Principales tareas/ responsabilidades: * Desarrollar en planta de producción (dos lineas de producción), trabajando en régimen de turnos * Gestión y supervisión de personal de operarios de la planta * Control y seguimiento de mantenimientos preventivos y correctivos y gestión de limpieza de las instalaciones. * Puesta en marcha y parada de la planta * Elaborar y revisar las Instrucciones de Trabajo * Interpretación de planos mecánicos, eléctricos y neumáticos * Colaborar con otros departamentos y personal técnico para encontrata soluciones a problemas comunes * Apoyar al director con proyectos orientados a mejorar los procesos, crear un ambiente de trabajo seguro y aumentar la motivación de los trabajadores * Medir y supervisar los flujos de trabajo, supervisar la productividad y proporcionar información clave sobre los turnos para garantizar la excelencia operativa.
- Apply Group Policies: Occupational Health and Safety, Quality, Environment, Energy and Equal Opportunities. - In the event of an emergency, assumes the responsibilities set out in the self-protection/emergency plan. - Participate in the management and resolution of technical incidents in the section, assessing and prioritising the resources to be dedicated to each case. - Comply with and enforce compliance with the plant's safety regulations, ensuring the health and safety of people and facilities. - Report to the line of command the needs (human and technical) of the plant, knowing at all times the state of the same. - Collaborate in the organisation and smooth running of the scheduled maintenance shutdowns of the section. - Assist and collaborate with the section manager in the fulfilment of the section's quality indicators. In the event of deviations, identify opportunities for improvement, proposing actions and projects. Follow up on assigned actions. - Interaction in initiatives and projects with the rest of the sections of the factory. - Collaborate in the training and development of the section's personnel, attending to and resolving, as far as possible, any problems that may arise. - Plan and carry out all the investments of the PAI that are entrusted to him/her in accordance with the budget.
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