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Administración Pública(3)
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Recursos humanos(547)
Sanidad y salud(590)
Sector Farmacéutico(178)
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Estudios mínimos:
Ciclo Formativo Grado Medio(219)
Ciclo Formativo Grado Superior(180)
Educación Secundaria Obligatoria(4.384)
Enseñanzas deportivas (regladas)(6)
Formación Profesional Grado Medio(831)
Formación Profesional Grado Superior(862)
Ingeniero Superior(224)
Ingeniero Técnico(34)
Otros cursos y formación no reglada(2)
Otros títulos, certificaciones y carnés(51)
Sin especificar(14.223)
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Parcial - Mañana(199)
Parcial - Noche(76)
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Ver ofertas empleo

Ofertas de empleo de IESE BUSINESS SCHOOL

8 ofertas de trabajo de IESE BUSINESS SCHOOL

En el IESE queremos formar directivos y empresarios a quienes se pueda confiar el futuro de las empresas y de las instituciones sociales.

En la escuela de dirección de empresas de la Universidad de Navarra, nuestra actividad gira en torno a tres ejes de la dirección de empresas:

la visión global
la perspectiva de dirección general
la centralidad de la persona, con la ética y la responsabilidad social que conlleva
Creemos que las empresas son, por encima de todo, comunidades de personas que trabajan mejor en ambientes de respeto y confianza.
1 Research Assistant for Financial Research
IESE Business School
Madrid, Madrid
Hace 18h

· IESE Business School seeks graduate students to conduct research and analysis, and work on special projects for IESE faculty focusing on quantitative empirical research in corporate finance.

· This position is an excellent preparation for students pursuing experience in financial research, but knowledge of these areas is not required. The candidate will have exposure to world first-class state-of-the-art academic research and to a network of top scholars in the field.

This experience helps the candidate apply to doctoral programs, as well as to finance masters, in top business schools.

Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar
Research Assistant in the Department of Entrepreneurship (Business Model Innovation)
IESE Business School
Barcelona, Barcelona
Hace 1d

Multiple Projects:

· Various projects that explore the influence of artificial intelligence and other digital technologies on the design of new business models

· Project 1: Research case study on how artificial intelligence (AI) allows an Indian healthcare venture to scale rapidly to reach 100 million patients

· Project 2: Research study on the success factors of large, established companies for driving business model innovation projects inside their firms

· Project 3: Teaching case study on one of the fastest growing entrepreneurial companies in Africa, AFEX, an agritech business that helps small farmers with warehousing, trading and financing

· Project 4: Development of innovative GPT apps and exercises as teaching material for IESE class sessions on business model innovation

Jornada parcial - indiferente
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar
Research Assistant for the IESE Institute for Sustainability Leadership – Prof.Fabrizio Ferraro and ISL Assistance

The Institute for Sustainability Leadership (ISL) at IESE Business School aims to foster academic research on sustainability at IESE and bring actionable insights to support the transition to more sustainable business. It facilitates knowledge exchange and enables multisectoral societal experiences for measurable progress toward a more regenerative economy. More than 15 IESE professors across all departments are conducting research programs affiliated with the initiative on the sustainable transition in the financial sector, sustainable leadership in corporations, communities and cities.

The position will be under the supervision of the Academic Director, Prof. Fabrizio Ferraro, and should perform the tasks bellow:

· Supporting the ISL and its affiliated professors in promoting their research projects both internally and externally, this person will play a key role in organizing and categorizing information related to papers, cases, and other materials, while also helping to establish a structured documentation process. This person should have great communications and copywriting skills to translate such projects in short content pills, business frameworks and publications.

Some of the key research topics under the ISL umbrella include: ESG Investing, Impact Investing, Shareholder Engagement, Political Ideology and ESG Corporate Behavior, Corporate Purpose and Carbon Emissions, Sustainable Supply Chains, Strategy and Sustainability, Climate Finance, Sustainable Entrepreneurship, Carbon and Climate Disclosure, Executive Compensation, Institutional Ownership, and more.

· Assisting with various ISL tasks, including website content management, dedicated email campaigns, and updating mailing lists in collaboration with our partners and supporting our ISL Fellows Initiative.

· Supporting event planning, logistics, and general communication efforts.

· Providing assistance in managing alliances and partnerships, such as Business Schools for Climate Leadership (BS4CL), Future of Capitalism (FoC), PRME, and others.

This is a great opportunity to engage directly with high-quality academic research with a focus on sustainability.

Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar
Research Assistant to Prof. Xavier Vives

As a research assistant, you will have the opportunity to participate in all aspects of the research process (on topics covering industrial organization, digital economies, financial markets and banking) including literature search and review, theoretical analysis, model simulation, data collection, and research design.

Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar
Postdoc Position at IESE Business School – Chair of Family Business

IESE Business School invites applications for a two-year postdoctoral position at the Family Business Chair, based in Barcelona. The primary criterion for acceptance is research excellence in both theoretical and empirical papers, and an interest in studying topics related to family businesses. The position is full-time and is expected to start in September 2025 (or by mutual agreement).

We will accept applications on a rolling basis until April 15.


The Postdoc will be responsible for conducting original research in line with the chair's research agenda to publish in top management outlets. The candidate will primarily work with Prof. Jeroen Neckebrouck. Projects may focus on a variety of topics related to the family business domain including but not limited to corporate governance and strategy, entrepreneurship and innovation, succession, strategic decision-making, human capital and human resource management, family science perspectives, role of private equity and family offices. One of the options is to assist in ongoing projects leveraging large scale administrative datasets with employee-employer matched information. More broadly, it is expected that the fellow will also become actively involved in the IESE Business School intellectual communities by regularly participating in research seminars, brown bag presentations, etc. No teaching is expected or required.

The ideal candidate will be thinking of this position as a stepping stone toward taking on a research professorship in the future.

IESE Business School

IESE Business School is a top-ranked international graduate business school with its main campuses in Barcelona and Madrid. It offers MIM, MBA, and EMBA programs, a large portfolio of executive education programs, as well as a PhD program. Founded in 1958, recent rankings of the Financial Times, the Economist, and Business Week consistently place IESE among the top 5 business schools in the world. The school has additional campuses in New York, Munich, and Sao Paulo. More information about the school can be found at https://www.iese.edu.

Research conducted by IESE faculty is regularly published in premier academic outlets such as the Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Administrative Science Quarterly, American Journal of Sociology, Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, Family Business Review, Journal of Business Venturing, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Management, Journal of Management Studies, Organization Science, Research Policy, Strategic Management Journal.

For more information about IESEs faculty, please visit https://www.iese.edu/faculty-research/academic-departments/

Chair of Family Business

IESE’s Chair of Family-Owned Business was established in 1987 to promote and support family business and business family initiatives around the world. The first of its kind in Europe, the Chair generates high-impact research and peer-reviewed publications, and actively participates in international conferences, research summits and educational initiatives, including regular sessions in IESE’s Alumni Learning Program.

The Family Business Chair is chaired by Prof. Álvaro San Martín, professor in the Managing People in Organizations Department and expert in organizational behavior, cultural psychology and team dynamics. The Family Business Chair gathers an inter-disciplinary team of researchers embedded in the strategic management, people in organizations, finance and entrepreneurship departments at IESE. Further information on the chair and academic team is available at https://www.iese.edu/faculty-research/chairs/family-owned-business/

Jornada completa
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Salario sin especificar
abogado, derecho, financiero
Research Assistant at the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Center
  • We are seeking a highly motivated and detail-oriented Research Assistant to join our team. As a Research Assistant, you will support our team in conducting applied research projects in corporate innovation, technology transfer, and scale-ups as well as providing supporting in public-funded projects. Some examples of tasks that may involve:
    • Assist in gathering relevant research papers, articles, and publications related to ongoing projects, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the field.
    • Support in collecting, organizing, and analyzing data using various tools and techniques, ensuring accuracy and reliability.
    • Prepare reports, summaries, and presentations, effectively communicating research outcomes and insights to internal stakeholders and collaborators.
    • Gather data from databases – e.g. about startups.
    • Collaborate with interdisciplinary teams to contribute to cross-functional research projects and ensure seamless coordination.
    • Continuously stay ahead of the latest advancements in relevant technologies and contribute insights to the team.
    • Other tasks related to the development of the Center and the school.
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar
A Research Assistant in the Department of Financial Management

The RA will be involved in multiple projects related to sustainable and biodiversity finance. 1) We will utilize satellite data to estimate the economic impact of nature conservation, restoration, and destruction. 2) We will explore how firms adaptation to climate change affect biodiversity. 3) We estimate carbon emissions of academics. The RA will perform data analysis and collection. The RA will have exposure to state-of-the-art empirical analysis and novel datasets including satellite data. Lastly, the RA will have the opportunity to be on research teams which include researchers from top institutions in the US and EU (e.g., Harvard, London Business School, American University).

Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar
Research Assistant for the IESE Institute for Sustainability Leadership – Professor Fabrizio Ferraro

The Institute for Sustainability Leadership at IESE Business School (www.iese.edu/sli) aims to foster academic research on sustainability at IESE and bring actionable insights to support the transition to more sustainable business. More than 12 IESE professors across all departments are conducting research programs affiliated with the initiative on the sustainable transition in the financial sector, sustainable leadership in corporations, communities and cities.

The position will be under the supervision of the Academic Director, Prof. Fabrizio Ferraro, and focus primarily on collaborating on several research projects on the following topics: ESG Investing, Impact Investing, Shareholder Engagement, Political Ideology and ESG corporate behavior, Corporate Purpose and Carbon Emissions.

This is a great opportunity to engage directly with high-quality academic research with a focus on sustainability. The position might be especially appropriate for candidates interested in pursuing academic careers in related areas and proceeding to do a PhD in Business Schools with a focus on Strategy, Organization Theory, and Sustainability.

· BS/BA degree or Master’s degree in Management, Economics, Sociology, Business Administration, with good working knowledge of statistics and econometrics.

· The candidate should have working knowledge of:

- Econometrics, and use of Stata (preferred) and/or R

- Some experience working with corporate and financial data

- Some knowledge of Python, ML and NLP appreciated but not required

- Research experience also a plus

· Good English language writing and speaking skills

· Work permit in Spain


Full-time position (1.830 Euros per month before tax)

Work contract and social security

Start date


End date

1 year, with the possibility of extending


Interested parties please send CV, academic transcript, samples of writing and a cover letter in English to:

Ingrid Vergés

IESE Business School

Email: iverges@iese.edu

Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar