Ordenar ofertas por:
A Coruña(392)
Ciudad Real(83)
Illes Balears(724)
La Rioja(207)
Las Palmas(420)
Santa Cruz de Tenerife(219)
Sin especificar(568)
Administración empresas(2.016)
Administración Pública(4)
Atención a clientes(834)
Calidad, producción, I+D(1.511)
Comercial y ventas(2.697)
Compras, logística y almacén(1.964)
Diseño y artes gráficas(159)
Educación y formación(125)
Finanzas y banca(92)
Informática y telecomunicaciones(1.228)
Ingenieros y técnicos(1.894)
Inmobiliario y construcción(764)
Marketing y comunicación(626)
Otras actividades(1.708)
Profesiones y oficios(1.341)
Recursos humanos(546)
Sanidad y salud(1.092)
Sector Farmacéutico(202)
Turismo y restauración(964)
Ventas al detalle(74)
Estudios mínimos:
Ciclo Formativo Grado Medio(183)
Ciclo Formativo Grado Superior(162)
Educación Secundaria Obligatoria(2.945)
Enseñanzas deportivas (regladas)(5)
Formación Profesional Grado Medio(956)
Formación Profesional Grado Superior(891)
Ingeniero Superior(254)
Ingeniero Técnico(57)
Otros cursos y formación no reglada(19)
Otros títulos, certificaciones y carnés(87)
Sin especificar(15.075)
Sin estudios(978)
Jornada laboral:
Intensiva - Indiferente(250)
Intensiva - Mañana(177)
Intensiva - Noche(15)
Intensiva - Tarde(39)
Parcial - Indiferente(2.516)
Parcial - Mañana(170)
Parcial - Noche(93)
Parcial - Tarde(98)
Sin especificar(6.079)
Tipo de contrato:
A tiempo parcial(160)
De duración determinada(2.832)
De relevo(9)
Fijo discontinuo(479)
Otros contratos(5.897)
Sin especificar(3.989)
Ver ofertas empleo

Ofertas de empleo de iot

74 ofertas de trabajo de iot

Administrador/a de sistemas / Gestión proyectos

En BETWEEN apostamos por el mejor talento dentro del sector tecnológico. Nos involucramos en una gran variedad de proyectos punteros, trabajando con las últimas tecnologías. Actualmente en BETWEEN contamos con un equipo de más de 800 personas.

Trabajamos en ámbitos como BI, IoT, Big Data e I+D. En el área de Operaciones implantamos proyectos de Service Desk, Infraestructuras IT y proyectos Cloud, entre otros.

Actualmente seleccionamos un/a administrador/a de sistemas que quiera hacer el salto a Project Manager, para incorporarse de forma indefinida en uno de los equipos que Between tiene implantados en uno de nuestros principales clientes.

¿Qué haré? Estas serán tus funciones principales:

  • Colaborarás en la planificación y ejecución de proyectos de tecnología dentro del área de Sistemas de la empresa.
  • Coordinarás y te comunicarás eficientemente con equipos técnicos y no técnicos para asegurar el cumplimiento de objetivos.
  • Realizarás un seguimiento continuo del progreso del proyecto, identificando y abordando posibles desafíos.
  • Gestionarás eficazmente los riesgos del proyecto y desarrollarás estrategias de mitigación.
  • Participarás en la elaboración de informes de estado y te comunicarás de manera efectiva con las partes interesadas.

Si eres BETWEENER obtendrás estos beneficios:

  • Seguro médico con Sanitas.
  • Dispondrás de oportunidades de formación y desarrollo profesional: Idiomas, cursos en Udemy, Certificaciones, Programa The Power Business School y Bootcamps especializados (Agile, DevOps, IA & Big Data, Ciberseguridad, etc.).
  • Contarás con un equipo de Talento que te acompañará durante toda tu experiencia con nosotros. ¡Haremos un café una vez al mes! Así, mantendremos el contacto.
  • Pondremos a tu disposición un amplio abanico de retos y proyectos acordes con tus objetivos personales y profesionales.
  • Posibilidad de elegir cómo obtener parte de tu salario gracias a las ventajas fiscales de nuestra Retribución Flexible (Ticket restaurant, Ticket transporte, Ticket guardería).
  • Descuentos para acceder a centros de Fitness con Gympass.
  • Acceso a nuestro Club de Descuentos: Inspiring Benefits.
  • En BETWEEN nos gusta mucho hacer networking, por lo que te invitaremos a participar en todos estos eventos ¡y más!: las BETWEEN Nights, torneos deportivos, Black Mamba Race, viernes de vermut, juegos de mesa, etc.
  • Podrás disfrutar de nuestras fantásticas oficinas del 22@ las cuales disponen de Rooftop, tirador de cerveza, mesa de ping-pong y futbolín.
  • Programa de recomendación remunerado de Talento.
  • En BETWEEN, la igualdad de oportunidades es uno de nuestros valores. Nuestro compromiso es contratar al mejor talento independientemente de su raza, religión, sexo, edad y personas con otras capacidades y promover su desarrollo profesional y personal.
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
27.000€ - 33.000€ bruto/año
Especialistas en Ciberseguridad
RDT Ingenieros ofrece interesante proyecto de larga duración donde elaboramos la plataforma de seguridad (framework security) para compañía con diferentes productos IoTs. Es un reto para nuestro equipo de Cybersecurity y buscamos ampliarlo con las funciones a desarrollar detalladas más abajo. Funciones de proyecto: * Desarrollar herramienta que integre la normativa y requisitos de ciberseguridad (NIS-2, CRA) y ofrecer directrices claras a los equipos de desarrollo de producto. * Implementar los requisitos de seguridad de alto nivel a especificaciones de bajo nivel, para su aplicabilidad en el diseño y arquitectura de productos. * Elaborar documentos técnicos detallados, blueprints y white papers, que contengan patrones de arquitectura, esquemas y directrices tecnológicas. Estos documentos servirán como guía para la implementación de requisitos de seguridad en productos tanto de hardware como de software. * Implementar política VD, asegurando la definición de riesgos de los productos según los estándares de seguridad establecidos. * Diseñar y desarrollar un servicio de modelado (threat modelling) de amenazas cruzadas que permita identificar y mitigar riesgos de seguridad de manera eficiente. ¿Qué te ofrecemos? * Un proyecto proyecto desafiante y de continuo aprendizaje donde aportarás tu conocimiento mano a mano junto dentro del equipo de Cybersecurity. * Contrato indefinido desde el primer día, formación específica y acompañamiento durante tu On Boarding del proyecto. * Salario adaptado al mercado y a la valía del candidato. * Horario flexible de lunes a viernes en modo remoto o híbrido según tu rol en el proyecto (como mínimo 2 días de teletrabajo). * Retribución flexible donde se podrán adquirir servicios como:Seguro médico ticket guardería, GYMPASS a tu disposición, entre otros. * Campus RDT con formación todo el año * Cursos de idiomas
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar
Delivery Manager Técnico

En BETWEEN apostamos por el mejor talento dentro del sector tecnológico. Nos involucramos en una gran variedad de proyectos punteros, trabajando con las últimas tecnologías. Actualmente, en BETWEEN contamos con un equipo de más de 800 personas.

Trabajamos en ámbitos como BI, IoT, Big Data e I+D. En el área de Operaciones implantamos proyectos de Service Desk, Infraestructuras IT y proyectos Cloud, entre otros.

Actualmente, seleccionamos un/a Tech Lead / Delivery Manager para incorporarse de forma indefinida en uno de los equipos que Between tiene implantados en uno de nuestros principales clientes.

La persona seleccionada se encargará de liderar uno de los squads de desarrollo, dentro de un proyecto rebranding de la plataforma principal en una empresa del sector farmacéutico.

¿Qué haré?

  • Acompañarás a equipos asegurando la entrega de valor y la productividad de los mismos.
  • Harás challenge al equipo y dando el soporte técnico que necesiten.
  • Te encargarás de coordinar y estructurar eficientemente el trabajo del equipo (Capacidad para lograr el alineamiento de diferentes roadmaps de producto, integración de equipos y sincronización de sus procesos, sesiones y actividades, etc.).
  • Abordarás eficazmente problemas y riesgos relacionados con el delivery y la entrega del equipo, y gestionarás las releases.
  • Proporcionarás soluciones técnicas transversales, aplicables a otros squads.

¿Cómo lo haré?

  • Seguirás una metodología de trabajo ágil.
  • Tendrás el soporte de los líderes técnicos de otros equipos (infraestructura, otros squads de producto, etc.).
  • Trabajarás en un modelo híbrido, con 2-3 días de trabajo presencial en las oficinas.

Si eres BETWEENER obtendrás estos beneficios:

  • Seguro médico con Sanitas.
  • Dispondrás de oportunidades de formación y desarrollo profesional: Idiomas, cursos en Udemy, Certificaciones, Programa The Power Business School y Bootcamps especializados (Agile, DevOps, IA & Big Data, Ciberseguridad, etc.).
  • Contarás con un equipo de Talento que te acompañará durante toda tu experiencia con nosotros. ¡Haremos un café una vez al mes! Así, mantendremos el contacto.
  • Pondremos a tu disposición un amplio abanico de retos y proyectos acordes con tus objetivos personales y profesionales.
  • Posibilidad de elegir cómo obtener parte de tu salario gracias a las ventajas fiscales de nuestra Retribución Flexible (Ticket restaurant, Ticket transporte, Ticket guardería).
  • Descuentos para acceder a centros de Fitness con Gympass.
  • Acceso a nuestro Club de Descuentos: Inspiring Benefits.
  • En BETWEEN nos gusta mucho hacer networking, por lo que te invitaremos a participar en todos estos eventos ¡y más!: las BETWEEN Nights, torneos deportivos, Black Mamba Race, viernes de vermut, juegos de mesa, etc.
  • Podrás disfrutar de nuestras fantásticas oficinas del 22@ las cuales disponen de Rooftop, tirador de cerveza, mesa de ping-pong y futbolín.
  • Programa de recomendación remunerado de Talento.
  • En BETWEEN, la igualdad de oportunidades es uno de nuestros valores. Nuestro compromiso es contratar al mejor talento independientemente de su raza, religión, sexo, edad y personas con otras capacidades y promover su desarrollo profesional y personal.
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
44.000€ - 54.000€ bruto/año

En BETWEEN apostamos por el mejor talento dentro del sector tecnológico. Nos involucramos en una gran variedad de proyectos punteros, trabajando con las últimas tecnologías. Actualmente, en BETWEEN contamos con un equipo de más de 800 personas.

Trabajamos en ámbitos como BI, IoT, Big Data e I+D. En el área de Operaciones implantamos proyectos de Service Desk, Infraestructuras IT y proyectos Cloud, entre otros.

Actualmente, seleccionamos un/a Desarrollador/a Java para incorporarse de forma indefinida en uno de los equipos que Between tiene implantados en uno de nuestros principales clientes.

La persona seleccionada se encargará de desarrollos desde cero y evolutivos, participando en la estrategia DEVOPS.

¿Qué haré? Estas serán tus funciones principales:

  • Trabajarás bajo una metodología Agile.
  • Formarás parte de un equipo altamente especializado.
  • Trabajarás con arquitecturas de Microservicios, Clean y Hexagonales
  • Usarás plataforma AWS.
  • Trabajarás con herramientas de integración continua.
  • Llevarás a cabo las siguientes prácticas de desarrollo: TDD, Code review, pair programming, Mob programing, extreme programming.

¿Qué esperamos de ti?

  • Que seas una persona a la que le gusta estar continuamente actualizada.
  • Tener experiencia en entornos de alta disponibilidad aplicando patrones de resiliencia.
  • Gusto por las buenas prácticas.
  • Sentirse cómodo/a trabajando en equipo, ayudando a lxs compañerxs y tomarse las críticas de manera constructiva.

Beneficios que tendrás en tu lugar de trabajo:

  • Buen ambiente de trabajo.
  • Modalidad hibrida (4 días en remoto, 1 en oficina).
  • Flexibilidad horaria.

Si eres BETWEENER obtendrás estos beneficios:

  • Seguro médico con Sanitas.
  • Dispondrás de oportunidades de formación y desarrollo profesional: Idiomas, cursos en Udemy, Certificaciones, Programa The Power Business School y Bootcamps especializados (Agile, DevOps, IA & Big Data, Ciberseguridad, etc.).
  • Contarás con un equipo de Talento que te acompañará durante toda tu experiencia con nosotros. ¡Haremos un café una vez al mes! Así, mantendremos el contacto.
  • Pondremos a tu disposición un amplio abanico de retos y proyectos acordes con tus objetivos personales y profesionales.
  • Posibilidad de elegir cómo obtener parte de tu salario gracias a las ventajas fiscales de nuestra Retribución Flexible (Ticket restaurant, Ticket transporte, Ticket guardería).
  • Descuentos para acceder a centros de Fitness con Gympass.
  • Acceso a nuestro Club de Descuentos: Inspiring Benefits.
  • En BETWEEN nos gusta mucho hacer networking, por lo que te invitaremos a participar en todos estos eventos ¡y más!: las BETWEEN Nights, torneos deportivos, Black Mamba Race, viernes de vermut, juegos de mesa, etc.
  • Podrás disfrutar de nuestras fantásticas oficinas del 22@ las cuales disponen de Rooftop, tirador de cerveza, mesa de ping-pong y futbolín.
  • Programa de recomendación remunerado de Talento.
  • En BETWEEN, la igualdad de oportunidades es uno de nuestros valores. Nuestro compromiso es contratar al mejor talento independientemente de su raza, religión, sexo, edad y personas con otras capacidades y promover su desarrollo profesional y personal.
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
27.000€ - 42.000€ bruto/año
JAVA Developer (Sr) Arq. Hexagonal / MongoDB (*P)

¿Qué hacemos en BETWEEN?

Somos una consultora de Ingeniería y Tecnología, y nos especializamos en encontrar los mejores proyectos para nuestra gente . Estamos involucrados en gran variedad de proyectos punteros, donde trabajamos con las últimas tecnologías y, para ello, contamos con un equipo de más de 800 talentosas personas, trabajando en el ámbito de BI, IoT, Big Data, I+D, desarrollo de software, entre otros.

Actualmente nos encontramos en la búsqueda de un/a JAVA DEVELOPER para incorporar, de forma indefinida y 100% remota, en el equipo de uno de nuestros principales clientes.

¿Cuál será tu objetivo?

Ser responsable de la definición, desarrollo y despliegue de un componente o producto, garantizando la calidad de la entrega.

¿Cómo lo harás?

  • Colaborando con la definición técnica de las iniciativas trasladadas por el Product Owner (pueden ser Apis, funcionalidades, o deuda tecnica), tomando en consideración el enfoque TDD.
  • Generando el contrato con los Front End (en los casos que aplica)
  • Participando en el refinamiento de las tareas que se incluirán en el sprint, definiendo historias de usuario que se dividirán en tareas lo más pequeñas posible, con determinados criterios de aceptación.
  • Detectaras posibles riesgos o impedimentos, preferiblemente antes de iniciar la fase de desarrollo, pero en general durante todo el sprint, comunicándolos de forma oportuna para que el Producto Owner y el Engineering Manager puedan atenderlos.
  • Monitorizaras el rendimiento para prever, diagnosticar y resolver cualquier problema que surja en ese respecto.
  • Testear tus puntos de historia, de forma continua, para no generar cuellos de botella.
  • Realizar la integración y despliegues continuos.
  • Realizar guardias pasivas (rotativas) para atender posibles incidencias en producción.
  • Además, es ideal que puedas aportar ideas de forma continua para mejorar el producto y los procesos.

¿Con qué stack tecnológico trabajaras?

JAVA 11,17 y 21, SpringBoot, Junit, Mockito, Spring Webflux, Spring Cloud, Spring Data, MongoDB, Couchbase, DB2, APIs Rest, Swagger, Open API, API Gateway, GRPC, Protobuf, KafkaJMS, RXJava, Kafka, JMS, OpenShift, Docker, Grafana, Zipkin, Rabbit, AsyncAPI, RAML, Cypress, Postman, Selenium, Azure o AWS

Además, trabajaras con Arquitectura Hexagonal, Comunicaciones Asincronas (también Sincronas), y realizaras distinto casos de testing utilizando gran variedad de herramientas.

¿Qué ofrecemos?:

  • Contratación Indefinida
  • Horario Flexible: de lunes a jueves entrada de 8:30 a 9:30 y salida de 18:00 a 19:00
  • 23 días de vacaciones

Además, sí te unes a nuestro equipo, podrás disfrutar de excelentes beneficios ?:

  • Ser parte de un equipo joven en una comunidad techie.
  • Desarrollar tu carrera en proyectos acordes a tus objetivos e intereses profesionales.
  • Planes de formación personalizados con nuestra BTW University (Idiomas con Speexx, The Power Business School, Udemy, Certificaciones técnicas, Bootcamps etc).
  • Seguro médico gratuito desde el primer día
  • Destinar parte de tu salario a retribución flexible (tickets restaurante, guardería y tarjeta transporte).
  • Acceso a variedad de descuentos (Viajes, tecnología... y muchos más).
  • Precios reducidos en bienestar, fitness y nutrición con Gympass.
  • ¡Cumplir años como Betweener tiene premio!
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
36.000€ - 48.000€ bruto/año
FullStack Developer Java - Angular

En BETWEEN apostamos por el mejor talento dentro del sector tecnológico. Nos involucramos en una gran variedad de proyectos punteros, trabajando con las últimas tecnologías. Actualmente, en BETWEEN contamos con un equipo de más de 800 personas.

Trabajamos en ámbitos como BI, IoT, Big Data e I+D. En el área de Operaciones implantamos proyectos de Service Desk, Infraestructuras IT y proyectos Cloud, entre otros.

Actualmente, seleccionamos un Programador/a con experiencia en Java/Angular para incorporarse de forma indefinida en uno de los equipos que Between tiene implantados en uno de nuestros principales clientes.

La persona seleccionada colaborará en la definición, análisis funcional y desarrollo de varios proyectos clave dentro del Departamento de IT y con una clara proyección internacional.

¿Qué haré? Estas serán tus funciones principales:

  • Harás el análisis, diseño y programación de nuevas funcionalidades de los proyectos actualmente en marcha.
  • Colaborarás en el análisis y diseño de nuevos proyectos.
  • Harás mantenimientos correctivos y evolutivos de los proyectos ya existentes.

Si eres BETWEENER obtendrás estos beneficios:

  • Seguro médico con Sanitas.
  • Dispondrás de oportunidades de formación y desarrollo profesional: Idiomas, cursos en Udemy, Certificaciones, Programa The Power Business School y Bootcamps especializados (Agile, DevOps, IA & Big Data, Ciberseguridad, etc.).
  • Contarás con un equipo de Talento que te acompañará durante toda tu experiencia con nosotros. ¡Haremos un café una vez al mes! Así, mantendremos el contacto.
  • Pondremos a tu disposición un amplio abanico de retos y proyectos acordes con tus objetivos personales y profesionales.
  • Posibilidad de elegir cómo obtener parte de tu salario gracias a las ventajas fiscales de nuestra Retribución Flexible (Ticket restaurant, Ticket transporte, Ticket guardería).
  • Descuentos para acceder a centros de Fitness con Gympass.
  • Acceso a nuestro Club de Descuentos: Inspiring Benefits.
  • En BETWEEN nos gusta mucho hacer networking, por lo que te invitaremos a participar en todos estos eventos ¡y más!: las BETWEEN Nights, torneos deportivos, Black Mamba Race, viernes de vermut, juegos de mesa, etc.
  • Podrás disfrutar de nuestras fantásticas oficinas del 22@ las cuales disponen de Rooftop, tirador de cerveza, mesa de ping-pong y futbolín.
  • Programa de recomendación remunerado de Talento.
  • En BETWEEN, la igualdad de oportunidades es uno de nuestros valores. Nuestro compromiso es contratar al mejor talento independientemente de su raza, religión, sexo, edad y personas con otras capacidades y promover su desarrollo profesional y personal.
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
36.000€ - 44.000€ bruto/año
Job Summary:We are looking for a smart building IoT expert to join our team and help us design, implement, and optimize smart building solutions that leverage the Internet of Things (IoT) and cloud technology. You will be responsible for developing and managing IoT devices, sensors, gateways, platforms, and applications that enable various use cases for energy efficiency and environmental, social, and governance (ESG) reporting. You will also collaborate with internal and external stakeholders to ensure the alignment of smart building strategies with business objectives and sustainability goals.Job Responsibilities:Research, evaluate, and recommend IoT technologies and solutions for smart building applications, such as climate control, lighting, security, ventilation, heating, air-conditioning, power, and water management.Design, develop, test, and deploy IoT devices, sensors, gateways, platforms, and applications that integrate with existing building management systems (BMS) and infrastructure.Monitor, analyze, and optimize the performance, reliability, security, and scalability of smart building IoT systems and networks.Troubleshoot and resolve technical issues and provide technical support and guidance to end-users and clients.Generate and maintain documentation, reports, and dashboards on smart building IoT projects, processes, and outcomes.Ensure compliance with relevant standards, regulations, and best practices for smart building IoT solutions, such as GRI, EU Taxonomy, CSRD, and ESRS.Stay updated on the latest trends, developments, and innovations in smart building IoT and related fields, such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, big data, and blockchain.Technical Skills:Bachelor's degree or higher in computer science, engineering, or a related field.Minimum of 3 years of proven experience in smart building IoT or similar projects, preferably in the energy, construction, or real estate sectors.Proficiency in IoT technologies and protocols, such as MQTT, CoAP, LoRaWAN, Zigbee, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, etc.Familiarity with IoT platforms and cloud services, such as AWS IoT, Azure IoT, Google Cloud IoT, SAP IoT, etc.Skills in IoT programming languages and frameworks, such as Python, Java, C#, Node.js, Arduino, etc.Knowledgeable in smart building IoT use cases, benefits, challenges, and best practices.Awareness of smart building IoT standards, regulations, and reporting frameworks, such as GRI, EU Taxonomy, CSRD, and ESRS.Location: Madrid (hybrid mode)Client office is located in Madrid (area of the four towers).Languages: English (C1) and Spanish.
Jornada sin especificar
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar

En BETWEEN apostamos por el mejor talento dentro del sector tecnológico. Nos involucramos en una gran variedad de proyectos punteros, trabajando con las últimas tecnologías. Actualmente en BETWEEN contamos con un equipo de más de 800 personas.

Trabajamos en ámbitos como BI, IoT, Big Data e I+D. En el área de Operaciones implantamos proyectos de Service Desk, Infraestructuras IT y proyectos Cloud, entre otros.

Actualmente seleccionamos un/a Desarrollador/a ASP.Net para incorporarse de forma indefinida en uno de los equipos que Between tiene implantados en uno de nuestros principales clientes.

La persona seleccionada será la responsable de mantener y optimizar el software interno de la empresa, que ha sido desarrollado con tecnologías cliente/servidor. Deberá trabajar con lenguajes como ASP.NET, PHP, SQL para bases de datos, Web Services, así como scripts web, HTML5 y otros entornos de desarrollo.

¿Qué haré? Estas serán tus funciones principales:

  • Desarrollo y mantenimiento de servicios web, scripts y entornos de desarrollo.
  • Soporte técnico para las herramientas existentes.
  • Administración de bases de datos y su relación con los sistemas.
  • Instalación de aplicaciones en servidores.

¿Con qué objetivo? Finalidad del proyecto:

  • La empresa está transitando hacia nuevas soluciones tecnológicas, incluyendo la implementación de herramientas externas como Dynamics y O365. Se espera que el/la desarrollador/a participe en proyectos de expansión hacia tecnologías emergentes, como web services, con un enfoque en la integración de sistemas y la mejora de la eficiencia operativa.

  • El/la candidato/a seleccionado/a jugará un papel crucial en la evolución y la modernización de las herramientas y sistemas de la empresa, contribuyendo al éxito a largo plazo y a la competitividad en el mercado.

¿Cómo lo haré? Tendrás a tu alcance:

  • Híbrido 2 días de teletrabajo y 3 oficinas
  • Oficinas en Sant Cugat.
  • Horario flexibe de entrada y salida (para la comida mínimo 45').
  • Jornada reducida los viernes.

Si eres BETWEENER obtendrás estos beneficios:

  • Seguro médico con Sanitas.
  • Dispondrás de oportunidades de formación y desarrollo profesional: Idiomas, cursos en Udemy, Certificaciones, Programa The Power Business School y Bootcamps especializados (Agile, DevOps, IA & Big Data, Ciberseguridad, etc.).
  • Contarás con un equipo de Talento que te acompañará durante toda tu experiencia con nosotros. ¡Haremos un café una vez al mes! Así, mantendremos el contacto.
  • Pondremos a tu disposición un amplio abanico de retos y proyectos acordes con tus objetivos personales y profesionales.
  • Posibilidad de elegir cómo obtener parte de tu salario gracias a las ventajas fiscales de nuestra Retribución Flexible (Ticket restaurant, Ticket transporte, Ticket guardería).
  • Descuentos para acceder a centros de Fitness con Gympass.
  • Acceso a nuestro Club de Descuentos: Inspiring Benefits.
  • En BETWEEN nos gusta mucho hacer networking, por lo que te invitaremos a participar en todos estos eventos ¡y más!: las BETWEEN Nights, torneos deportivos, Black Mamba Race, viernes de vermut, juegos de mesa, etc.
  • Podrás disfrutar de nuestras fantásticas oficinas del 22@ las cuales disponen de Rooftop, tirador de cerveza, mesa de ping-pong y futbolín.
  • Programa de recomendación remunerado de Talento.
  • En BETWEEN, la igualdad de oportunidades es uno de nuestros valores. Nuestro compromiso es contratar al mejor talento independientemente de su raza, religión, sexo, edad y personas con otras capacidades y promover su desarrollo profesional y personal.
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
30.000€ - 42.000€ bruto/año
Project Manager Junior (Sistemas, Redes)

En BETWEEN apostamos por el mejor talento dentro del sector tecnológico. Nos involucramos en una gran variedad de proyectos punteros, trabajando con las últimas tecnologías. Actualmente en BETWEEN contamos con un equipo de más de 800 personas.

Trabajamos en ámbitos como BI, IoT, Big Data e I+D. En el área de Operaciones implantamos proyectos de Service Desk, Infraestructuras IT y proyectos Cloud, entre otros.

Actualmente seleccionamos un Project Manager Junior Sistemas e Infraestructura para incorporarse de forma indefinida en uno de los equipos que Between tiene implantados en uno de nuestros principales clientes.

¿Qué haré? Estas serán tus funciones principales:

- Colaboraras en la planificación y ejecución de proyectos de tecnología dentro del área de Sistemas de la empresa

- Coordinaras y comunicarse eficientemente con equipos técnicos y no técnicos para asegurar el cumplimiento de objetivos.

- Realizaras un seguimiento continuo del progreso del proyecto, identificando y abordando posibles desafíos.

- Gestionaras eficazmente los riesgos del proyecto y desarrollar estrategias de mitigación.

- Participaras en la elaboración de informes de estado y comunicar de manera efectiva con las partes interesadas.

Si eres BETWEENER obtendrás estos beneficios:

  • Seguro médico con Sanitas.
  • Dispondrás de oportunidades de formación y desarrollo profesional: Idiomas, cursos en Udemy, Certificaciones, Programa The Power Business School y Bootcamps especializados (Agile, DevOps, IA & Big Data, Ciberseguridad, etc.).
  • Contarás con un equipo de Talento que te acompañará durante toda tu experiencia con nosotros. ¡Haremos un café una vez al mes! Así, mantendremos el contacto.
  • Pondremos a tu disposición un amplio abanico de retos y proyectos acordes con tus objetivos personales y profesionales.
  • Posibilidad de elegir cómo obtener parte de tu salario gracias a las ventajas fiscales de nuestra Retribución Flexible (Ticket restaurant, Ticket transporte, Ticket guardería).
  • Descuentos para acceder a centros de Fitness con Gympass.
  • Acceso a nuestro Club de Descuentos: Inspiring Benefits.
  • En BETWEEN nos gusta mucho hacer networking, por lo que te invitaremos a participar en todos estos eventos ¡y más!: las BETWEEN Nights, torneos deportivos, Black Mamba Race, viernes de vermut, juegos de mesa, etc.
  • Podrás disfrutar de nuestras fantásticas oficinas del 22@ las cuales disponen de Rooftop, tirador de cerveza, mesa de ping-pong y futbolín.
  • Programa de recomendación remunerado de Talento.
  • En BETWEEN, la igualdad de oportunidades es uno de nuestros valores. Nuestro compromiso es contratar al mejor talento independientemente de su raza, religión, sexo, edad y personas con otras capacidades y promover su desarrollo profesional y personal.
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
27.000€ - 39.000€ bruto/año

Desde Marlex, estamos colaborando con una ingeniería en telecomunicaciones, ubicados en el Prat de Llobregat, que tienen la necesidad de ampliar el equipo de I+D+I.

¿Cuál será tu misión en la empresa?

  • Desarrollar hardware con conectividad Inalámbrica (LoRA, NB-IoT).
  • Desarrollar firmware para sistemas de control.
  • Identificación y propuesta de mejora de los productos existentes
  • Se responsabilizará de desarrollar hardware, firmware y softwares para los proyectos en desarrollo de la empresa, supervisando el correcto funcionamiento y asesorar técnicamente en cualquier mejora con sistemas de comunicaciones al Director de Proyectos

¿Qué ofrece la empresa?

  • Pertenecer a una empresa consolidada en su sector.
  • Contrato directo por empresa.
  • Horario de oficina.
  • Salario en función de la experiencia del candidato.
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar
Machine Learning Engineer

En BETWEEN apostamos por el mejor talento dentro del sector tecnológico. Nos involucramos en una gran variedad de proyectos punteros, trabajando con las últimas tecnologías. Actualmente en BETWEEN contamos con un equipo de más de 800 personas.

Trabajamos en ámbitos como BI, IoT, Big Data e I+D. En el área de Operaciones implantamos proyectos de Service Desk, Infraestructuras IT y proyectos Cloud, entre otros.

Actualmente seleccionamos un Machine Learning Engineer para incorporarse de forma indefinida en uno de los equipos que Between tiene implantados en uno de nuestros principales clientes.

La persona seleccionada formara parte del equipo que trabaja en la investigación definición, experimentación, prototipado y puesta en producción de soluciones innovadoras basadas en algoritmos generativos de última generación.

¿Qué haré? Estas serán tus funciones principales:

  • Trabajarás con modelos de Deep Learning complejos como los Large Language Models (LLM) para abordar múltiples casos de uso.
  • Definirás y llevarás a cabo experimentos para realizar el entrenamiento o fine tuning de estos modelos de acuerdo con las necesidades de cada caso de uso.
  • Trabajarás con una gran variedad de datos (estructurados y no estructurados), definiendo las fuentes de datos relevantes y preparando el set de datos necesario para entrenar los modelos de Deep Learning.
  • Implementarás el prototipo de soluciones con algoritmos de Deep Learning para validar la viabilidad técnica y la calidad de los resultados con los equipos de negocio.
  • Evaluaras modelos de diferentes tipos para evaluar la calidad de las soluciones y su posible utilidad.

Si eres BETWEENER obtendrás estos beneficios:

  • Seguro médico con Sanitas.
  • Dispondrás de oportunidades de formación y desarrollo profesional: Idiomas, cursos en Udemy, Certificaciones, Programa The Power Business School y Bootcamps especializados (Agile, DevOps, IA & Big Data, Ciberseguridad, etc.).
  • Contarás con un equipo de Talento que te acompañará durante toda tu experiencia con nosotros. ¡Haremos un café una vez al mes! Así, mantendremos el contacto.
  • Pondremos a tu disposición un amplio abanico de retos y proyectos acordes con tus objetivos personales y profesionales.
  • Posibilidad de elegir cómo obtener parte de tu salario gracias a las ventajas fiscales de nuestra Retribución Flexible (Ticket restaurant, Ticket transporte, Ticket guardería).
  • Descuentos para acceder a centros de Fitness con Gympass.
  • Acceso a nuestro Club de Descuentos: Inspiring Benefits.
  • En BETWEEN nos gusta mucho hacer networking, por lo que te invitaremos a participar en todos estos eventos ¡y más!: las BETWEEN Nights, torneos deportivos, Black Mamba Race, viernes de vermut, juegos de mesa, etc.
  • Podrás disfrutar de nuestras fantásticas oficinas del 22@ las cuales disponen de Rooftop, tirador de cerveza, mesa de ping-pong y futbolín.
  • Programa de recomendación remunerado de Talento.
  • En BETWEEN, la igualdad de oportunidades es uno de nuestros valores. Nuestro compromiso es contratar al mejor talento independientemente de su raza, religión, sexo, edad y personas con otras capacidades y promover su desarrollo profesional y personal.
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
36.000€ - 44.000€ bruto/año
Data Engineer con Looker

En BETWEEN apostamos por el mejor talento dentro del sector tecnológico. Nos involucramos en una gran variedad de proyectos punteros, trabajando con las últimas tecnologías. Actualmente en BETWEEN contamos con un equipo de más de 800 personas.

Trabajamos en ámbitos como BI, IoT, Big Data e I+D. En el área de Operaciones implantamos proyectos de Service Desk, Infraestructuras IT y proyectos Cloud, entre otros.

Actualmente seleccionamos un Data Engineer con experiencia en Looker para incorporarse de forma indefinida en uno de los equipos que Between tiene implantados en uno de nuestros principales clientes.

¿Qué haré? Estas serán tus funciones principales:

  • Colaborar con analistas de negocios para comprender y definir los requisitos de datos.
  • Diseñar e implementar modelos de datos para respaldar las necesidades comerciales.
  • Crear y mantener LookML y paneles utilizando Looker.
  • Garantizar la precisión e integridad de los datos en paneles e informes.
  • Mejorar continuamente los procesos de informes y análisis en curso, automatizando o simplificando el soporte de autoservicio para los clientes.

Si eres BETWEENER obtendrás estos beneficios:

  • Seguro médico con Sanitas.
  • Dispondrás de oportunidades de formación y desarrollo profesional: Idiomas, cursos en Udemy, Certificaciones, Programa The Power Business School y Bootcamps especializados (Agile, DevOps, IA & Big Data, Ciberseguridad, etc.).
  • Contarás con un equipo de Talento que te acompañará durante toda tu experiencia con nosotros. ¡Haremos un café una vez al mes! Así, mantendremos el contacto.
  • Pondremos a tu disposición un amplio abanico de retos y proyectos acordes con tus objetivos personales y profesionales.
  • Posibilidad de elegir cómo obtener parte de tu salario gracias a las ventajas fiscales de nuestra Retribución Flexible (Ticket restaurant, Ticket transporte, Ticket guardería).
  • Descuentos para acceder a centros de Fitness con Gympass.
  • Acceso a nuestro Club de Descuentos: Inspiring Benefits.
  • En BETWEEN nos gusta mucho hacer networking, por lo que te invitaremos a participar en todos estos eventos ¡y más!: las BETWEEN Nights, torneos deportivos, Black Mamba Race, viernes de vermut, juegos de mesa, etc.
  • Podrás disfrutar de nuestras fantásticas oficinas del 22@ las cuales disponen de Rooftop, tirador de cerveza, mesa de ping-pong y futbolín.
  • Programa de recomendación remunerado de Talento.
  • En BETWEEN, la igualdad de oportunidades es uno de nuestros valores. Nuestro compromiso es contratar al mejor talento independientemente de su raza, religión, sexo, edad y personas con otras capacidades y promover su desarrollo profesional y personal.
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
30.000€ - 44.000€ bruto/año
Distributed Data Architectures researcher

I2cat Foundation is looking for a Researcher to join our Artificial Intelligence area.

The successful candidate will work within the Disitrbuted Data Architectures team on projects related to Data Spaces, a set of reference architectures and standards that define decentralized architectures to securely share datasets between different organizations. Examples of topics that the team currently works on include:

  • Implementation of Data Space solutions with a wide variety of partners from the public and private sectors from the mobility, industry and health sectors.
  • Integration of big data and stream processing techniques to improve existing Data Space solutions in processing large and / or real-time datasets that are currently not supported.
  • Integration of data usage policy definition and enforcement tools into Data Space solutions. This will allow our solutions to offer automatic enforecement of data usage policies defined by data providers and guarantee that consumers adher to these policies.
  • Integration of data protection and Privacy-Enhacing Technologies (PETs) into data spaces. Examples of these technologies include data anonymization, data encryption, differential privacy, etc. The technologies will provide another layer of protection by allowing data providers to process their datasets before sharing them.
  • Participate in the definition of reference architectures and standards at the European level. This will allow us to increase the visibility of the team at the European level and influence the direction of Data Space standards based on our experience.

Candidates are not expected to take part in all of these activities. Based on the profile of the successfull candidate and their interests, they will be integrated into the team and start working on one of the mentioned topics.

Responsabilities of the successful candidate:

  • Participate in the design of innovative data sharing solutions based on state-of-the-art reference architectures and tools
  • Indepdently develop R&D solutions using a variety of tools and programming languages (Java, Python, Kafka, Spark)
  • Analyze and relay technical requirements and results of the developed R&D solutions to the team lead and other team members
  • Participate in the writing and editing of deliverables associated with the projects
  • Participate in the writing of new R&D funding proposals

Who we are:

The i2CAT Foundation is a non-profit research and innovation center that promotes mission-driven R&D activities on advanced Internet architectures, applications, and services. More than 15 years of international research define our expertise in the fields of 5G, IoT, VR, and Immersive Technologies, Cybersecurity, Blockchain, AI, and Digital Social Innovation. The center partners with companies, public administration, academia, and end-users to leverage this knowledge in order to meet real social and business challenges.

The greatest value of i2CAT is the talent of the people who make up our human team. We enjoy a team of people from more than 13 different nationalities and work every day to create and foster a work environment where we all feel comfortable creating, innovating and growing.

Want to know more? Visit our webpage! www.i2cat.net

What will you enjoy?

  • Work from our offices or from home, whichever works best for you. We only ask for one day in person at the office to coordinate with the rest of the team.
  • This is a full-time vacancy.
  • We have a flexible work schedule respecting your work-life balance.
  • Reduced working hours on Fridays and in July and August.
  • Fix + variable salary based on objectives.
  • You decide wether you preferr to receive your salary in 12 or 14 payments.
  • Optional benefits: Configure your salary according to your needs. We offer you the option of restaurant vouchers, public transport vouchers, nursery services, and medical insurance.
  • Annual leave of 27 working days.
  • We have fruit in the office to promote a healthy lifestyle
  • Free coffee and tea.
  • If you are interested, you can participate in events of your sector.
  • You will work with a laptop. You can choose your operative system, Mac, Linux or Windows.
  • Company social and team-building events (virtual & in-person).
  • You can develop your own and personal training programme with our support.
  • We will work so that you have a career plan to promote your growth and development.

Where will you do it?

At i2CAT we already have an established ‘work-from-home’ policy for some time. You can work from home or from the office, whichever suits you best. We expect that you attend the office one day per week to stay connected with your team and to engage with other colleagues

If you decide to come to the office, we are located in Zona Universitària, next to the Campus Nord of the UPC, within a multidisciplinary and multicultural environment. It is a very well-connected area (metro, tram, bus) with bars and restaurants around.

Our offices are designed with an open-office concept where everything is light and transparency. We have a variety of workspaces so that you don't have to be at the same table all day.

i2CAT is an organization committed to equal opportunities. That is why we seek to increase the number of women in those areas where they are underrepresented, and therefore explicitly encourage female candidates to apply.

I2CAT is an organization committed to creating an environment where we celebrate diversity, and where we provide the dedicated support that our employees need, regardless of their disability.

If what you have read sounds good to you... let’s have a coffee and we will tell you more!

In case you liked it, but it is not your job offer, you may know someone else who fits perfectly and whom you would like to recommend!

Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
30.000€ - 36.000€ bruto/año
Junior Systems Engineer - 6GEN-ORAN

Recently the i2CAT Foundation has won the 6GEN-ORAN project from the call for the UNICO R&D program, specifically from the experimental infrastructures and scientific-technical equipment sub-programme, funded by the "Ministerio de Asuntos Económicos y Transformación Digital".

i2CAT is looking for a Junior Systems Engineer to join the Research Infrastructures team within the Operations & Digital Transformation area at i2CAT, working in close cooperation with the following research areas:

  • Mobile Wireless Internet (Software Defined Wireless Networks research line)
  • AI-Driven Systems
  • Software Networks

The successful candidate will participate in the design and implementation of the 6GEN-ORAN facilities of i2CAT. 6GEN-ORAN is a key experimental infrastructure for research and development in open radio access networks and disruptive wireless technologies, including: RAN (Radio Access Network) virtualisation, Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces (RIS), AI-enabled RAN control/management applications and open RAN interoperability.

In particular, the main tasks and responsibilities of the candidate will be:

  • Deployment, commissioning, and testing of sensors and network infrastructure elements for V2X communications.
  • Implementation and testing of connected autonomous vehicles prototypes based on ROS and open-source frameworks for autonomous driving.
  • Deployment, demonstration, and performance evaluation of advanced CAM use cases on real mobility scenarios.
  • Participate in the dissemination activities of 6GEN-ORAN, contributing to the elaboration of technical papers to be submitted to conferences and journals

Funded contract by the 6GEN-ORAN project: 6G experimental infrastructure for next generation open radio access networks (TSI-064100-2023-15) funded by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation and co-financed with European funds from the Recovery Mechanism and Resilience (MRR) within the UNICO R&D 5G-6G 2023 call for aid: Program for Universalization of Digital Infrastructures for Cohesion (Research infrastructures, technical scientific equipment and R&D Projects in Advanced 5G).

Who we are:

The i2CAT Foundation is a non-profit research and innovation center that promotes mission-driven R&D activities on advanced Internet architectures, applications, and services. More than 15 years of international research define our expertise in the fields of 5G, IoT, VR, and Immersive Technologies, Cybersecurity, Blockchain, AI, and Digital Social Innovation. The center partners with companies, public administration, academia, and end-users to leverage this knowledge in order to meet real social and business challenges.

The greatest value of i2CAT is the talent of the people who make up our human team. We enjoy a team of people from more than 13 different nationalities and work every day to create and foster a work environment where we all feel comfortable creating, innovating and growing.

Want to know more? Visit our webpage! www.i2cat.net

What will you enjoy?

  • Work from our offices or from home, whichever works best for you. We only ask for one day in person at the office to coordinate with the rest of the team.
  • This is a full-time vacancy.
  • We have a flexible work schedule respecting your work-life balance.
  • Reduced working hours on Fridays and in July and August.
  • Fix + variable salary based on objectives.
  • You decide wether you preferr to receive your salary in 12 or 14 payments.
  • Optional benefits: Configure your salary according to your needs. We offer you the option of restaurant vouchers, public transport vouchers, nursery services, and medical insurance.
  • Annual leave of 27 working days.
  • We have fruit in the office to promote a healthy lifestyle
  • Free coffee and tea.
  • If you are interested, you can participate in events of your sector.
  • You will work with a laptop. You can choose your operative system, Mac, Linux or Windows.
  • Company social and team-building events (virtual & in-person).
  • You can develop your own and personal training programme with our support.
  • We will work so that you have a career plan to promote your growth and development.

Where will you do it?

At i2CAT we already have an established ‘work-from-home’ policy for some time. You can work from home or from the office, whichever suits you best. We expect that you attend the office one day per week to stay connected with your team and to engage with other colleagues

If you decide to come to the office, we are located in Zona Universitària, next to the Campus Nord of the UPC, within a multidisciplinary and multicultural environment. It is a very well-connected area (metro, tram, bus) with bars and restaurants around.

Our offices are designed with an open-office concept where everything is light and transparency. We have a variety of workspaces so that you don't have to be at the same table all day.

i2CAT is an organization committed to equal opportunities. That is why we seek to increase the number of women in those areas where they are underrepresented, and therefore explicitly encourage female candidates to apply.

I2CAT is an organization committed to creating an environment where we celebrate diversity, and where we provide the dedicated support that our employees need, regardless of their disability.

If what you have read sounds good to you... let’s have a coffee and we will tell you more!

In case you liked it, but it is not your job offer, you may know someone else who fits perfectly and whom you would like to recommend!

Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
21.000€ - 27.000€ bruto/año
Junior Systems Engineer - 6GCAMLab

Recently the i2CAT Foundation has won the 6GCAMLab project from the call for the UNICO R&D program, specifically from the experimental infrastructures and scientific-technical equipment sub-programme, funded by the "Ministerio de Asuntos Económicos y Transformación Digital".

i2CAT is looking for a Junior Systems Engineer to join the Research Infrastructures team within the Operations & Digital Transformation area at i2CAT, working in close cooperation with the following research areas:

  • Mobile Wireless Internet (Vehicular Communications research line)
  • Internet of Things
  • Distributed Artificial Intelligence

The successful candidate will participate in the design and implementation of the 6GCAMLab facilities of i2CAT. 6GCAMLab is a key experimental infrastructure for research and development in enabling technologies for future Connected and Automated Mobility (CAM), including: vehicular communications (V2X), smart sensors, accurate positioning, mobility and V2X simulators, and Cybersecurity.

In particular, the main tasks and responsibilities of the candidate will be:

  • Deployment, commissioning, and testing of sensors and network infrastructure elements for V2X communications.
  • Implementation and testing of connected autonomous vehicles prototypes based on ROS and open-source frameworks for autonomous driving.
  • Deployment, demonstration, and performance evaluation of advanced CAM use cases on real mobility scenarios.
  • Participate in the dissemination activities of 6GCAMLab, contributing to the elaboration of technical papers to be submitted to conferences and journals

Funded contract by the 6GEN-ORAN project: 6G experimental infrastructure for next generation open radio access networks (TSI-064100-2023-15) funded by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation and co-financed with European funds from the Recovery Mechanism and Resilience (MRR) within the UNICO R&D 5G-6G 2023 call for aid: Program for Universalization of Digital Infrastructures for Cohesion (Research infrastructures, technical scientific equipment and R&D Projects in Advanced 5G).

Who we are:

The i2CAT Foundation is a non-profit research and innovation center that promotes mission-driven R&D activities on advanced Internet architectures, applications, and services. More than 15 years of international research define our expertise in the fields of 5G, IoT, VR, and Immersive Technologies, Cybersecurity, Blockchain, AI, and Digital Social Innovation. The center partners with companies, public administration, academia, and end-users to leverage this knowledge in order to meet real social and business challenges.

The greatest value of i2CAT is the talent of the people who make up our human team. We enjoy a team of people from more than 13 different nationalities and work every day to create and foster a work environment where we all feel comfortable creating, innovating and growing.

Want to know more? Visit our webpage! www.i2cat.net

What will you enjoy?

  • Work from our offices or from home, whichever works best for you. We only ask for one day in person at the office to coordinate with the rest of the team.
  • This is a full-time vacancy.
  • We have a flexible work schedule respecting your work-life balance.
  • Reduced working hours on Fridays and in July and August.
  • Fix + variable salary based on objectives.
  • You decide wether you preferr to receive your salary in 12 or 14 payments.
  • Optional benefits: Configure your salary according to your needs. We offer you the option of restaurant vouchers, public transport vouchers, nursery services, and medical insurance.
  • Annual leave of 27 working days.
  • We have fruit in the office to promote a healthy lifestyle
  • Free coffee and tea.
  • If you are interested, you can participate in events of your sector.
  • You will work with a laptop. You can choose your operative system, Mac, Linux or Windows.
  • Company social and team-building events (virtual & in-person).
  • You can develop your own and personal training programme with our support.
  • We will work so that you have a career plan to promote your growth and development.

Where will you do it?

At i2CAT we already have an established ‘work-from-home’ policy for some time. You can work from home or from the office, whichever suits you best. We expect that you attend the office one day per week to stay connected with your team and to engage with other colleagues

If you decide to come to the office, we are located in Zona Universitària, next to the Campus Nord of the UPC, within a multidisciplinary and multicultural environment. It is a very well-connected area (metro, tram, bus) with bars and restaurants around.

Our offices are designed with an open-office concept where everything is light and transparency. We have a variety of workspaces so that you don't have to be at the same table all day.

i2CAT is an organization committed to equal opportunities. That is why we seek to increase the number of women in those areas where they are underrepresented, and therefore explicitly encourage female candidates to apply.

I2CAT is an organization committed to creating an environment where we celebrate diversity, and where we provide the dedicated support that our employees need, regardless of their disability.

If what you have read sounds good to you... let’s have a coffee and we will tell you more!

In case you liked it, but it is not your job offer, you may know someone else who fits perfectly and whom you would like to recommend!

Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
21.000€ - 27.000€ bruto/año
Researcher in IoT Ambient Intelligence and enhanced positioning

The IoT Research Area of the i2CAT Foundation is looking for a Researcher to work in IoT Ambient Intelligence and enhaced positioning topics.

The suceessfull candidate will join the IoT group to work in the implementation and development of IoT solutions and prototypes and their evaluation in real environments. The job will offer the possibility to investigate and work in emergent IoT technologies and solutions from a very applied perspective. Concretely, the candidate will collaborate with the group in current projects working in some of the following fields:

    • Development of the future IoT smart environments and sensing solutions capable to exploit intelligence in constrained IoT devices, adapt to the needs of the scenario and improve the overall interaction with the end user.
    • Enhancement of indoor precise tracking and positioning solutions developed by the group and based on sensor fusion, RF and Visual Light Communications.
    • Proposal and development of strategies for cooperative and distributed IoT networks

The main tasks performed by the candidate will be:

  • Development and implementation of SW/FW IoT prototypes
  • Deployment of experimental testbeds to validate the prototypes in controlled and real conditions.
  • Development of tools and scripts to evaluate and monitor the solutions
  • Research in protocols, mechanisms, algorithms and emergent applications/solutions for IoT.
  • Writing of technical documentation and project deliverables
  • Collaboration with other researchers and engineers involved in the project.

The candidate person is expected to have capability to work autonomously and a proven experience in IoT technologies and protocols.

Who we are:

The i2CAT Foundation is a non-profit research and innovation center that promotes mission-driven R&D activities on advanced Internet architectures, applications, and services. More than 15 years of international research define our expertise in the fields of 5G, IoT, VR, and Immersive Technologies, Cybersecurity, Blockchain, AI, and Digital Social Innovation. The center partners with companies, public administration, academia, and end-users to leverage this knowledge in order to meet real social and business challenges.

The greatest value of i2CAT is the talent of the people who make up our human team. We enjoy a team of people from more than 13 different nationalities and work every day to create and foster a work environment where we all feel comfortable creating, innovating and growing.

Want to know more? Visit our webpage! www.i2cat.net

What will you enjoy?

  • Work from our offices or from home, whichever works best for you. We only ask for one day in person at the office to coordinate with the rest of the team.
  • This is a full-time vacancy.
  • We have a flexible work schedule respecting your work-life balance.
  • Reduced working hours on Fridays and in July and August.
  • Fix + variable salary based on objectives.
  • You decide wether you preferr to receive your salary in 12 or 14 payments.
  • Optional benefits: Configure your salary according to your needs. We offer you the option of restaurant vouchers, public transport vouchers, nursery services, and medical insurance.
  • Annual leave of 27 working days.
  • We have fruit in the office to promote a healthy lifestyle
  • Free coffee and tea.
  • If you are interested, you can participate in events of your sector.
  • You will work with a laptop. You can choose your operative system, Mac, Linux or Windows.
  • Company social and team-building events (virtual & in-person).
  • You can develop your own and personal training programme with our support.
  • We will work so that you have a career plan to promote your growth and development.

Where will you do it?

At i2CAT we already have an established ‘work-from-home’ policy for some time. You can work from home or from the office, whichever suits you best. We expect that you attend the office one day per week to stay connected with your team and to engage with other colleagues

If you decide to come to the office, we are located in Zona Universitària, next to the Campus Nord of the UPC, within a multidisciplinary and multicultural environment. It is a very well-connected area (metro, tram, bus) with bars and restaurants around.

Our offices are designed with an open-office concept where everything is light and transparency. We have a variety of workspaces so that you don't have to be at the same table all day.

i2CAT is an organization committed to equal opportunities. That is why we seek to increase the number of women in those areas where they are underrepresented, and therefore explicitly encourage female candidates to apply.

I2CAT is an organization committed to creating an environment where we celebrate diversity, and where we provide the dedicated support that our employees need, regardless of their disability.

If what you have read sounds good to you... let’s have a coffee and we will tell you more!

In case you liked it, but it is not your job offer, you may know someone else who fits perfectly and whom you would like to recommend!

Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
30.000€ - 39.000€ bruto/año
Programador/a .NET Motores gráficos REMOTO

En BETWEEN apostamos por el mejor talento dentro del sector tecnológico. Nos involucramos en una gran variedad de proyectos punteros, trabajando con las últimas tecnologías. Actualmente en BETWEEN contamos con un equipo de más de 1000 personas.

Trabajamos en ámbitos como BI, IoT, Big Data e I+D. En el área de Operaciones implantamos proyectos de Service Desk, Infraestructuras IT y proyectos Cloud, entre otros.

Actualmente seleccionamos Programador/a .NET (Especialista gráficos) para incorporarse de forma indefinida en uno de los equipos de desarrollo que Between tiene implantados en uno de nuestros principales clientes.

La persona seleccionada desarrollará soluciones tecnológicas para una de las compañías líderes en tecnología intralogística a nivel mundial.

¿Qué haré? Estas serán tus funciones principales:

  • Desarrollarás los evolutivos de las aplicaciones ya existentes.
  • Harás los correctivos sobre una aplicación basada en un motor gráfico.

Además, trabajando para BETWEEN obtendrás los siguientes beneficios añadidos:

  • Seguro médico.
  • Posibilidad de formar parte de una empresa en pleno crecimiento a nivel nacional e internacional. Un buen lugar donde trabajar: cuidamos de nuestro equipo y la sociedad a través de iniciativas, programas de conciliación y de responsabilidad social corporativa
  • Te integrarás en un equipo de alto rendimiento y con un alto grado de especialización.
  • Dispondrás de oportunidades de formación y desarrollo profesional
  • Pondremos a tu disposición un amplio abanico de retos y proyectos acordes con tus objetivos personales y profesionales.
  • Posibilidad de elegir cómo obtener parte de tu salario gracias a las ventajas fiscales de nuestra Retribución Flexible, y descuentos para acceder a centros de fitness, entre otros
  • En BETWEEN, la igualdad de oportunidades es uno de nuestros valores. Nuestro compromiso es contratar al mejor talentos independientemente de su raza, religión, sexo, edad y personas con otras capacidades y promover su desarrollo profesional y personal.
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
36.000€ - 44.000€ bruto/año
Technical Lead - AI Driven 3D Image Processing

The i2CAT Foundation (Barcelona) is opening a senior position to advance in the research and innovation field of real-time distributed video services, involving immersive media formats like volumetric video.

The candidate will join the Media & Internet Area (MIA) of i2CAT, which is composed of over 14 experienced researchers and engineers in the fields of distributed and interactive multimedia systems and media processing, and is involved in relevant R&I projects with the European and national ecosystems, in close collaboration with key players from academia and industry.

This area is seeking a senior researcher / technical team lead to co-lead a research line on AI driven 3D video and image processing, such AI and neural based 3D video reconstruction and rendering (NeRF), video enhancement (supersampling, re-lighting). The candidate will be in charge of guiding a team of researchers and developers for the delivery of the outcomes of the aforementioned research line, providing tangible results as prototypes, validated functions and services and integrated solutions

Moreover, the candidate will be involved in cutting-edge research, innovation, development and validation tasks, with leading roles, and will collaborate hand-in-hand with experts in the media and networks domains under the umbrella of competitive national and international projects (Horizon Europe, European Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking, SNS JU), including the collaboration with highly relevant international partners from academia and industry.

The results from the planned research and development activities are expected to lead to high-impact scientific publications, technology/knowledge transfer (e.g., open-source software, patents, contributions to standards), resulting cutting-edge software and services (e.g., Volumetric Video Compression and Neural Radiance Fields), and career development opportunities (self and of supervised of highly skilled personnel).

Who we are:

The i2CAT Foundation is a non-profit research and innovation center that promotes mission-driven R&D activities on advanced Internet architectures, applications, and services. More than 15 years of international research define our expertise in the fields of 5G, IoT, VR, and Immersive Technologies, Cybersecurity, Blockchain, AI, and Digital Social Innovation. The center partners with companies, public administration, academia, and end-users to leverage this knowledge in order to meet real social and business challenges.

The greatest value of i2CAT is the talent of the people who make up our human team. We enjoy a team of people from more than 13 different nationalities and work every day to create and foster a work environment where we all feel comfortable creating, innovating and growing.

Want to know more? Visit our webpage! www.i2cat.net

What will you enjoy?

  • Work from our offices or from home, whichever works best for you. We ask for two days in person at the office to coordinate with the rest of the team.
  • This is a full-time vacancy
  • We have a flexible work schedule respecting your work-life balance
  • Reduced working hours on Fridays and in July and August
  • Fix + variable salary
  • Optional benefits: Travel pass, restaurant vouchers, nursery services support, medical insurance
  • Annual leave of 27 working days
  • We have fruit in the office to promote a healthy lifestyle
  • If you are interested, you can participate in events of your sector.
  • You will work with a laptop. You can choose your operative system, Mac, Linux or Windows.
  • Company social and team-building events (virtual & in-person)
  • You can develop your own and personal training programme with our support
  • We will work so that you have a career plan to promote your growth and development

Where will you do it?

At i2CAT we already have an established ‘work-from-home’ policy for some time. You can work from home or from the office, whichever suits you best. We expect that you attend the office two days per week: one to stay connected with your team and another one to engage with other colleagues

If you decide to come to the office, we are located in Zona Universitària, next to the Campus Nord of the UPC, within a multidisciplinary and multicultural environment. It is a very well-connected area (metro, tram, bus) with bars and restaurants around.

Our offices are designed with an open-office concept where everything is light and transparency. We have a variety of workspaces so that you don't have to be at the same table all day.

i2CAT is an organization committed to equal opportunities. That is why we seek to increase the number of women in those areas where they are underrepresented, and therefore explicitly encourage female candidates to apply.

I2CAT is an organization committed to creating an environment where we celebrate diversity, and where we provide the dedicated support that our employees need, regardless of their disability.

If what you have read sounds good to you... let’s have a coffee and we will tell you more!

In case you liked it, but it is not your job offer, you may know someone else who fits perfectly and whom you would like to recommend!

Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar
Key Account Manager (IoT Solutions for physical commerce)
  • Technology company world leader in smart digital labels and IoT solutions.|International position

Multinational tech company, world leader in smart digital labels and IoT solutions for physical commerce

o Actively prospect a portfolio of key account prospects

o Follow up and develop a portfolio of key accounts

o Deploy our new innovations to our existing customers

o Organize answers to tenders and write commercial proposals, in close collaboration with internals departments (product managers, after-sales services, installations, deployment, etc.) and, if necessary, in collaboration with the Global Account Manager in charge of the account at a global level.

o Develop relationships with integrator/editor partners

o Develop the turnover on his commercial scope and achieve the objectives set

o Develop good relationship with the decision makers, at the highest level

o Participate in client events or trade shows

o Assist marketing in the development of business cases or communications / customer stories

Update regularly the CRM tools with opportunities and manage his/her customer and prospect base

Growth opportunities in a multinational company

Jornada sin especificar
Contrato sin especificar
Salario sin especificar
Desarrollador/a Junior de SW Embebido en C (*)

En BETWEEN apostamos por el mejor talento dentro del sector tecnológico. Nos involucramos en una gran variedad de proyectos punteros, trabajando con las últimas tecnologías. Actualmente en BETWEEN contamos con un equipo de más de 800 personas.

Trabajamos en ámbitos como BI, IoT, Big Data e I+D. En el área de Operaciones implantamos proyectos de Service Desk, Infraestructuras IT y proyectos Cloud, entre otros.

Actualmente seleccionamos un/a Desarrollador/a Junior de SW Embebido con experiencia en C bajo Linux para incorporarse de forma indefinida en uno de los equipos de I+D que Between tiene implantados en uno de nuestros principales clientes ubicado en Santander.

Se trata de una posición temporal con una duración de 6 meses, con posibilidades de continuidad dependiendo del desempeño.

¿Qué haré? Estas serán tus funciones principales:

  • Desarrollo de la nueva plataforma para gestión de vehículos.
  • Desarrollan software para dispositivos propios que se embeben en vehículos (todo tipo, en función de características lanzan información del propio vehículo).

Si eres BETWEENER obtendrás estos beneficios:

  • Seguro médico con Sanitas.
  • Dispondrás de oportunidades de formación y desarrollo profesional: Idiomas, cursos en Udemy, Certificaciones, Programa The Power Business School y Bootcamps especializados (Agile, DevOps, IA & Big Data, Ciberseguridad, etc.).
  • Contarás con un equipo de Talento que te acompañará durante toda tu experiencia con nosotros. ¡Haremos un café una vez al mes! Así, mantendremos el contacto.
  • Pondremos a tu disposición un amplio abanico de retos y proyectos acordes con tus objetivos personales y profesionales.
  • Posibilidad de elegir cómo obtener parte de tu salario gracias a las ventajas fiscales de nuestra Retribución Flexible (Ticket restaurant, Ticket transporte, Ticket guardería).
  • Descuentos para acceder a centros de Fitness con Gympass.
  • Acceso a nuestro Club de Descuentos: Inspiring Benefits.
  • En BETWEEN nos gusta mucho hacer networking, por lo que te invitaremos a participar en todos estos eventos ¡y más!: las BETWEEN Nights, torneos deportivos, Black Mamba Race, viernes de vermut, juegos de mesa, etc.
  • Podrás disfrutar de nuestras fantásticas oficinas del 22@ las cuales disponen de Rooftop, tirador de cerveza, mesa de ping-pong y futbolín.
  • Programa de recomendación remunerado de Talento.
  • En BETWEEN, la igualdad de oportunidades es uno de nuestros valores. Nuestro compromiso es contratar al mejor talento independientemente de su raza, religión, sexo, edad y personas con otras capacidades y promover su desarrollo profesional y personal.
Jornada completa
Contrato de duración determinada
27.000€ - 33.000€ bruto/año
Wireless Engineer / Researcher

The Mobile and Wireless Internet (MWI) group at i2CAT is looking for an Engineer / Researcher to work on different projects in collaboration with the public sector's innovation area of the organization. This collaboration involves the design, integration, and technical execution of innovative use cases.

One remarkable project where we execute use cases is the project "TDA 5G Rural", where we are currently implementing a series of 5G technology-related use cases in rural environments. Some of the tests are conducted in the 5G laboratory in Mora la Nova (Catalonia), where the 5G drone pilot of the European XGain project will also be executed.

Among some of our recent works we could highlight the integration of cellular communication (4G/5G) and satellite (Starlink) aggregation equipment used for applications such as a mobile citizen service office or a mobile Primary Care Center (CAP). We have also evaluated public 5G connectivity in the Ebre teritory and explored the use of millimeter-wave technologies for point-to-point connections in rural environments.

To strengthen our capacity in these projects and use cases, we are looking to incorporate a new member with experience in the integration, configuration, and management of wireless technologies. Key responsibilities of this position will include:

  1. Integration and configuration of Radio Components: Working with cellular modems/CPEs (4G, 5G), Wi-Fi modems/NICs, IoT devices (LoRA, NB-IoT, etc.), and other emerging technologies.
  2. Practical Test Execution: Deploying, measuring, validating, and demonstrating use cases, ensuring their effectiveness and efficiency.
  3. Evaluation and Results Analysis: Analyzing and interpreting results for informed decision-making and continuous improvement of use cases and projects.

More info about Mobile Wireless Internet group here: https://i2cat.net/research-topics/mobile-wireless-internet

As a member of the MWI team, you will join a dynamic and innovative group, working on projects that have a real and positive impact on society.

Who we are:

The i2CAT Foundation is a non-profit research and innovation center that promotes mission-driven R&D activities on advanced Internet architectures, applications, and services. More than 15 years of international research define our expertise in the fields of 5G, IoT, VR, and Immersive Technologies, Cybersecurity, Blockchain, AI, and Digital Social Innovation. The center partners with companies, public administration, academia, and end-users to leverage this knowledge in order to meet real social and business challenges.

The greatest value of i2CAT is the talent of the people who make up our human team. We enjoy a team of people from more than 13 different nationalities and work every day to create and foster a work environment where we all feel comfortable creating, innovating and growing.

Want to know more? Visit our webpage! www.i2cat.net

What will you enjoy?

  • Work from our offices or from home, whichever works best for you. We ask for two days in person at the office to coordinate with the rest of the team.
  • This is a full-time vacancy
  • We have a flexible work schedule respecting your work-life balance
  • Reduced working hours on Fridays and in July and August
  • Fix + variable salary
  • Optional benefits: Travel pass, restaurant vouchers, nursery services support, medical insurance
  • Annual leave of 27 working days
  • We have fruit in the office to promote a healthy lifestyle
  • If you are interested, you can participate in events of your sector.
  • You will work with a laptop. You can choose your operative system, Mac, Linux or Windows.
  • Company social and team-building events (virtual & in-person)
  • You can develop your own and personal training programme with our support
  • We will work so that you have a career plan to promote your growth and development

Where will you do it?

At i2CAT we already have an established ‘work-from-home’ policy for some time. You can work from home or from the office, whichever suits you best. We expect that you attend the office two days per week: one to stay connected with your team and another one to engage with other colleagues

If you decide to come to the office, we are located in Zona Universitària, next to the Campus Nord of the UPC, within a multidisciplinary and multicultural environment. It is a very well-connected area (metro, tram, bus) with bars and restaurants around.

Our offices are designed with an open-office concept where everything is light and transparency. We have a variety of workspaces so that you don't have to be at the same table all day.

i2CAT is an organization committed to equal opportunities. That is why we seek to increase the number of women in those areas where they are underrepresented, and therefore explicitly encourage female candidates to apply.

I2CAT is an organization committed to creating an environment where we celebrate diversity, and where we provide the dedicated support that our employees need, regardless of their disability.

If what you have read sounds good to you... let’s have a coffee and we will tell you more!

In case you liked it, but it is not your job offer, you may know someone else who fits perfectly and whom you would like to recommend!

Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar
Innovation Head for Cybersecurity

The i2CAT’s Cybersecurity area focuses on exploring and defining innovation in a mission-oriented technologies usage that applies its knowledge to meet real industry and society challenges. It works with specialized research support teams in areas such as SDN / NFV, 5G, IoT, Connected Vehicle, AI & ML and in conjunction with a software engineering team to develop projects for customers and internal projects and a team of relationships with companies and institutions.

The CyberSecurity Research Area of i2CAT is looking for a CyberSecurity expert that leads i2CAT's CyberSecurity innovation activities. The successful candidate will carry out the following activities:

  • Define, together with the Cybersecurity Research Director and the Business Director, the internal Cybersecurity strategy and contribute to establishing the basis for the management of the Cybersecurity innovation team.
  • Contribute to the definition and follow-up of the Cybersecurity innovation roadmap for the area.
  • Work, together with the Cybersecurity Research Director to advance the generated research knowledge into innovation projects that are closer to the market needs.
  • Plan, conceive, conduct, and manage development for current and prospective innovation projects of CyberSecurity Area, keeping the innovation experts work aligned to the research area's objectives as well as the goals of the different projects where the area participates.
  • Identify Cybersecurity innovation opportunities that allow to increase the activities that are currently being developed and the establishment of new business opportunities.
  • Stay up to date with new Cybersecurity technologies and trends in specialised forums, events and conferences.
  • Support the business areas of i2CAT in the generation of Cybersecurity innovation proposals by providing the necessary technical support.
  • Lead the development and possible technology transfer of solutions, products, principles or technology, in collaboration with the CyberSecurity area Research Director.
  • Initiate, design, develop, execute, and transfer new processes, tools, or systems through innovation processes and in conjunction with research.
  • Help promote and develop the professional career of the Cybersecurity area innovation staff together with the Cybersecurity area Director.
  • Define and plan the activities / initiatives to be developed to achieve the objectives defined by the area together with the Cybersecurity area Director.

This is a unique opportunity to join a research centre, where your actions can contribute directly to the digital transformation of the public administration and private companies, as well as to connect with the innovation ecosystem in Cybersecurity.

A person with a computer engineering degree and a master’s degree in cybersecurity is considered a potential candidate, but candidates who can demonstrate sufficient professional experience and knowledge will be considered (minimum 5 years). Years of experience in the cybersecurity sector are a valuable aspect but the attitude and personality will be decisive.

Who we are:

The i2CAT Foundation is a non-profit research and innovation center that promotes mission-driven R&D activities on advanced Internet architectures, applications, and services. More than 15 years of international research define our expertise in the fields of 5G, IoT, VR, and Immersive Technologies, Cybersecurity, Blockchain, AI, and Digital Social Innovation. The center partners with companies, public administration, academia, and end-users to leverage this knowledge in order to meet real social and business challenges.

The greatest value of i2CAT is the talent of the people who make up our human team. We enjoy a team of people from more than 13 different nationalities and work every day to create and foster a work environment where we all feel comfortable creating, innovating and growing.

Want to know more? Visit our webpage! www.i2cat.net

What will you enjoy?

  • Work from our offices or from home, whichever works best for you. We ask for two days in person at the office to coordinate with the rest of the team.
  • This is a full-time vacancy
  • We have a flexible work schedule respecting your work-life balance
  • Reduced working hours on Fridays and in July and August
  • Fix + variable salary
  • Optional benefits: Travel pass, restaurant vouchers, nursery services support, medical insurance
  • Annual leave of 27 working days
  • We have fruit in the office to promote a healthy lifestyle
  • If you are interested, you can participate in events of your sector.
  • You will work with a laptop. You can choose your operative system, Mac, Linux or Windows.
  • Company social and team-building events (virtual & in-person)
  • You can develop your own and personal training programme with our support
  • We will work so that you have a career plan to promote your growth and development

Where will you do it?

At i2CAT we already have an established ‘work-from-home’ policy for some time. You can work from home or from the office, whichever suits you best. We expect that you attend the office two days per week: one to stay connected with your team and another one to engage with other colleagues

If you decide to come to the office, we are located in Zona Universitària, next to the Campus Nord of the UPC, within a multidisciplinary and multicultural environment. It is a very well-connected area (metro, tram, bus) with bars and restaurants around.

Our offices are designed with an open-office concept where everything is light and transparency. We have a variety of workspaces so that you don't have to be at the same table all day.

i2CAT is an organization committed to equal opportunities. That is why we seek to increase the number of women in those areas where they are underrepresented, and therefore explicitly encourage female candidates to apply.

I2CAT is an organization committed to creating an environment where we celebrate diversity, and where we provide the dedicated support that our employees need, regardless of their disability.

If what you have read sounds good to you... let’s have a coffee and we will tell you more!

In case you liked it, but it is not your job offer, you may know someone else who fits perfectly and whom you would like to recommend!

Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar
Research Engineer - Energy optimization for 6G networks

The Mobile and Wireless Internet (MWI) group at i2CAT is looking for an Engineer/Researcher to work on energy optimization topics within the framework of the SNS BeGREEN project https://www.sns-begreen.com/.

BeGREEN project will take a holistic view to propose evolving radio networks that not only accommodate increasing traffic and services but also consider power consumption as a factor.

The Engineer/Researcher will carry out experimental research evaluating the power saving mechanisms available in compute platforms used to instantiate 5G network functions (e.g. management of CPU states). The successful candidate will also work on the development of algorithms that can best exploit the available power saving mechanisms to minimize power consumption without affecting traffic performance.

The successful candidate will be part of the O-RAN team within MWI-SDWN directly contributing to BeGreen WP4, attending meetings and contributing to the project deliverables and publications. The successful candidate will report to a senior researcher of the theam and collaborate with other junior and senior researchers at MWI that focus on 5G and Open RAN topics and are also contributing to the BeGreen project.

The candidates responsabilities include:

  • Develop a testbed for evaluating energy consumption of 5G network functions on existent compute platform
  • Carry out performance evaluation to understand impact of compute power saving mechanisms on energy consumption and traffic performance
  • Propose and evaluate algorithms that exploit platform power saving mechanisms to reduce energy consumption
  • Contribute to deliverables and publications

Besides contributing to the BeGreen project, the expected outcome of the work carried out is to develop a mechanism that adjusts CPU power states to reduce energy consumption in virtualized UPF systems. The designed system should be portable to any x86 or ARM compute platforms.

More info about Mobile Wireless Internet group here: https://i2cat.net/research-topics/mobile-wireless-internet

Who we are:

The i2CAT Foundation is a non-profit research and innovation center that promotes mission-driven R&D activities on advanced Internet architectures, applications, and services. More than 15 years of international research define our expertise in the fields of 5G, IoT, VR, and Immersive Technologies, Cybersecurity, Blockchain, AI, and Digital Social Innovation. The center partners with companies, public administration, academia, and end-users to leverage this knowledge in order to meet real social and business challenges.

The greatest value of i2CAT is the talent of the people who make up our human team. We enjoy a team of people from more than 13 different nationalities and work every day to create and foster a work environment where we all feel comfortable creating, innovating and growing.

Want to know more? Visit our webpage! www.i2cat.net

What will you enjoy?

  • Work from our offices or from home, whichever works best for you. We ask for two days in person at the office to coordinate with the rest of the team.
  • This is a full-time vacancy
  • We have a flexible work schedule respecting your work-life balance
  • Reduced working hours on Fridays and in July and August
  • Fix + variable salary
  • Optional benefits: Travel pass, restaurant vouchers, nursery services support, medical insurance
  • Annual leave of 27 working days
  • We have fruit in the office to promote a healthy lifestyle
  • If you are interested, you can participate in events of your sector.
  • You will work with a laptop. You can choose your operative system, Mac, Linux or Windows.
  • Company social and team-building events (virtual & in-person)
  • You can develop your own and personal training programme with our support
  • We will work so that you have a career plan to promote your growth and development

Where will you do it?

At i2CAT we already have an established ‘work-from-home’ policy for some time. You can work from home or from the office, whichever suits you best. We expect that you attend the office two days per week: one to stay connected with your team and another one to engage with other colleagues

If you decide to come to the office, we are located in Zona Universitària, next to the Campus Nord of the UPC, within a multidisciplinary and multicultural environment. It is a very well-connected area (metro, tram, bus) with bars and restaurants around.

Our offices are designed with an open-office concept where everything is light and transparency. We have a variety of workspaces so that you don't have to be at the same table all day.

i2CAT is an organization committed to equal opportunities. That is why we seek to increase the number of women in those areas where they are underrepresented, and therefore explicitly encourage female candidates to apply.

I2CAT is an organization committed to creating an environment where we celebrate diversity, and where we provide the dedicated support that our employees need, regardless of their disability.

If what you have read sounds good to you... let’s have a coffee and we will tell you more!

In case you liked it, but it is not your job offer, you may know someone else who fits perfectly and whom you would like to recommend!

Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar
PhD HW/FW engineer Sector Green-Tech BCN
  • Empresa que combina IOT y gestión de residuos|Oportunidad de formar parte de un equipo altamente cualificado.

Nuestro cliente es una empresa especializada en combinar las últimas tendencias del sector IOT en el ámbito de la gestión de residuos, ubicada en BCN.

  • Desarrollar el firmware para diferentes productos adaptados a distintas etapas, desde prototipado hasta proceso de industrialización.
  • Organizar y decidir las tareas necesarias a realizar relativas a todo el proceso de desarrollo de firmware, desde el desarrollo hasta el testeo.
  • Coordinación constante con todos los departamentos: Hardware, Mecánica, IA.
  • Reportar el trabajo directamente al CTO para coordinar el proyecto

  • Oportunidades de carrera y desarrollo profesional.
  • Jornada laboral completa.
  • Flexibilidad de teletrabajo y horarios.
  • 23 días de vacaciones.

Jornada sin especificar
Contrato sin especificar
50.000€ - 55.000€ bruto/año
Desarrollador Fullstack .NET
  • Cliente final|Proyección y crecimiento

Empresa de IoT.


-Acciones de desarrollo en front y backend con .NET.

-Desarrollo y diseño de nuevas aplicaciones.

Beneficios sociales como cheque restaurante, guardería, transporte.

Ubicación Alcobendas

Flexibilidad horaria.

Salarialmente: hasta 45.000€.

Modalidad hibrida de teletrabajo.

Jornada sin especificar
Contrato sin especificar
35.000€ - 45.000€ bruto/año