Important multinational Group is looking for an EMEA Finance Service Delivery Analyst & Process Leader for their Finance SSC based in Madrid. The ideal candidate will have minimum 3-5 years of experience in a multinational environment managing and monitoring service levels delivered in the finance department/ Finance Process Leader/ Finance Global Proces Owner, or similar. Excellent English level is a must. Workplace type: Hybrid.
Job Summary
This pivotal role is integral to the success of the Finance Shared Service Structure. Responsibilities encompass managing and monitoring service levels delivered by the Group SSC Functional Leads to the Group Operating Companies, overseeing service interactions, conducting quality assessments, and driving improvements. The role ensures adherence to SLAs, alignment to the Group Targeting Operating Model, and timely resolutions of escalations, all while maintaining the highest level of customer service while developing lasting customer relationships within the SSC and the Operating Companies.
Furthermore, the role entails directing and coordinating the global strategy of the SSC organization in alignment with the Global Target Operating Model, while adhering to set processes, Company Policies and Procedures, and Internal Control compliance. Additionally, this role is responsible for ensuring and continually improving the performance, productivity, and efficiency of the SSC organizational operations through the provision of effective methods and the global strategy.
The role also requires the individual to assess, suggest and outline improvements to optimize automation and efficiency, collaborating with the SSC Managing Partner, Function Leads and wider global SSC team, whilst ensuring the country SSC continually provides a best-in-class quality of customer service to its serviced operating companies.Responsibilities
Important multinational Group is looking for an EMEA Finance PMO & Finance Process Optimization Manager for their SSC based in Madrid. The ideal candidate will have minimum 3-5 years of experience in PMO/ managing and monitoring service levels delivered in the finance department/ Process Leader/ Global Process Owner/ Service Manager, or similar, in multinational environments. Proven track record in managing service delivery and meeting SLA targets. Strong understanding of SSC operations. Experience working in a SSC/ HQ/ Cluster/ Center of Excellence, will be very desirable. Excellent English level is a must. Workplace type: Hybrid.
Job Summary
Our client is looking for a highly qualified PMO (Project Management Officer) to join the Finance team. The ideal candidate will need to have a strong background in managing projects in dynamic and multicultural environments, with a focus on continuous improvement and delivering exceptional results.The position will be fully dedicated as EMEA PMO being a key position on the successful transfer of Accounting, Reporting & Treasury areas from EMEA countries to the SSC in Madrid.Responsibilities
As a new role within the Global CRM function, the Head of CRM Lifecycles will be the owner of our global CRM Lifecycle Roadmap across all our growth pillars within the group; Michael Page, Page Personnel, Page Executive and Strategic Customer Solutions.Its primary mission is to create personalised automations that effectively target the right audience with the perfect message at precisely the opportune moment.
Fix + Bonus
MediaMarktSaturn Technology is working to make Europe’s number-one consumer electronics retailer thetechnology leader in its industry. To this end, several hundred developers, UX designers and system architectsusing state-of-the-art technology work hand in hand with business owners in agile teams to develop customer-focused technology solutions for more than 6 million customers every day in 13 countries.
Within the Global Technology division, you are part of a strong cross-functional team of software engineers,data scientists and analytics experts to drive the development of our global product data management. Withinthe team and in close collaboration with the business product owner, you will design and develop data andanalytics solutions on our cloud-based technology platform to support our business in product datamanagement.
We are searching for an experienced Cloud specialist who has experience with cloud-native setups, is familiar with Infra-as-Code, understands DevSecOps and also has experience with automations via GitHub. You will be part of the API Platform Team which takes care of our API Gateway and all topics around, like support of product teams, API governance, building a Developer Portal and set up automation processes.
?Location: Barcelona, El Prat De Llobregat
Media Markt Saturn Th Services Barcelona
Department: HQ - IT
Entrylevel: Professional Level
Type of Employement: Full Time
Working Hours: 40
Persona: Job Requisition Tech Employee
Recruiter: Joaquin Pardo Muro
Recruiter: Joaquin Pardo Muro
DADES DE L’ EMPRESA: 2005 Castell S.L.U
OFERTA DE TREBALL: Responsable d’Atenció al Client.
FUNCIONS DE: La figura del Responsable d’Atenció al Client, és entesa com la màxima ambaixadora de l’Hospitalitat e Imatge del nostre restaurant. Es la principal responsable de garantir la bona EXPERIÈNCIA dels nostres clients. Les tasques principals dels responsables d’atenció al client son: donar la benvinguda als nostres clients; fer cumplir les mesures de seguretat e higiene de tots els nostres clients, entre d’altres, mesures higièniques, control d’aforament i neteja/desinfecció freqüent de les instal·lacions; servei a taula de les comandes i oferir un nivell alt d’hospital·litat a tots els nostres clients.
DURADA DE CONTRACTE: Indefinit amb 2 mesos de periode de prova.
JORNADA: Torns rotatius - Acceptem disponibilitat horària – Jornada parcial.
SALARI BRUT: Dades informades a l’entrevista de personal.
EDAT: 18-30 anys.
FORMACIÓ REGLADA: Educació Secundaria Obligatoria.
EXPERIÈNCIA LABORAL: Es valorarà, si bé no es imprescindible.
Bona imatge
Carácter amable i positiu
Disponibilitat per treballar els caps de semana
Rapidessa d’adaptació a nous entorns
Persona proactiva i acostumada a treballar en equip
Professionalitat i puntualitat
Si creus que encaixes en el perfil, ets una persona proactiva i tens ganes de formar part d’un gran equip, inscriu-te a la vacant. T’esperem!
Important multinational Group is looking for Senior Accountant for their SSC based in Madrid. At least four years of experience in Accountant positions. It is essential to have experience working in a multinational company and it would be a plus to have worked in an SSC/ Cluster/ Headquarter. Very high level of English is essential. Hybrid work format. The office is in the center of Madrid.
Reporting to general management, the selected person will be responsible for the following functions;
MediaMarktSaturn Technology is working to make Europe’s number-one consumer electronics retailer thetechnology leader in its industry. To this end, several hundred developers, UX designers and system architectsusing state-of-the-art technology work hand in hand with business owners in agile teams to develop customer-focused technology solutions for more than 6 million customers every day in 13 countries.
Within the Global Technology division, you are part of a strong cross-functional team of software engineers,data scientists and analytics experts to drive the development of our global product data management. Withinthe team and in close collaboration with the business product owner, you will design and develop data andanalytics solutions on our cloud-based technology platform to support our business in product datamanagement.
Cloud Centre of Excellence is working along with Cloud automation and governance together under the umbrella Cloud Platform
?Location: Barcelona, El Prat De Llobregat
Media Markt Saturn Th Services Barcelona
Department: HQ - IT
Entrylevel: Professional Level
Type of Employement: Full Time
Working Hours: 40
Persona: Job Requisition Tech Employee
Recruiter: Joaquin Pardo Muro
Recruiter: Joaquin Pardo Muro
Quim som?
Marlex som una consultora de Recursos Humans amb més de 27 anys d'experiència en la Selecció i Gestió de Talent per les Organitzacions. La nostra missió és ajudar a les empreses a créixer a través de la selecció dels millors professionals. Els nostres valors són l'orientació al client, el treball en equip, l'aprenentatge continu i la iniciativa.
T'identifiques amb aquests valors i comportaments? Si és així, t'estem buscant!
El repte que et proposem:
Actualment, estem cercant un/a HR CONSULTANT per treballar a la nostra oficina ubicada a Manresa.
Quina és la missió de l'HR Consultant?
La missió de l'HR Consultant és promoure la màxima qualitat en el servei de selecció de perfils de treball temporal.
Brindar nous processos innovadors i eines formatives per seleccionar de manera més eficient, detectar noves oportunitats de forma proactiva i innovar en el servei i el tracte amb el client.
L'HR Consultant promou la construcció d'una base de dades de candidatures extensa, actualitzada i compartida per totes les oficines de Marlex, i potencia el treball en equip entre àrees i la coordinació de grans comptes.
El teu dia a dia:
En dependència directa de la cordinació de servei, les responsabilitats de la persona seleccionada seran:
Què oferim?
Quim som?
Marlex som una consultora de Recursos Humans amb més de 27 anys d'experiència en la Selecció i Gestió de Talent per les Organitzacions. La nostra missió és ajudar a les empreses a créixer a través de la selecció dels millors professionals. Els nostres valors són l'orientació al client, el treball en equip, l'aprenentatge continu i la iniciativa.
T'identifiques amb aquests valors i comportaments? Si és així, t'estem buscant!
El repte que et proposem:
Actualment, estem cercant un/a HR CONSULTANT per treballar a la nostra oficina ubicada a Tàrrega.
Quina és la missió de l'HR Consultant?
La missió de l'HR Consultant és promoure la màxima qualitat en el servei de selecció de perfils de treball temporal.
Brindar nous processos innovadors i eines formatives per seleccionar de manera més eficient, detectar noves oportunitats de forma proactiva i innovar en el servei i el tracte amb el client.
L'HR Consultant promou la construcció d'una base de dades de candidatures extensa, actualitzada i compartida per totes les oficines de Marlex, i potencia el treball en equip entre àrees i la coordinació de grans comptes.
El teu dia a dia:
En dependència directa de la cordinació de servei, les responsabilitats de la persona seleccionada seran:
Què oferim?
EL CONSORCI CORPORACIÓ SANITÀRIA PARC TAULÍ, per al Servei d’Urgències, ofereix;
Es valorarà:
Incorporació immediata al Servei d’Urgències del Consorci Corporació Sanitària del Parc Taulí, hospital universitari. Les condicions laborals, són les establertes en el III Conveni de la Sanitat Concertada Catalana: jornades completes i temps parcials amb temps no assistencial, en mòduls de 12 hores de dilluns a diumenge, i a més a més, possibilitat d’ efectuar jornada complementaria d’atenció continuada (guàrdies). Oferim un projecte innovador amb millores estructurals de futur i amb condicions organitzatives i retributives específiques pel fet de treballar en el Servei d’Urgències.
Al unir-te al nostre equip et beneficiaràs de:
La persona seleccionada es vincularà laboralment mitjançant un contracte de substitució pel termini imprescindible fins a la cobertura reglamentària i definitiva de la plaça vacant (antics interinatges) o, transitòriament, altres modalitats que en dret siguin possibles, mantenint la condició d'interí fins a la resolució del procés públic de convocatòria que s’efectuarà de conformitat amb la DA 4ª del RDL 32/2021 de mesures urgents per a la reforma laboral.
Procés de selecció:
Les condicions generals d’aquesta convocatòria es regiran pel què recull el present anunci i amb els procediments que es detallen a les bases tipus de convocatòria per a ocupació de places vigents, que es poden consultar al web de l’entitat .
D’acord amb el Codi de Selecció i Vinculació vigent, les persones candidates se sotmetran a les proves següents:
Es podran afegir les proves competencials que es considerin necessàries per valorar la idoneïtat de les candidatures, en el marc de l’establert al vigent Codi de Selecció i Vinculació. En ares als principis d’economia processal i celeritat del procés, també es podran reduir les fases del procés de selecció en funció de la ràtio de candidats amb compliment dels requisits de la present oferta.
Les persones no seleccionades per aquesta posició que hagin realitzat el procés de selecció, podràn ser considerades, segons la seva idoneïtat, per ocupar vacants que es puguin donar en altres àmbits de característiques semblants a la plaça objecte d’aquesta convocatòria.
En compliment de la LISMI, el Consorci, tindrà en consideració la reserva per a les persones candidates que acreditin una discapacitat igual o superior al 33%, sempre que siguin idònies per al desenvolupament de les funcions a cobrir.
Documentació i inscripció:
Caldrà adjuntar en el moment de la inscripció els següents documents en format PDF:
1.- Curriculum vitae.
2.- Titulació acreditativa del requisit.
3.- Acreditacions formatives.
4.- Experiència laboral (caldrà acreditar-la mitjançant certificats de serveis prestats en entitats alienes al centre).
La no presentació de la documentació requerida pot comporta l’exclusió de la candidatura a la convocatòria.
Informació: Per a consultes en relació a aquesta convocatòria, us podeu adreçar a indicant el número de referència d’aquest anunci.
Data de termini: Fins a la cobertura de les necessitats.
Pharma Leader Company.
Multinational mining company located in Barcelona city
International Company in Barcelona
Multinational company specializing in environmental management products.
Microsoft Solutions Integrators.
* Shape the right solution for the client with the right technology, at the right price, and with the right risk profile.
* Lead cloud solution and outreach to generate technical solutions, estimates and approaches.
* Develop compelling proposals for clients, including writing proposals.
* Demonstrate experience presenting technical topics in front of a senior audience, including C-Levels.
* Apply the methodology, reusable assets and previous work experience to deliver consistently high quality work.
Professional career development in a multinational company.
Salary: €60.000-65.000 + 20% variable + company car.
Our client is a leading retailer with a significant presence in the global market. With a workforce of thousands of dedicated professionals, the company is renowned for its sophisticated range of products and commitment to innovative technology solutions in retail.
Exciting opportunities await the right candidate in this thriving and supportive workplace. If you have the skills and drive to succeed as an IT Applications Architect in the retail industry, we encourage you to apply today.
Join a leading organization in expanding its Internal Audit team. As an Internal Auditor, review and advise on control effectiveness, ensuring alignment with group objectives. Responsibilities include risk assessment, audit planning, execution, and follow-up, collaborating with stakeholders to enhance operational effectiveness and mitigate risks. Your role is integral in safeguarding our client performance and promoting compliance and continuous improvement.
This role presents a unique opportunity for personal and professional growth, offering exposure to senior management and the chance to make a meaningful impact on our client global operations.
Our client is a multinational company leader in software solutions.
International beauty company, founded more than 100 years ago, commercializes its products in 150 countries and is directly present in 26 of them, employing 4472 people worldwide.
Functions and Responsibilities:
Professional growth opportunity.
Multinational Healthcare Company ("final company")
The SAP SuccessFactors Integration Architect will have: Key Responsibilities
· Design the integration landscape based on SAP Cloud Platform Integration (CPI) for SuccessFactors, ensuring alignment with business objectives and technical requirements.
· Develop and maintain the architecture of integrations between SuccessFactors and other systems, including but not limited to local/regional payroll systems, HR systems, and third-party applications.
· Dealing with platform related topics like home page configuration.
· Understanding of technical setup of IAS / IPS in regards to SuccessFactors.
· Development, testing and implementation of SuccessFactors-based integration solutions using SAP Cloud Platform Integration (CPI) or other relevant middleware tools.
· Ensure data integrity and security during the integration process.
· Troubleshoot and resolve any issues related to integrations including monitoring.
· Work closely with global internal teams from Data & Tech, HR, and other business units, to understand integration requirements and deliver solutions that meet their needs.
· Document integration processes, designs, and configurations thoroughly.
· Develop and enforce guidelines, standards, and best practices for integration development in cooperation with Basis and Data Analytics teams.
· Govern and coordinate the activities of external developers, ensuring compliance with established guidelines and standards.
· Conduct code reviews and provide feedback to external developers to maintain high-quality integration solutions.
· Stay updated with the latest trends and advancements in SuccessFactors and integration technologies.
· Continuously seek opportunities to improve the integration landscape and processes.
International beauty company, founded more than 100 years ago, commercializes its products in 150 countries and is directly present in 26 of them, employing 4472 people worldwide.
Professional growth opportunity.
The company is a well-established player in the Financial Services industry with a substantial size.
- Produce standardized reporting to monitor Residual Value risk (automotive industry)
- Maintain and improve the Fleet Revaluation model and process
- Assess the hypotheses and results of the Fleet Revaluation and communicate conclusions to higher management
Internal/external audits:
- Respond to requests related to Residual Value risk and statistical tooling (i.e., SAS) from internal and external auditors
SAS Management:
- Cooperate with the IT team to maintain the SAS tool and SAS server
- SAS user management
- The Asset Risk Data Analyst will have extensive contact with local teams to perform the above mentioned functions.
The company is eager to bring a talented SAS Analyst on board. If you are looking for an exciting opportunity to grow your career within the Financial Services
Our client is a high-profile player in the business services industry, recognised for their innovative approach to customer loyalty. They are a large organisation based in Spain, with a strong reputation for their commitment to excellence and a high-standard, supportive working environment.
We welcome all interested candidates who meet the above criteria to apply for this exciting role as a Sales Director in the Iberia services sector.
Our client is an important French Tax & Legal Advisory Firm, specialized in Oil & Gas business, with a broad portfolio in Africa and Caribbean regions.
We encourage all candidates who are passionate about accounting and looking for a challenging role to apply. This is a unique opportunity to further your career in the professional services industry.
This company becomes the best partner for manufacturers and points of sale. We distribute convenience products, electronic recharges, tobacco, pharmaceutical products, books, publications and lotteries, among others, to approximately 200,000 points of sale in Spain, France, Italy and Portugal.
Misión: To independently review the effectiveness of the Internal Control System of Logista, proposing, in the case, modifications or improvements to the Senior Management and to the Internal Audit Corporate Director in all business and corporate units in the Company.Functions: You will be part of the internal audit team executing, among others, operational and financial audits, working in a dynamic and international environment in which you will have the opportunity to grow professionally, assuming responsibility from the beginning. Your main responsibility will be to ensure the compliance of the objectives defined in the Internal Audit Plan, through the execution of the assigned projects; specifically:
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