La Fundació i2CAT cerca un/a Consultor/a Junior de Prevenda per al sector Espai per incorporar-se a l'àrea d'Innovation Business Development (IBD) - Sector Privat. Depenent de la responsable de negoci d'innovació del sector Espai, aquesta persona serà responsable de donar suport i coordinar el procés de venda i la generació de propostes.
L'àrea d'IBD-Sector Privat té com a missió traduir els coneixements i resultats generats a partir de les activitats de recerca a solucions innovadores per als sectors productius de l'economia local i internacional. El seu objectiu és posicionar i2CAT com a centre de referència en innovació dins del sector privat. Des d'IBD, treballem amb empreses del sector TIC, multinacionals i start-ups per mitjà d'acords estratègics, projectes d'R&D, proves de concepte i llicenciament d'actius, amb la finalitat de contribuir a la seva transformació digital i millorar la seva competitivitat.
La persona seleccionada serà responsable de donar suport al procés de preventa, amb un enfocament en l'anàlisi de les necessitats dels clients, la preparació de propostes i la seva gestió integral. Aquest rol és clau per garantir que les propostes s’ajustin a les demandes del mercat i les capacitats d'i2CAT, així com per facilitar la signatura de contractes de serveis i de transferència tecnològica.
Les funcions de la persona candidata seran les següents:
Col·laborar amb els responsables de negoci d’innovació per a l’elaboració de propostes de valor relacionades amb serveis d’R&D, consultoria, acords estratègics i respostes a convocatòries d’R&D, assegurant-se que les propostes es presentin de manera oportuna i de qualitat.
Interactuar amb els clients, al costat del responsable del compte, per identificar les seves necessitats i requisits específics, i traduir-los en solucions tècniques viables en col·laboració amb els equips d’innovació d’i2CAT.
Identificar oportunitats i reptes en clients actuals i potencials, contribuir en la co-creació amb el client per identificar nous casos d’ús i solucions tecnològiques innovadores que resolguin problemes, millorin eficiències i afavoreixin la transformació tecnològica, sota la supervisió del responsable del compte.
Mantenir-se al dia de les capacitats dels grups de recerca i innovació d’i2CAT per garantir que les propostes estiguin alineades amb les necessitats dels clients.
Participar en el disseny i conceptualització de propostes de valor personalitzades segons les necessitats del client i del sector.
Dissenyar i presentar material de suport per al desenvolupament de negoci, com presentacions a clients, abstracts i informes, sempre sota la supervisió del responsable del compte.
Donar suport en la presentació d’acords de col·laboració i participar en reunions comercials quan sigui necessari.
Col·laborar en l’elaboració de plans de comptes i proporcionar assistència a l’equip de negoci.
Registrar, fer seguiment i actualitzar les oportunitats sota la seva responsabilitat en les eines de gestió corporatives.
Qui som?
La Fundació i2CAT és un centre de recerca i innovació, que impulsa activitats de R+D+i en l'àmbit d'arquitectures, aplicacions i serveis de la Internet avançada. El centre aposta per un nou model d'innovació basat en la col·laboració entre les empreses, les administracions públiques,el món acadèmic i els usuaris. En col·laboració amb aquests socis, les nostres unitats de recerca i innovació volen produir tecnologies isolucions amb l'objectiu de convertir Catalunya en una regió intel·ligent líder i global en una Europa intel·ligent, amb una economia de valor afegit pròspera i una societat innovadora.
i2CAT és una organització dinàmica que té una àmplia experiència en la realització de projectes de recerca i innovació a nivell nacional i internacional, liderant línies d'investigació en arquitectures de xarxes fixes i mòbils, el 5G, les xarxes de sensors sense fils i tecnologies multimèdia basades en contingut, amb l'objectiu de desenvolupar nous productes, serveis i aplicacions en els camps de la eHealth, SmartCities & Smart Regions, Industria 4.0 i Societat Digital.
Vols saber-ne més? Visita la nostra web ! (
Què t'oferim?
On ho faràs?
A i2CAT ja fa temps que tenim una política de teletreball establerta. Podràs treballar des de casa o des de l'oficina, el que s'ajusti millor a les teves necessitats. Només et demanem que assisteixis un dia a la setmana a l'oficina per mantenir-te connectat amb l'equip.
Si decideixes venir a l'oficina, estem ubicats a Zona Universitària, al costat del Campus Nord de la UPC, dins d'un entorn multidisciplinari i multicultural. És una zona molt ben comunicada (metro, tram, bus) amb bars i restaurants al voltant.
Les nostres oficines estan dissenyades amb un concepte open-office on tot és llum i transparència (no tenim sales opaques). Disposem d'espais de treball diversos perquè no hagis d'estar tot el dia en la mateixa taula.
La diversitat és clau per al progrés i la innovació, i a la Fundació i2CAT treballem activament per crear un entorn inclusiu i equitatiu on tothom pugui desenvolupar el seu potencial. Per això, apostem per la pluralitat i cerquem augmentar el nombre de persones
Call for Applications: FI-STEP Predoctoral Fellowships at i2CAT
i2CAT is seeking European-nationality researchers with an excellent academic record to apply for an FI-STEP predoctoral fellowship funded by AGAUR (Agency for Management of University and Research Grants). AGAUR will finance 250 predoctoral contracts, each with a duration of three years.
We are looking for talented and motivated candidates who wish to develop a research career in a dynamic and innovative environment.
More information about i2CAT's research areas can be found at the following link:
Candidate requirements:
a) Must hold the nationality of an EU member state.
b) Must have completed a bachelor's degree or an equivalent qualification and have a minimum average academic grade of 7 (on a scale of 0 to 10).
c) Candidates applying for a new fellowship must have completed their studies leading to a PhD (MsC or equivalent) between January 1st, 2022, and the contract start date.
Candidates who completed their PhD-related studies between January 1, 2019, and the contract start date may also apply if they have encountered one of the following exceptional circumstances:
d) At the time of starting the contract, candidates must be accepted or enrolled in a PhD program at a university within the Catalan university system, according to each university’s enrollment schedule.
e) Each candidate may only submit one application.
f) Must not already hold a PhD degree.
g) Must not have held any other predoctoral research contract for more than six months.
Application proceedure:
Interested candidates should send an email with their CV to, including their academic transcripts (bachelor’s or equivalent and master’s)
Who we are:
The i2CAT Foundation is a non-profit research and innovation center that promotes mission-driven R&D activities on advanced Internet architectures, applications, and services. More than 15 years of international research define our expertise in the fields of 5G, IoT, VR, and Immersive Technologies, Cybersecurity, Blockchain, AI, and Digital Social Innovation. The center partners with companies, public administration, academia, and end-users to leverage this knowledge in order to meet real social and business challenges.
The greatest value of i2CAT is the talent of the people who make up our human team. We enjoy a team of people from more than 13 different nationalities and work every day to create and foster a work environment where we all feel comfortable creating, innovating and growing.
Want to know more? Visit our webpage!
What will you enjoy?
Where will you do it?
At i2CAT we already have an established ‘work-from-home’ policy for some time. You can work from home or from the office, whichever suits you best. We expect that you attend the office one day per week to stay connected with your team and to engage with other colleagues
If you decide to come to the office, we are located in Zona Universitària, next to the Campus Nord of the UPC, within a multidisciplinary and multicultural environment. It is a very well-connected area (metro, tram, bus) with bars and restaurants around.
Our offices are designed with an open-office concept where everything is light and transparency. We have a variety of workspaces so that you don't have to be at the same table all day.
Diversity is key to progress and innovation, and at the i2CAT Foundation, we actively work to create an inclusive and equitable environment where everyone can develop their full potential. That’s why we are committed to plurality and aim to increase the number of people with functional diversity within our team.
We seek talented individuals with diverse perspectives to enrich our team. In our selection processes, we are committed to promoting female talent and are particularly interested in the experience of women and other underrepresented groups in the scientific and technological fields. This will help us be better prepared to tackle complex challenges. If candidates have similar qualifications, priority will be given to those belonging to one of these groups.
We know that talent manifests in many different ways, and we are eager to discover new
The i2CAT Foundation is opening its PhD Program to incorporate predoctoral researchers into the thematic areas where i2CAT carries out its activities.
We are looking for talented and motivated candidates who wish to develop a research career in a dynamic and innovative environment.
More information about i2CAT's research areas can be found at the following link:
Some responsibilities you will carry out:
What are we looking for?
What do we offer?
Additional benefits...
What will the selection process be like?
Enrollment in i2CAT’s PhD Program follows the OTM-R (Open, Transparent, and Merit-based Recruitment) principles, as outlined by the European Commission’s HRS4R (Human Resources Strategy for Researchers).
The selection criteria for the PhD Program are based on the following principles:
If you have any questions, contact us at the People & Talent Department (
About us:
The i2CAT Foundation is a non-profit research and innovation center that promotes mission-driven R&D activities on advanced Internet architectures, applications, and services. More than 15 years of international research define our expertise in the fields of 5G, IoT, VR, and Immersive Technologies, Cybersecurity, Blockchain, AI, and Digital Social Innovation. The center partners with companies, public administration, academia, and end-users to leverage this knowledge in order to meet real social and business challenges.
The greatest value of i2CAT is the talent of the people who make up our human team. We enjoy a team of people from more than 13 different nationalities and work every day to create and foster a work environment where we all feel comfortable creating, innovating and growing.
Want to know more? Visit our webpage!
Where will you do it?
At i2CAT we already have an established ‘work-from-home’ policy for some time. You can work from home or from the office, whichever suits you best. We expect that you attend the office one day per week to stay connected with your team and to engage with other colleagues
If you decide to come to the office, we are located in Zona Universitària, next to the Campus Nord of the UPC, within a multidisciplinary and multicultural environment. It is a very well-connected area (metro, tram, bus) with bars and restaurants around.
Our offices are designed with an open-office concept where everything is light and transparency. We have a variety of workspaces so that you don't have to be at the same table all day.
Diversity is key to progress and innovation, and at the i2CAT Foundation, we actively work to create an inclusive and equitable environment where everyone can develop their full potential. That’s why we are committed to plurality and aim to increase the number of people with functional diversity within our team.
We seek talented individuals with diverse perspectives to enrich our team. In our selection processes, we are committed to promoting female
The i2CAT Foundation is looking for a Director of the Distributed Artificial Intelligence (DAI) Research Group who, in addition, will lead the overall strategy of the organization in the area of Artificial Intelligence (AI).
The DAI research group conducts research and innovation activities in the areas of explainable and distributed AI, multimodal AI perception, and cognitive cloud. The group has a long track record of participation in EU R&D projects, Catalan and Spanish-funded research and innovation projects, and bilateral collaborations with private industry and the public sector. The research group develops and continuously updates a research roadmap to steer its activities and identify new fields to explore. One of the key added values of the DAI research group is its mission to boost the overall capabilities of i2CAT in the area of AI, fostering synergies with the organization’s other 8 research groups.
In a nutshell, the activity of i2CAT is focused on the following research areas:
All these areas of research are progressively incorporating the use of AI into their design and application. The selected person will define a strategy and coordinate all AI-related research and innovation, both with the purpose of identifying synergies across research groups, thus increasing the transversal value proposition of i2CAT, as well as defining a long-term vision of the value of i2CAT in the field of AI.
The successful candidate is expected to:
Who we are:
The i2CAT Foundation is a non-profit research and innovation center that promotes mission-driven R&D activities on advanced Internet architectures, applications, and services. More than 15 years of international research define our expertise in the fields of 5G, IoT, VR, and Immersive Technologies, Cybersecurity, Blockchain, AI, and Digital Social Innovation. The center partners with companies, public administration, academia, and end-users to leverage this knowledge in order to meet real social and business challenges.
The greatest value of i2CAT is the talent of the people who make up our human team. We enjoy a team of people from more than 13 different nationalities and work every day to create and foster a work environment where we all feel comfortable creating, innovating and growing.
Want to know more? Visit our webpage!
What will you enjoy?
Where will you do it?
At i2CAT we already have an established ‘work-from-home’ policy for some time. You can work from home or from the office, whichever suits you best. We expect that you attend the office one day per week to stay connected with your team and to engage with other colleagues
If you decide to come to the office, we are located in Zona Universitària, next to the Campus Nord of the UPC, within a multidisciplinary and multicultural environment. It is a very well-connected area (metro, tram, bus) with bars and restaurants around.
Our offices are designed with an open-office concept where everything is light and transparency. We have a variety of workspaces so that you don't have to be at the same table all day.
Diversity is key to progress and innovation, and at the i2CAT Foundation, we actively work to create an inclusive and equitable environment where everyone can develop their full potential. That’s why we are committed to plurality and aim to increase the number of people with functional diversity within our team.
We seek talented individuals with diverse perspectives to enrich our team. In our selection processes, we are committed to promoting female talent and are particularly interested in the experience of women and other underrepresented groups in the scientific and technological fields. This will help us be better prepared to tackle complex challenges. If candidates have similar qualifications, priority will be given to those belonging to one of these groups.
We know that talent manifests in many different ways, and we are eager to discover new perspectives!
If what you’ve read soun
i2CAT Foundation is looking for an Innovation Manager with at least 3+ years of recent experience in IT innovation consulting and management to join its growing “Data Spaces” team. Data Spaces are the new EU data sharing and digital service ecosystems in development for strategic verticals, such as Mobility, Health and Industry.
i2CAT is a leader in the field of data spaces, coordinating strategic initiatives and participating in many more. Examples where the new position will be working in:
i2CAT’s data space team has a holistic role in these projects: coordination, technical architecture design, development, implementation, use case piloting, evolution of IP, ecosystem engagement, development of new opportunities, and more. This position will require a mix of consulting, innovation project management, opportunity development and ecosystem engagement.
The position will carry out a variety of different activities, requiring agility and flexibility across the lifecycle of innovation projects:
Who we are:
The i2CAT Foundation is a non-profit research and innovation center that promotes mission-driven R&D activities on advanced Internet architectures, applications, and services. More than 15 years of international research define our expertise in the fields of 5G, IoT, VR, and Immersive Technologies, Cybersecurity, Blockchain, AI, and Digital Social Innovation. The center partners with companies, public administration, academia, and end-users to leverage this knowledge in order to meet real social and business challenges.
The greatest value of i2CAT is the talent of the people who make up our human team. We enjoy a team of people from more than 13 different nationalities and work every day to create and foster a work environment where we all feel comfortable creating, innovating and growing.
Want to know more? Visit our webpage!
What will you enjoy?
Where will you do it?
At i2CAT we already have an established ‘work-from-home’ policy for some time. You can work from home or from the office, whichever suits you best. We expect that you attend the office one day per week to stay connected with your team and to engage with other colleagues
If you decide to come to the office, we are located in Zona Universitària, next to the Campus Nord of the UPC, within a multidisciplinary and multicultural environment. It is a very well-connected area (metro, tram, bus) with bars and restaurants around.
Our offices are designed with an open-office concept where everything is light and transparency. We have a variety of workspaces so that you don't have to be at the same table all day.
Diversity is key to progress and innovation, and at the i2CAT Foundation, we actively work to create an inclusive and equitable environment where everyone can develop their full potential. That’s why we are committed to plurality and aim to increase the number of people with functional diversity within our team.
We seek talented individuals with diverse perspectives to enrich our team. In our selection processes, we are committed to promoting female talent and are particularly interested in the experience of women and other underrepresented groups in the scientific and technological fields. This will help us be better prepared to tackle complex challenges. If candidates have similar qualifications, priority will be given t
i2CAT Foundation (Barcelona) is opening a position to advance in the research and innovation field of real-time volumetric video services, involving immersive media formats like volumetric video.
The candidate will join the Media Technologies Research Group (MediaTech) of i2CAT, which is composed of over 18 experienced researchers and engineers in the fields of distributed and interactive multimedia systems and media processing, and is involved in relevant R&I projects with the European and national ecosystems, in close collaboration with key players from academia and industry.
This area is seeking a highly motivated and talented Graphics Engineer with Expertise in Unity to join our development team. The ideal candidate should not only have a strong background in C++, CUDA and Unity. Additionally, having experience in Android development and working on the maintenance of a Unity SDK would be a significant plus. The candidate will be in charge of maintaining and improving the Holoconference Unity SDK called HoloMIT, implementing new features, integrating in-house new Holographic pipelines and optimizations.
Moreover, the candidate will be involved in cutting-edge research, innovation and development tasks. All this R&I&D will shape the future of HoloMIT, collaborating hand-in-hand with experts in the media and networks domains under the umbrella of competitive national and international projects (Horizon Europe, European Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking, SNS JU), including the collaboration with highly relevant international partners from academia and industry.
The results from the research and development activities are expected to lead to high-impact scientific publications and technology transfer.
Who we are:
The i2CAT Foundation is a non-profit research and innovation center that promotes mission-driven R&D activities on advanced Internet architectures, applications, and services. More than 15 years of international research define our expertise in the fields of 5G, IoT, VR, and Immersive Technologies, Cybersecurity, Blockchain, AI, and Digital Social Innovation. The center partners with companies, public administration, academia, and end-users to leverage this knowledge in order to meet real social and business challenges.
The greatest value of i2CAT is the talent of the people who make up our human team. We enjoy a team of people from more than 13 different nationalities and work every day to create and foster a work environment where we all feel comfortable creating, innovating and growing.
Want to know more? Visit our webpage!
What will you enjoy?
Where will you do it?
At i2CAT we already have an established ‘work-from-home’ policy for some time. You can work from home or from the office, whichever suits you best. We expect that you attend the office one day per week to stay connected with your team and to engage with other colleagues
If you decide to come to the office, we are located in Zona Universitària, next to the Campus Nord of the UPC, within a multidisciplinary and multicultural environment. It is a very well-connected area (metro, tram, bus) with bars and restaurants around.
Our offices are designed with an open-office concept where everything is light and transparency. We have a variety of workspaces so that you don't have to be at the same table all day.
Diversity is key to progress and innovation, and at the i2CAT Foundation, we actively work to create an inclusive and equitable environment where everyone can develop their full potential. That’s why we are committed to plurality and aim to increase the number of people with functional diversity within our team.
We seek talented individuals with diverse perspectives to enrich our team. In our selection processes, we are committed to promoting female talent and are particularly interested in the experience of women and other underrepresented groups in the scientific and technological fields. This will help us be better prepared to tackle complex challenges. If candidates have similar qualifications, priority will be given to those belonging to one of these groups.
We know that talent manifests in many different ways, and we are eager to discover new perspectives!
If what you’ve read sounds good to you... let’s have a coffee, and we’ll tell you more! As part of the recruitment team, I would be happy to meet you, hear about your experience, and see how you could fit into our team.
And if you liked it but this isn’t the right opportunity for you, maybe you know someone who would be a perfect fit and whom you’d like to recommend!
The Internet of Things Research Area at the i2CAT Foundation is looking for an IoT Engineer to work on innovation projects.
The selected candidate will join the IoT group to work in the implementation and development of IoT solutions and prototypes and their evaluation in real environments. The job will offer the possibility to investigate and work in emergent IoT technologies and solutions from a very applied perspective. Concretely, the candidate will collaborate with the group in current projects working in some of the following fields:
The main tasks performed by the candidate will be:
The candidate person is expected to have capability to work autonomously and proactively and to demonstrate critical thinking skills.
Who we are:
The i2CAT Foundation is a non-profit research and innovation center that promotes mission-driven R&D activities on advanced Internet architectures, applications, and services. More than 15 years of international research define our expertise in the fields of 5G, IoT, VR, and Immersive Technologies, Cybersecurity, Blockchain, AI, and Digital Social Innovation. The center partners with companies, public administration, academia, and end-users to leverage this knowledge in order to meet real social and business challenges.
The greatest value of i2CAT is the talent of the people who make up our human team. We enjoy a team of people from more than 13 different nationalities and work every day to create and foster a work environment where we all feel comfortable creating, innovating and growing.
Want to know more? Visit our webpage!
What will you enjoy?
Where will you do it?
At i2CAT we already have an established ‘work-from-home’ policy for some time. You can work from home or from the office, whichever suits you best. We expect that you attend the office one day per week to stay connected with your team and to engage with other colleagues
If you decide to come to the office, we are located in Zona Universitària, next to the Campus Nord of the UPC, within a multidisciplinary and multicultural environment. It is a very well-connected area (metro, tram, bus) with bars and restaurants around.
Our offices are designed with an open-office concept where everything is light and transparency. We have a variety of workspaces so that you don't have to be at the same table all day.
i2CAT is an organization committed to equal opportunities. That is why we seek to increase the number of women in those areas where they are underrepresented, and therefore explicitly encourage female candidates to apply.
I2CAT is an organization committed to creating an environment where we celebrate diversity, and where we provide the dedicated support that our employees need, regardless of their disability.
If what you have read sounds good to you... let’s have a coffee and we will tell you more!
In case you liked it, but it is not your job offer, you may know someone else who fits perfectly and whom you would like to recommend!
The i2CAT Foundation (Barcelona) is opening a position to advance in the research and innovation field of high quality 3D reconstruction, both offline and in real-time.
The candidate will join i2CAT’s Media Tech group, which is composed of over 20 experienced researchers and engineers in the fields of distributed and interactive multimedia systems and media processing, and is involved in relevant R&I projects with the European and national ecosystems, in close collaboration with key players from academia and industry.
This area is seeking a Senior Research Engineer with experience in the application of Machine Learning techniques applied to 3D/Volumetric reconstruction. The ideal candidate should have experience with different ML architectures and frameworks used in the field of Computer Vision and 3D reconstruction. The candidate should also be highly knowledgeable in pinhole camera modeling and parameterization. . Additionally, having experience in GPU programming is a plus (e.g.: CUDA/OpenCL). The candidate will be involved in cutting-edge research, innovation and development tasks. In particular, the candidate in charge of building custom datasets, designing and testing new algorithms and solutions in the field of 3D reconstruction and integrating the developed solutions into our platform.
The candidate should be highly self-driven while also capable of seamlessly collaborating hand-in-hand with different experts within i2CAT and highly relevant international partners from academia and industry under the umbrella of competitive national and international projects (Horizon Europe, European Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking, SNS JU).
The results from the planned research and development activities are expected to lead to high-impact scientific publications, technology/knowledge transfer (e.g., open-source software, patents, contributions to standards), resulting cutting-edge software and services, and career development opportunities.
The candidate, along with the 3D reconstruction team within Media Tech, will be involved in the development of novel methods to enhance the quality of our 3D holoportation system using advanced computer vision approaches. The candidate will also be in charge of exploring other 3D reconstruction solutions for tasks such as 3D reconstruction of large scenarios (e.g.: a city monument and surroundings) and offline high definition and high fidelity human reconstruction. Besides, the candidate will be actively involved in the development of Media Tech’s active National/European projects (Such as Didymos,XRECO and PRESENCE)
In particular, the candidate duties can be summarized as:
Who we are:
The i2CAT Foundation is a non-profit research and innovation center that promotes mission-driven R&D activities on advanced Internet architectures, applications, and services. More than 15 years of international research define our expertise in the fields of 5G, IoT, VR, and Immersive Technologies, Cybersecurity, Blockchain, AI, and Digital Social Innovation. The center partners with companies, public administration, academia, and end-users to leverage this knowledge in order to meet real social and business challenges.
The greatest value of i2CAT is the talent of the people who make up our human team. We enjoy a team of people from more than 13 different nationalities and work every day to create and foster a work environment where we all feel comfortable creating, innovating and growing.
Want to know more? Visit our webpage!
What will you enjoy?
Where will you do it?
At i2CAT we already have an established ‘work-from-home’ policy for some time. You can work from home or from the office, whichever suits you best. We expect that you attend the office one day per week to stay connected with your team and to engage with other colleagues
If you decide to come to the office, we are located in Zona Universitària, next to the Campus Nord of the UPC, within a multidisciplinary and multicultural environment. It is a very well-connected area (metro, tram, bus) with bars and restaurants around.
Our offices are designed with an open-office concept where everything is light and transparency. We have a variety of workspaces so that you don't have to be at the same table all day.
i2CAT is an organization committed to equal opportunities. That is why we seek to increase the number of women in those areas where they are underrepresented, and therefore explicitly encourage female candidates to apply.
I2CAT is an organization committed to creating an environment where we celebrate diversity, and where we provide the dedicated support that our employees need, regardless of their disability.
If what you have read sounds good to you... let’s have a coffee and we will tell you more!
In case you liked it, but it is not your job offer, you may know someone else who fits perfectly and whom you would like to recommend!
The i2CAT Foundation (Barcelona) is opening a position to advance in the research and innovation field of real-time distributed video services, involving immersive media formats like volumetric video.
The candidate will join the Media & Internet Area (MIA) of i2CAT, which is composed of over 18 experienced researchers and engineers in the fields of distributed and interactive multimedia systems and media processing, and is involved in relevant R&I projects with the European and national ecosystems, in close collaboration with key players from academia and industry.
This area is seeking a highly Research Engineer with experience in volumetric video streaming to join our development team. The ideal candidate should have experience with video codecs, low level programming (C/C++). Additionally, having experience in GPGPU is a plus (Such as CUDA/OpenCL). The candidate will be in charge of maintaining and adding new features to the volumetric video compression pipeline.
Moreover, the candidate will be involved in cutting-edge research, innovation and development tasks. All this R&I&D will shape the future of HoloMIT, collaborating hand-in-hand with experts in the media and networks domains under the umbrella of competitive national and international projects (Horizon Europe, European Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking, SNS JU), including the collaboration with highly relevant international partners from academia and industry.
The results from the planned research and development activities are expected to lead to high-impact scientific publications, technology/knowledge transfer (e.g., open-source software, patents, contributions to standards), resulting cutting-edge software and services (e.g., Volumetric Video Compression and Neural Radiance Fields/ Gaussian Splatting), and career development opportunities (self and of supervised of highly skilled personnel).
The candidate will be involved in the development and maintenance of the volumetric video pipeline as well as being involved in the area active projects (Such as Didymos,XRECO and PRESENCE)
Some candidate duties:
Who we are:
The i2CAT Foundation is a non-profit research and innovation center that promotes mission-driven R&D activities on advanced Internet architectures, applications, and services. More than 15 years of international research define our expertise in the fields of 5G, IoT, VR, and Immersive Technologies, Cybersecurity, Blockchain, AI, and Digital Social Innovation. The center partners with companies, public administration, academia, and end-users to leverage this knowledge in order to meet real social and business challenges.
The greatest value of i2CAT is the talent of the people who make up our human team. We enjoy a team of people from more than 13 different nationalities and work every day to create and foster a work environment where we all feel comfortable creating, innovating and growing.
Want to know more? Visit our webpage!
What will you enjoy?
Where will you do it?
At i2CAT we already have an established ‘work-from-home’ policy for some time. You can work from home or from the office, whichever suits you best. We expect that you attend the office one day per week to stay connected with your team and to engage with other colleagues
If you decide to come to the office, we are located in Zona Universitària, next to the Campus Nord of the UPC, within a multidisciplinary and multicultural environment. It is a very well-connected area (metro, tram, bus) with bars and restaurants around.
Our offices are designed with an open-office concept where everything is light and transparency. We have a variety of workspaces so that you don't have to be at the same table all day.
i2CAT is an organization committed to equal opportunities. That is why we seek to increase the number of women in those areas where they are underrepresented, and therefore explicitly encourage female candidates to apply.
I2CAT is an organization committed to creating an environment where we celebrate diversity, and where we provide the dedicated support that our employees need, regardless of their disability.
If what you have read sounds good to you... let’s have a coffee and we will tell you more!
In case you liked it, but it is not your job offer, you may know someone else who fits perfectly and whom you would like to recommend!
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