Ordenar ofertas por:
A Coruña(380)
Ciudad Real(107)
Illes Balears(627)
La Rioja(186)
Las Palmas(375)
Santa Cruz de Tenerife(242)
Sin especificar(744)
Administración empresas(1.855)
Atención a clientes(750)
Calidad, producción, I+D(1.140)
Comercial y ventas(2.496)
Compras, logística y almacén(2.073)
Diseño y artes gráficas(173)
Educación y formación(61)
Finanzas y banca(68)
Informática y telecomunicaciones(968)
Ingenieros y técnicos(1.836)
Inmobiliario y construcción(868)
Marketing y comunicación(835)
Otras actividades(2.753)
Profesiones y oficios(1.191)
Recursos humanos(527)
Sanidad y salud(601)
Sector Farmacéutico(136)
Turismo y restauración(766)
Ventas al detalle(83)
Estudios mínimos:
Ciclo Formativo Grado Medio(206)
Ciclo Formativo Grado Superior(174)
Educación Secundaria Obligatoria(3.812)
Enseñanzas deportivas (regladas)(1)
Formación Profesional Grado Medio(780)
Formación Profesional Grado Superior(778)
Ingeniero Superior(203)
Ingeniero Técnico(25)
Otros cursos y formación no reglada(1)
Otros títulos, certificaciones y carnés(54)
Sin especificar(13.661)
Sin estudios(948)
Jornada laboral:
Intensiva - Indiferente(330)
Intensiva - Mañana(162)
Intensiva - Noche(12)
Intensiva - Tarde(51)
Parcial - Indiferente(2.596)
Parcial - Mañana(163)
Parcial - Noche(73)
Parcial - Tarde(52)
Sin especificar(5.711)
Tipo de contrato:
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De duración determinada(2.935)
De relevo(8)
Fijo discontinuo(362)
Otros contratos(6.405)
Sin especificar(2.979)
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Ofertas de empleo de monitor

928 ofertas de trabajo de monitor

Tallerista de Català a El Vendrell

Des de la Fundació Pere Tarrés estem a la cerca d'un/a tallerista per a impartir un taller de català parlat a la localitat de El Vendrell.

Descripció de l'activitat:

Conversa en català, per fomentar el seu ús entre els usuaris/àries interessats i fomentar el seu aprenentatge d'expressions quotidianes i col·loquials.

Data i horaris:

Inici: 04/11/2024 - Finalització: 16/12/2024

Tots els Dilluns de 10:00 a 11:00h

Jornada parcial - indiferente
Otros contratos
Salario sin especificar
Accounts Payable Analyst with french and english
  • Accounts Payable Analyst with french and english
  • Multinational in the advertising and communication sector

Multinational in the advertising and communication sector

  • Manage Accounts Payable activities for Non-Media Business Units asset out by the Accounts Payable Manager
  • Utilise ERP to manage processing of Supplier invoices and credit notes
  • Process Supplier invoice and credit note registrations within agreed timelines and the Global SLA
  • Match Supplier invoices to Purchase Orders and route for approval promptly
  • Process Supplier credit notes in line with approvals required
  • Monitor volumes and highlight any backlogs proactively to the Accounts Payable Manager
  • Prepare payment proposals in accordance with agreed payment timetables
  • Create settlement runs for approved payment proposals
  • Obtain Supplier statements and reconcile Supplier accounts investigating differences proactively
  • Document all Supplier queries for follow up
  • Ensure prompt resolution of Supplier queries at the earliest, involving all parties required
  • Ensure Supplier master data records accurately reflect correct Supplier details and agreed contractual terms
  • Provide holiday and sick cover for colleagues as needed
  • Drive towards minimal backlogs on a daily and weekly basis
  • Deliver weekly settlement runs
  • Provide reports and participate in weekly Accounts Payable review meetings with Accounts Payable Manager
  • Drive Accounts Payable to close with minimal unregistered invoices and credit notes

  • A competitive salary
  • Employee discounts on company brands
  • A vibrant company culture that encourages personal and professional growth
Jornada sin especificar
Contrato sin especificar
Salario sin especificar
Key Account Manager Gran Distribución
  • Unirse a una empresa referente en el sector consumo a nivel mundial.
  • Sumarse a un proyecto en expansión a nivel nacional.

Nuestro cliente es un líder global en productos de consumo. Se trata de una organización ganadora de diferentes premios y reconocimientos a nivel mundial.

Su catálogo de productos incluye una gran variedad de marcas propias con gran dinamismo como también productos de otras marcas reconocidas en el mercado.

La empresa cuenta con más de 20 años de experiencia y conocimiento en el diseño, desarrollo y fabricación, con un progresivo foco para identificar nuevas tendencias y transformarlas en productos de gran calidad para diferentes tipologías de consumidores.

La empresa cuenta con un holding empresarial multinacional con presencia de su sede España localizada en Bilbao.

  • Reportar al Dirección de Ventas.
  • Desarrollar y aumentar las ventas con las cuentas existentes, apuntando activamente a las cuentas para aumentar la cuota de mercado en España.
  • Abrir nuevas cuentas para aumentar la cuota de mercado.
  • Trabajar juntamente con el director de ventas para incrementar las ventas con las nuevas marcas.
  • Responsable de monitorizar las cuentas minoristas bien establecidas.
  • Planificación de promociones y negociación de espacios en el retail.
  • Seguimiento de ventas y previsiones.
  • Establecer relaciones productivas con el personal clave.
  • Construir, crecer, gestionar y ser una parte fundamental del equipo de ventas.

Esta es una gran oportunidad para desarrollar una carrera profesional, dentro de una empresa global en una industria en rápida expansión. Trabajando junto con el Director de Ventas para gestionar la PyG de grandes cuentas y la ejecución de estrategias ganadoras de ventas.

  • Pack de beneficios corporativos
  • Sueldo bruto y bonus discrecional de hasta un 30%
  • Oficinas localizadas en Bilbao.
Jornada sin especificar
Contrato sin especificar
Salario sin especificar
Director Excelencia Operacional_Finance (h/m/d)
  • Importante multinacional ubicada en Madrid
  • 10 años de experiencia en auditoría y/o consultoría estratégica

Importante multinacional ubicada en Madrid

La persona seleccionada desarrrollará las siguientes responsabilidades:

  • Desarrollo e implementación de estrategias de mejora continua:

Evaluar los procesos actuales para identificar ineficiencias y oportunidades de optimización.

Proponer, diseñar y liderar proyectos de mejora que impacten positivamente en la eficiencia operativa, calidad y costes.

  • Liderar programas de excelencia operacional:

Gestionar la implementación de metodologías de excelencia operacional.

Asegurarse de que las iniciativas de mejora estén alineadas con los objetivos estratégicos de la organización.

  • Análisis de datos y medición de resultados:

Utilizar herramientas de análisis de datos para medir el rendimiento de los procesos.

Establecer KPIs para monitorear el progreso de las iniciativas y asegurar el cumplimiento de los objetivos.

  • Capacitación y desarrollo de equipos:

Impulsar una cultura de mejora continua mediante la formación de equipos en metodologías y herramientas de excelencia operacional.

Formación y soporte a los equipos para implementar cambios.

  • Gestión del cambio:

Desarrollar e implementar estrategias para gestionar el cambio organizacional, garantizando una transición fluida y minimizando la resistencia.

Asegurar la adopción de nuevas prácticas y estándares por parte de los equipos.

  • Colaboración interdepartamental:

Trabajar en colaboración con diferentes áreas para coordinar iniciativas y asegurar la alineación en los objetivos.

Fomentar la comunicación efectiva entre los distintos equipos.

  • Atractivo paquete retributivo.
  • Beneficios sociales.
  • Desarrollo de carrera profesional
Jornada sin especificar
Contrato sin especificar
Salario sin especificar
Tallerista de Ball de saló per la localitat de Torelló

Des de la Fundació Pere Tarrés cerquem un o una formadora per impartir un taller de Balls de saló de Torelló.

Taller adreçat a persones adultes


  • Inici: Gener 2025
  • Finalització: Abril 2025

Jornada parcial - indiferente
Otros contratos
Salario sin especificar
Tallerista de Maquillatge de festes per a adults/es a Canolleves

Des de la Fundació Pere Tarrés cerquem un o una formadora per impartir un taller de Maquillatge de Festa a la localitat de Canovelles.

Objectiu: Taller per practicar i perfeccionar tècniques de maquillatge, aprendre a cuidar la pell del rostre i trobar looks que s'adaptin al nostre estil tot coincidint amb l'arribada de les festes de Nadal.

Data i horari: 17/12/2024 de 18 a 19:30h

Jornada parcial - indiferente
Otros contratos
Salario sin especificar
Tallerista de Balls en línia a El Vendrell

Des de la Fundació Pere Tarrés estem a la cerca d'un/a tallerista per a impartir un taller de Balls en línia a la localitat de El Vendrell.

Descripció de l'activitat:

Potenciar l'exercici físic i la salut mitjançant el ball.
Estil de ball en el qual les persones que participen es col·loquen en línia o en files durant el ball. Consisteix a realitzar una coreografia conjunta i sincronitzada, però sense ballar en parella, sinó de manera grupal.

Data i horaris:

Inici: Gener de 2025 - Finalització: Abril de 2025

Tots els Dimecres de 9:15 a 10:15h

Jornada parcial - indiferente
Otros contratos
Salario sin especificar
Head of Sales
  • Importante compañía de crowdfunding inmobiliario
  • Fuerza de Ventas

Nuestro cliente es una importante compañía de crowdfunding inmobiliario con excelente posicionamiento y prestigio.

  • Prospección y captación de clientes: Identificar oportunidades de negocio y realizar investigaciones de mercado para atraer nuevos clientes; generación de leads; gestionar el proceso de venta completo, desde el primer contacto hasta cierre de contrato.
  • Gestión de reuniones de clientes con clientes promotores potenciales y actuales, presentar productos de forma efectiva, resolver objeciones.
  • Cierre de ventas: negociar los términos de los contratos y asegurar el cierre de las ventas.
  • Gestión autónoma del proceso comercial, gestionando su propio pipeline de ventas y asegurando un flujo constante de oportunidades.
  • Desarrollo y liderazgo de equipo
  • Estrategia de ventas: colaborar con el equipo de dirección para definir y ejecutar la estrategia de ventas; identificar oportunidades de mejora en los procesos de ventas y ajustar estrategias para optimizar resultados: monitorear tendencias de mercado y adaptarse a las necesidades cambiantes de los clientes.
  • Construcción de relaciones sólidas y a largo plazo con clientes

Nuestro cliente te ofrece estabilidad, desarrollo e interesantes condiciones económicas.

Jornada sin especificar
Contrato sin especificar
Salario sin especificar
Traffic Acquisition Specialist

Atida | Mifarma is currently the leader in Spain in online sales of pharmacy and parapharmacy products, which is why we are always looking for ways to continue providing our customers with the best service and the highest quality we can offer. To achieve this, we need to have the best professionals on our team, who bring us new ideas, offer innovative solutions, and help us grow a little more each day.

We lead the Spanish market and are consolidating our presence in countries like Portugal, the United Kingdom, France, and Italy, but we also have customers in many other countries such as Germany, Switzerland, America, China, and the United Arab Emirates.

If you are a specialist in Performance Marketing, this is your opportunity. Your main mission will be to expertly manage the performance campaigns carried out by the team.


  • Manage Google Advertising including SEM and Display campaigns. Work on keyword discovery, expansion and optimization.
  • Conduct A/B testing, analyze campaign performance, and optimize based on the findings.
  • Analyze and interpret campaign data to provide insights and recommendations to the team and senior management.
  • Manage and optimize other performance channel strategies such as affiliate marketing.
  • Collaborate with cross-functional teams to align campaign strategies and goals across the organization.
  • Monitor industry trends and competitor activities, making necessary adjustments to marketing strategies.
  • Adhere to budgets while forecasting and tracking key account metrics.
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar
Environment & Recycling Business Developer - Portugal & Spain (International)
  • The group has a turnover of 130 million euros and is growing at 10%/year
  • Opportunity to expand the business in Portugal and Spain

Our client is an innovative and pioneering company in France in the recycling of plastic films. It is the leading European manufacturer of recycled polyethylene packaging. The group has a turnover of 130 million euros and is growing at nearly 10% per year.

It is a remote working position (Spain or Portugal) with regular travel required and the candidate reports directly to Paris.

Your main responsibilities will include:

  • Developing prospecting activities to offer our waste collection and recovery services to major industrial and commercial clients;
  • Building and maintaining a network of influencers and partners;
  • Participating in the definition of the commercial strategy in support of the General Manager and with the rest of the sales team;
  • Preparing commercial offers (quotes, presentations, projects) and coordinating responses to tenders;
  • Managing the onboarding of qualified new prospects until the contract is finalized;
  • Overseeing new accounts up to the industrial launch phase, with the help of the R&D and technical support teams;
  • Managing the commercial relationship, tracking commercial KPIs, updating the CRM, and contributing to the monthly sales reporting;
  • Marketing and Communication (creating materials, generating content, producing environmental reports, attending trade shows, etc.);
  • Monitoring legal and regulatory developments (tracking and ensuring compliance with legal formalities, etc.);
  • Conducting industry and technology watch.

Opportunity to expand the business in Portugal and Spain in the recycling/environment sector.

Jornada sin especificar
Contrato sin especificar
Salario sin especificar
Responsable de digitalización
  • Equipo multidiscuplinar
  • Plan de carrera y posibilidad de desarrollo profesional

Nuestro cliente es una gran empresa en el sector de Tecnología y Telecomunicaciones. Con una plantilla de más de 1.000 empleados, esta empresa se centra en la digitalización y la gestión de archivos.

  • Liderar y supervisar el equipo de tecnología para garantizar la digitalización eficiente de los archivos.
  • Coordinar con otros departamentos para comprender sus necesidades de digitalización y implementar soluciones adecuadas.
  • Monitorear y reportar sobre el progreso de la digitalización.
  • Asegurar la seguridad de los archivos digitales y el cumplimiento de las regulaciones de privacidad.
  • Identificar y adoptar nuevas tecnologías para mejorar el proceso de digitalización.

  • Oportunidades para el desarrollo profesional y la formación en tecnologías y procesos de digitalización.
  • Un equipo de trabajo amigable y altamente profesional en el campo de Tecnología y Telecomunicaciones.
  • Beneficios y bonos atractivos en función del desempeño.

Jornada sin especificar
Contrato sin especificar
27.000€ - 33.000€ bruto/año
Senior Procurement Specialist
  • Newly created position
  • Leading mutlinational company in its industry

A pioneering leader in technology and telecommunications, driving innovation and excellence in the industry.

  • Customer and client service attitude
  • Prepares purchase orders, approves payments, and negotiates prices to ensure the procurement process goes smoothly, under general guidance.
  • Prepares requests for proposals (RFP) and bid packages to take on new business categories
  • Monitors contract performance to ensure compliance with contractual obligations
  • Contacts suppliers to schedule or expedite deliveries to ensure resolution of problems such as shortages and missed or late deliveries.
  • Build commercial relationships with local and international suppliers.
  • Closely monitor PO status and shipping dates of the open purchase orders and maintain delivery dates updated in NetSuite (open PO's status).ç
  • End to end PO tracking; Identify and lead action plans to mitigate any potential risk associated to our suppliers
    (e.g. potential supplier production delay, QC issue, logistics issues, etc.
  • Generate and analyze reports related to Purchasing and other Supply Chain areas.
  • Support buying planning process, identifying supplier production lead time, communicate potential demand,
    expected delivery dates and quantities, and request improvement in production lead-times.
  • Identify potential supplier production issues, develop risk mitigation plan and communicate and escalate if
  • Partner with Sourcing Manager supporting any sourcing activity, like cost analysis, new vendor setup, etc.
  • Participate in Manufacturing and Engineering meetings.
  • Coordinate with Logistics and Material teams any inventory movement/transaction and/or shipping from our
    suppliers to our locations or third parties.
  • Develop and implement process improvement initiatives in the SCM department
  • Define and analyze KPI's.

Oportunidades de carrera y desarrollo profesional.

Jornada sin especificar
Contrato sin especificar
Salario sin especificar
compras, logistica
Store Manager (Jewelry Brand) Barcelona

Desde Luxe Talent, Consultoría Internacional de Selección y Formación de personal especializada en Moda, Lujo, Retail y FMCG, estamos buscando para uno de nuestros clientes, firma internacional de joyería, un/a Store Manager para su punto de venta en en Barcelona.

En nuestra consultoría de selección y formación trabajamos con distintas firmas en los sectores del Lujo, Premium y High Premium alrededor de Europa y tenemos oficinas en Barcelona, Madrid, Paris, Milán y Munich.

Descripción del Puesto

  • Contratación, acompañamiento, formación, motivación y gestión integral del equipo.
  • Definición de objetivos, creación de planes de acción, monitorización de estrategias y análisis de resultados.
  • Control y ánalisis de indicadores de venta o KPIs del punto de venta, con fuerte hincapié en la tasa de conversión, así como proponer posibles estrategias para mejorar los resultados.
  • Ser embajador/a de la firma y realizar un excelente asesoramiento personalizado al cliente.
  • Asegurar la buena presentación del producto en el punto de venta adaptando los guidelines sugeridos por la empresa.

Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar
Tallerista per un taller de Cuina de Nadal a El Vendrell

Des de la Fundació Pere Tarrés cerquem un o una formadora per impartir un taller de Cuina canapès i àpats de Nadal a la localitat de El Vendrell.

Taller adreçat a adults/es


Taller per aprendre a fer les receptes amb productes de proximitat i de temporada.

Dates i Horari:

  • Inici: 25/11/2024
  • Finalització:09/12/2024

Horari: tots els dilluns de 11:30h a 13:00 hores.

Jornada parcial - indiferente
Otros contratos
Salario sin especificar
Accounting Manager - Financial Services
  • At least 5-7 years as Accounting Manager or similar, working with multiclient
  • High English level and experience working in outsourcing companies is mandatory

Multinational Professional Services company

Reporting to the Operational Director, your main responsibilities will be:

Client Management:

  • Accountable for client services provided by the team for a set of clients, being identified by the client as a senior point of contact, owner of the relationship.
  • Acts as client escalation point, establishing good relationship with client management contacts.
  • *Supports Sales team & participates in Sales meetings with prospect clients, preparing service proposals when needed.
  • Works closely with key stakeholders (e.g. Legal) to ensure that all processes remain compliant.
  • Monitors client service (schedule, risks, scope of work and budget) and ensures that team has a clear understanding of client requirements.
  • Monitors client risks and defines action plans when needed.

Team Management:

  • Takes a leading role in clear and effective communication with the team, cascading down company messages, answering questions and escalating when needed.
  • Values & behaviour aspirations are embraced. Leads by example, is able to manage change and to engage. Takes ownership.
  • Adopt company meeting dynamics (e.g. one on one, team meeting, ...)
  • Promotes individual development of team members.
  • Measures performance in the team in a clear and consistent way. Timely provides clear feedback to improve performance and results.
  • Supports and stands up for his/her team members and other Managers when in need of support and/or advice.
  • Delegate responsibilities where possible and step in where necessary.
  • Supports Director in the definition of team's annual goals.Other Management Responsibilities:
  • Able to work establishing honest and collaborative relationships with other departments.
  • Responsible to all HR topics related to the team (e.g. holiday organization, sickness leave back up, recruitment,...).
  • Performs random audits to the team to ensure standard quality of processes, detecting possible deviations and working on processes improvements.
  • Works with the team in identifying and proposing new efficiencies on daily operations.
  • Remain updated and informed about all legislative changes applicable to accounting & tax compliance. Raise training needs when necessary.

  • Hibrido (3 days from home)
  • Bonus
Jornada sin especificar
Contrato sin especificar
Salario sin especificar
Senior Social Media Specialist

About us
At RavenPack, we are at the forefront of developing the next generation of generative AI tools for the finance industry and beyond. With 20 years of experience as a leading big data analytics provider for financial services, we empower our clients—including some of the world's most successful hedge funds, banks, and asset managers—to enhance returns, reduce risk, and increase efficiency by integrating public information into their models and workflows. Building on this expertise, have now launched a new suite of GenAI and SaaS services, designed specifically for financial professionals.

With the launch of Bigdata.com we’re on an exciting journey to transform financial decision-making through cutting-edge AI and innovative data sets. Powered by RavenPack, the global leader in data analytics for financial services with over 20 years of experience and recognized as the frontrunner in the field of Alternative Data

Bigdata.com is focused on making AI truly useful for financial professionals, enabling smarter, faster, and more informed decisions. This is a unique opportunity to work on breakthrough technology used by leading financial institutions, including some of the world’s most successful hedge funds, banks, and asset managers.

Job Overview:

We are seeking an experienced and strategic Senior Social Media Manager to lead our social media efforts and elevate the RavenPack and Bigdata.coms presence across multiple platforms.

As a Senior Social Media Manager, you will develop high-impact social media strategies, oversee the execution of campaigns, manage a team of social media specialists, and collaborate with various departments to ensure brand consistency.

Your goal will be to grow audience engagement, drive leads, and boost brand awareness through innovative and data-driven strategies.

The ability to communicate effectively in English, both in writing and verbally is a must. Knowledge of Spanish is not a business requirement.

European Union’s legal working status is required.

Key Reasonability's: 

Develop Social Media Strategy:

  • Identify trends, opportunities, and platform innovations to ensure the brand remains competitive in the digital landscape.
  • Work in collaboration with head of communications and social media lead to ensure brand voice, tone, and messaging across all social platforms is coherent

Team Leadership & Collaboration:

  • Collaborate closely with Social Media Led, Head of Comms, Creative team to ensure alignment and consistency across all campaigns.

Advanced Content Creation & Campaign Execution:

  • Oversee the creation of social media content on own channel-specific platforms (posts, videos, etc.)
  • work in collaboration with social media lead to ensure the content calendar is up to date and followed and respond dynamically to real-time marketing opportunities.
  • Develop innovative, channel-specific strategies for platforms such as Instagram, TikTok and X

Analytics & Data-Driven Decision Making:

  • Set key performance indicators (KPIs) for social media initiatives and regularly analyze campaign performance using tools such as Google Analytics, Sprout Social, or HubSpot.
  • Use data and insights to optimize strategies, adjust campaigns, and report ROI to leadership.
  • Conduct competitor and audience analysis to inform content development and positioning.

Stakeholder Communication & Reporting:

  • Collaborate with social media lead to present social media strategies, campaign results, and growth opportunities to CMO.
  • Prepare assets to ensure stakeholders are kept up to date on emerging trends, campaign successes, and any challenges

Innovation & Trend Monitoring

  • Stay updated on industry developments, algorithm changes, and platform features to continuously innovate in social media tactics.
  • Proactively identify new opportunities for the brand to engage with audiences in creative and impactful ways.

Key Skills and Qualifications:

Experience: 5+ years of social media management experience, with at least 2 years in a senior role.

Influencer marketing:
Managing endorsements and product placement from influencers

Education: Bachelor’s degree in Marketing, Communications, Digital Media, or a related field. Master’s degree is a plus.

Leadership Skills: Proven experience managing a team and leading cross-functional collaboration.

Strategic Thinking: Ability to craft long-term social media strategies with a focus on brand growth, community engagement, and business goals.

Advanced Analytics Skills: Proficiency with social media analytics tools (e.g., Sprout Social, Hootsuite, Google Analytics) and experience making data-driven decisions.

Creative Vision: Strong ability to lead content creation that is innovative, on-brand, and aligned with audience preferences.

Paid Social Expertise: In-depth knowledge of paid social media advertising (e.g., Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, LinkedIn Ads).

Communication: Excellent verbal, written, and presentation skills, with an ability to articulate complex strategies to stakeholders.

Adaptability: Experience working in a fast-paced environment, with an ability to pivot quickly based on trends or business needs.

What We Offer:

Competitive salary and comprehensive benefits package.

Leadership role with room for professional growth.

Opportunity to work with a creative and dynamic team.

We are an equal opportunity employer and value diversity at our company. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, colour, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, marital status, veteran status, or disability status

Departamento: Marketing
Jornada sin especificar
Otros contratos
Salario sin especificar
Growth Marketing Director (London)

About us

At RavenPack, we are at the forefront of developing the next generation of generative AI tools for the finance industry and beyond. With 20 years of experience as a leading big data analytics provider for financial services, we empower our clients—including some of the world's most successful hedge funds, banks, and asset managers—to enhance returns, reduce risk, and increase efficiency by integrating public information into their models and workflows. Building on this expertise, have now launched a new suite of GenAI and SaaS services, designed specifically for financial professionals.

With the launch of Bigdata.com we’re on an exciting journey to transform financial decision-making through cutting-edge AI and innovative data sets. Powered by RavenPack, the global leader in data analytics for financial services with over 20 years of experience and recognized as the frontrunner in the field of Alternative Data

Bigdata.com is focused on making AI truly useful for financial professionals, enabling smarter, faster, and more informed decisions. This is a unique opportunity to work on breakthrough technology used by leading financial institutions, including some of the world’s most successful hedge funds, banks, and asset managers.

Job Overview:

We are looking for a data-driven, innovative and hands-on Growth Marketing Director to lead our Digital Marketing team in developing our growth marketing efforts, focusing on driving customer acquisition, activation, retention, and revenue growth.

The person will be responsible for designing and supervising the execution of growth strategies that are scalable, experimenting with new tactics, and optimizing existing channels. You will work closely with cross-functional teams to unlock growth opportunities and develop strategies that impact business objectives. The role reports straight to the CMO.

The ability to communicate effectively in English, both in writing and verbally is a must. Knowledge of Spanish is not a business requirement.

European Union’s legal working status is required.

Key Responsibilities:

Team Leadership

  • Lead a team of highly skilled Digital Marketing Specialists, fostering a collaborative and high-performing environment while supporting their professional development.
  • Define project assignments and strategic priorities for the team, overseeing and evaluating their performance.
  • Provide technical guidance, mentorship, and support, ensuring team members have the tools and knowledge needed for success.
  • Conduct regular one-on-one meetings with team members, documenting progress and feedback in the Performance Management Platform.
  • Offer guidance in areas for improvement to support team members' career path progression.
  • Participate in the recruitment process for new team members as needed, ensuring the continued growth and capability of the team.

Growth Strategy Development & Execution:

  • Lead the design and execution of a comprehensive growth strategy focusing on customer acquisition, activation, retention, and revenue.
  • Identify, prioritize and guide the team in pursuing growth opportunities, including new channels, partnerships, and marketing initiatives.
  • Oversee the development and implementation of a testing framework for rapid experimentation (A/B tests, multi-channel campaigns) to optimize growth.

Channel Optimization & Management:

  • In partnership with our Sr Social Media Manager oversee performance across digital marketing channels such as paid search (Google Ads), paid social (LinkedIn and others), email marketing, SEO, and influencer marketing.
  • Monitor, analyze, and optimize key growth channels to ensure ROI and efficiency.
  • Direct the development and optimization of paid advertising strategies, managing budgets, bid strategies, and creative testing.

Customer Journey Mapping & Funnel Optimization:

  • Lead efforts to analyze the customer journey to identify friction points and opportunities for improvement.
  • Drive the optimization of the conversion funnel from lead acquisition through to retention and referral.
  • Collaborate with Product, Design, and Engineering teams to improve user experience and increase conversion rates.

Data-Driven Decision Making & Reporting:

  • Use analytics tools to track, measure, and report on performance metrics such as conversion rates, LTV (Lifetime Value), CAC (Customer Acquisition Cost), churn, and ARPU (Average Revenue Per User).
  • Provide insights and recommendations based on data to optimize campaigns and drive scalable growth.
  • Present results, insights, and strategic recommendations to Leadership and cross-functional teams.

Experimentation & Growth Hacking:

  • Foster a team culture of rapid experimentation and continuous improvement.
  • Lead the team in conducting A/B tests and other growth experiments to uncover new growth levers.
  • Lead initiatives for user segmentation and personalization to increase user engagement and retention.

Cross-Functional Collaboration:

  • Work closely with Product, Design, Sales, and Development teams to ensure alignment between growth initiatives and Product development.
  • Collaborate with Customer Success and Sales teams to ensure smooth handoffs between marketing-generated leads and sales teams.
  • Partner with external agencies, influencers, or freelancers when necessary.

Retention & Referral Programs:

  • Design, develop and oversee the implementation of strategies focused on increasing customer retention and lifetime value.
  • Develop and optimize referral programs, loyalty programs, or other incentivization schemes to enhance organic growth.
  • Ensure that retention strategies align with overall growth goals, working closely with the marketing and customer success teams.

Key Skills and Qualifications:

  • Experience: 5+ years in growth marketing, digital marketing, or performance marketing roles with demonstrated experience in scaling products or services (SaaS).
  • Education: Bachelor’s degree in Marketing, Business, Economics, or a related field. A Master’s degree or MBA is a plus.
  • Analytical Skills: Strong proficiency in data analysis, using tools like Google Analytics, Mixpanel, HubSpot, or Tableau to make data-driven decisions.
  • Channel Expertise: Deep understanding of key growth channels (SEO, SEM, paid social, content marketing, email marketing, influencer marketing).
  • Optimization & Testing: Experience running A/B tests, multi-variant tests, and conversion optimization experiments.
  • Technical Skills: Familiarity with marketing automation tools (e.g., HubSpot, Marketo), CRM systems, and basic knowledge of HTML/CSS is a plus.
  • Growth Hacking Mindset: Strong ability to think creatively and identify unconventional ways to drive growth (growth hacking, viral loops, etc.).
  • Communication Skills: Strong verbal and written communication skills to collaborate effectively across teams and present data-backed recommendations.
  • Adaptability: Ability to work in a fast-paced environment, with the flexibility to pivot strategies quickly when needed
    Jornada sin especificar
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    Salario sin especificar
Ingeniero/a Senior de Materiales de Piping (Barcelona)

En BETWEEN seleccionamos y apostamos por el mejor talento dentro del ámbito de la ingeniería de instalaciones. Nos involucramos en una gran variedad de proyectos punteros, trabajando con los clientes más innovadores del sector Petroquímico, Químico, Energético, Farmacéutico, Alimentario, Construcción y Obra Civil.

Actualmente contamos con un equipo de más de 800 personas desarrollando proyectos nacionales e internacionales, tanto en nuestra propia Oficina Técnica como en las instalaciones de nuestros clientes.

Seleccionamos un/a INGENIERO/A SENIOR DE MATERIALES PIPING (CORROSIÓN) con experiencia en proyectos para la industria Química, Energía, Refinería o Industria Petroquímica para trabajar en un proyecto de larga duración (mínimo 1 año) en uno de nuestros principales clientes ubicado en BARCELONA.

Posibilidad de continuar en otros proyectos de BETWEEN a la finalización del proyecto.


  • Estudio de los materiales y proceso de degradación por corrosión.
  • Implementación de estudios de Inspección Basada en Riesgos (RBI).
  • Selección de materiales.
  • Definición de los requisitos de Monitorización de la Corrosión.

  • Definición de requisitos de Protección Catódica.

  • Desarrollo de Filosofías de Control de la Corrosión, Programas de Gestión de la Corrosión e Informes de Selección de Materiales.

  • Análisis de Causa Raíz de fallos de servicio por corrosión y errores en el diseño.

¿Cómo lo haré?

  • Trabajaras de la mano de un equipo de ingenieros altamente especializados
  • Contarás con un PC y todas las licencias de software necesarias
  • Tendrás un equipo de soporte informático a tu disposición

Beneficios que tendrás en tu lugar de trabajo:

  • Horario flexible
  • Ambiente de trabajo joven y dinámico

Además, trabajando para BETWEEN obtendrás los siguientes beneficios añadidos:

  • Posibilidad de trabajar en proyectos nacionales e internacionales, para clientes de referencia del sector industrial
  • Posibilidad de formar parte de una empresa en pleno crecimiento a nivel nacional e internacional. Un buen lugar donde trabajar: cuidamos de nuestro equipo y la sociedad a través de iniciativas, programas de conciliación y de responsabilidad social corporativa
  • Te integrarás en un equipo de alto rendimiento y con un alto grado de especialización.
  • Dispondrás de oportunidades de formación y desarrollo profesional
  • Pondremos a tu disposición un amplio abanico de retos y proyectos acordes con tus objetivos personales y profesionales.
  • Posibilidad de elegir cómo obtener parte de tu salario gracias a las ventajas fiscales de nuestra Retribución Flexible, y descuentos para acceder a centros de fitness, entre otros
  • En BETWEEN, la igualdad de oportunidades es uno de nuestros valores. Nuestro compromiso es contratar al mejor talentos independientemente de su raza, religión, sexo, edad y personas con otras capacidades y promover su desarrollo profesional y personal.
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
30.000€ - 36.000€ bruto/año
Tallerista per Zumball a Girona
Fundació Pere Tarrés
Girona, Girona
10 de octubre

Des de la Fundació Pere Tarrés cerquem un o una tallerista per impartir un taller de Zumball a Girona.

Descripció i Objectiu:

El taller s’imparteix amb classes dirigides. S’hi realitzen exercicis aeròbics al ritme de la música llatina (merengue, samba, reggaeton, cumbia i salsa) amb la finalitat de fer exercici i passar una bona estona.


  • Dates: del 15/10/2024 al 17/12/2024
  • Horari: Dimarts de 18:30 a 19:30 hores.

Adreçat a: adults/es

Jornada parcial - indiferente
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Salario sin especificar

Desde Marlex estamos colaborando con una importante empresa que se dedica a la fabricación de productos plásticos ubicada en la comarca de la Anoia, la cual necesita incorporar en seu equipo un/a Ingeniero/a Producción.

¿Cuál sería tu misión en la empresa?

  • Identificar oportunidades para mejorar la eficiencia operativa y la productividad mediane la implementación de nuevas tecnologías, métodos de trabajo o procesos de fabricación más eficientes.
  • Desarrollar y aplicar estándares de calidad para assegurar que los productos fabricados cumplan los requisitos y normativas establecidos.
  • Monitorear y supervisar la operación de las máquinas y equipos de producción, así como resolver problemas técnicos que puedan surgir durante el proceso.
  • Crear y documentar procedimientos operativos estándar para mejorar la consistencia y eficiencia en la producción.
  • Reportar KPI’s, indicadores e informes del proyecto.
  • Con proyección a participar en la gestión de un equipo.

¿Qué se ofrece?

  • Trabajar junto a un equipo dinámico y con una formación continua.
  • Incorporación directa por empresa y contrato indefinido.
  • Jornada completa con flexibilidad horaria.
  • Ocupar un puesto de trabajo estable con proyección de futuro.
  • Plan de carrera.

Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar
Director de calidad
  • Empresa ubicada en Zaragoza
  • Puesto de responsable de departamento con equipo a cargo

Buscamos un/a Director/a de Calidad con experiencia en el sector industrial / manufacturero. La persona seleccionada será responsable de supervisar el cumplimiento de los estándares de calidad en todos los procesos de producción.

La persona seleccionada se encargará de realizar las siguientes funciones:

  • Supervisar y dirigir el departamento de calidad con un equipo de 3 pesonas a cargo
  • Desarrollar y mantener los estándares de calidad en los procesos de producción
  • Gestionar y resolver las cuestiones de calidad con los proveedores
  • Realizar auditorías de calidad internas y externas
  • Coordinar con otros departamentos para asegurar la calidad del producto final
  • Establecer y monitorear indicadores de rendimiento del departamento de calidad
  • Proporcionar formación y desarrollo a los miembros del equipo
  • Participar en proyectos de mejora continua para mejorar la eficiencia y la calidad

Oportunidades de carrera y desarrollo profesional.

Jornada sin especificar
Contrato sin especificar
45.000€ - 55.000€ bruto/año
Técnico/a Riesgos TIC

Tu misión consistirá en participar proactivamente en el proceso de adaptación a DORA de Laboral Kutxa, así como realizar análisis y evaluaciones sobre el cumplimiento de políticas, normas y procedimientos relacionados con los riesgos TIC y elaborar informes y métricas de riesgo.

Algunas de tus tareas serán:

  • Participar proactivamente en el proceso de adaptación a DORA de la Entidad.
  • Analizar en detalle y cuestionar la estrategia de las TIC y Ciberseguridad.
  • Evaluar el cumplimiento de políticas y normas relacionadas con las TIC.
  • Evaluar fuentes internas y externas de amenazas.
  • Ejecutar evaluaciones de riesgos TIC independientes, incluyendo actividades de identificación, análisis, evaluación y mitigación de amenazas en materia de TIC.
  • Supervisar y evaluar las evaluaciones de riesgos y controles.
  • Supervisar la mitigación de riesgos por parte de la primera línea de defensa.
  • Monitorizar las actividades y planes de remediación.
  • Elaborar informes de riesgos y apoyar en la definición y seguimiento de métricas de riesgo.


Otra forma de trabajar, creciendo profesional y personalmente, para que puedas poner en marcha todo tu potencial de forma sostenible e inclusiva. Para ello:

  • Promovemos el trabajo en equipo, el apoyo mutuo y la participación.
  • Personalizamos la formación para desarrollar la capacitación de las personas a la largo de toda su vida profesional.
  • Ofrecemos la flexibilidad que necesitas para que exista un buen equilibrio entre la vida profesional y privada.
  • Apostamos por el talento interno, y por ello tendrás múltiples oportunidades de enfrentarte a nuevos retos y asumir nuevos roles.
  • Cuidaremos de ti a través de Zainduz, nuestro programa de salud, a través del cual podrás disfrutar de: talleres sobre hábitos saludables y bienestar emocional, servicio de Fisioterapia digital, incentivos por venir andando o en bici a trabajar…
  • Te facilitaremos el acceso al cuadro médico de Lagun Aro para ti y tu familia, además de condiciones especiales bancarias y de seguros.

En definitiva, ofrecemos entornos de trabajo inclusivos y respetuosos, garantizamos igualdad de oportunidades entre hombres y mujeres en las dinámicas de trabajo y en las carreras profesionales, trabajando para ser una referencia en materia de igualdad.

Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar
Recruitment and Employer Brand Manager with Chinese (Dubai)
Wibit Consulting & Services (WibitCS)
Sin especificar
8 de octubre

In collaboration we are seeking a Chinese-speaking Recruitment and Employer Brand Manager to lead recruitment efforts and employer branding initiatives for our Dubai-based operations. The ideal candidate will develop and implement strategies to attract top talent, enhance the company’s reputation in the Middle Eastern market, and ensure seamless recruitment processes.

Location: Dubai, UAE

Key Responsibilities:

- Develop and implement recruitment strategies to attract top talent for Dubai operations.

- Manage employer branding initiatives to strengthen the company’s reputation as an employer of choice in the Middle East.

- Collaborate with various departments to identify staffing needs and create job descriptions that align with company goals.

- Oversee the entire recruitment process, including sourcing, interviewing, and onboarding.

- Monitor and analyze recruitment metrics, making data-driven improvements to strategies.

- Build and maintain relationships with external recruitment agencies and partners.


- Experience in **recruitment and employer branding** preferred.

- Strong communication and interpersonal skills.

- Ability to work independently in a fast-paced environment.

- Proficiency in Chinese and English; Arabic is a plus.

- Familiarity with the retail and consumer goods industry in the Middle East is an advantage.

Key Skills:

- Recruitment and Employer Branding experience.

- Strong communication skills to manage relationships with candidates, internal teams, and external partners.

- Knowledge of the Middle Eastern market and industry trends.

Candidate Profile:

- Organized, proactive, and able to multitask.

- Adaptable to changing environments and able to solve problems independently.

- Eager to enhance the company’s market presence through effective recruitment and branding efforts.

This role offers an exciting opportunity to shape the talent acquisition landscape for a growing organization in the Middle Eastern market. Apply today!

Departamento: Human resources & Staffing
Jornada sin especificar
Otros contratos
Salario sin especificar
Digital Marketing Executive with German (Gibraltar)
Wibit Consulting & Services (WibitCS)
8 de octubre

David Kennedy Recruitment is working with a leading Online Gaming who is active across four continents, and has over 13 million customers and is seeking to onboard a Digital Marketing Executive German-speaking for their Gibraltar office.

Location: Gibraltar

Employment type: Full-time, on site (90 Days working hybrid)

Remuneration: Base salary.


  • Manage digital marketing campaigns on the DACH market to drive profitable growth for the Company and deliver country-specific revenue targets.
  • Monitor and analyse campaign performance metrics, including click-through rates, conversion rates, and ROI, to optimize marketing efforts and achieve KPIs.
  • Plan, execute, optimise and report on campaigns across paid social media, display web and app, programmatic partners and support with ASO initiatives as and when is required.
  • Utilize data-driven insights to optimise digital marketing campaigns and maximize marketing ROI.
  • Support in managing key strategic relationships with display partners and account managers. Support in negotiating and optimising deals with partners.
  • Identify and manage new creative growth campaigns and prospect new partners that support the acquisition objectives. Researching and Negotiating of new Acquisition Partners.
  • Request, process and track IOs and invoicing.


Key Relationships / Reporting Lines

  • Creative and Brand
  • Country Managers
  • Gaming and Product
  • Legal and Compliance
  • Onboarding and Retention

Knowledge, Skills and Experience

  • Native German speaker.
  • Strong knowledge and experience in executing successful, profitable acquisition campaigns within the digital marketing channel.
  • Proven hands-on experience in display web and app campaigns, paid social media, (Facebook/Tech Manager) programmatic, organic app (ASO).
  • Data driven approach to decision marketing with strong commercial acumen.
  • Highly creative with experience in identifying target audiences and devising digital campaigns that engage, inform and motivate.
  • Experience in optimizing acquisition funnels for both web and app campaigns.
  • Proficiency in using digital marketing tools and platforms, such as Google Analytics, Facebook Business Manager, SEMrush (or similar) and marketing automation software.
  • Strong analytical skills with the ability to interpret data and generate actionable insights to drive marketing decisions.
  • Knowledge of industry regulations and compliance requirements related to online betting and gaming marketing activities.
    • Self-motivated and proactive attitude, with a willingness to learn and adapt to new technologies and industry developments.


    • Private Health Insurance from the first date of employment
    • Gym Membership Discount
    • 90 Days working hybrid
    • Summer time working hours
    • 25 days holiday and 12 days Gibraltar bank holidays (you have the option to work on public holidays - so you can use the time off when you want)!
    • Flexible and hybrid remote working schedules.
    • Continuous learning/development opportunities and progressive career paths.
    • Coaching Sessions.
    • Employee assistance programs focused on mental health.
    • Diverse and inclusive environment.
    • Corporate events & parties.
    • Teambuilding activities.
    • Worldwide premium healthcare.
    • Subsidized gym membership within a variety of locations in Gibraltar.
    • Fresh fruit and hot refreshments.
    • Tailored relocation packages to meet your needs to support your transition.

    Departamento: Marketing
    Jornada sin especificar
    Otros contratos
    Salario sin especificar
    Freelance Inside Sales Representative with German (Vienna)
    Wibit Consulting & Services (WibitCS)
    Sin especificar
    8 de octubre

    In collaboration we are working together with a renowned Asian company in the Semiconductor industry. Are you ready to build meaningful relationships while delivering exceptional service in the fast-paced semiconductor industry? We’re looking for an Inside Sales Representative to join our dynamic team! You’ll be the go-to contact for 2-3 key clients, managing everything from order processing to client communication, ensuring seamless experiences and long-term partnerships. This role offers the flexibility of working from home with periodic client visits in Austria (1-2 months).

    Key Responsibilities:

    - Serve as the primary contact for 2-3 semiconductor clients, building and nurturing relationships.

    - Handle inside sales activities remotely, including client communication, order management, and ensuring timely delivery.

    - Collaborate closely with clients to understand their needs, offering tailored solutions and support.

    - Travel for in-person client visits to strengthen partnerships and address specific business needs.

    - Effectively communicate product info, technical solutions, and updates while working with technical and sales teams to meet client expectations.

    - Maintain accurate records of client interactions and monitor sales performance, seeking opportunities to drive additional value.

    What You Bring:

    - 2-3 years of sales experience in the semiconductor industry (must understand how semiconductors are crafted).

    - Strong technical knowledge and client relationship management skills.

    - Proactive and independent working style, with excellent communication and organizational abilities.

    - Willingness to travel to Austria once every 1-2 months.

    - Fluency in German and English is essential.

    Ideal Candidate Profile:

    - Strong customer-focused mindset.

    - Detail-oriented with a proactive approach to managing orders and client needs.

    - Self-motivated, eager to understand and stay updated on semiconductor products.

    - Enjoys building long-term relationships with clients.

    Join us in delivering outstanding solutions to the semiconductor industry while working in a flexible and client-focused role!

    Departamento: Sales
    Jornada sin especificar
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    Salario sin especificar