U Molinsu vec gotovo 100 godina razvijamo proizvode i inovativna, održiva rješenja za gradevinski sektor. Time doprinosimo razvoju društva i poboljšanju kvalitete života ljudi. Naš integrirani poslovni model obuhvaca agregate, cement, gotove betone, mortove, montažna rješenja, urbane krajobrazne elemente, arhitektonske fasade i gospodarenje otpadom. Naša duga povijest moguca je zahvaljujuci timu od više od 6.600 zaposlenika u jedanaest zemalja na cetiri kontinenta, koji rade svaki dan sa strašcu, poštovanjem i integritetom.
Trenutno tražimo iskusnog Senior racunovodu za nadzor i obavljanje racunovodstvenih funkcija za naše poslovanje u Hrvatskoj iz našeg Global Business Services (GBS) u Barceloni. U ovoj ulozi osiguravat ce tocnost i uskladenost s racunovodstvenim i regulatornim standardima. Izravno cete odgovarati Globalnom menadžeru za racunovodstvo i igrati kljucnu ulogu u našem racunovodstvenom timu, sudjelujuci u financijskim operacijama.
At Molins we have been creating products and developing innovative and sustainable solutions for the construction sector during ca. 100 years. This enables us to contribute towards the development of society and people's quality of life. Our integrated business model includes aggregates, cement, ready-mix concrete, mortars, precast solutions, urban landscaping, architectural facades, and waste management. Our long history has been possible thanks to a team of over 6,600 employees in eleven countries on four continents, who work every day with passion, respect, and integrity.
We are seeking an experienced Senior Accountant to supervise and perform the accounting functions for our business in Croatia from our Global Business Services (GBS) in Barcelona. In this role, you will ensure accuracy and compliance with accounting and regulatory standards. Reporting directly to the Global Accounting Manager, and you will play a crucial part in our accounting team performing financial operations.
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