Ordenar ofertas por:
A Coruña(387)
Ciudad Real(115)
Illes Balears(716)
La Rioja(200)
Las Palmas(363)
Santa Cruz de Tenerife(249)
Sin especificar(745)
Administración empresas(1.915)
Administración Pública(1)
Atención a clientes(935)
Calidad, producción, I+D(1.201)
Comercial y ventas(2.501)
Compras, logística y almacén(2.181)
Diseño y artes gráficas(177)
Educación y formación(89)
Finanzas y banca(58)
Informática y telecomunicaciones(966)
Ingenieros y técnicos(1.659)
Inmobiliario y construcción(807)
Marketing y comunicación(877)
Otras actividades(2.901)
Profesiones y oficios(1.269)
Recursos humanos(512)
Sanidad y salud(606)
Sector Farmacéutico(141)
Turismo y restauración(896)
Ventas al detalle(81)
Estudios mínimos:
Ciclo Formativo Grado Medio(208)
Ciclo Formativo Grado Superior(165)
Educación Secundaria Obligatoria(4.035)
Enseñanzas deportivas (regladas)(7)
Formación Profesional Grado Medio(733)
Formación Profesional Grado Superior(732)
Ingeniero Superior(188)
Ingeniero Técnico(27)
Otros cursos y formación no reglada(2)
Otros títulos, certificaciones y carnés(52)
Sin especificar(14.032)
Sin estudios(916)
Jornada laboral:
Intensiva - Indiferente(296)
Intensiva - Mañana(169)
Intensiva - Noche(16)
Intensiva - Tarde(50)
Parcial - Indiferente(2.436)
Parcial - Mañana(178)
Parcial - Noche(87)
Parcial - Tarde(55)
Sin especificar(5.946)
Tipo de contrato:
A tiempo parcial(28)
De duración determinada(3.074)
De relevo(9)
Fijo discontinuo(415)
Otros contratos(6.592)
Sin especificar(3.120)
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Ofertas de empleo de we are marketing

104 ofertas de trabajo de we are marketing

Técnico/a Administrativo (Contabilidad)

Desde la división Editorial de Grupo Planeta, estamos en búsqueda de un/a Técnico/a Administrativo para el Departamento de Derechos de Autor.

¿Qué hacemos en el departamento de Derechos de Autor de Grupo Planeta?

En nuestro departamento nos encargamos de la gestión de los derechos de propiedad intelectual de nuestros/as autores/as. Internamente, trabajamos en estrecha colaboración con editores de todos los sellos editoriales del Grupo, con el departamento de marketing y comunicación, de arte y diseño y financiero. Además, estamos siempre en contacto directo con autores, agencias literarias y editores tanto nacionales como internacionales.

Realizamos contratos de compra de derechos de autores, ilustradores, traductores, etc. Gestionamos los derechos de cubiertas, fotografías e ilustraciones que aparecen en los libros.

Realizamos los pagos a autores de esos contratos y de las liquidaciones de royalties que se generan.

Nuestro entorno de trabajo es muy diverso, integral y global. Nos encanta leer, ser partícipes de la cadena de valor y, sobre todo, defender y proteger los derechos de nuestros/as autores/as nacionales e internacionales.

¿En qué consistirá tu día a día?

  • Atender el buzón del departamento dando apoyo a las agencias y autores que solicitan información.
  • Gestionar las facturas y documentación recibida en el buzón con el resto del departamento, tanto área de contratación como económica.
  • Realización de diversos informes (venta, contratación, etc.)
  • Gestión de diferentes tareas administrativas de los sellos editoriales: introducción de liquidaciones, envío de notificaciones a autores, envío de ejemplares justificativos a autores y agencias, etc...
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar
Ecommerce Site Merchandising Coordinator

Who we are...

AWWG is the global fashion group that integrates the brands Pepe Jeans London, Hackett, and Façonnable, and is the licensed distributor for Tommy Hilfiger and Calvin Klein, Donna Karan, DKNY and Karl Lagerfeld in Spain and Portugal.

The project!

Reporting to the Ecommerce Manager, the Site Merchandiser Coordinator is an essential role within the Hackett London team. Enhancing the customer shopping experience and maximizing online sales. The ideal candidate has a good understanding of E-commerce within the retail or fashion industry. Based in Madrid, Spain.

What are the mainly responsabilities?

  • As a Site Merchandiser for Hackett London you will be responsible for enhancing the online shopping experience and driving sales through effective product presentation.

  • The ideal candidate will have a strong interest of eCommerce trends and analytical skills. Key objectives include:

  • Optimize Product Placement and sorting: Ensuring that products are displayed in a way that attracts and retains customer interest across the multiple markets and according to regional trends, using data-driven insights to feature bestsellers, and new arrivals.

  • Analysing Performance Metrics: Monitoring and analysing key performance indicators such as click-through rates, conversion rates, and average order value to inform the trading team and identify areas for improvement.
    Collaborating with Cross-Functional Teams: Working closely with trading, marketing, planning/product, and content teams.

Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar
Research Assistant in Economics / Marketing / Finance

  • Research Assistant (RA) will work independently and in collaboration with IESE Professors in research projects in the areas of economics / finance / marketing. RA will have 1 weekly meetings and energetic interactions with IESE Professors. The RA is not expected to be expert in all areas, rather will receive regular guidance and training from the Professor.
  • Broadly, the candidate should be interested in working in: analyzing “big data”, online and social platforms, working with leading retailers in Europe, machine learning packages, econometric tools, GEO location data, consumer behavior experiments.
  • The candidate should enjoy writing in English. Many projects are more intensive in writing (and less intensive in computer programming).
  • The research is expected to be published in leading academic Journals, providing the RA with first-hand experience working from the start to the end with academic projects.

Jornada parcial - indiferente
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar

Desde Marlex estamos colaborando con una importante empresa que se dedica al diseño, comercialización, instalación, mantenimiento y reparación de todo tipo de maquinaria para el envasado de productos. Actualmente, precisan incorporar un/a Events Coordinator & Marketing para su delegación ubicada en el Vallès Occidental.

¿Cuál será tu misión en la empresa?

Reportando a la Directora de Marketing, la persona seleccionada se encargará de:

  • Planificar, organizar y coordinar las ferias y otros acontecimientos en línea y offline, tanto a nivel local como internacional (construcción de los stands y otros servicios asociados).
  • Elaborar comunicados corporativos, newsletters, presentaciones y videos corporativos y hacer un seguimiento de ellos.
  • Crear y actualizar el contenido para las diferentes redes sociales (Linkedin, YouTube, Instagram y otros) y web de la marca.
  • Proponer y crear diseños y contenido para los catálogos corporativos en coordinación con otros departamentos y áreas.
  • Contactar con al servicio de traducción y verificar las traducciones de los textos del catálogo que realicen.
  • Hacer un seguimiento de las acciones y publicaciones de marketing realizadas y gestionar los leads generados.
  • Dar soporte en el contenido SEO de la Web y mejorar el posicionamiento de la marca.

Al perfil seleccionado se le ofrece:

  • Posición estable e incorporación directa por empresa.
  • Formar parte de una empresa consolidada y líder en su sector.
  • Horario laboral a jornada completa de lunes a jueves de 7h a 16:30h con flexibilidad horaria y los viernes jornada intensiva de 7h a 13h.
  • Retribución salarial a concretar con el/la candidato/a.
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar
Senior Cluster Revenue Manager
  • Reconocido Grupo Hotelero con presencia nacional e internacional.
  • Imprescinible experiencia en producto urbano

Reconocido grupo hotelero, con establecimientos a nivel nacional e internacional.

Reportando a una Dirección Comercial, el candidato/a seleccionado será responsable de la implementación de estrategias de precios, análisis de demanda, segmentación de clientes y la mejora de los resultados financieros a través de una toma de decisiones basada en datos.

Sus responsabilidades principales, pero no limitadas:

  • Desarrollar e implementar estrategias de precios dinámicos para maximizar los ingresos, considerando la oferta y la demanda, la competencia, la estacionalidad y eventos locales.
  • Supervisar las tarifas diarias (ADR), el índice de ocupación y los ingresos por habitación disponible (RevPAR).
  • Realizar análisis detallados de la ocupación y los ingresos históricos para prever la demanda futura y ajustar las estrategias de precios en consecuencia.
  • Establecer previsiones de ventas y análisis de rentabilidad para diferentes segmentos de clientes.
  • Optimizar el rendimiento de los canales de distribución online (OTA, GDS, sitio web del hotel) y offline, asegurando la correcta paridad de precios.
  • Controlar la disponibilidad de habitaciones a través de estos canales para maximizar el rendimiento.
  • Monitorear continuamente la competencia para identificar tendencias de mercado y ajustar las tarifas y estrategias en consecuencia.
  • Realizar benchmarking para evaluar el desempeño de las propiedades en relación con el mercado local.
  • Generar informes y presentaciones regulares sobre los KPIs del cluster, destacando áreas de mejora y oportunidades para incrementar los ingresos.
  • Realizar reuniones periódicas con la dirección para revisar el rendimiento y proponer acciones correctivas si es necesario.
  • Supervisar y entrenar a los equipos de Revenue Manager a nivel de cluster, asegurando que todos los miembros del equipo estén alineados con los objetivos comerciales.
  • Colaborar estrechamente con otros departamentos como ventas, marketing y operaciones para asegurar una ejecución exitosa de las estrategias.

  • Competitivas condiciones salariales.
  • Posibilidad de pertenecer a uno grupo de hoteles de gran reconocimiento.
  • Posibilidades de desarrollo profesional.
Jornada sin especificar
Contrato sin especificar
Salario sin especificar
Director/a de Marketing Promociones inmobiliarias (H/M/D)
  • Desarrollo profesional
  • Puesto de alta responsabilidad

Reconocida empresa del sector de la promoción inmobiliaria y construcción requiere incorporar Director/a de Marketing (H/M/D), para hacerse cargo del departamento, dirigir, y coordinar el mismo, así como gestionar los procesos que intervienen en la relación de intercambio desde el análisis del mercado inmobiliario e identificación de oportunidades como la materialización en nuevos contactos.

  • Detectar, Desarrollar y mantener las necesidades referentes a sitios web, posicionamiento SEO y SEM, CRM, etc para promocionar y vender la empresa y sus productos y servicios a través de la red, analizando su rendimiento y desarrollando las estrategias y los contenidos necesarios para optimizar su uso e impacto, en coordinación con posibles proveedores externos.
  • Elaborar e implantar el Plan Estratégico de Marketing en línea con la Estrategia Comercial y Corporativa de la empresa.
  • Impulsar el cambio e innovación del área de Marketing, fomentando la generación de ideas, activando proyectos relevantes y proponiendo y liderando los proyectos de cambio para el área.
  • Supervisar, gestionar y coordinar al equipo de Comunicación y Marca.
  • Imagen y promoción: organizar con los diferentes departamentos internos y colaboradores externos, la participación en Ferias, jornadas técnicas, patrocinios, promociones de ventas con clientes y otros eventos externos, así como la coordinación y dirección en lo referente al diseño, preparación y presentación del branding de la empresa en cada uno de dichos eventos.
  • Control y coordinación de la Marca conforme a la estrategia comercial establecida, para lograr una difusión óptima de la imagen de la empresa y crear el impacto deseado.
  • Experiencia de cliente y mercados: investigar y analizar el mercado en búsqueda de oportunidades para identificar nuevos canales, alianzas y asociaciones de marcas.
  • Analizar y preparar proyecciones y recomendaciones en las áreas de preferencia de productos, cobertura de ventas, penetración y prácticas de mercado y tendencias de ventas.
  • Producto: investigar y analizar las necesidades o tendencias de producto en el que se inserta el negocio de la empresa.
  • Coordinarse con las áreas Técnica y Comercial para trasladar las necesidades, con precios adaptados al mercado. Buscar alternativas externas a productos solicitados y no ofertados en el portfolio, así como implantación de herramientas digitales.

Oportunidades de carrera y desarrollo profesional.

Jornada sin especificar
Contrato sin especificar
Salario sin especificar
Head of Marketing Digital - Multinacional del sector seguridad
  • Experiencia en empresa de venta directa
  • Experiencia liderando equipos digitales

Multinacional del sector seguridad.

  • Desarrollar y ejecutar estrategias de generación de leads para aumentar la base de clientes y las oportunidades de ventas.
  • Supervisar y gestionar campañas de marketing digital, incluyendo SEO, SEM, Redes sociales (meta, TikTok) email marketing, Display tradicional y campañas en Youtube.
  • Analizar y reportar el rendimiento de las campañas de marketing, utilizando herramientas de analítica web y de marketing propias.
  • Colaborar con otros departamentos, como Contact Center, para asegurarla alineación de las estrategias de marketing con los objetivos del área de Marketing.
  • Gestionar el presupuesto de marketing y asegurar un uso eficiente de los recursos.
  • Liderar y desarrollar el equipo de Lead Generation, proporcionando orientación y apoyo para alcanzar los objetivos establecidos.
  • Identificar nuevas oportunidades de mercado y tendencias emergentes para mantener la competitividad de la empresa.
  • Desarrollar y mantener relaciones con socios estratégicos y proveedores externos.
  • Implementar y optimizar procesos de automatización de marketing para mejorar la eficiencia y efectividad de las campañas.
  • Realizar estudios de mercado y análisis de la competencia digital para informar las estrategias de marketing.
  • Implementar tecnologías avanzadas de medición y atribución para maximizar la eficiencia tanto del funnel de conversión como de la inversión en los diferentes canales.
  • Gestionar equipos multidisciplinares y coordinar esfuerzos en entornos multinacionales para asegurar la cohesión y efectividad de las estrategias de marketing.
  • Gestionar y optimizar plataformas de e-commerce buscando continuamente la mejora de conversión end to end del funnel.

Oportunidades de carrera y desarrollo profesional.

Jornada sin especificar
Contrato sin especificar
68.000€ - 70.000€ bruto/año
Senior Product Owner - Marketplace (m/f/d)

Your Tasks

As a senior product owner you will be part of the Marketplace group, owning your services and products. This includes the end-to-end responsibility for planning and implementing new marketplace features in collaboration with MediaMarktSaturn IT architects, business stakeholders and your Dev team. To be successful, you draw upon your technical know-how, your understanding of the business and users, your ability for concept creation, concept evaluation, feature implementation and finally, communication with stakeholders and other product teams.


  • Develop, discuss and fully understand technical concepts and architecture involved in the creation of new marketplace features 
  • Collaborate across the organization with other product teams, customers, external partners, sales & marketing, customer support, and business owners to find creative solutions and deliver the best possible product for our customers
  • Use data to create ambitious product roadmaps & backlog items in accordance with business and enterprise strategy while assuring that product milestones are reached, in our own and in other product teams
  • Collaborate and exchange information with Product Owners in- and outside of the Marketplace team, as well as other stakeholders, to understand every aspect of the product and solution
  • Champion your product within the organization. Help stakeholders understand the product vision, roadmap, milestones, and the importance for our customers and business


Your Profile

  • At least 3 years’ experience as a product owner in a fast-paced, agile environment
  • A solid technical understanding, including systems architecture and key concepts like API architecture and interfaces and micro services are beneficial to this role
  • You have been working in an e-commerce environment before and are familiar with key solutions in the operation of a Marketplace
  • Enjoy taking end-to-end responsibility for your products and work independently
  • Familiar with modern web technologies. Having a technical discussion with your dev team doesn’t scare you
  • You speak English fluently in a business setup. Speaking German is a plus.
  • Passion for technology and for delivering the best products possible

About Us

MediaMarktSaturn is Europe’s leading consumer electronics retailer. It sees itself as a partner, daily companion and navigator for its customers in the digital world. Its over 1,000 MediaMarkt and Saturn stores are closely integrated with their online shops. MediaMarktSaturn has a total headcount of more than 60,000.

MediaMarktSaturn Technology is working on making Europe's number one consumer electronics retailer the technology leader in its sector. To this end, several hundred developers, UX designers and system architects using state-of-the-art technology work hand in hand with business owners in agile teams to develop customer-focused technology solutions for more than 6 million customers every day in 11 countries.

Technology Hub located in Barcelona, is one of the service units of MediaMarktSaturn Technology to deliver adequate staffing and engineering skills for the agreed deliveries of the global deployment plan for the entire group.

Additional Benefits

  • Young environment, where not everything is written in stone, and where you are expected to contribute and co-create the culture of the Tech Hub and international collaboration model
  • You'll have a 10% discount on the entire MediaMarkt website, so you can treat yourself at a lower price whenever you want!
  • On top of your compensation package, you can request Flexible Pay “MediaFlex program” (a.e. Ticket Restaurant, Private Health Insurance with SegurCaixa Adeslas, …)
  • Flexible working time and possibility to combine home office  / presential working. Intensive workday every Friday and during summer
  • The possibility to choose between 2 offices: The first one is the MediaMarkt Iberia HQ with a very attractive menu at a price. You'll eat for less than €4! And the second office is located at Pier01, in Barceloneta, right in the center of Barcelona. Free coffee and free fruit once a week
  • If you need a VISA, don't worry, we'll assist you with the visa process and accompany you throughout the entire process!
  • There is a training budget so you can continue developing the skills you need most to keep growing professionally and personally!
  • We offer language classes: English, Spanish, and German
  • On your birthday, you won't work! It's a day for you to enjoy without thinking about work
  • You'll be working with the most cutting-edge technological stack of the moment

Job Infos

?Location: Barcelona, El Prat De Llobregat

Media Markt Saturn Th Services Barcelona

Department: HQ - IT

Entrylevel: Professional Level

Type of Employement: Full Time

Working Hours: 40

Persona: Job Requisition Tech Employee

Recruiter: Joaquin Pardo 

Recruiter: Joaquin Pardo Muro 

Jornada sin especificar
Otros contratos
Salario sin especificar
Experienced AI Engineer - Customer & Marketing (m/f/d)

Your Tasks

  • You take on a responsible role in the development of our Customer & Marketing web applications and the associated backend services.  
  • You play a key role in defining requirements and solution approaches in collaboration with Product Owners. 
  • Together with your team, you take responsibility for the services and applications of the team and ensure both maintenance and operation within our cloud infrastructure. Continuous improvement is important to you. 
  • You enjoy sharing your knowledge with your colleagues and thereby contribute to the development of the entire team. 
  • You work on the integration and connection of Large Language Models (LLMs) and use frameworks like LangChain to develop innovative (generative) AI solutions. 


Your Profile

  • You have several years of professional experience as a Full-Stack Engineer and have already built and operated your own applications in the past, ideally in the e-commerce environment. 
  • SPAs are your first choice when it comes to implementing applications with React and the latest TypeScript standards . 
  • The quality of your application is important to you, which is why you swear by TypeScript and prefer to test every line of your code. 
  • You have experience in NoSQL databases (like MongoDB) as well as in relational databases (PostgreSQL)  
  • Since you are interested in the entire lifecycle of an application, Continuous Delivery and (cloud) infrastructure are not foreign words to you, and you prefer to combine this with microservices. 
  • Codebases you have worked with have led you to consider a monorepo approach. 
  • You are interested in chatbot and voice solutions, especially the intricacies of NLP, and ideally have already gained initial experience with services like Google Dialogflow. 
  • You have experience in connecting and using Large Language Models (LLMs) and are familiar with frameworks like LangChain. 
  • You are curious to implement the latest AI trends with us (RAG with vector search, Agentic AI and Multi modal AI ) 
  • You are proficient in the Python programming language and have experience in developing and implementing AI models. 
  • You have a strong team spirit, are used to working in agile teams, and have no problem with freedom and responsibility. 

About Us

MediaMarktSaturn is Europe’s leading consumer electronics retailer. It sees itself as a partner, daily companion and navigator for its customers in the digital world. Its over 1,000 MediaMarkt and Saturn stores are closely integrated with their online shops. MediaMarktSaturn has a total headcount of more than 60,000.

MediaMarktSaturn Technology is working on making Europe's number one consumer electronics retailer the technology leader in its sector. To this end, several hundred developers, UX designers and system architects using state-of-the-art technology work hand in hand with business owners in agile teams to develop customer-focused technology solutions for more than 6 million customers every day in 11 countries.

Technology Hub located in Barcelona, is one of the service units of MediaMarktSaturn Technology to deliver adequate staffing and engineering skills for the agreed deliveries of the global deployment plan for the entire group.

Additional Benefits

  • Young environment, where not everything is written in stone, and where you are expected to contribute and co-create the culture of the Tech Hub and international collaboration model
  • You'll have a 10% discount on the entire MediaMarkt website, so you can treat yourself at a lower price whenever you want!
  • On top of your compensation package, you can request Flexible Pay “MediaFlex program” (a.e. Ticket Restaurant, Private Health Insurance with SegurCaixa Adeslas, …)
  • Flexible working time and possibility to combine home office  / presential working. Intensive workday every Friday and during summer
  • The possibility to choose between 2 offices: The first one is the MediaMarkt Iberia HQ with a very attractive menu at a price. You'll eat for less than €4! And the second office is located at Pier01, in Barceloneta, right in the center of Barcelona. Free coffee and free fruit once a week
  • If you need a VISA, don't worry, we'll assist you with the visa process and accompany you throughout the entire process!
  • There is a training budget so you can continue developing the skills you need most to keep growing professionally and personally!
  • We offer language classes: English, Spanish, and German
  • On your birthday, you won't work! It's a day for you to enjoy without thinking about work
  • You'll be working with the most cutting-edge technological stack of the moment

Job Infos

?Location: Barcelona, El Prat De Llobregat

Media Markt Saturn Th Services Barcelona

Department: HQ - IT

Entrylevel: Professional Level

Type of Employement: Full Time

Working Hours: 40

Persona: Job Requisition Tech Employee

Recruiter: Joaquin Pardo 

Recruiter: Joaquin Pardo Muro 

Jornada sin especificar
Otros contratos
Salario sin especificar
Senior Marketing Analyst
HRCS - Área General
Málaga, Málaga
3 de enero

The ideal person will be a driven, passionate, self-starter who is able to develop innovative and effective approaches to solve our most critical business.

The role will be based in the Málaga head office with a remote working policy of 1 day per week.

Objectives of this role:

  • Develop product and pricing strategy and monitor its effectiveness in terms
    of market penetration and client acquisition.
  • Develop and monitor yield optimization strategies.
  • Track and forecast trends in sales and marketing, and analyze in detail the
    data collected to provide management with thorough reports and results.
  • Devise and assess procedures and methods for data collection, including
    opinion polls, surveys and questionnaires.
  • Prepare reports on findings while illustrating data with graphs and
    translating complex results into written texts that are clear and
  • Measure the effectiveness of advertising, marketing and communications
  • Define and monitor key performing indicators for the Marketing
  • Liaise with Finance Department (Planning and Control) in all processes
    regarding yield monitoring and forecasting.
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar
Position Overview: We are seeking an experienced and detail-oriented Sales Support Manager to join our dynamic team. The ideal candidate will have a strong administrative background, proven experience in interfacing between sales and administration, experience in KYC process and proficiency in Microsoft Dynamics 365. This role requires excellent organizational skills, the ability to review, define and implement workflows, and the capability to efficiently manage lead assignments while supporting the sales team. Key Responsibilities: * Provide administrative support to the sales team, ensuring efficient operations and workflow management. * Interface between the sales and administration departments to streamline processes and improve communication. * Overview and coordinate our KYC process for clearance by Administration. * Utilize Microsoft Dynamics 365 to manage customer data, track sales activities, and generate reports. * Define and implement effective workflows to optimize sales processes and enhance team productivity. * Manage lead assignments, ensuring timely and accurate distribution of leads to the sales team. * Assist in the preparation of sales proposals, contracts, and presentations. * Maintain and update the CRM database, ensuring data accuracy and completeness. * Collaborate with internal teams, including marketing, product development, and customer support, to align sales strategies with overall business objectives. * Provide regular reports and updates to senior management on sales support activities and performance metrics. * Travel occasionally to meet with clients, attend industry events, and represent the company.
Jornada sin especificar
Otros contratos
Salario sin especificar
  • The position will be based at our Antec site in Portugalete (Vizcaya) SPAIN.

Dellner Wind Solutions is an industry-diverse global leader in the design and manufacture of braking, hydraulic and cooling systems for the wind energy market. We are now looking for a Key Account Manager (KAM) to strengthen our team.

  • Develop and execute account strategies for key customers to achieve our growth targets. Maintain a deep understanding of each customers' business objectives and industry trends.
  • Conduct thorough assessments to identify opportunities for value-added services and solutions, maximizing our product content.
  • Collaborate with internal teams to tailor offerings to meet customer requirements.
  • Build and nurture long-term relationships with key stakeholders. Is a primary point of contact for the customer and act as a voice of customer within the company.
  • Convert opportunities and closing sales to build and maintain a pipeline of repeating orders, ensuring a predictable revenue stream.
  • Conduct outreach activities such as attending trade shows, conferences and seminars, and keeping up to date on trends and developments that affect all facets of the wind industry.
  • Grow the portfolio of existing and new customers. Developing new practices to enhance sales.
  • Negotiate contracts, pricing, and terms with customer and with the support of our lawyer services to ensure mutually beneficial agreements that align with company goals and profitability.
  • Coordinate with internal teams, including sales, marketing, project management and engineering, to deliver seamless and exceptional service to customers.
  • Collaborate with colleagues in the full Dellner Group to share sales opportunities in their and/or own business units.
  • Track and analyse account performance, revenue, and profitability and projected pipeline. Identifies areas for improvement and implement strategies to meet or exceed targets.
  • Support after-sales support with providing customer service and managing warranties.
  • Address customer concerns, issues, or escalations promptly and effectively. Ensure timely resolution and customer satisfaction.
  • Contribute to the implementation of a long-term sales strategy for the Company's products and solutions.
  • Making decisions regarding the company's operations on the different markets and representing the company on the national and international forums, specified by the Management, including contacts with wind industry organizations and media

Oportunidades de carrera y desarrollo profesional.

Jornada sin especificar
Contrato sin especificar
31.500€ - 38.500€ bruto/año
Director Comercial (h-m-d) Real Estate
  • Oportunidad de pertenecer a una empresa en continua evolución.
  • Oportunidad de gestionar un equipo de trabajo.

Importante empresa de Real Estate.

*Estrategia Comercial: Diseñar y liderar la estrategia de ventas para aumentar la proporción de unidades vendidas directamente, así como impulsar la captación de productos de terceros.

*Expansión de la Red Inmobiliaria: Ampliar la red de contactos a nivel europeo y crear alianzas con promotores y agentes relevantes del sector.

*Gestor de Relaciones: Construir y mantener relaciones sólidas con actores clave del sector inmobiliario en la Costa del Sol, incluyendo promotores, agencias y clientes internacionales.

*Liderazgo de Equipos: Supervisar y motivar al equipo, asegurando la consecución de objetivos.

*Marketing y Posicionamiento:Implementar estrategias de marketing digital y redes sociales para aumentar la visibilidad y atracción de clientes directos.

*Trabajar en la definición de campañas comerciales alineadas con los objetivos de la organización.

*Ventas y Negociaciones: Participar activamente en la captación de propiedades, la negociación de acuerdos y la venta de proyectos exclusivos

*Análisis y Reporting: Evaluar continuamente el rendimiento comercial y presentar informes regulares al equipo directivo

If you are an experienced and motivated sales professional with a passion for the property industry, we encourage you to apply for the Director Commercial role.

Jornada sin especificar
Contrato sin especificar
Salario sin especificar
Wholesale Catalogue & Projects Specialist

Who We Are...
AWWG is the global fashion group which integrates the brands Pepe Jeans London, Hackett and Façonnable, and is the licensed distributor for Tommy Hilfiger and Calvin Klein, DKNY, Donna Karan and Karl Lagerfeld in Spain and Portugal.

What will the role entail?

We are currently seeking a Wholesale Online Catalogue & Projects Specialist to join the Sales Support Team. We are looking for someone who is passionate about fashion, sales, technology and looking for an international environment.

The Wholesale Catalogue & projects Specialist will be responsible for catalogue publication, management and maintenance both for Line Opening and Pre-Line.

They will also lead different kinds of digital projects (UX/UI design) that will directly impact in the evolution of the sales platform and the wholesale workflow.

The ideal candidate will have a strong interest in the digital ecosystem, a strategic and analytic profile, creative skills, a passion for fashion and digital transformation and be self-motivated to achieve the objectives.

What will the role entail?

  • Manage the content of the sales & B2B tools
    • Managing both catalogue and content for the sales tools in coordination with product, merchandising & image departments and aligned with the calendar of publications
    • Coordinating content (images, videos, PDFs, documents, lookbooks & marketing assets) formats & receptions with image & marketing departments
    • Digital retouching of content to adapt to necessary formats
    • Maintenance of content servers: Downloading/Uploading
    • Creating content for sales apps in order to communicate with wholesale & distributors clients like global assortments, banners, and others.
  • User support & Training
    • Giving day to day training & support to the platform users
    • Giving support to the different markets during sales periods
    • Identifying friction points and proposing improvements in the platform
  • Sales projects & training
    • Leading wholesale projects in close relation with sales people, merchandising and marketing
    • Generating Newsletters & analyzing their performance
    • Analyzing the use of the platform and proposing improvements
    • Other tasks required to give support to the wholesale salesforce
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar
Hotel Internship in Spain: Public Relations Department on Fuerteventura (m/f(d)
• You will work 40 hours a week with 2 days off• Free board and accommodation are provided by the hotel• You will receive pocket money of € 200 per month• Internship period: minimum 2 months• Start of your internship abroad: from now on or laterYour Tasks• Customer Relationship Management• Support of VIP guests, incentive groups etc. and hotel tours• Complaint Management in cooperation with travel agencies• Welcoming of the guests at the reception and the entrance of the hotel restaurant• Translation and evaluation of guest questionnairesYour Profile• Student/Trainee in Tourism, Hotel Management, Foreign Languages, Communication, Business, International Management, Public Relations, Marketing, etc.• Open-minded, self-confident, communicative, positive and friendly appearance• You are in a good mood and you enjoy interacting with international guests• English skills are required, further foreign languages are beneficialYou are interested in completing an internship in hospitality? Apply now for one of our student internships!
Jornada sin especificar
Contrato de duración determinada
150€ - 200€ bruto/mes
Hotel Internship in Spain: Marketing & Sales Department on Fuerteventura (m/f/d)
• You will work 40 hours a week with 2 days off• Free board and accommodation are provided by the hotel• You will receive remuneration of € 200 per month• Internship period: minimum 2 months• Start of your internship abroad: from now on or laterYour Tasks• Promotion of the hotel, giving hotel tours for guests and staff of travel agencies• Online-Marketing, SEO, content management• Calculation of seasonal offers and prices• Contract management, event planning and implementation• Arranging information materials for the presentation of the hotelYour Profile• Student/Trainee in Tourism, Hotel Management, Marketing Management, International Management, Foreign Languages, Communication, Public Relations, Business Studies, etc.• Open-minded, self-confident, communicative• You are in a good mood and you enjoy interacting with international guests• English and Spanish skills are required, further foreign languages are beneficialYou are interested in completing an internship in hospitality? Apply now for one of our hotel work placements!
Jornada sin especificar
Contrato de duración determinada
150€ - 200€ bruto/mes
Customer Support Specialist with Greek (Lisbon)
Wibit Consulting & Services (WibitCS)
Sin especificar
14 de diciembre

Join a Global Professional Services Leader as a Customer Support Specialist

This is your opportunity to work for a global professional services company with over 700,000 employees, serving clients in more than 120 countries. As a pioneer in consulting, technology, and outsourcing, this organisation empowers its team members to innovate with purpose and excel in their careers. The journey here offers unparalleled growth, impact, and fulfilment within a company that drives change and delivers transformational solutions to leading organisations.

Position: Customer Support Specialist (Social Media)
Location: Portugal
Employment Type: Full-time

Mission of the Role

Provide exceptional multi-channel support, helping business customers maximise the value of social media advertising solutions while resolving issues with professionalism and efficiency.

Key Responsibilities

Multi-Channel Support: Assist customers through live chat, email, and phone to ensure seamless support.
Advocate for Success: Demonstrate the value of multi-channel advertising solutions while maintaining high customer satisfaction ratings.
? Tool and Product Support: Help clients optimise their experience with advertising tools and products.
Problem Solving: Identify trends, address challenges, and resolve issues for multiple business customers.
? Client Advocacy: Exceed expectations and advocate for the organisation by consistently delivering outstanding service.

Candidate Profile

Fluent in Greek and proficient in English (mandatory).
Experience with online advertising, social media products, and longtail segment services is highly desirable.
Knowledge of web domains and shopping platforms is a plus.
Exceptional Communication Skills: Strong email writing, grammar, and customer interaction capabilities.
Education: Completion of compulsory education is required.


? Valid work permit for Portugal (mandatory).
? Interest in marketing, social media, or data analytics.
? Ability to think critically, adapt quickly, and learn continuously in a fast-paced environment.
? Professional customer service mindset with a passion for enhancing client experiences.
? Proven problem-solving, multitasking, and attention-to-detail skills.

Why Join?

Work for one of the world’s most innovative and successful companies.
Be part of a dynamic, supportive, and fast-paced global team.
Develop your skills and grow in a company that leads in consulting and technology.

Are you ready to make an impact? Apply now and join a team that empowers you to innovate and excel!

#CustomerSupport #SocialMedia #PortugalJobs #GlobalCareers

Departamento: Information & Technology
Jornada sin especificar
Otros contratos
Salario sin especificar
Digital Merchandise Planning_Hackett London

Who we are...

AWWG is the global fashion group that integrates the brands Pepe Jeans London, Hackett, and Façonnable, and is the licensed distributor for Tommy Hilfiger, Calvin Klein, Donna Karan, DKNY and Karl Lagerfeld in Spain and Portugal.

The project!

As a Merchandise Planner for Hackett and Façonnable you will be responsible for the overall stock control for the brand including the development, performance and maintenance of stock control to produce efficient systems and delivery solutions, maximising performance and profitability against pre-agreed targets and control.

What will the role entail?

  • Define and implement a robust replenishment plan, ensuring appropriate assortments, depth, frequency, and delivery timing to maintain optimal stock levels.
  • Monitor and manage inventory levels to support seasonal promotions, marketing campaigns, and store operations, minimizing excess stock and maximizing profitability.
  • Track stock movement regularly, managing markdowns, inter-branch transfers, promotions, and clearance actions effectively.
  • Ensure timely and efficient stock replenishment by liaising with logistics counterparts and coordinating across all fulfilment centres to align with operational demands.
  • Align stock arrival schedules with promotional and marketing calendars (newsletters, product drops, social media posts, campaigns) and proactively address potential delays or blockers with actionable solutions.
  • Analyze past sales data and trends to accurately forecast future product needs.
  • Provide weekly “Sell Through” updates, sharing detailed stock positions by product group across warehouses to maintain visibility and alignment.
  • Collaborate with store staff to ensure seamless operations, including returns, pricing adjustments, promotions, and product launches.
  • Work closely with the Zalando-ZEOS team in stock management efficiency projects

What we offer in exchange!

  • Great international working environment.
  • Corporate Offices in Madrid with canteen and parking available.
  • Home office depending on the position.
  • Flexible working hours.
  • Flexible benefits.
  • Discount on the brands of the Group.
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar
Contracting & Product Manager

We are looking for a Contracting Manager to join our team in Gran Canaria. As a Contracting Manager, you will be responsible to maintain and increase revenue by achieving contracting targets and exploring new business opportunities in accordance to guidelines, standards and strategies of the company in the assigned area. As well as propose and implement contracting strategies within territory in conjunction with management & in line with overall company goals.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Act as the face to face key point contact for accommodation supplier vendors to maintain the relationship for matters related to contracting, operational, commercial or financial activities.
  • Negotiate the initial purchase quality metrics of the contractwith new suppliers and contract renewals. Conditions include rate, inventory, offers, release periods, marketing contributions, overrides, cancellation policy, credit terms, pricing model (net or commission etc.)
  • Maintain & expand the supplier portfolio according to targets, ensuring product diversity for our customer base.
  • Identify and negotiate with key partner's preferential conditions in direct coordination with the immediate superior & promote the commercial opportunities.
  • Identify and monitor contractual obligation to ensure that compliance is achieved (customer service standards, data protection, signings, etc.) and that the risks associated with any non-compliance are addressed as appropriate.
  • Ensure contracts targets are met and maintains/grows production in the designated areas.
  • Anything related to the contracting; negotiations, setting and loading, client assignment of contracts and non-bookable content, follow ups of brochure descriptions with hoteliers… etc.
  • Analyse the sales performance, comparisons to previous years, competitors and margins. Considering Flight availabilities, new operations or any changes affecting the performance of the contracted product.
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar
Advertisers Support with Polish (Lisbon)
Wibit Consulting & Services (WibitCS)
Sin especificar
9 de diciembre

In Collaboration, We Are Hiring!

#PolishSpeaking Advertisers Support
Location: Lisbon, Portugal
Full-time Opportunity

Ready to kickstart your career in a vibrant city? Join a leading Outsourcing/BPO consultancy as a Polish-Speaking Advertisers Support and make a difference for small and medium-sized businesses using advertising tools!

What You’ll Do:
Provide support via chat, email, and phone for SMBs.
Assist with pre- and post-sales inquiries, technical issues, and platform navigation.
Identify trends and deliver solutions to enhance user satisfaction.
Maintain a positive attitude while supporting diverse clients.
Keep job-related administrative forms updated.

What You’ll Bring:
Native/Fluent Polish and strong English skills (B2+).
Knowledge of the advertising industry is a bonus!
Proficiency in Microsoft Office.
Excellent communication and problem-solving abilities.
Adaptable, resourceful, and calm under pressure.
Flexibility to work rotating shifts, including weekends.

What’s in It for You?
Competitive salary with holiday pay and shift compensation.
Accommodation in a single room for international candidates.
Flight reimbursement after 9 months & yearly trip home.
Private health insurance from day one.
Free Portuguese classes and exciting activities like water sports!
3 weeks of paid training to set you up for success.
Airport pick-up and administrative support for relocation.

? Work Monday to Sunday in a dynamic, multicultural team!

Ready to Start Your Adventure?
Apply now and join a team where growth and fun go hand in hand!

#CustomerSupport #PolishJobs #WorkInPortugal #LisbonCareers #MultilingualJobs

Departamento: Marketing
Jornada sin especificar
Otros contratos
Salario sin especificar
Head of Digital Content & Social Media - Hospitality firm
  • At least 5 years of experience in social media
  • Fluency in English is a must

Global Spanish company within wellness/hospitality/luxury sector.

Reporting to the Global Brand & Marketing Director, these are the main responsibilities you will have:

  • Establishing a content calendar to create short and long-term content campaigns for different digital channels
  • Creating engaging content to develop content that meets company objectives and brand standards
  • Devising various content strategies that work for specific audiences with an aim to reach clear goals such as a set number of site visitors
  • Ensuring unity throughout content by promoting a consistent brand voice and identity that aligns with social media profiles
  • Monitoring and researching competitors and other institutions on the industry to find trends, interesting data, gaps in keywords or content to cover
  • Tracking and measuring the performance of digital content with the use of digital tools that measure key performance indicators and metrics
  • Developing marketing strategies for digital content, creating email campaigns and social media posts
  • Writing blog posts, ebooks, articles, or other materials that are relevant to the company's products or services
  • Creating presentations to communicate new marketing strategies to other members of the team
  • Editing text and images to ensure they follow with the company's brand guidelines
  • Creating infographics to illustrate complex concepts in simple ways
  • Evaluating new technologies and suggesting ways to incorporate them into existing strategies
  • Creating and updating the website to attract customers to the company's products or services
  • Conducting research on topics related to the company's products or services to create content for blogs, websites, and other marketing materials
  • Researching and analyzing industry trends to identify new opportunities for the company to capitalize on

  • 10% of bonus
  • 1 day home office
Jornada sin especificar
Contrato sin especificar
40.000€ - 45.000€ bruto/año
Sales & Strategy Director (International)
  • Executive Leadership role
  • Technology Driven & Customer-Centric Organisation

Large consumer business which is highly technology driven & fast growing across multiple categories and channels in the Philippines.

  • Define the strategic vision for the commercial organisation & ensure this is driven and implemented across a large sales and marketing team
  • Lead a high performing commercial team, including a number of senior management direct reports
  • Drive business growth through both traditional & digital channels
  • Collaborate extensively with stakeholders & business leaders across the business
  • Ensure best practices are implemented and followed across the organisation
  • Focus on people development & succession planning

To apply online please click the 'Apply' button below. For a confidential discussion about this role please contact Rhiannon Guilford on +63 91 7712 4893.

  • Market leading compensation package on guaranteed compensation, short-term and long-term incentives
  • Clear career path to continue taking on bigger scope & responsibility
  • Opportunity to drive change in a challenging role within a complex organisation
  • Fast-paced, entrepreneurial & start-up-like environment but in a well-established & stable company
Jornada sin especificar
Contrato sin especificar
Salario sin especificar
Partner - Hospitality Capital Markets
  • Leading global commercial real estate services firm
  • Hospitality Capital Markets

Our client is an important international real estate consulting firm with excellent positioning and prestige.

  • Act as the main point of contact for Hotel Capital Markets in Spain, interacting with colleagues and leadership active in other sectors, and other market participants including owners, investors, operators and consultants.
  • Take active responsibility for sourcing new business and opportunities (with especial focus in main Spanish Hotel Markets), growing contact network, cultivating own clients and identifying target assets for sale.
  • To take a leading role in all aspects of running hotel marketing campaigns (alongside Lead Partner) - in particular, to maintain target lists of buyers and have conversations / conduct meetings with prospective buyers
  • Develop and supervise the creation of content for marketing collateral - teasers, brochures, information memoranda and data rooms
  • Model hotel marketing opportunities and hotel investments using the company's tailored valuation model.
  • To lead the preparation of pitches and proposals for mandates we are competitively asked to tender for General
  • Attend industry events to support the team profile in the market and seek to grow your own network of contacts
  • Be proactive in Identifying potential cross-selling opportunities
  • Main objective to contribute to meet overall departmental fee/billing target and beyond
  • To help maintain the team's in-house databases of buyers, transactions and on the Market opportunities
  • Lead the Hospitality Capital Markets team in Spain

You will be part of one of the world's leading real estate companies, which fosters a culture of inclusion that embraces the unique strengths, perspectives and experiences of all its employees. Its diversity enhances the capabilities of its team, which translates into improved decision-making, innovation and business results.

Jornada sin especificar
Contrato sin especificar
Salario sin especificar
Business Developer Preclinical Histopathology Services
  • Sales & Marketing Clinical Research
  • Looking for PhDs

Our client is an independent company, focused on preclinical histopathology services as well as scientific and technical assessment. We are looking for a motivated and proactive Business Developer to join our team and help expand our services internationally

  • Identify and develop new business opportunities in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology sector, research centers, universities and preclinical services, focusing on the sale of histopathology services.
  • Establish and maintain strong relationships with potential and existing clients, understanding their needs and offering customized solutions.
  • Manage and follow up on contacts, offers and quotes made to customers.
  • Collaborate with internal teams to prepare effective business proposals and presentations that highlight our capabilities and expertise.
  • Conduct market analysis to identify trends, competitors, and growth opportunities.
  • Participate in industry conferences, trade shows, and events to promote our services and make key contacts.
  • Provide regular reports on sales progress and market status to senior management.
  • Work closely with the management team to develop strategies that increase company visibility and generate leads.

  • A dynamic and collaborative work environment
  • Opportunities for professional development and ongoing training
  • A competitive compensation package and additional benefits
  • Hybrid presential / remote work
Jornada sin especificar
Contrato sin especificar
30.000€ - 40.000€ bruto/año
Digital Showroom & Projects Specialist

Who We Are...

AWWG is the global fashion group that integrates the brands Pepe Jeans London, Hackett, and Façonnable, and is the licensed distributor for Tommy Hilfiger, Calvin Klein, Donna Karan, DKNY and Karl Lagerfeld in Spain and Portugal.

The Project!

You will manage the catalogue of the sales tools in coordination with product, merchandising & image department and wholesale content for other tools such as B2B. You will coordinate content (images, videos, PDFs etc) formats & receptions with image & marketing departments. Create content for sales apps in order to communicate with wholesale & distributors clients like newsletters, assortment presentations, etc. Give day to day training & support to sales users and collect feedback from them to further develop our tools.

What will the role entail?

Manage the content of the Sales Tools & Digital Showroom

  • Manage calendar of publications
  • Digital Sales tool for internal use: ipad and web environment.
  • Centralize documents & assets for sales tools and salesforce
  • Digital retouching Photoshop of content to adapt to tools formats
  • Automation processes
  • Develop newsletters & banners for the wholesale sales channels
  • Maintenance of pictures servers: Downloading/Uploading

Usage & Data

  • Analyse and review the usage of sales tools with the team
  • Extract conclusions
  • Implement improvements and developments

Sales related projects & others

  • Commercial brochures
  • Training & support to the salesforce & internal users

Corporate benefits:

  • Great international working environment.
  • A exciting position on a strategic department
  • Discount on the brands of the Group.
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar