stay Culturally Informed: Keep up to date with cultural trends and nuances relevant to the Italian-speaking market within the BPO industry.
  • Support Onboarding: Facilitate cultural orientation and language support for new employees, helping them integrate smoothly.


  • Fluency in Italian (native or near-native) and English proficiency are essential.
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Communication, Intercultural Studies, Education, or a related field (Master’s degree preferred).
  • Previous experience as a trainer or facilitator in a multicultural setting.
  • In-depth understanding of Italian cultural norms, communication styles, and business etiquette.
  • Strong presentation and facilitation skills to engage diverse groups.
  • Background in instructional design and curriculum development is highly desirable.
  • Excellent interpersonal skills to build rapport and credibility across all levels.
  • Flexibility to adapt training methods to meet different learning preferences.
  • Proficiency in MS Office, with experience in Learning Management Systems (LMS) or e-learning platforms being a plus.
  • Certification in training or coaching (e.g., CTT+, CPLP, ACC) is a bonus.

What We Offer

  • Competitive salary based on your experience and expertise.
  • A supportive, creative, and positive work environment.
  • Opportunities for professional growth and access to tools for reaching your full potential.
  • Additional benefits and perks within a collaborative and dynamic team.

If you’re passionate about cultural exchange and cross-cultural communication, join us in making a difference!

Departamento: Management & Consulting
Jornada sin especificar
Otros contratos
Salario sin especificar
Culture and Communication Trainer (Cairo)
Wibit Consulting & Services (WibitCS)
Sin especificar
Hace 1d

In Collaboration, We Are Seeking an English-Speaking Culture and Communication Trainer to Join Our Egypt Team!

Partnering with a premier Outsourcing/BPO consultancy, we’re excited to onboard a Culture and Communication Trainer with an authentic connection to English-speaking cultures. This role is perfect for someone who has lived in the UK, Northern Ireland, or other English-speaking regions, immersing themselves in the local culture, dialects, and customs. Your insights and experiences will play a crucial role in shaping our cross-cultural training initiatives for a diverse workforce.

Position: Culture and Communication Trainer

Location: Cairo, Egypt or Alexandria, Egypt
Employment Type: Full-Time

Duties and Responsibilities

  • Design & Deliver Training: Develop and facilitate training programs that enhance communication skills, cultural sensitivity, and cross-cultural awareness, with a focus on English-speaking employees.
  • Create Engaging Content: Build interactive training materials, from presentations to e-learning modules, that effectively support diverse learning needs.
  • Conduct Interactive Sessions: Lead both in-person and virtual training sessions, promoting active engagement and ensuring key concepts are understood.
  • Collaborate with Teams: Partner with various departments to assess training needs and create learning solutions that align with organizational goals.
  • Evaluate & Improve Programs: Use feedback, assessments, and performance data to continuously enhance training programs.
  • Offer Personalized Coaching: Provide one-on-one support for employees, addressing specific communication or cultural challenges as they arise.
  • Stay Updated: Keep current with trends, best practices, and cultural nuances in the BPO industry, particularly those impacting English-speaking markets.
  • Support New Hires: Guide new employees through cultural orientation and language support, setting them up for success from day one.


  • Fluency in English (native or near-native) is essential.
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Communication, Intercultural Studies, Education, or a related field; Master’s degree preferred.
  • Proven experience as a trainer or facilitator in multicultural settings.
  • Deep understanding of English-speaking cultures, communication styles, and business etiquette.
  • Exceptional presentation and facilitation skills, with the ability to engage and motivate diverse audiences.
  • Experience with instructional design and curriculum development is a plus.
  • Strong interpersonal skills, building rapport with employees at all levels.
  • Adaptability to modify training methods to suit various learning styles and cultural backgrounds.
  • Proficiency in MS Office Suite, with LMS or e-learning platform experience preferred.
  • Certification in training or coaching (e.g., CTT+, CPLP, ACC) is advantageous.

What We Offer

  • Competitive remuneration based on experience, skills, and performance
  • A positive and collaborative team environment
  • Tools, resources, and mentorship to support your professional growth
  • A range of additional benefits

If you’re passionate about cultural connections and communication excellence, we’d love to have you join our team in Egypt!

Departamento: Management & Consulting
Jornada sin especificar
Otros contratos
Salario sin especificar
Culture and Communication Trainer with Spanish (Cairo)
Wibit Consulting & Services (WibitCS)
Sin especificar
Hace 1d

In Collaboration, We Are Seeking a Spanish-Speaking Culture and Communication Trainer to Join Our Team in Egypt!

Partnering with a top-tier Outsourcing/BPO consultancy, we are excited to welcome a Culture and Communication Trainer with a rich understanding of Spanish-speaking cultures to our team in Egypt. If you have immersed yourself in the Spanish language and culture (ideally by living in Spain or a Spanish-speaking country), we want to leverage your unique experiences to shape our cross-cultural training initiatives.

Position: Culture and Communication Trainer

Location: Cairo, Egypt or Alexandria, Egypt
Employment Type: Full-Time

Duties and Responsibilities

  • Design & Deliver Training: Craft and facilitate engaging training programs to enhance communication, cultural awareness, and cross-cultural understanding for Spanish-speaking employees.
  • Create Training Materials: Develop impactful presentations, workshops, and e-learning modules to achieve clear and lasting learning objectives.
  • Lead Interactive Sessions: Conduct both in-person and virtual sessions, actively engaging participants for optimal understanding.
  • Collaborate Across Teams: Work with cross-functional departments to identify training needs, creating tailored learning solutions for diverse teams.
  • Evaluate & Improve: Use assessments, feedback, and performance metrics to continuously enhance the effectiveness of the training programs.
  • One-on-One Coaching: Offer personalized coaching to address specific communication challenges or cultural differences as they arise.
  • Stay Current: Keep up with industry trends, best practices, and evolving cultural nuances, particularly those affecting the BPO industry and the Spanish-speaking market.
  • Support New Hires: Provide cultural orientation and language support to onboard and integrate new team members seamlessly.


  • Fluency in Spanish (native or near-native) and English is essential.
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Communication, Intercultural Studies, Education, or related fields; Master’s degree preferred.
  • Previous experience delivering culture and communication training in multicultural settings.
  • Strong knowledge of Spanish-speaking cultures, communication styles, and business etiquette.
  • Exceptional presentation and facilitation skills with the ability to engage and inspire diverse audiences.
  • Instructional Design skills and curriculum development experience are a plus.
  • Excellent interpersonal skills, with an ability to build rapport and establish credibility with employees at all levels.
  • Proficiency in MS Office and familiarity with e-learning platforms or Learning Management Systems (LMS).
  • Certification in training or coaching (e.g., CTT+, CPLP, ACC) is advantageous.

What We Offer

  • Competitive remuneration based on experience, skills, and performance
  • A dynamic, supportive, and creative team environment
  • Tools, resources, and guidance to reach your full potential
  • A range of additional benefits!

If you’re passionate about fostering cultural understanding and equipping teams with essential communication skills, apply to join us and make a meaningful impact in the BPO industry!

Departamento: Management & Consulting
Jornada sin especificar
Otros contratos
Salario sin especificar
Talent Sourcer (Kraków)
Wibit Consulting & Services (WibitCS)
Sin especificar
Hace 1d

In collaboration, we are excited to partner with a leading Outsourcing/BPO consultancy to recruit a dedicated Talent Sourcer to join their team in Poland.

Position: Talent Sourcer
Location: Krakow, Poland
Employment Type: Full-time

Role Overview
As a Talent Sourcer, you will be essential in designing and executing high-volume, multilingual sourcing strategies to identify top candidates across various channels. Using your expertise, you’ll proactively build talent pools, conduct in-depth market research, and manage internal referrals to ensure a continuous pipeline of skilled candidates for key roles. This position offers an opportunity to work closely with a dynamic team and make a strategic impact on talent acquisition within a collaborative and supportive work environment.

Key Responsibilities

  • Develop and implement multilingual sourcing strategies to attract a diverse pool of candidates.
  • Identify and engage talent through job boards, social networks, and employee referrals.
  • Build and maintain a talent pool for key roles, tracking sourcing metrics for ongoing optimization.
  • Conduct thorough market research and competitor analysis to enhance sourcing strategy.
  • Collaborate closely with internal teams to align on talent needs and manage referrals effectively.


  • Minimum of 1 year in a talent sourcing role.
  • Expertise in various sourcing techniques, including Boolean search and social recruiting.
  • Native-level fluency in English, with Greek or other European languages as an advantage.
  • Familiarity with Taleo or similar ATS.
  • Excellent communication and negotiation skills.


  • Competitive salary package based on experience.
  • Inclusive and positive team environment.
  • Support for career growth and development.
  • Comprehensive health and wellness benefits.

Join a forward-thinking team where your sourcing expertise will be valued and rewarded!

Departamento: Human resources & Staffing
Jornada sin especificar
Otros contratos
Salario sin especificar
Talent Sourcer (Sofia)
Wibit Consulting & Services (WibitCS)
Hace 1d

In collaboration, we are excited to partner with a leading Outsourcing/BPO consultancy to recruit a dedicated Talent Sourcer to join their team in Bulgaria.

Position: Talent Sourcer
Location: Sofia or Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Employment Type: Full-time

Role Overview
As a Talent Sourcer, you will be essential in designing and executing high-volume, multilingual sourcing strategies to identify top candidates across various channels. Using your expertise, you’ll proactively build talent pools, conduct in-depth market research, and manage internal referrals to ensure a continuous pipeline of skilled candidates for key roles. This position offers an opportunity to work closely with a dynamic team and make a strategic impact on talent acquisition within a collaborative and supportive work environment.

Key Responsibilities

  • Develop and implement multilingual sourcing strategies to attract a diverse pool of candidates.
  • Identify and engage talent through job boards, social networks, and employee referrals.
  • Build and maintain a talent pool for key roles, tracking sourcing metrics for ongoing optimization.
  • Conduct thorough market research and competitor analysis to enhance sourcing strategy.
  • Collaborate closely with internal teams to align on talent needs and manage referrals effectively.


  • Minimum of 1 year in a talent sourcing role.
  • Expertise in various sourcing techniques, including Boolean search and social recruiting.
  • Native-level fluency in English, with Greek or other European languages as an advantage.
  • Familiarity with Taleo or similar ATS.
  • Excellent communication and negotiation skills.


  • Competitive salary package based on experience.
  • Inclusive and positive team environment.
  • Support for career growth and development.
  • Comprehensive health and wellness benefits.

Join a forward-thinking team where your sourcing expertise will be valued and rewarded!

Departamento: Human resources & Staffing
Jornada sin especificar
Otros contratos
Salario sin especificar
System Administrator (Sofia)
Wibit Consulting & Services (WibitCS)
Hace 1d

In Collaboration, We Are Hiring: System Administrators for Gaming Studios!

We are excited to partner with a leading B2B solution provider to recruit skilled System Administrators for their Gaming studios in Sofia, Bulgaria. If you are passionate about technology and want to contribute to an innovative gaming environment, we want to hear from you!

Position: System Administrator
Location: Sofia, Bulgaria
Employment Type: Full-time
Remuneration: Base salary

Key Responsibilities

  • Rapid Response: Engage promptly on cases, working as part of a close-knit 24/7 support team to resolve issues efficiently.
  • Monitoring: Monitor streaming equipment through graphics and logs to ensure all encoders and digital mediums are fully operational at all tables.
  • Troubleshooting: Diagnose, troubleshoot, and resolve hardware, software, or network/system problems. Replace defective components when necessary.
  • ISP Coordination: Maintain communication with the ISP supplier to address any internet connection dysfunctions.
  • Documentation: Keep detailed records of workstations, including users, configurations, and allocated rights on folders.
  • Incident Management: Respond promptly to incidents and ensure compliance with Service Level Agreements (SLA).
  • Data Backup: Perform data backups and disaster recovery operations to secure information.

Who You Are

  • Experience: Minimum of 3 years of relevant experience in system administration or a similar role.
  • Language Proficiency: Fluent in both English and Bulgarian, with strong communication and interpersonal skills.
  • Attention to Detail: Possess great attention to detail, with a result-oriented and organized approach.
  • Intellectual Curiosity: Demonstrate a willingness to learn and adapt within a newly formed team.
  • Technical Skills:
    • Linux: Proficient at a working level with Ubuntu.
    • Windows Domain Infrastructure: Experience with Active Directory, Hybrid AD, Policy Management, DNS, and DHCP.
    • Virtualization: Familiarity with VMware technologies.
    • Scripting: Basic knowledge of PowerShell and/or BASH.
    • Networking: Understanding of LAN/WAN networking including switching, routing, VPNs, VLANs, and WiFi (Cisco, Ubiquiti).
    • Hardware: Experience with server hardware and storage solutions.

What We Offer You

  • Competitive Salary: Enjoy an advantageous starting net salary that reflects your skills and experience.
  • Flexible Schedule: Work on a 24/7 schedule, ensuring dynamic and varied working hours.
  • Comprehensive Training: Receive detailed company training that adheres to the highest industry standards.
  • Supportive Culture: Join a friendly and supportive work environment that fosters collaboration.
  • Growth Opportunities: Access tremendous growth opportunities within a fast-moving international company.
  • Health Benefits: Additional health insurance covering outpatient and hospital medical care, dental care, and dioptric glasses.
  • Transportation Benefits: Public transportation cards and a MultiSport card covered by the employer.
  • Convenient Location: Enjoy a workplace located just a few steps from a subway line for easy commuting.

If you’re ready to enhance your career as a System Administrator in the exciting world of gaming, we invite you to apply! Join us in Sofia and be part of a team that values innovation and excellence!

Departamento: Information & Technology
Jornada sin especificar
Otros contratos
Salario sin especificar
IT Support Specialist (Bucharest)
Wibit Consulting & Services (WibitCS)
Sin especificar
Hace 1d

In Collaboration, We Are Hiring: IT Support Specialists for Gaming Studios!

We are partnering with a leading B2B solution provider to enhance their Gaming studios in Bucharest, Romania. We are looking for skilled IT Support Specialists who are eager to contribute to an exciting industry and provide exceptional technical support. If you have a passion for IT and gaming, this could be your next great opportunity!

Position: IT Support Specialist
Location: Bucharest, Romania
Employment Type: Full-time
Remuneration: Base salary

Key Responsibilities

  • Technical Support: Provide first- and second-level support for hardware, software, and networking issues. Troubleshoot problems reported by users through various channels (email, phone, ticketing system) and escalate complex issues when necessary.
  • Network Management: Monitor and manage network infrastructure, including routers, switches, firewalls, and wireless access points. Identify and resolve network performance issues to ensure minimal downtime.
  • IT Equipment Maintenance: Assist with the setup, configuration, and maintenance of computers, printers, servers, and other IT equipment. Replace or repair defective components as required.
  • Software Management: Install, update, and configure software applications, resolve compatibility issues, and ensure proper software licensing.
  • Active Directory Administration: Manage Active Directory objects, such as user accounts, groups, and organizational units, to ensure efficient access and security.
  • Infrastructure Setup: Assist in setting up and maintaining IT infrastructure, including servers and storage devices. Replace or repair faulty hardware components as needed.
  • ISP Coordination: Maintain communication with the ISP supplier in case of internet connection dysfunctions.
  • Incident Response: Respond to incidents promptly and ensure compliance with Service Level Agreements (SLA).
  • Documentation and Knowledge Sharing: Document solutions to common problems and maintain a knowledge base for internal use. Share knowledge and best practices with team members.
  • Continuous Learning: Stay updated with the latest industry trends, technologies, and certifications, actively pursuing relevant training to enhance skills.

Who You Are

  • Experience: Minimum of 3 years of experience in IT support, focusing on networking, Windows systems, and Linux administration.
  • Network Knowledge: Strong understanding of network concepts including TCP/IP, DHCP, DNS, VPN, routers, switches, and firewalls. Experience with network monitoring tools and troubleshooting.
  • Windows Proficiency: Proficiency in Windows Server environments, including Active Directory, Group Policy, and PowerShell scripting.
  • Linux Skills: Hands-on experience with Linux systems (e.g., Ubuntu, CentOS, Red Hat), including user management and basic configuration.
  • Virtualization Familiarity: Understanding of virtualization technologies such as VMware or Hyper-V.
  • Communication Skills: Good verbal and written communication skills, with the ability to explain technical concepts to non-technical users clearly.
  • Customer-Centric Attitude: A positive approach with a strong focus on customer service.
  • Team Player: Ability to work effectively as part of a team and collaborate with cross-functional teams.
  • Documentation Skills: Ability to document processes and solutions clearly; experience with helpdesk or ticketing systems is a plus.
  • Shift Availability: Willingness to work shifts, including nights, weekends, and legal holidays.

What We Offer You

  • Competitive Remuneration: Excellent salary package based on experience, skills, and performance.
  • Dynamic Team Environment: Join a positive and friendly atmosphere within an international team.
  • Professional Growth: Access to guidance and tools to help you reach your full potential.
  • Performance Bonuses: Opportunity to earn bonuses based on performance.
  • Health Coverage: Private health insurance for your well-being.
  • Fitness Benefits: Free gym membership to promote a healthy lifestyle.

If you're ready to take your IT career to the next level and be part of an innovative gaming environment, we encourage you to apply! Join us in Bucharest and make a significant impact as an IT Support Specialist!

Departamento: Information & Technology
Jornada sin especificar
Otros contratos
Salario sin especificar
helpdesk, informatico
Chat Customer Support Representative with Slovak (Cluj Napoca)
Wibit Consulting & Services (WibitCS)
Sin especificar
Hace 1d

In Collaboration, We Are Hiring: Slovak-Speaking Chat Customer Support Representatives!

Join us in enhancing customer experiences as we partner with a leading Outsourcing/BPO company dedicated to providing exceptional support for an e-commerce platform. We are on the lookout for motivated Slovak-speaking Chat Customer Support Representatives to join our dynamic team in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. If you have a passion for helping customers and thrive in a fast-paced environment, this is the perfect opportunity for you!

Position: Chat Customer Support Representative (Slovak)
Location: Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Employment Type: Full-time
Remuneration: Base salary + performance bonuses

Key Responsibilities

  • Customer Communication: Engage with customers through incoming emails, tickets, and chat, addressing product-related issues effectively.
  • Order Management: Assist customers in managing their orders and ensure a seamless experience.
  • Client Retention: Foster and strengthen client relationships, contributing to exceptional customer support and satisfaction.
  • Complaint Resolution: Recognize, record, and resolve customer complaints promptly and efficiently.
  • Process Adherence: Follow established processes and procedures to ensure high-quality service delivery.
  • Database Updates: Maintain accurate records in the customer database and document all activities meticulously.
  • Reporting: Identify common issues and communicate them to the support team for further escalation and resolution.

Who You Are

  • Language Proficiency: C1 level written and verbal communication skills in Slovak; proficiency in Croatian or Slovenian is a plus.
  • English Skills: B2 level in English to ensure effective communication.
  • Education and Experience: Preferably hold a college degree or have relevant work experience in customer service.
  • Tech-Savvy: Proficient in MS Office and familiar with ticketing systems for efficient problem-solving.
  • Customer Service Excellence: Strong customer service skills with a high level of motivation and enthusiasm.
  • Self-Organized: Capable of working independently and managing tasks effectively.
  • Satisfaction Improvement: Experience in measuring and enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty is advantageous.

What We Offer You

  • Flexible Schedule: Full-time shifts available, including a Monday-Sunday 24/7 schedule, with confirmed shifts from 9 AM - 6 PM and 3:30 PM - 11:30 PM.
  • Sign-On Bonus: Receive a €1500 sign-on bonus, paid in 11 installments.
  • Performance Bonuses: Earn up to €150 gross monthly in performance bonuses in addition to your regular salary.
  • Attractive Remuneration Package: Competitive salary with additional benefits.
  • Transportation Support: Transportation provided for day and night shifts.
  • Vacation Days: Enjoy 20 holidays per year, plus an extra day after one year of service.
  • Contract Security: Contract for an undetermined period, ensuring job stability.
  • Comprehensive Training: 5 days of paid training to equip you for success in your role.
  • Relocation Support: Six months of accommodation if needed and up to €200 reimbursement for initial travel to Romania.
  • Meal Tickets: Meal vouchers valued at 30 RON/day (approximately €150 net/month).
  • Health Coverage: Access to a private medical package for your well-being.
  • Professional Development: Opportunities for internal development and career growth.
  • Employee Discounts: Enjoy discounts with current partners and a Gympass monthly subscription.
  • Wellness Programs: Subscription to an employee assistance and well-being program to support your overall health.

If you are a passionate customer service professional fluent in Slovak and ready to make a difference, we invite you to apply! Join us in delivering exceptional customer experiences and be part of a supportive team in Cluj-Napoca!

Departamento: Information & Technology
Jornada sin especificar
Otros contratos
Salario sin especificar
Talent Acquisition Specialist with German (Essen)
Wibit Consulting & Services (WibitCS)
Sin especificar
Hace 1d

In Collaboration, We Are Hiring: German-Speaking Talent Acquisition Specialist!

Join us in shaping the future of customer interactions as we partner with a leading Outsourcing/BPO consultancy dedicated to enhancing business success through exceptional customer engagement. We are seeking a motivated and detail-oriented Talent Acquisition Specialist to join their dynamic team in either Essen or Leipzig, Germany. If you’re passionate about connecting talent with opportunity and thrive in a hybrid work environment, we want to hear from you!

Position: Talent Acquisition Specialist
Location: Essen or Leipzig, Germany
Work Model: Hybrid
Employment Type: Full-time

Key Responsibilities

  • Recruitment Strategy: Plan, conduct, and follow up on phone calls and job interviews, ensuring a smooth and engaging candidate experience.
  • Assessment: Evaluate applicants through aptitude tests to identify the best fit for various teams within the organization.
  • Guidance: Support candidates through every step of the recruitment process, providing clear communication and assistance.
  • Social Media Collaboration: Work alongside our social media team to create exciting content and innovative campaigns that attract top talent.
  • Database Management: Manage recruitment databases efficiently, ensuring accurate records and tracking of candidates.

Who You Are

  • Language Proficiency: Native or fluent in German (C1 level) with a good command of English (B2 level).
  • HR Experience: Previous experience in human resources is a plus, giving you insight into effective recruitment practices.
  • Knowledge of Labor Laws: Familiarity with German labor law would be beneficial to navigate the recruitment landscape effectively.
  • Tech-Savvy: Comfortable using common PC and internet applications to streamline the recruitment process.
  • Communication Skills: Excellent communication skills with a genuine desire to continue learning and growing in the HR field.
  • Attention to Detail: Able to work independently with a meticulous approach to tasks.

What We Offer You

  • Hybrid Work Model: Enjoy the flexibility of a hybrid working environment that balances office presence and remote work.
  • Career Advancement: Experience a flat hierarchy and opportunities for growth within an international company.
  • Office Perks: Benefit from free drinks and fresh fruit in the office, creating a vibrant workplace atmosphere.
  • Employee Discounts: Access special discounts with over 200 partners, enhancing your lifestyle.
  • Team Events: Participate in regular team events, including summer parties and social gatherings, fostering a strong team culture.

If you are ready to make a significant impact in talent acquisition and join a forward-thinking organization, we invite you to apply! Together, let’s build a successful future for both our clients and their customers!

Departamento: Human resources & Staffing
Jornada sin especificar
Otros contratos
Salario sin especificar
Customer Care Specialist with German (Budapest)
Wibit Consulting & Services (WibitCS)
Sin especificar
Hace 1d

In Collaboration, We Are Hiring: German-Speaking Customer Care Specialists!

Join us in creating exceptional customer experiences as we partner with a renowned BPO that prides itself on outstanding employee satisfaction. We are on the lookout for passionate German-speaking Customer Care Specialists who are ready to make an impact while supporting customers of a leading financial services company. This remote role offers you the flexibility to work from the comfort of your home in Hungary, all while being part of a dynamic team!

Position: Customer Care Specialist with German

Location: Remote (within Hungary)
Employment Type: Full-time

What You’ll Do

  • Deliver Exceptional Service: Be the voice of our client by responding to customer inquiries with promptness and professionalism, ensuring every interaction leaves a positive impression.
  • Provide Accurate Information: Dive deep into your resources to deliver precise and timely answers via phone, email, and live chat channels.
  • Master Documentation: Keep meticulous records of all customer interactions and navigate internal and external documentation seamlessly to enhance service delivery.
  • Escalate When Needed: Identify complex issues and escalate them to the right internal teams to ensure swift resolution.
  • Route Calls Smartly: Manage incoming calls by routing them to the appropriate resources while keeping accurate records of each interaction.
  • Spot Trends and Patterns: Analyze customer interactions to identify trends and communicate insights that can improve service delivery.
  • Meet Quality Standards: Aim for the highest standards of customer satisfaction by adhering to established protocols, KPIs, and quality guidelines set by our clients.
  • Collaborate and Contribute: Engage with your colleagues and supervisors to create a collaborative environment where knowledge is shared and problems are solved together.

Who You Are

  • Language Proficiency: You are fluent in German (C1 level) and have excellent verbal and written communication skills in English.
  • Tech-Savvy: You possess strong user knowledge of common PC applications and can easily navigate various software platforms.
  • Interpersonal Skills: You bring flexibility, friendliness, resilience, and reliability to your interactions.
  • Effective Communicator: Your conversation skills shine, showcasing your linguistic fluency and clear pronunciation in German.
  • Team-Oriented: You thrive in team settings, contributing positively to the group dynamic and fostering collaboration.
  • Industry Knowledge: While not mandatory, a basic understanding of credit card processes and financial services is a plus.

What We Offer You

  • Attractive Remuneration: Enjoy a competitive salary package that reflects your skills and experience.
  • Job Security: Benefit from an indefinite contract, giving you peace of mind in your career.
  • Comprehensive Health Benefits: Access private health and life insurance for your well-being.
  • Supportive Work Environment: Be part of a creative and friendly team that values your contributions and recognizes your efforts, with stellar employee reviews to back it up.
  • Growth Opportunities: We provide you with the guidance and resources to reach your full potential in your career.

If you’re ready to embark on a rewarding journey with us as a German-speaking Customer Care Specialist, we invite you to apply! Let’s create amazing customer experiences together

Departamento: Information & Technology
Jornada sin especificar
Otros contratos
Salario sin especificar
Advisor with German (Budapest)
Wibit Consulting & Services (WibitCS)
Sin especificar
Hace 1d

In Collaboration, We Are Hiring: German and English-Speaking Advisors!

We are excited to announce an opportunity for motivated German and English-speaking Advisors to join our dedicated team in Budapest! This on-site role is perfect for individuals who thrive in a customer-focused environment and are eager to deliver exceptional service while growing their careers.

Position: Advisor (German and English)
Location: On-site in Budapest, Hungary
Employment Type: Full-time

Key Responsibilities

  • Customer Support: Respond promptly and effectively to all customer inquiries, ensuring timely resolutions and high levels of satisfaction.
  • Product Knowledge: Build and maintain comprehensive knowledge of the client’s products and services to provide accurate and informed assistance.
  • Call Management: Log and manage calls within designated systems, ensuring all interactions are documented accurately and efficiently.
  • Technical Troubleshooting: Assist customers with technical issues and usability questions, guiding them through effective solutions.
  • Pre-Sales Assistance: Address inquiries related to products and technology, fostering a clear understanding of our offerings.
  • Outstanding Service Delivery: Deliver exceptional customer service, identify sales leads, and enhance customer loyalty through meaningful interactions.
  • Escalation Protocol: Recognize complex inquiries that require escalation and document essential information for further support.
  • Performance Targets: Meet established KPIs related to call handling quality and actively contribute to service improvements.
  • Feedback Gathering: Collect customer feedback to enhance service delivery and provide recommendations for improving first-contact resolution rates.


  • Language Skills: Native-level proficiency in German (both verbal and written) and C1 level English.
  • Team Player: Bring a friendly and positive attitude with a strong sense of teamwork.
  • Customer-Oriented: Demonstrate excellent interpersonal skills and a commitment to providing outstanding service.
  • Communication Skills: Possess strong verbal and written communication abilities, with effective problem-solving skills.
  • Adaptability: Be flexible and capable of making quick decisions in a fast-paced environment.
  • Reliability: Be conscientious and detail-oriented, with a strong focus on accuracy.
  • Empathy: Exhibit a genuine desire to assist customers and enhance their experience.

What We Offer

  • Competitive Salary: Enjoy an attractive remuneration package along with performance-based bonuses.
  • Relocation Assistance: Receive support for those relocating to Budapest to ensure a smooth transition.
  • Comprehensive Training: Benefit from training provided from day one to equip you with the necessary skills and knowledge.
  • Work Schedule: A balanced work week of 40 hours, Monday to Friday, from 9:00 AM to 5:30 PM, promoting a healthy work-life balance.

If you are a passionate customer service professional fluent in German and English, we would love to hear from you! Apply now to take the next step in your career with us in Budapest! Let’s create exceptional customer experiences together!

Departamento: Information & Technology
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