Ordenar ofertas por:
A Coruña(401)
Ciudad Real(113)
Illes Balears(621)
La Rioja(180)
Las Palmas(467)
Santa Cruz de Tenerife(250)
Sin especificar(759)
Administración empresas(1.882)
Administración Pública(2)
Atención a clientes(804)
Calidad, producción, I+D(1.313)
Comercial y ventas(2.527)
Compras, logística y almacén(2.404)
Diseño y artes gráficas(145)
Educación y formación(71)
Finanzas y banca(56)
Informática y telecomunicaciones(962)
Ingenieros y técnicos(1.865)
Inmobiliario y construcción(923)
Marketing y comunicación(630)
Otras actividades(2.713)
Profesiones y oficios(1.277)
Recursos humanos(464)
Sanidad y salud(1.129)
Sector Farmacéutico(180)
Turismo y restauración(754)
Ventas al detalle(69)
Estudios mínimos:
Ciclo Formativo Grado Medio(159)
Ciclo Formativo Grado Superior(156)
Educación Secundaria Obligatoria(3.625)
Enseñanzas deportivas (regladas)(1)
Formación Profesional Grado Medio(958)
Formación Profesional Grado Superior(830)
Ingeniero Superior(225)
Ingeniero Técnico(44)
Otros cursos y formación no reglada(3)
Otros títulos, certificaciones y carnés(72)
Sin especificar(14.721)
Sin estudios(1.165)
Jornada laboral:
Intensiva - Indiferente(280)
Intensiva - Mañana(168)
Intensiva - Noche(30)
Intensiva - Tarde(59)
Parcial - Indiferente(2.359)
Parcial - Mañana(220)
Parcial - Noche(76)
Parcial - Tarde(84)
Sin especificar(6.359)
Tipo de contrato:
A tiempo parcial(89)
De duración determinada(2.898)
De relevo(10)
Fijo discontinuo(289)
Otros contratos(6.931)
Sin especificar(3.375)
Ver ofertas empleo

Ofertas de empleo de quart

80 ofertas de trabajo de quart

Auxiliars Sanitaris/Sanitàries (Portalliteres) (24_162_IPV_INF_AUXSAN)

EL CONSORCI CORPORACIÓ SANITÀRIA PARC TAULÍ, per a la Direcció Infermera, ofereix:

Incorporació immediata a l’equip de treball de la Direcció Infermera del Consorci Corporació Sanitària Parc Taulí, Hospital Universitari, amb les següents condicions:

  • Pla d’acollida, noves incorporacions.
  • Contracte de substitució fins a la cobertura definitiva de la plaça (“antics interinatges”).
  • Jornades completes o parcials, segons lloc de treball.
  • Serveis continuats (de dilluns a diumenge) o no continuats, segons lloc de treball.
  • Places de torn matí/tarda/nit o places d’àrea*
  • Compromís de convocatòria abans de 3 anys per estabilització a contracte indefinit de conformitat amb la Disposició Addicional Quarta del RDL 32/2021 de 28 de desembre de mesures urgents per a la reforma laboral, la garantia de l'estabilitat en l'ocupació i la transformació del mercat de treball.

*Torn de dia lliscant de matins i tardes (en una proporció del 50%, per exemple, 16 setmanes de matí i 16 setmanes de tarda) o torn de nit. Vacances fora dels periodes d’estiu i nadal (els dos primers anys).

Les condicions laborals són les establertes en el III Conveni SISCAT.


  • Títol d’ensenyament mínim obligatori en cada moment: Graduat escolar, ESO o equivalent a efectes laborals de conformitat amb les normes de convalidació del Ministeri d’Educació, Cultura i Esport (títol oficial o resguard de pagament).
  • Nivell de català A2.

Es valorarà:

  • Currículum vitae.
  • Formació continuada i experiència.
  • Coneixements tècnics i competències transversals.

Procés de selecció:

Les condicions generals d’aquesta convocatòria es regiran pel que recull el present anunci i amb els procediments que es detallen a les bases.

En compliment de la LISMI, el Consorci, tindrà en consideració la reserva per a les persones candidates que acreditin una discapacitat igual o superior al 33%, sempre que siguin possibles per al desenvolupament de les funcions a cobrir.

Documentació i inscripció:

  1. Annex 1: Declaració responsable
  2. Currículum Vitae actualitzat (format lliure)
  3. Títol d’ensenyament mínim obligatori en cada moment: Graduat escolar, ESO, o equivalent a efectes laborals de conformitat amb les normes de convalidació del Ministeri d’Educació, Cultura i Esport (títol oficial o resguard de pagament).
  4. Mèrits: certificats de la formació que compleixi els criteris de l’annex 2.
  5. Certificat de serveis prestats treballats en institucions públiques del SISCAT (o equivalents) amb el total de dies (en cas de voler acreditar experiència externa).
  6. Certificat oficial del nivell A2 o superior de català. Si no es presenta, inicialment es considerarà que haurà de realitzar la prova de coneixements, llevat que amb una anticipació superior als 5 dies naturals a la data de celebració de la prova subsani la manca de presentació del certificat.
  7. Fotocòpia del DNI/NIE. En cas de no pertànyer a cap dels estats membres de la Unió Europea, permís de treball en vigor o en tràmit.

La no presentació de la documentació requerida com obligatòria pot comportar l’exclusió de la candidatura a la convocatòria.

Per a consultes en relació a aquesta convocatòria, us podeu adreçar a seleccio@tauli.cat indicant el número de referència d’aquest anunci.

Data de termini: 01 de desembre de 2024

Jornada completa
Contrato de duración determinada
Salario sin especificar
Accounting Specialist (English & SAP)
  • Deep knowledge of SAP is mandatory (SAP Business One if possible)|High level of English is mandatory

Our client is an international company that operates in the technology and retail sectors.

In Spain, it is small in size (around 20 people), and from here, they manage the headquarters' accounting.

Your main functions would be:

  • Managing all main and sub ledger accounting activities (Treasury, Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, Fixed Assets, Payroll posting, Operational Costs, Travel Expenses).
  • Review, correct and secure current accounting record.
  • Reconciliation of Customer accounts, Supplier Accounts and GL Accounts.
  • Analyses and improvement of internal processes.
  • Collaborate with external auditors to ensure successful audit results and compliance.
  • Full responsabililty of the spanish company´s accounting such as closing reports, coordinate the closing process (monthly, quarterly, yearly) with external service providers (payroll, taxes).

We offer:

  • Permant contract.
  • Flexible schedule: Monday to Thursday between 08:00 h and 09:00 h, with 1-hour lunch until 17:00 h and 18:00 h and Fridays from 08:00 h to 15:00 h.
  • Homework: available to all team members 4 times per week, attendance to the office is organized once per week.
  • Holidays: 24 days of holidays per year + 24 and 31 december.
Jornada sin especificar
Contrato sin especificar
30.000€ - 35.000€ bruto/año
PROMAN Spain pertenece a Grupo Proman, una multinacional francesa que nació en 1990 en Manosque y que no ha dejado de crecer, con más de 1.000 oficinas a nivel internacional en 18 países.Con sede central en Granollers (Barcelona), somos una consultoría estratégica comprometida con las personas y las empresas. Potenciamos el rendimiento digital de tu empresa con servicios en recursos humanos personalizados a 360º. Ofrecemos soluciones de RRHH a través de nuestras líneas de negocio: trabajo temporal, selección directa, formación, soluciones de assessment y consultoría empresarial Actualmente, estamos buscando operarios/as de producción para importante empresa ubicada en Quart de Poblet. La persona seleccionada llevará a cabo labores en la línea de producción. El horario podrá ser de mañana, tardes y noche. ¡We are happy to help! Somos felices de ayudar. Queremos acompañarte con en tu búsqueda profesional para que alcances tu mayor potencial. Trabajamos con la empresa cliente para potenciar el talento del sector y asegurar una integración óptima del trabajador en su futuro puesto de trabajo. Somos una empresa comprometida con la igualdad de oportunidades y velamos por el cumplimiento de esta metodología igualitaria en todos nuestros procesos de reclutamiento. ¡No dudes en solicitar esta posición! Estamos deseando conocerte
Jornada completa
Otros contratos
Salario sin especificar

¡Únete a Valora Prevención!

Desde Valora Prevención estamos buscando un/a Médico/a para unirse a nuestro equipo en la clínica ubicada en Quart de Poblet y en unidades móviles en empresas cliente. Si eres una persona apasionada por la medicina y deseas contribuir a la salud y bienestar de los empleados, ¡esta es tu oportunidad para desarrollarte profesionalmente en una empresa innovadora y en constante crecimiento!

¿Qué ofrecemos?

  • Ambiente de trabajo colaborativo: Disfruta de un excelente ambiente de trabajo donde el equipo es nuestra mayor fortaleza. Valoramos el trabajo en equipo y promovemos una cultura de colaboración y apoyo mutuo.
  • Innovación y Crecimiento: Formarás parte de una empresa que apuesta por la innovación y el crecimiento continuo. Queremos que crezcas con nosotros y aportes tus ideas y conocimientos.
  • Desarrollo Profesional: Oportunidades de formación continua y desarrollo profesional para seguir avanzando en tu carrera.
  • Contrato Atractivo: Ofrecemos un contrato indefinido a jornada completa, en un proyecto profesional interesante y desafiante.
  • Remuneración Competitiva: Un salario competitivo, a convenir personalmente según valores y experiencia aportada.
  • Jornada Intensiva: Jornada intensiva de lunes a viernes con una jornada anual de 1700 horas.
  • Vacaciones: 28 días laborables de vacaciones para que puedas desconectar y recargar energías.
  • Beneficios Sociales: Beneficios sociales atractivos como cheque transporte y cheque guardería, entre otros, y un excelente ambiente de trabajo.

¿Qué buscamos?

Un/a profesional de la medicina con experiencia en el ámbito de la salud, comprometido/a con la promoción y protección de la salud en el entorno de trabajo, y con ganas de aportar sus conocimientos y habilidades para mejorar continuamente nuestro entorno laboral.


  • Reconocimientos Médicos: Realizar reconocimientos médicos en clínicas (electrocardiograma, pruebas específicas, exploración, etc.).
  • Valoración de Salud: Control y valoración de problemas de salud relacionados con el riesgo del puesto de trabajo.
  • Seguimiento del personal especialmente sensible.
  • Formación de trabajadores en vigilancia de la salud.
  • Tareas administrativas varias (mecanización exámenes de salud, control y seguimiento de material sanitario, etc.).
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar
From Faster, we're looking for a HSE Manager to join Skretting Burgos. The Manager of Safety Health and Environment (HSE) is responsible for driving the Zero incident and Zero waste culture within the business, including assurance that HSE delivery is in accordance with the industry’s and Nutreco’s global safety & environment management systems and standards. The HSE Manager is responsible for ensuring awareness of and compliance with Nutreco’s HSE standards and legal requirements in the area of Health, Safety and Environment. The HSE manager is the point of contact and reference for Health, Safety and Environment for all Nutreco’s sites within the scope of responsibility, develops and manages the HSE plans for the Business, which aim at deployment, coordination, implementation, monitoring and improvement of HSE policies and standards in order to minimize risks and improve HSE performance for the organisation. The HSE Manager leads by example and continuously manages HSE improvement and compliance within the region by leading the cultural change to a Zero Incident and Zero Waste mind-set. The HSE Manager ensures comprehensive and efficient implementation of Nutreco’s HSE management system within the business and actively support the development and improvement of the Nutreco Health Safety and Environment Management System as part of the operational excellence programs. The HSE Manager is the 3rd line HSE specialist role, commonly positioned at Business Unit level, and reporting directly (business reporting line) into to the Managing Director, to underpin the overarching importance of Health, Safety and Environment to the business of Nutreco and simultaneously reporting in dotted line (functional reporting) to the Global HSE Director, to coordinate the deployment and implementation of the Global HSE Standards within the OPCOs and sites. KEY ACCOUNTABILITIES Leadership: • Build trust and confidence and collaboration with the HSE team & OPCO representation. Build and execute leadership. • Lead by example. Role model safety behavior and actively reinforce the creation of a safe behavioural culture. • Possess a strong dedication to employee involvement, team building, diversity, and inclusion. HSE Strategy, Policy, Plans & Standards: • Build a sustainable HSE commitment, awareness, knowledge, behaviors and engagement of the regional management and employees. • Formulates the HSE year plans, budgets, annual objectives and HSE goals for the entity, and, after approval, ensures the execution thereof. • Coordinate the BU Council and Quarterly Management reviews. • Build a sustainable HSE commitment, awareness, knowledge, behaviors and engagement of the business management and employees. • Manages the deployment of new or changed policies, programs and standards and practices, follows through to coordinates 100% implementation. Risk management, Inspection & Audits: • Plan, prepare and conduct internal safety inspections and assessments in Nutreco operational organizations and initiate / monitor corrective actions based on findings and occurrence investigations. • Ensure the establishment and maintenance of an operational risk register and the legal surveillance per OpCO. • Ensures all relevant training programs, introduction and instruction programs on HSE are deployed and executed. • Provides insights / advice at request or at own initiative regarding quantitative and qualitative HSE developments by means of periodic and ad hoc reports and/or analyses and provide information for management, in order to facilitate informed decisionmaking taking into account HSE aspects and implications. HSE tools and systems, Reporting & Analysis: • Deploy and coordinate the usage of the Global HSE systems in line with Nutreco policy and procedures, relevant legislation, (certification) norms and/or customer demands, in order to provide insight into the state of affairs in HSE and reports the required information on HSE performance / progress. • Analyses the relevant lagging and leading indicators / KPI’s for his / her entity, in order to take or recommend appropriate actions. Projects: • Executes and/or participates in various HSE improvement projects for the own entity plant / site; may participate in Divisional / Group projects. People management: • Responsible for building a team of qualified HSE to support the local sites. Ensure the highest levels of qualification, skills and key competencies (audits, investigation, risk analysis, reporting, communication, training, coaching and prevention) are provided for the HSE management team within the business and identify improvement areas to accelerate implementation of Zero harm and Zero waste mind-set. • Provide guidance and develop the regional HSE management team. Communication & stakeholder management Ensures the communication of HSE policies in the appropriate language and manner, so that all staff are well informed and able to apply and comply with all relevant HSE policies. •Builds and maintains a network of relevant stakeholders / partners, including local Safety Champions, in order to ensure commitment and communication regarding Nutreco's HSE objectives.
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar
laboral, rrhh, rrll
French Business Developer Representative
We are looking on behalf of our client, Teleperformance a Business Developer Representative. In this role you will be responsible for identifying robust sales opportunities, profiling prospective customers, discovering their needs and driving new business through various outbound campaigns. You will help businesses work better together, move fast and innovate. As a member of the Business Development team, you will be the first point of contact for hundreds of businesses, proactively engaging them to build enthusiasm while identifying and qualifying their business needs to propose adequate solutions and send them on the most appropriate Sales path. You will work towards individual targets, but will also be part of a larger sales team with a focus to grow our customer base across EMEA. You will be in a phone-based environment, where you will interact with customers primarily via outbound calls. Responsibilities * Achieve SQO (Sales Qualified Opportunity) quota quarterly, and hit a target level of activity daily and weekly * Manage a portfolio of assigned accounts to identify high potential prospects * Educate customers on what we have to offer * Execute daily outbound phone calls and emails (often cold calling), contact C-level decision makers, build quick rapport and assess needs. * Understand prospects’ pain points, gather technical requirements, correlate business needs to available Cloud solutions (solution-selling) and build value for next steps in the sales process * Update and maintain prospect and customer data in Salesforce.com (CRM database). Manage leads, contacts, accounts, opportunities and activities in Salesforce.com * Work towards team and individual goals for key performance indicators like productivity, conversion rates, opportunities and pipeline * Diligently document customers notes and deal details over the course of a customer’s interaction (using Salesforce.com) to ensure that clarity on the current and past state of customer interaction is available to all stakeholders at any given point in time. Benefits * Full time position (39h per week, Monday to Friday) * This is a Hybrid working model in Barcelona * Salary: 22.785€ gross/year + up to 2.734€ gross/year in bonus * Referral Program: Bring a Friend and get a Referral fee (up to 2.000€ depending on the language/project) * Permanent Contract * Relocation package: * Flight ticket * Taxi from the airport in Spain to your new accommodation * Accommodation in a nice studio. * Support with a private Health Insurance * A permanent presence of coaches who will facilitate your personal and professional development * Established career path to grow within the project * Bi-weekly, monthly or quarterly contests * Employment with the world’s largest provider of contact center services * Excellent work environment, great colleagues, social arrangements and personal development * Dynamic business casual environment with colleagues of all ages gathered in a highly-motivated team
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar
Senior Accountant. German Speaker. Bilbao
  • Industrial multinational company located in Bilbao.|Provide monthly, quarterly and annual financial statements

Industrial multinational company located in Bilbao.

Reporting to the Finance & Accounting Manager of Europe, his/her responsibilities will be, among others:* Providing monthly, quarterly, annual financial statements respecting given deadlines.
* Financial closing according to IFRS / German GAAP.
* Preparing Notes and comments/explanations..
* Daily bank statements / assigning payments
* G/L Account reconciliations.
* Intercompany reconciliations / monthly netting process.
* Payroll processing and reconciliations.
* Foreign currency valuation.
* Recognition of special cases (deferred charges, accruals, offsetting, recurring entries etc.).
* Collaboration with different departments such as group accounting, controlling, treasury, HR.
* Support of internal and external audits.
* Contact person for tax consultants and auditors.
* Provide information to internal customers, ad hoc analysis and reports.
* Maintain master data (G/L account, chart of accounts, fin. statement version etc.).
* Working on projects.

Oportunidades de carrera y desarrollo profesional.

Jornada sin especificar
Contrato sin especificar
Salario sin especificar
Agency Partner Manager - 7-month project - Digital Sector
  • We offer a 6 to 7-month project at a leading Digital company|Technical and practical knowledge of GMP platform

Our client is one of the Big Five companies in the American information technology industry that specialises in Internet-related services and products, which include online advertising technologies, a search engine, cloud computing, software, and hardware.

You would support product activation activities (e.g., interact with the product community, educate sellers on new products and betas, and build competitive intelligence in the market) at scale with minimal guidance, internally and externally.

Also plan and execute prioritised project work including selecting appropriate methods to most effectively address project needs.

Take the initiative to develop goals for self with support from the manager.


  • Support in identifying and recommending creative ways to improve product and customer strategy based on client performance against target.
  • Navigate a diverse set of customers and find ways to drive product adoption despite setbacks.


  • Work within one or more teams to support product adoption and deployment of "OneGoogle" solutions to customers.
  • Identify key stakeholders within Google to build network and contribute to cross-team collaborations.
  • Develop relationships with customers, acting as a product SME for customers/agencies.
  • Coordinate timelines, goals, and objectives for assigned component(s) of a project.
  • Escalate project issues effectively.


  • Exercise working knowledge of translating client business models/needs into product adoption opportunities.
  • Seek out deeper knowledge of Google products and competitive landscape through stretch opportunities.

Responsibilities under the direction of Google Manager:

Capability building

Share and scale best practices, learnings, and sales strategies (e.g., objection handling, pitching for increased funds, sales mastery techniques) to upscale accounts, and link solutions and best practices to meet customer and Google business needs, with minimal guidance.

Create and deliver pitches and workshops

Craft and deliver solutions and workshops to customers and agencies to achieve customer business objectives and drive revenue growth for Google with minimal guidance.

Opportunity sizing

Support identification of revenue and growth opportunities within the market and customer. Partner with internal stakeholders to determine and drive the sales, revenue growth, potential of opportunities, and marketing efficiency, as well as the incremental investment recommended to achieve customer business outcomes.

Product/Process improvement

Help drive provision of feedback and identification of new business cases for internal Google stakeholders on how products and processes may be improved to simplify complex product optimisations and work-flow (e.g., revenue maintenance/hygiene) or better serve clients or internal stakeholders with minimal guidance.

Sales analytics interpretation

Help draw interpretable insights from deep dives and data analysis, provide data-driven strategic and tactical recommendations to customers, partner teams, and leadership based on analyses and utilise insights to influence others and drive changes.

Sales/Product strategy

Execute sales/product strategies within verticals to specific clients to meet desired outcomes (e.g., sales quota, revenue generation, product adoption) with limited guidance.

Stakeholder management for sales/partnerships

Help manage expectations and maintain relationships with one or more stakeholders to build rapport and credibility, and plan, create, deliver strategy, and provide input to help stakeholders achieve project goals with minimal guidance.

We are offering two positions to temporarily cover two team members.

The work will be in hybrid format: 2 days off-site and 3 days on-site.

Competitive salary + sales bonus plan (paid quarterly)

Jornada sin especificar
Contrato sin especificar
Salario sin especificar
International Senior KAM Automotive (Europe)
  • > 7 years of professional Sales KAM Automotion Experiencie (Europe)|German or French is must, English Level must be C1 or higher

Our client is a large player in the Technology/Automotive industry.They are known for their innovative solutions and have a significant footprint in markets around the globe.

  • Develop and implement effective sales strategies
  • Lead nationwide sales team members to achieve sales targets
  • Establish productive and professional relationships internationaly with key personnel in assigned customer accounts
  • Negotiate and close agreements with large customers
  • Monitor and analyse performance metrics and suggest improvements
  • Prepare monthly, quarterly and annual sales forecasts
  • Perform research and identify new potential customers and new market opportunities
  • Provide timely and effective solutions aligned with clients' needs

  • A competitive salary range
  • Generous holiday leave
  • A positive and innovative company culture
  • Opportunities for professional growth and advancement

This is a fantastic opportunity for a Commercial Senior KAM to grow their career in the Technology/Automotive industry. We invite all interested candidates to apply.

Jornada sin especificar
Contrato sin especificar
45.000€ - 75.000€ bruto/año
Compliance Officer (Limassol)
Wibit Consulting & Services (WibitCS)
Sin especificar
5 de noviembre

In Collaboration, we are excited to partner with a leading financial services company to recruit an English-speaking Compliance Officer for our Limassol team! If you are passionate about ensuring regulatory adherence and enjoy working in a dynamic environment, we want you to join us in upholding the highest standards of compliance.

Position: Compliance Officer

Location: Limassol, Cyprus

Employment Type: Full-time

Work Model: On-site

What You’ll Do:

  • Surveillance and Monitoring: Vigilantly monitor trading activities to identify suspicious or unauthorized actions, reviewing reports and alerts generated by compliance systems.
  • Documentation Management: Keep compliance documents organized and up-to-date, ensuring policies, procedures, and regulatory filings are always in compliance.
  • Reporting: Prepare regular compliance reports for management and regulatory bodies, providing insights and updates on our compliance status.
  • Regulatory Research: Stay ahead of the curve by conducting thorough research on regulatory changes that could impact the organization.
  • Training and Development: Assist in organizing compliance training for employees, fostering a culture of compliance awareness and education.
  • Breach Investigation: Support the compliance monitoring program by conducting reviews and investigating any compliance breaches reported by employees or flagged by systems.
  • Policy Implementation: Collaborate with colleagues to implement new or updated compliance policies across the organization.
  • Due Diligence: Conduct due diligence checks on clients by reviewing documentation and ensuring strict adherence to KYC (Know Your Customer) and AML (Anti-Money Laundering) regulations.
  • Audit Collaboration: Work closely with the internal audit team during compliance audits, providing necessary documentation and insights.

What You Bring:

  • Experience: A minimum of 1 year in a similar role within a Compliance Department, demonstrating your understanding of compliance protocols.
  • Educational Background: A Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, Economics, Finance, or a related field.
  • Certifications: CySEC Basic/Advanced certification is a plus, showcasing your commitment to professional standards.
  • Technical Skills: Proficiency in Microsoft Office, enabling you to create reports and presentations efficiently.
  • Language Proficiency: Fluent in English with strong verbal and written communication skills to effectively convey compliance matters.
  • Attention to Detail: A keen eye for detail with a results-oriented approach, ensuring thoroughness in compliance activities.
  • Critical Thinking: Excellent multitasking abilities and strong critical thinking skills to navigate complex compliance issues.

What We Offer:

  • Competitive Salary: Enjoy a remuneration package based on your experience and qualifications.
  • Health Benefits: Access to private medical insurance, prioritizing your well-being.
  • Professional Growth: Ongoing professional development and training opportunities to help you advance in your career.
  • Team Events: Engage in quarterly team events and regular corporate activities that promote a strong team spirit.
  • Wellness Perks: Benefit from access to sports activities and a corporate discount card.
  • Positive Work Culture: Be part of a dynamic and friendly team in a supportive and positive working environment.

Join us in this exciting opportunity to ensure compliance excellence within a leading financial services organization! #ComplianceOfficer #FinancialServices #Limassol

Departamento: Legal & Compliance
Jornada sin especificar
Otros contratos
Salario sin especificar
Back Office Officer (Limassol)
Wibit Consulting & Services (WibitCS)
Sin especificar
5 de noviembre

In Collaboration, we are excited to partner with a leading financial services company to find an English-speaking Back Office Officer to join our vibrant Limassol team! If you are detail-oriented, passionate about customer service, and eager to contribute to a dynamic work environment, this opportunity is perfect for you.

Position: Back Office Officer

Location: Limassol, Cyprus

Employment Type: Full-time

Work Model: On-site

What You’ll Do:

  • Client Onboarding: Open and register new client accounts in our company software, ensuring a smooth and efficient onboarding process.
  • Compliance Checks: Conduct KYC (Know Your Customer) and due diligence checks to uphold our commitment to regulatory compliance.
  • Activity Monitoring: Monitor client activity for AML (Anti-Money Laundering) compliance, helping to maintain a secure trading environment.
  • Withdrawal Management: Oversee and facilitate client withdrawals, ensuring accurate approval and timely execution.
  • Transaction Processing: Process and settle various transactions, including deposits, withdrawals, and internal transfers, with a keen eye for discrepancies.
  • Documentation Handling: Provide account statements upon request and archive essential documents in our CRM, including agreements and contracts.
  • Customer Support: Address customer complaints professionally, striving to enhance client satisfaction and retention.
  • Document Maintenance: Keep client KYC documents up to date, ensuring all records are accurate and compliant.
  • Team Support: Assist the team with other tasks as needed, contributing to a collaborative work environment.

What You Bring:

  • Experience: A minimum of 1 year in a similar role within the financial services or Forex industry.
  • Educational Background: A Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, Economics, Finance, or a related field.
  • Language Skills: Fluency in English with strong communication skills; knowledge of additional languages such as Hebrew, Dutch, or Spanish is a plus.
  • Technical Proficiency: Proficiency in Microsoft Office and CRM systems, with the ability to quickly learn new software.
  • Self-Starter Attitude: Ability to work independently while also thriving in a team-oriented environment.
  • Attention to Detail: A meticulous approach to tasks, with a strong focus on accuracy and results.
  • Multitasking Skills: Excellent time management abilities, enabling you to juggle multiple responsibilities effectively.
  • Certifications: CySEC Basic/Advanced certification is advantageous.
  • Flexibility: Availability to work Monday to Friday, with rotating shifts between 10 AM - 07 PM and 02 PM - 11 PM.

What We Offer:

  • Competitive Salary: An attractive remuneration package based on experience and qualifications.
  • Health Benefits: Comprehensive private medical insurance to ensure your well-being.
  • Professional Development: Ongoing training opportunities to enhance your skills and advance your career.
  • Team Events: Engage in quarterly team events and regular corporate activities that foster camaraderie and teamwork.
  • Wellness Perks: Access to sports activities and a corporate discount card for added benefits.
  • Positive Environment: Become part of a dynamic, friendly team within a supportive and positive workplace culture.

Join us in this exciting opportunity to shape the future of financial services as our next Back Office Officer! #BackOffice #FinancialServices #Limassol

Departamento: Information & Technology
Jornada sin especificar
Otros contratos
Salario sin especificar
German Sales & Marketing Consultant - Google Ads Products
Teleperformance is a worldwide leader in customer experience management and contact centre business process outsourcing. Our company employs around 420.000 people working in over 265 dialects and languages, in 88 countries, operating across all business sectors and all continents on behalf of major international companies. At Teleperformance, we do business with people, for people. We want our employees to be inspired and motivated. Our main goal is to make them proud to belong to Teleperformance through job satisfaction and a great work environment. Teleperformance Spain, with more than 4,700 employees in 10 sites (certified with Great Place to Work and Top Employer), is looking for a group of highly-skilled professionals whose focus is on engaging and obtaining high potential advertisers, and subsequently persuading them to incorporate a range of marketing products into their current Marketing strategies. What you will do: * Make outbound customer calls to promote and sell our service * Create, maintain and update database of customers with complete information * Consolidate existing customer base while building new customer base. * Record outbound call history and customers' responses in detail. * Ensure customer follow-up all the time. * Monitor competitors’ products or services and create selling strategies for their own products or services. * Handle customer needs and requirements. * Respond to customer inquiries and resolve. Benefits What we offer: * Full-time position (39 hours/week). * Hybrid working model in Barcelona. * Salary: 25.330€ gross/year + up to 4.470€ gross/year * Permanent Contract. * Referral Program: bring a friend and get a Referral Fee (up to 2.000€ depending on the language/project). * Relocation package support * Intense specific sales training. * A permanent presence of coaches who will facilitate your personal and professional development. * Established career path to grow within the project. * Continuous training and certifications within Google products. * Bi-weekly, monthly or quarterly contests. * Employment with the world's largest provider of contact center services. * Excellent work environment, great colleagues, social arrangements and personal development. * Dynamic business casual environment with colleagues of all ages gathered in a highly-motivated team.
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar
German Digital Marketing Consultant - Google Ads
Description Are you a Google fan? Do you love Google products? Are you passionate about the web and new technology? If you are tech savvy, creative, outgoing, and willing to roll up your sleeves and get things done in a fast-paced, rapidly changing environment, we may have the perfect job for you! Teleperformance Spain, with more than 4,700 employees in 10 sites (certified with Great Place to Work and Top Employer), is looking for a highly-skilled group of professionals to help improve the business, and identify areas of growth based on digital advertising campaigns. Purpose of the role As a Digital Marketing Consultant your role is to identify and apply the appropriate advertising solutions through an active collaboration with German companies and Digital Marketing & Online Advertising Agency Partners. You would work with a wide variety of advertisers, and deliver the optimal digital advertising solution for each customer. It is a target driven environment, where you will work towards individual sales targets and be part of a larger sales team increasing the Client customer base across EMEA. You will be part of the largest team who creates unique customer experiences while actively affecting the German online marketing environment. Responsibilities * Implement creative ways to improve our client companies and agency relationships, by tailoring and sharing performance-enhancing suggestions, and upsell or promote other Google products. * Provide strategic advice and help businesses and agencies get the best ROI on their clients’ advertising investment by working closely with them in a consultative role. * Consistently deliver against assigned quota, while prioritising and delivering outstanding customer sales experience. * Communicate with the customers proactively, via phone, video conference and email. Benefits * Full time position (39h per week, Monday to Friday). * Permanent Contract * Salary: starting from 30.000€ gross/year + up to 3.500€ gross/year in bonus. * with possibilities to overachieve) * This is a Hybrid working model in Barcelona. * Referral Program: Bring a Friend and get a Referral fee (up to 2.000€ depending on the language/project). * Relocation Support * 4 weeks of intense introduction training on Google Ads and specific sales training. * A permanent presence of coaches who will facilitate your personal and professional development. * Established career path to grow within the project. * Continuous training and certifications within Google products. * Bi-weekly, monthly or quarterly contests. * Employment with the world’s largest provider of contact centre services. * Excellent work environment, great colleagues, social arrangements and personal development. * Dynamic business casual environment with colleagues of all ages gathered in a highly-motivated team. * Office location surrounded by the sea
Jornada indiferente
Contrato indefinido
30.000€ - 33.000€ bruto/año
French Digital Marketing Consultant - Google Ads
Are you a Google fan? Do you love Google products? Are you passionate about the web and new technology? If you are tech savvy, creative, outgoing, and willing to roll up your sleeves and get things done in a fast-paced, rapidly changing environment, we may have the perfect job for you! Teleperformance Spain, with more than 4,700 employees in 10 sites (certified with Great Place to Work and Top Employer), is looking for a highly-skilled group of professionals to help improve the business, and identify areas of growth based on digital advertising campaigns. Purpose of the role As a Digital Marketing Consultant your role is to identify and apply the appropriate advertising solutions through an active collaboration with French companies and Digital Marketing & Online Advertising Agency Partners. You would work with a wide variety of advertisers, and deliver the optimal digital advertising solution for each customer. It is a target driven environment, where you will work towards individual sales targets and be part of a larger sales team increasing the Client customer base across EMEA. You will be part of the largest team who creates unique customer experiences while actively affecting the French online marketing environment. Responsibilities * Implement creative ways to improve our client companies and agency relationships, by tailoring and sharing performance-enhancing suggestions, and upsell or promote other Google products. * Provide strategic advice and help businesses and agencies get the best ROI on their clients’ advertising investment by working closely with them in a consultative role. * Consistently deliver against assigned quota, while prioritising and delivering outstanding customer sales experience. * Communicate with the customers proactively, via phone, video conference and email. Benefits * Full time position (39h per week, Monday to Friday). * Permanent Contract. * Salary: starting from 26.000,00€ gross/year + up to 4.500,00€ gross/year in bonus. * This is a Hybrid working model in Barcelona. * Referral Program: Bring a Friend and get a Referral fee (up to 2.000€ depending on the language/project). * Relocation support * 4 weeks of intense introduction training on Google Ads and specific sales training. * A permanent presence of coaches who will facilitate your personal and professional development. * Established career path to grow within the project. * Continuous training and certifications within Google products. * Bi-weekly, monthly or quarterly contests. * Employment with the world’s largest provider of contact centre services. * Excellent work environment, great colleagues, social arrangements and personal development. * Dynamic business casual environment with colleagues of all ages gathered in a highly-motivated team. * Office location surrounded by the sea
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar
Dutch Business Developer Representative
As a Business Developer Representative, you will be responsible for identifying robust sales opportunities, profiling prospective customers, discovering their needs and driving new business through various outbound campaigns. You will help businesses work better together, move fast and innovate. As a member of the Business Development team, you will be the first point of contact for hundreds of businesses, proactively engaging them to build enthusiasm while identifying and qualifying their business needs to propose adequate solutions and send them on the most appropriate Sales path. You will work towards individual targets, but will also be part of a larger sales team with a focus to grow our customer base across EMEA. You will be in a phone-based environment, where you will interact with customers primarily via outbound calls. Responsibilities * Achieve SQO (Sales Qualified Opportunity) quota quarterly, and hit a target level of activity daily and weekly * Manage a portfolio of assigned accounts to identify high potential prospects * Educate customers on what we have to offer * Execute daily outbound phone calls and emails (often cold calling), contact C-level decision makers, build quick rapport and assess needs. * Understand prospects’ pain points, gather technical requirements, correlate business needs to available Cloud solutions (solution-selling) and build value for next steps in the sales process * Update and maintain prospect and customer data in Salesforce.com (CRM database). Manage leads, contacts, accounts, opportunities and activities in Salesforce.com * Work towards team and individual goals for key performance indicators like productivity, conversion rates, opportunities and pipeline * Diligently document customers notes and deal details over the course of a customer’s interaction (using Salesforce.com) to ensure that clarity on the current and past state of customer interaction is available to all stakeholders at any given point in time. Benefits * Full time position (39h per week, Monday to Friday). * This is a Hybrid working model in Barcelona. * Salary: 23.876€ gross/year + up to 3.408€ gross/year in bonus. * Referral Program: Bring a Friend and get a Referral fee (up to 2.000€ depending on the language/project). * Permanent Contract. * Relocation support * A permanent presence of coaches who will facilitate your personal and professional development. * Established career path to grow within the project. * Bi-weekly, monthly or quarterly contests. * Employment with the world’s largest provider of contact center services. * Excellent work environment, great colleagues, social arrangements and personal development. * Dynamic business casual environment with colleagues of all ages gathered in a highly-motivated team. * Office location surrounded by the sea
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar
Atención al cliente - Ventas
Estamos buscando una persona de Atención al Cliente – Ventas para empresa dedicada al alquiler de espacios de almacenamiento para su centro situado en Quart de Poblet, Valencia. ¿QUÉ SE OFRECE? * Contrato indefinido * Salario de entre 21.000€ y 24.000€ brutos anuales + comisiones en función de la experiencia aportada al puesto * Horario por turnos, se trabajará según la semana de mañanas o de tardes. Se trabajan sábados alternos * El centro está abierto de lunes a viernes de 9:30 h a 20:00 h, y los sábados de 10:00 h a 14:00 h (cuando se trabaja un sábado, la semana siguiente se trabajan esas 4 horas menos) ¿QUÉ FUNCIONES REALIZARÁS? * Atención a clientes. Asesorarlos con el objetivo de cubrir sus necesidades. Garantizando la atención adecuada y creando una relación de confianza. * Gestión de solicitudes de posibles clientes. Cierre de venta del servicio. * Emisión y recepción de facturas. * Reclamación de impagos. * Negociación de contratos. * Resolución de incidencias. * Supervisión de la buena imagen de las instalaciones.
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
21.000€ - 23.997€ bruto/año
Responsable - Atención al cliente - Ventas
Estamos buscando un Responsable de Atención al Cliente – Ventas para empresa dedicada al alquiler de espacios de almacenamiento para su centro situado en Quart de Poblet, Valencia. ¿QUÉ SE OFRECE? * Contrato indefinido * Salario de entre 25.000€ a 30.000€ brutos anuales + comisiones en función de la experiencia aportada al puesto * Horario por turnos, se trabajará según la semana de mañanas o de tardes. Se trabajan sábados alternos * El centro está abierto de lunes a viernes de 9:30 h a 20:00 h, y los sábados de 10:00 h a 14:00 h (cuando se trabaja un sábado, la semana siguiente se trabajan esas 4 horas menos) * Formación inicial ¿QUÉ FUNCIONES REALIZARÁS? Reportando al responsable de la zona, tus tareas serán: * Atención a clientes. Asesorarlos con el objetivo de cubrir sus necesidades. Garantizando la atención adecuada y creando una relación de confianza * Gestión de solicitudes de posibles clientes. Cierre de venta del servicio * Emisión y recepción de facturas * Reclamación de impagos * Negociación de contratos * Resolución de incidencias * Supervisión de la buena imagen de las instalaciones
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
25.000€ - 30.000€ bruto/año
International Accounting Manager
  • International Accounting Manager| International art foundation located in the center of Madrid

International art foundation located in the center of Madrid

  • Preparing monthly, quarterly and year-end closeout accounting reports, by stablishing and enforcing generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP)
  • Ensuretheregistryofthedailyoperationsoftheaccountingdepartmentincluding:
    • month and end-year process
    • accounts payable/receivable
    • cash receipts
    • general ledger
    • payroll and utilities
    • treasury, budgeting
    • cash forecasting
    • capital assets reconciliations
    • trust account statement reconciliations,
    • check runs
    • reconciliations for the parent's intercompany entries,
    • Foreign currency accounting.
  • Manage the consolidation of all Branches locations for monthly financial closings and perform liaison role with local offices
  • Preparation and submission of the documents for quarterly advanced VAT returns, withholding tax, as well as the annual tax declaration- good knowledge in intracommunitary VAT is expected
  • Manages external annual audit, tax audits and branch offices accounting reviews
  • Work on international projects in cooperation with COO and external partners

  • Competitive Package
  • A positive culture where everyone is encouraged to achieve their full potential
  • The opportunity to work in a supportive, and challenging environment where you really can have impact and make a difference
Jornada sin especificar
Contrato sin especificar
40.000€ - 45.000€ bruto/año
German Business Developer-Google Ads Prod.
Teleperformance is a worldwide leader in customer experience management and contact centre business process outsourcing. Our company employs around 420.000 people working in over 265 dialects and languages, in 88 countries, operating across all business sectors and all continents on behalf of major international companies. At Teleperformance, we do business with people, for people. We want our employees to be inspired and motivated. Our main goal is to make them proud to belong to Teleperformance through job satisfaction and a great work environment. Teleperformance Spain, with more than 4,700 employees in 10 sites (certified with Great Place to Work and Top Employer), is looking for a highly-skilled group of professionals. Purpose of the role: As a Business Developer Representative, you will be responsible for identifying robust sales opportunities, profiling prospective customers, discovering their needs and driving new business through various outbound campaigns. You will help businesses work better together, move fast and innovate. As a member of the Business Development team, you will be the first point of contact for hundreds of businesses, proactively engaging them to build enthusiasm while identifying and qualifying their business needs to propose adequate solutions and send them on the most appropriate Sales path. You will work towards individual targets, but will also be part of a larger sales team with a focus to grow our customer base across EMEA. You will be in a phone-based environment, where you will interact with customers primarily via outbound calls. Benefits * Full time position (39h per week, Monday to Friday) * This is a Hybrid working model in Barcelona. * Salary: 25.440,00€ gross/year + up to 6.360,00€ gross/year in bonus * Referral Program: Bring a Friend and get a Referral fee (up to 2.000€ depending on the language/project) * Permanent Contract * Relocation package including: * Flight ticket * Taxi from the airport in Spain to your new accommodation * Accommodation in a nice studio. * Support with a private Health Insurance * A permanent presence of coaches who will facilitate your personal and professional development * Established career path to grow within the project * Bi-weekly, monthly or quarterly contests * Employment with the world’s largest provider of contact center services * Excellent work environment, great colleagues, social arrangements and personal development * Dynamic business casual environment with colleagues of all ages gathered in a highly-motivated team
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
25.000€ - 31.000€ bruto/año
German Business Developer Representative
As a Business Developer Representative, you will be responsible for identifying robust sales opportunities, profiling prospective customers, discovering their needs and driving new business through various outbound campaigns. You will help businesses work better together, move fast and innovate. As a member of the Business Development team, you will be the first point of contact for hundreds of businesses, proactively engaging them to build enthusiasm while identifying and qualifying their business needs to propose adequate solutions and send them on the most appropriate Sales path. You will work towards individual targets, but will also be part of a larger sales team with a focus to grow our customer base across EMEA. You will be in a phone-based environment, where you will interact with customers primarily via outbound calls. Responsibilities * Achieve SQO (Sales Qualified Opportunity) quota quarterly, and hit a target level of activity daily and weekly * Manage a portfolio of assigned accounts to identify high potential prospects * Educate customers on what we have to offer * Execute daily outbound phone calls and emails (often cold calling), contact C-level decision makers, build quick rapport and assess needs. * Understand prospects’ pain points, gather technical requirements, correlate business needs to available Cloud solutions (solution-selling) and build value for next steps in the sales process * Update and maintain prospect and customer data in Salesforce.com (CRM database). Manage leads, contacts, accounts, opportunities and activities in Salesforce.com * Work towards team and individual goals for key performance indicators like productivity, conversion rates, opportunities and pipeline * Diligently document customers notes and deal details over the course of a customer’s interaction (using Salesforce.com) to ensure that clarity on the current and past state of customer interaction is available to all stakeholders at any given point in time. Benefits * Full time position (39h per week, Monday to Friday) * This is a Hybrid working model in Barcelona. * Salary: 25.440,00€ gross/year + up to 6.360,00€ gross/year in bonus * Referral Program: Bring a Friend and get a Referral fee (up to 2.000€ depending on the language/project) * Permanent Contract * Relocation package including: * Flight ticket * Taxi from the airport in Spain to your new accommodation * Accommodation in a nice studio. * Support with a private Health Insurance * A permanent presence of coaches who will facilitate your personal and professional development * Established career path to grow within the project * Bi-weekly, monthly or quarterly contests * Employment with the world’s largest provider of contact center services * Excellent work environment, great colleagues, social arrangements and personal development * Dynamic business casual environment with colleagues of all ages gathered in a highly-motivated team
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar
Encajado de naranjas, turno de mañanas de lunes a sábado de 6'00 a 14'30 y turno de tardes de 14'30 horas a finalizar.Contrato fijo discontinuo 40 horas semanalespago según conveniodisponibilidad a realizar horas extrasincorporación 11/11/24toda la campañazona los valles: Faura, Benavites, Quartell
Jornada parcial - indiferente
Contrato fijo discontinuo
9€ - 11€ bruto/hora
Desde Grupo Crit precisamos incorporar un perfil como PINTOR INDUSTRIAL para la pintura con airless de estructuras metálicas en taller para una importante empresa situada en QUART DE POBLET. ¿QUÉ FUNCIONES DESARROLLARÁS? - Preparación de piezas y elementos de pintura. - Pintado y recubrimiento con pintura ignífuga. ¿QUÉ OFRECEMOS? - Contrato directo pro empresa - Horario de Lunes a Jueves de 07:30h a 17:00h y Viernes de 07:30h a 13:30h - Salario inicial 22.500 € / año y posibilidad de primsa por producción
Jornada completa
Contrato de duración determinada
Salario sin especificar
Desde Gestora Laboral Mediterránea ETT, seleccionamos maquinistas para línea de producción para distintas secciones para una importante empresa en Quart de poblet especializada en envases flexibles. Se realizarán funciones de: * Leer la información de las órdenes de fabricación (material necesario y características del pedido) * Colocar la bobina en la zona de desbobinado de la máquina y pasar el material * Ajustar la máquina con los parámetros establecidos. * Confeccionar las bolsas según necesidades requeridas por los clientes. * Facilitar al almacenero, una vez acabado el palet, el informe parcial del mismo y la etiqueta con nº de pedido, nº palet y firma del trabajador. * Cambiar elementos por desgaste (teflones, perforadores, cuchillas de los precortes, correas de extracción de bolsas, filtros) * Interpretar la información de las órdenes de fabricación, haciendo especial hincapié en los metros a laminar, materiales a usar y la cara a laminar, junto con el tipo de adhesivo. * Realizar la calibración de los adhesivos * Comprobar durante la marcha que no hay desplazamiento de material * Realizar los controles de proceso por bobina * Identificar cada bobina con una etiqueta donde figure pedido, bobina, peso. * Mantener el orden y la limpieza de la máquina y espacio de trabajo, de acuerdo al plan de limpieza. * Cumplir con las Normas Internas de PRL, higiene y seguridad alimentaria, así como con los controles, procedimientos e instrucciones del puesto de trabajo. L-V M/T/N ETT+posibilidad de pasar a empresa El proceso de selección de reclutamiento de esta oferta garantiza la igualdad de oportunidades a todas las candidaturas sin distinción de raza, color, religión, sexo, origen, nacionalidad, edad, orientación sexual, identidad de género, estado de discapacidad, o cualquier otra característica protegida por Ley.
Jornada completa
Otros contratos
Salario sin especificar
Ingeniero de automatización
  • Empresa fabricante de maquinaria|Sector aeronáutico y marítimo

Empresa fabricante de maquinaria para el sector aeronáutico y marítimo con head quarters en Barcelona ciudad, en búsqueda de un Ingeniero de automatización.

El Ingeniero de automatización realizará:

  • Coordinación técnica en proyectos eléctricos
  • Diseño eléctrico de instalaciones de potencial y control
  • Cálculo de instalaciones
  • Diseño y programación de software para PLC y HMI
  • Intervención en reuniones de diseño y colaboración con los equipos de diseño y cálculo.
  • Interpretaciones de especificaciones técnicas y normativas aplicables al proyecto. Coordinación técnica en proyectos eléctricos
  • Puesta en marcha de los equipos (eléctrica y software).

Oficinas en Barcelona ciudad.

Jornada sin especificar
Contrato sin especificar
25.000€ - 39.000€ bruto/año
Desde GRUPO CRIT precisamos incorporar un SOLDADOR/A TIG para una importante empresa del sector metal ubicada en QUART DE POBLET. Funciones: * Soldadura, corte y conformado de estructuras y piezas. * Valorable experiencia en manipulación de tuberías. Ofrecemos: * Contrato inicial por ETT de 3 meses, con posibilidad de prórroga. * Horario: de lunes a viernes de 6.00h a 14.30h (con 30 mins de descanso) * Salario: 12,37€ brutos/hora.
Jornada completa
Contrato de duración determinada
Salario sin especificar