About Us
At RavenPack, we are at the forefront of developing the next generation of generative AI tools for the finance industry and beyond. With 20 years of experience as a leading big data analytics provider for financial services, we empower our clients—including some of the world's most successful hedge funds, banks, and asset managers—to enhance returns, reduce risk, and increase efficiency by integrating public information into their models and workflows. Building on this expertise, we are now launching a new suite of GenAI and SaaS services, designed specifically for financial professionals.
Join a Company that is Powering the Future of Finance with AI
RavenPack has been recognized as the Best Alternative Data Provider by WatersTechnology and has been included in this year’s Top 100 Next Unicorns by Viva Technology. We have recently launched a new product, Bigdata.com, a next-generation platform aimed at transforming financial decision-making.
We’re looking for
RavenPack is looking for a Linguistic Analyst to help us interpret complex language patterns, enhance our AI and NLP (Natural Language Processing) capabilities, and contribute to the creation of more accurate and meaningful data models.
As a Linguistics Analyst, you will bridge the gap between human language and machine learning. You'll work closely with other members of the Linguistics team, developers, internal tools team and other stakeholders to analyze text data, build linguistic models and patterns, and ensure the language components of our analytics platform are robust and reliable. Your work will enhance sentiment analysis, text classification, and automated language processing systems, helping our clients gain deeper insights from their data.
This position is for our Marbella office, Spain. You will report directly to a senior member of the Linguistics team and training will be provided.
What you Need to Succeed
High level of English language
Experience working with large textual datasets and conducting language data analysis
Bachelor's Degree in English Philology, Translation Interpreting, Linguistics or similar is preferred but not required
Excellent written and verbal communication skills
Strong understanding of linguistic concepts and language technology applications
Must be able to effectively work with Google Workspace and other communication and productivity tools
Strong analytical and problem-solving skills
Good organizational skills and effective time management
Ability to work cross-functionally in a fast-paced, dynamic environment
Analyze diverse document types (e.g. news articles, job listings, corporate transcripts, filings, etc.) to assess and improve event detection and textual data tagging
Develop and enhance linguistic features of the system by writing specs and collaborating with the development team in their implementation
Improve the event detection system and textual data tagging by applying linguistic solutions or leveraging linguistic features and AI technologies (for example LLMs)
Find new events, patterns and textual data tagging to be added to RavenPack Taxonomy and model them
Review internal daily reports to evaluate the accuracy of the output data and ensure that recent updates are delivering the desired outcomes
Coordinate the integration and deployment of event, textual tagging changes and features into the appropriate production or testing environment
Ensure the accuracy and reliability of language models and datasets by conducting rigorous quality checks and validation processes
Analyze and interpret large datasets of textual information to identify trends, patterns, and insights
Conduct linguistic research to support the continuous improvement of language processing tools
What's in it for you?
Our Headquarters is located in Marbella. Following the onboarding period, we offer a hybrid work model, allowing for up to 2 days remote per week
Free Company shuttle bus from Malaga, Fuengirola, Riviera, and Estepona
Ownership of projects in a collaborative environment where your contribution is valued
Continuous learning opportunities with support for ongoing training
A diverse and international environment with over 29 nationalities and 24 languages spoken
Competitive Salary: In RavenPack, we believe that your time and experience needs to be fairly rewarded
Coneixes els nostres supermercats?
Amb 100 anys d'història, som una empresa referent en el mercat de l'alimentació de qualitat, que dóna la màxima importància al producte fresc i local.
A Sorli busquem persones entusiastes, motivades i capaces d'assumir responsabilitats. Treballaràs en contacte directe amb els nostres clients/es, sempre amb el suport del nostre equip. Si et consideres empàtic/a i gaudeixes del tracte amb els clients/es APUNTA'T!
Podràs créixer a nivell professional en un entorn dinàmic i en una empresa que aposta per les persones i que està compromesa amb la igualtat d'oportunitats i de genère.
Actualment estem a la recerca de personal per la secció de caixa-reposició a les nostres botigues de BARCELONA en torn rotatiu matí/tarda.
Què oferim?
Quines seran les teves funcions?
Si vols formar part d'una gran empresa, a Sorli t'esperem.
Des de Marlex Great People, estem col·laborant amb una empresa distribuïdora de materials d’instal·lació (fontaneria, climatització, electricitat...), amb instal·lacions a Girona, que actualment vol incorporar a un/a Responsable de Sistemes, per tal de col·laborar en la planificació, disseny i gestió dels sistemes d'informació i tecnològics de l'empresa.
Quina serà la teva missió a l’empresa?
Reportant directament a gerència, la persona seleccionada haurà de dur a terme les següents funcions:
- Proporcionar suport tècnic de nivell expert per a la infraestructura de TI, sistemes i software. Valorable coneixements amb virtualització VmWare, cabines QNAP i servidors Windows i LINUX.
- Solucionar problemes de TI, tant relacionats amb Hardware com amb Software, de manera oportuna.
- Es valoraran coneixements en Microsoft Business Central i demés solucions del paquet (Dynamics, Field Service,...).
- Helpdesk o suport a usuari en coordinació amb serveis externs.
- Verificar el funcionament correcte del software de seguretat. Firewalls, Antivirus, Backups, Certificats, ....
- Gestionar i mantenir bases de dades, assegurant la integritat i seguretat de les dades.
- Col·laborar amb equips de TI per implementar actualitzacions de sistema, millores i integracions.
- Mantenir-se actualitzat amb els avenços més recents en tecnologies de TI i recomanar solucions innovadores per millorar l'eficiència operativa.
- Elaborar protocols o procediments funcionals.
- Control i desenvolupar el pressupost del departament.
- Assegurar la qualitat de les dades, la consistència i el compliment de les normatives i polítiques rellevants.
- Establir i aplicar mesures de seguretat de dades per protegir la informació sensible.
- Gestió d'equips amb un MDM (Mobile Device Management.
- Col·laborar amb equips multidisciplinaris, incloent científics de dades, analistes de negocis i professionals de TI, per impulsar iniciatives de dades i alinear-les amb els objectius de l'organització.
- Comunicar de manera efectiva conceptes tècnics complexos i resultats analítics a les parts interessades tècniques i no tècniques.
L’empresa ofereix...
- Estabilitat contractual i incorporació directa per empresa.
- Oportunitat de gestionar el departament i servei IT.
- Formar part d’un equip proper, en un entorn familiar amb bon ambient laboral.
- Horari a jornada completa de dilluns a divendres. Hi ha menjador a l’oficina.
- Modalitat presencial.
- Salari competitiu i incentius basats en el rendiment.
- Oportunitats de creixement professional i desenvolupament de carrera.
Estem buscant un/a Analista de PBC sènior que aporti un profund coneixement en Prevenció de Blanqueig de Capitals (PBC), amb una sòlida experiència en ciència de dades, gestió de projectes transversals i capacitat per comunicar de manera clara i efectiva en un entorn multilingüe (català i anglès).
Què faràs en aquest rol?
-Cuidar i fer costat als majors perquè tinguin vides més llargues, sanes i felices.
-Oferir una atenció integral ja que seràs la persona que millor conegui als majors i les seves necessitats.
-Acompanyar i guiar als majors en la seva vida diària i en cures bàsiques.
-Coordinar-te amb un equip de professionals amb un únic objectiu: personalitzar cada cura, perquè el primer és la persona.
Multinational Company - SSC, wellness equipment.
We are seeking a meticulous and organized Accounts Payable Specialist to efficiently manage all aspects of the company's vendor relationships. The ideal candidate will be responsible for the accurate and timely recording of vendor invoices, resolving vendor inquiries, and ensuring timely payments.
Key Responsibilities:
Important IT company located in Madrid.
Our client is a well-established company in the Life Science industry. Their base of operations is strategically located in Madrid, Spain.
If you're interested in taking your career to the next level, we encourage you to apply today.
Multinational Italian company being for 25 years leader in the production of bottled water. They also produce other categories like Tea, Functional drinks… They sell to over 80 countries in the world.
100% remote work reporting to the Italian HQ, full responsibility for the growth of Spanish market, salary package according to expertise and responsibilities.
In collaboration we are looking for a passionate individual about digital advertising and ready to make an impact. Join us in Gdansk, where we’re collaborating with a leading Outsourcing/BPO consultancy to help businesses transform customer interactions into positive, engaging, and successful experiences. By blending human touch with technology, we empower our clients to achieve outstanding results. As a Czech or Slovak-speaking Subject Matter Expert in Sales Ads, you’ll be at the forefront of shaping the future of digital marketing.
Location: Gdansk, Poland
Work Model: Fully On-site
Employment Type: Full-time
Why You’ll Love This Role:
This is more than just a job – it’s a chance to lead the way in digital advertising innovation. You’ll provide expert support to sales teams and clients, optimizing ad campaigns, developing B2B partnerships, and driving business growth. Your insights will directly influence how companies approach their marketing strategies, ensuring they stay ahead of industry trends and deliver remarkable outcomes.
What You’ll Be Doing:
What We’re Looking For:
What’s in It for You?
Take the next step in your career and join us on our journey to redefine digital marketing. Apply now and be part of a team that’s driving business success through innovative advertising strategies!
T’agradaria treballar en una empresa en creixement? Tens experiència com a comercial al mercat francès? T’interessa formar part d’un equip de treball dinàmic?
Apunta’t, aquesta pot ser la teva oferta!
Des de Marlex Human Capital, estem col·laborant amb una important empresa de la zona de la Bisbal d’Empordà, dedicada al sector de la ceràmica en ple creixement, actualment cerca COMERCIAL per incorporar-se al seu equip.
Quina seria la teva missió a l’empresa?
En dependència del cap comercial, la persona seleccionada s’encarregarà de dur a terme les següents tasques
Què s’ofereix?
Estudi de decoració i interiorisme situat a la zona de Sant Gervasi - Bonanova, està cercant un/a Secretari/a Administratiu/iva per a portar la part administrativa del despatx.
Taques principals:
¡Claro que sí! Aquí tienes algunas opciones para redactar la oferta de trabajo en catalán, con un enfoque más creativo y atractivo:
Opció 1: Enfocant l'impacte social
Vols sembrar un canvi real en la vida dels joves?
La Fundació Pere Tarrés cerca un/a educador/a social apassionat/ada per crear comunitats més justes i equitatives. Si t'apassiona acompanyar a joves en el seu creixement personal i social, ¡aquest és el teu lloc!
La teva missió:
Què t'oferim?
Coneixes el nostre Centre Comercial Emocions de Vilassar de Dalt?
A la secció de xarcuteria/plats preparats, actualment som a la recerca de personal elaborador que tingui coneixements en elaboració de plats preparats cuinats i coneixements en xarcuteria. Si dones importància a l'origen i la qualitat del producte, als detalls, si entens el món de la restauració des d'un punt de vista experimental, apunta't. Tindràs la oportunitat de créixer a nivell personal i professional. A més, podràs treballar en equip en un entorn dinàmic i en una empresa que aposta per les persones i que està compromesa amb la igualtat d'oportunitats i de genère.
Què oferim?
Què busquem en tu?
Coneixes el nostre Restaurant Emocions de Vilassar de Dalt?
Inspirat en la cuina de mercat, al restaurant Emocions es pot gaudir d'una oferta gastronòmica que s'adapta a cada ocasió. Des de menús executius o reunions d'empresa fins a trobades familiars o esdeveniments personalitzats, al restaurant Emocions hi conviuen tots els elements per a tenir una experiència inolvidable.
Actualment som a la recerca de 3 cambrers/es que comparteixin els nostres valors i que siguin capaços/es d'empatitzar amb els clients/es, donant resposta a les seves necessitats i assessorant-los durant la seva visita. Si t’agrada treballar en equip i amb un bon ambient, apunta't. Tindràs la oportunitat de créixer a nivell personal i professional en un entorn dinàmic i en una empresa que aposta per les persones i que està compromesa amb la igualtat d'oportunitats i de genère.
Què oferim?
Coneixes la nostra Concept Store de Vilassar de Dalt?
Des d'accessoris o paraments per la llar, fins a perfums, llibres o productes d'alimentació i beguda, al Centre Comercial Sorli Emocions trobaràs tot allò que marca la diferència.
El nostre propòsit és acostar la qualitat i la diferenciació dels nostres productes i serveis als visitants. L'equip Sorli Emocions està format per grans professionals que treballen cada dia per garantir un bon servei i dur l'elegància i la exclusivitat a cada racó. Per això, a la botiga Emocions, busquem persones que comparteixin els nostres valors i que siguin capaces d'empatitzar amb els clients/es, donant resposta a les seves necessitats i assessorant-los durant la seva visita.
Si tens experiència en la venda al detall i vols formar part del nostre equip, apunta't! Tindràs la oportunitat de créixer a nivell personal i professional en un entorn dinàmic i en una empresa que aposta per les persones i que està compromesa amb la igualtat d'oportunitats i de genère.
Què faràs?
Què oferim?
Atractiu pack de Beneficis Socials:
In collaboration we are looking for an entrepreneurial go-getter with a passion for sales and fluency in both Chinese and the local language. We’re looking for a Channel Development Manager to take the lead in expanding our market presence by building and maintaining a strong network of distributors and retail channels. If you are self-motivated, proactive, and ready to make a significant impact in a fast-growing company, this role is for you!
Your Mission:
What You’ll Bring:
Key Qualities for Success:
Why You’ll Love This Role:
Ready to Take Charge? If you’re an ambitious and resourceful sales professional who thrives on building relationships and driving market growth, we want to hear from you. Apply now to be a key player in our expansion journey!
In collaboration we are looking for a bilingual sales expert with an entrepreneurial spirit, ready to drive growth in a dynamic market. We’re looking for a motivated Channel Development Manager who can build strong relationships and grow our presence by developing distributor and retail networks. If you thrive on making things happen and want to play a pivotal role in a fast-paced, growth-focused environment, this opportunity is for you!
What You’ll Do:
What You’ll Need to Succeed:
Key Skills and Attributes:
Why Join Us?
Ready to Drive Our Market Expansion? If you’re an ambitious sales professional who excels in building relationships and is passionate about making a difference, we’d love to hear from you. Apply now and take the lead in our market growth journey!
International Company SSC in Barcelona
Team Leadership:
Cash Collection Strategies:
Process Optimization:
Stakeholder Management:
Financial Reporting:
Oportunidades de carrera y desarrollo profesional.
About us
At RavenPack, we are at the forefront of developing the next generation of generative AI tools for the finance industry and beyond. With 20 years of experience as a leading big data analytics provider for financial services, we empower our clients—including some of the world's most successful hedge funds, banks, and asset managers—to enhance returns, reduce risk, and increase efficiency by integrating public information into their models and workflows. Building on this expertise, have now launched a new suite of GenAI and SaaS services, designed specifically for financial professionals.
With the launch of Bigdata.com we’re on an exciting journey to transform financial decision-making through cutting-edge AI and innovative data sets. Powered by RavenPack, the global leader in data analytics for financial services with over 20 years of experience and recognized as the frontrunner in the field of Alternative Data
Bigdata.com is focused on making AI truly useful for financial professionals, enabling smarter, faster, and more informed decisions. This is a unique opportunity to work on breakthrough technology used by leading financial institutions, including some of the world’s most successful hedge funds, banks, and asset managers.
Job Overview
As the Art and Motion Director, you will spearhead the visual design strategy and motion production. You will work closely with multidisciplinary teams of AI engineers, UX/UI designers, and creative technologists to craft engaging and innovative digital experiences. This role requires a visionary leader with a solid understanding of motion design, an eye for detail, and the ability to manage multiple creative initiatives.
Key Responsibilities:
Creative excellence:
Drive the vision and direction of all visual and motion-based projects, ensuring the Bigdata.com brand alignment and consistency across all deliverables.
Motion Design & Animation:
Conceptualize, design, and direct high-quality motion graphics, animations, and visual effects for various digital platforms using generative AI tools.
Collaboration with internal teams:
Collaborate closely with AI researchers and engineers to explore new ways of integrating AI into visual design and motion graphics workflows.
Creative Management:
Oversee the end-to-end production process, from ideation to final delivery, managing timelines, resources, and quality assurance for multiple projects simultaneously.
Innovative Storytelling:
Push the boundaries of visual storytelling using AI, creating immersive, dynamic experiences that showcase the capabilities of Bigdata.com.
Mentorship & Team Development:
Provide guidance and mentorship to junior designers, animators, and other members of the creative team, fostering an environment of innovation and learning.
Key Requirements:
Minimum of 5+ years of experience as a Motion Director, Art Director, or similar role in a creative/advertising agency, production studio, or tech company.
Proven track record of delivering innovative motion design and animation projects.
Experience in integrating AI-driven design tools or familiarity with generative art tools is a strong plus.
Expertise in motion design, animation, and visual effects.
Proficiency in industry-standard software such as Adobe After Effects, Cinema 4D, and other relevant tools.
Experience with generative AI tools and platforms (e.g., RunwayML, DALL·E, MidJourney) is highly desirable.
A strong portfolio showcasing creative direction, motion graphics, and visual storytelling skills.
Ability to think conceptually and translate complex ideas into visually stunning digital experiences.
Strong leadership and communication skills, with a demonstrated ability to work cross-functionally with technical and creative teams.
Experience in managing creative projects and teams in a fast-paced environment.
A deep interest in the intersection of technology, design, and AI, with a passion for pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in visual storytelling.
What's in it for you?
International Culture: With its headquarters in Marbella, Spain, and presence in New York and London, RavenPack takes pride in being a truly diverse global organization.
Competitive Salary: In RavenPack, we believe that your time and experience needs to be fairly rewarded.
Continuous learning: We provide the support needed to grow within the team.
Innovation: Innovation is the key to our success, so we encourage you to speak up and tell us about your vision.
Hybrid work arrangement
Diversity is in our DNA! You will work in an international environment (over 29 nationalities and 24 languages spoken!)
We are an equal opportunity employer and value diversity at our company. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, colour, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, marital status, veteran status, or disability status.
In collaboration we are working with a leading multinational technology BPO business that is looking for a Trainer (Swedish)in Riga.
The Trainer role is vital for delivering high-quality pre-process and process training to new hires, ensuring they are well-prepared for their roles. This position focuses on upskilling and updating the project knowledge of BAU teams, using effective learning methodologies to enhance overall performance. By running PKTs and collecting evidence for knowledge improvement, the Trainer contributes to continuous development and operational excellence. This role is crucial in maintaining a knowledgeable and proficient workforce, supporting the organization's goals and ensuring a high standard of service delivery.
Location: Riga, Latvia (on-site)
Employment type: Full-time
Product owner of a cross- functional team (consisting of engineers, UX designer and analyst) responsible for a dedicated part of the customer funnel in our international webshop
Set up an ambitious roadmap while having user and stakeholder needs in mind and guide your team to successfully reach those targets
Drill down complex requirements into shippable deliverables and prioritize the backlog accordingly
Collaborate closely with all product teams (>20) and other stakeholders to align requirements and manage dependencies
Graduation in Business informatics, Business administration, Informatics (or similar) or comparable qualification
Several years of experience working in an agile organization as product owner or similar role (familiar with SCRUM/Kanban and tools like JIRA/Confluence)
Experience working in a scaled product organization preferably in multichannel e-commerce is a plus
Strong communication skills, flexibility and comfortable managing multiple topics at the same time
Impact-oriented and a “Get things done” mentality
Very good English skills, German is a plus
MediaMarktSaturn Technology is working to make Europe’s number-one consumer electronics retailer thetechnology leader in its industry. To this end, several hundred developers, UX designers and system architectsusing state-of-the-art technology work hand in hand with business owners in agile teams to develop customer-focused technology solutions for more than 6 million customers every day in 13 countries.
Within the Global Technology division, you are part of a strong cross-functional team of software engineers,data scientists and analytics experts to drive the development of our global product data management. Withinthe team and in close collaboration with the business product owner, you will design and develop data andanalytics solutions on our cloud-based technology platform to support our business in product datamanagement.
Technology Hub located in Barcelona, is one of the service units of MediaMarktSaturn Technology to deliver adequate staffing and engineering skills for the agreed deliveries of the global deployment plan for the entire group.
We are looking for a product owner enthusiastic about taking over responsibility for one of our webshop products:
?Location: Barcelona, El Prat De Llobregat
Media Markt Saturn Th Services Barcelona
Department: HQ - IT
Entrylevel: Professional Level
Type of Employement: Full Time
Working Hours: 40
Persona: Job Requisition Tech Employee
Recruiter: Joaquin Pardo
Recruiter: Joaquin Pardo Muro
Des de Marlex Human Capital, estem col·laborant amb una empresa metal·lúrgica ubicada a la rodalia de Girona que es dedica a dissenyar, fabricar i comercialitzar maquinària industrial i, que actualment precisa incorporar un/a TÈCNIC/A DE POSTVENDA
Quina seria la teva missió a l’empresa?
La persona seleccionada s’encarregarà de dur a terme les següents tasques de manera autònoma:
Què s’ofereix?
Why working at Eurofragance?
Enjoy a great work environment in Eurofragance!
At our company, we're committed to creating an inclusive work environment where everyone feels welcome, regardless of their gender, age, sexual orientation, or any other factor. We encourage candidates from all walks of life to apply for this job vacancy, and we extend a particularly warm welcome to those with disabilities.
As a Sales Account Manager and reporting to the Regional Key Account Manager, you will be responsible for the commercial & operational strategies in your Region. You will also be accountable for the commercial performance and the operational execution ensuring sustainable financial and team growth
Recibe en tu email nuevas ofertas de trabajo para esta búsqueda.