Ordenar ofertas por:
A Coruña(401)
Ciudad Real(113)
Illes Balears(621)
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Las Palmas(467)
Santa Cruz de Tenerife(250)
Sin especificar(759)
Administración empresas(1.882)
Administración Pública(2)
Atención a clientes(804)
Calidad, producción, I+D(1.313)
Comercial y ventas(2.527)
Compras, logística y almacén(2.404)
Diseño y artes gráficas(145)
Educación y formación(71)
Finanzas y banca(56)
Informática y telecomunicaciones(962)
Ingenieros y técnicos(1.865)
Inmobiliario y construcción(923)
Marketing y comunicación(630)
Otras actividades(2.713)
Profesiones y oficios(1.277)
Recursos humanos(464)
Sanidad y salud(1.129)
Sector Farmacéutico(180)
Turismo y restauración(754)
Ventas al detalle(69)
Estudios mínimos:
Ciclo Formativo Grado Medio(159)
Ciclo Formativo Grado Superior(156)
Educación Secundaria Obligatoria(3.625)
Enseñanzas deportivas (regladas)(1)
Formación Profesional Grado Medio(958)
Formación Profesional Grado Superior(830)
Ingeniero Superior(225)
Ingeniero Técnico(44)
Otros cursos y formación no reglada(3)
Otros títulos, certificaciones y carnés(72)
Sin especificar(14.721)
Sin estudios(1.165)
Jornada laboral:
Intensiva - Indiferente(280)
Intensiva - Mañana(168)
Intensiva - Noche(30)
Intensiva - Tarde(59)
Parcial - Indiferente(2.359)
Parcial - Mañana(220)
Parcial - Noche(76)
Parcial - Tarde(84)
Sin especificar(6.359)
Tipo de contrato:
A tiempo parcial(89)
De duración determinada(2.898)
De relevo(10)
Fijo discontinuo(289)
Otros contratos(6.931)
Sin especificar(3.375)
Ver ofertas empleo

Ofertas de empleo de professional

862 ofertas de trabajo de professional

Coordinador/a de gestión documental
A MagmaCultura estem compromesos amb la cultura. Som un referent en el desenvolupament i gestió de projectes culturals, educatius i turístics. La nostra passió és promoure el valor de la cultura i fer-la accessible a les persones. El nostre motor principal és la professionalitat, el talent i el compromís del nostre equip expert en gestió cultural. Un dels principals valors de MagmaCultura consisteix en la creació d'un lloc de treball en el qual totes les persones se sentin respectades, representades i incloses en un entorn segur en el qual puguin desenvolupar i impulsar la seva carrera professional amb èxit. Per això mateix, com a institució compromesa amb la cultura i la diversitat, vetllem per la promoció d'un ambient de treball en el qual destaqui la igualtat de gènere i el respecte per motius de raça, ètnia, orientació sexual o diversitat funcional. Seleccionem un/a Coordinador/ora de gestió documental per a gestionar un servei vinculat a l'Administració Pública. La teva funció principal consistirà en gestionar, organitzar i planificar les necessitats operatives i liderar diferents equips de treball, a fi d'assegurar el correcte i eficient funcionament dels centres assignats. Imagina't com serà el teu dia a dia: - Liderar, coordinar i motivar a l'equip de treball, garantint l'excel·lència del servei i el compliment dels estàndards de qualitat. - Mantenir una relació directa, sòlida i col·laborativa amb el client per a conèixer i satisfer les seves necessitats i expectatives, com així també respondre eficientment a les seves sol·licituds i preocupacions amb el propòsit de brindar un servei de qualitat. - Garantir que la documentació s'emmagatzemi de manera adequada, seguint els criteris establerts. - Portar a terme la planificació de la cobertura del servei i realitzar el quadrant d'horaris del personal (altes, baixes, cobertures, etc.). - Elaborar, redactar informes i protocols, i generar estadístiques relacionades amb el servei, així com reportar incidències i proposar propostes de millora. - Gestió administrativa de RR.HH: planificació i realització de quadrants, tramitació d’altes/baixes, revisar nòmines, introduir i/o supervisar les variables de nòmina mensuals del personal al sistema informàtic, liquidacions, formar part del procés de selecció, impartir formacions, realitzar avaluacions periòdiques de l’acompliment i rendiment de l’equip. - Controlar el compliment de la normativa laboral per part de l’equip de treball i informar de les desviacions detectades. Què t'oferim? - Oportunitat d'incorporar-te a un equip líder, compromès amb la promoció del valor del patrimoni cultural i fer-lo accessible per a les persones. - Contracte: indefinit. - Jornada i horaris: 37 h / setmanals: De dilluns a dijous de 09:00 h a 18:00 h i divendres de 09:00 h a 15:00 h. - Incorporació: immediata.
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar
Traffic Acquisition Specialist

Atida | Mifarma is currently the leader in Spain in online sales of pharmacy and parapharmacy products, which is why we are always looking for ways to continue providing our customers with the best service and the highest quality we can offer. To achieve this, we need to have the best professionals on our team, who bring us new ideas, offer innovative solutions, and help us grow a little more each day.

We lead the Spanish market and are consolidating our presence in countries like Portugal, the United Kingdom, France, and Italy, but we also have customers in many other countries such as Germany, Switzerland, America, China, and the United Arab Emirates.

If you are a specialist in Performance Marketing, this is your opportunity. Your main mission will be to expertly manage the performance campaigns carried out by the team.


  • Manage Google Advertising including SEM and Display campaigns. Work on keyword discovery, expansion and optimization.
  • Conduct A/B testing, analyze campaign performance, and optimize based on the findings.
  • Analyze and interpret campaign data to provide insights and recommendations to the team and senior management.
  • Manage and optimize other performance channel strategies such as affiliate marketing.
  • Collaborate with cross-functional teams to align campaign strategies and goals across the organization.
  • Monitor industry trends and competitor activities, making necessary adjustments to marketing strategies.
  • Adhere to budgets while forecasting and tracking key account metrics.
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar
A MagmaCultura estem compromesos amb la cultura. Som un referent en el desenvolupament i gestió de projectes culturals, educatius i turístics. La nostra passió es promoure el valor de la cultura i fer-la accessible a les persones. El nostre motor principal és la professionalitat, el talent i el compromís del nostre equip expert en gestió cultural. Un dels principals valors de MagmaCultura consisteix en la creació d'un lloc de treball en el qual totes les persones se sentin respectades, representades i incloses en un entorn segur en el qual puguin desenvolupar i impulsar la seva carrera professional amb èxit. Per això mateix, com a institució compromesa amb la cultura i la diversitat, vetllem per la promoció d'un ambient de treball en el qual destaqui la igualtat de gènere i el respecte per motius de raça, ètnia, orientació sexual o diversitat funcional. Seleccionem un/a Coordinador/ora de Producte per a sumar-se a un equip de treball especialitzat en el disseny, producció i distribució d'objectes de regal i marxandatge per a botigues de museus i atraccions turístiques. Com a Coordinador/ora de Producte, seràs l'enllaç clau per a coordinar la relació entre el departament de disseny i el de producció, garantint que les col·leccions i productes que es dissenyen connectin amb els clients i amb els centres on es troben les botigues en què es comercialitzen els productes. Imagina't com serà el teu dia a dia: - Coordinar el procés de desenvolupament i producció del producte, des de la conceptualització fins al llançament, prioritzant el product backlog. - Col·laborar amb el departament comercial per a impulsar noves col·leccions. - Participar en la selecció de proveïdors i productes clau. - Organitzar, coordinar i definir les prioritats dins de l'equip de disseny, fomentant un ambient col·laboratiu i creatiu. - Mantenir i gestionar les relacions estratègiques amb els proveïdors per a assegurar la qualitat dels materials i garantir que compleixin amb els terminis establerts. - Identificar oportunitats i tendències de disseny dins de l'àmbit cultural, adaptant els productes a les necessitats de els/les usuaris/ies i/o del sector, així com proposar accions de millores. - Crear planogrames per a les botigues en les quals comercialitzen els productes. Què t'oferim: - Sumar-te a un projecte creatiu i dinàmic que busca nous reptes. Estaràs en un ambient de treball desafiador i inspirador on estaràs acompanyat/per grans professionals en el teu dia a dia. - Oportunitat per a participar de projectes que connecten l'art i la cultura amb el disseny. - Formació i aprenentatge continu: creixeràs en un entorn que et convidarà a prendre decisions diàriament i on equivocar-se també forma part del procés. - Contracte indefinit a jornada completa, amb horari de 09.00 h a 18.00 h de dilluns a dijous i els divendres jornada intensiva. Els mesos de juliol i agost podràs gaudir de les tardes lliures. - Lloc de treball: Barcelona.
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar

Gestió de la producció d'obra, tant a nivell econòmic com de planificació. Realització d'estudi previ, negociació i contractació, seguiment del compliment de l'obra, certificacions, etc .. Contacte directe amb propietat, direcció facultativa i d'execució, sota assessorament i suport del cap de grup, per obra a Badalona.

  • Tipus de relació professional: Contracte
  • Tipologia de contracte: Indefinit
  • Núm. Hores setmanals: 40
  • Horari: DE 08:30 A 18:00
  • Retribució brut anual: 30.000 -35.000
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
30.000€ - 33.000€ bruto/año
Data Scientist - Factor Team

About us

At RavenPack, we are at the forefront of developing the next generation of generative AI tools for the finance industry and beyond. With 20 years of experience as a leading big data analytics provider for financial services, we empower our clients—including some of the world's most successful hedge funds, banks, and asset managers—to enhance returns, reduce risk, and increase efficiency by integrating public information into their models and workflows. Building on this expertise, we are now launching a new suite of GenAI and SaaS services, designed specifically for financial professionals.

Join a Company that is Powering the Future of Finance with AI

RavenPack has been recognized as the Best Alternative Data Provider by WatersTechnology and has been included in this year’s Top 100 Next Unicorns by Viva Technology. We're now preparing to launch Bigdata.com, a next-generation platform aimed at transforming financial decision-making.

Join RavenPack:

RavenPack is seeking a skilled Data Scientist to join our Data Science Factor Team at our Spanish headquarters. In this role, you will play a pivotal part in supporting the validation of new data products and LLM-driven agents, while also contributing to the productization of innovative factors and workflows. Your focus will include developing proof-of-concept applications that enhance the usability and effectiveness of our data solutions.

Your Responsibilities:

  • Collaborate with a diverse team of data scientists and engineers to develop and refine innovative data products, ensuring they meet the highest standards of quality and relevance.

  • Engage in the design and implementation of data pipelines that facilitate the extraction, transformation, and loading (ETL) of structured and unstructured data for analysis and modeling.

  • Validate and assess the outputs from the Data Science Research Team, ensuring that the data products are robust, accurate, and aligned with business objectives.

  • Conduct data quality checks and implement validation processes to maintain the integrity of data throughout the product life-cycle.

  • Share insights and findings with both technical and non-technical stakeholders, contributing to a culture of knowledge sharing and continuous improvement.

  • Document processes and methodologies related to data science and engineering practices, promoting transparency and best practices within the team.

What We're Looking For:

  • Bachelor/MSc in a quantitative field such as Data Science, Computer Science, Engineering, Applied Mathematics, or a related discipline

  • Strong analytical, quantitative, and problem-solving skills, with a proven track record of applying these skills in real-world scenarios.

  • Proficiency in programming languages such as Python, with experience in developing data processing pipelines and utilizing libraries for data analysis.

  • Familiarity with SQL and experience working with relational databases; knowledge of NoSQL databases is a plus.

  • Experience in implementing data quality checks and validation processes, ensuring data integrity and reliability.

  • Strong communication skills, with the ability to articulate complex concepts clearly and effectively to diverse audiences.

Desired Skills:

  • Familiarity with cloud platforms (e.g., AWS) and experience with data engineering tools and technologies.

  • Practical experience with Natural Language Processing (NLP) and large language models (LLMs).

  • Exposure to big data technologies and frameworks, as well as familiarity with machine learning techniques and agentic workflows.

What's in it for you?

  • Growth Opportunity: Join a team building AI that truly matters, contributing to making Gen-AI useful for finance and business research in a rapidly growing company with 180+ team members across offices in Marbella and New York.

  • Our Headquarters is located in Marbella. Following the initial onsite onboarding period, we offer a hybrid work model, allowing for up to 2 days remote per week.

  • Free Company shuttle bus from Malaga, Fuengirola, Riviera and Estepona.

  • You will have ownership of projects working in a collaborative environment where we will value your contribution.

  • You will work in an agile environment able to react quickly to changes with a fairly flat hierarchy.

  • As we encourage continuous learning, we will support your ongoing training.

  • Diversity is in our DNA! You will work in an international environment (over 29 nationalities and 24 languages spoken!)

We are an equal opportunity employer and value diversity at our company. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, colour, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, marital status, veteran status, or disability status.

Departamento: Data Science
Jornada sin especificar
Otros contratos
Salario sin especificar
IT Ecommerce Tribe Lead
  • New challenge in a International company in Barcelona. |Lead, IT, E-Commerce. Isurance industry.

International Insurance company

This role will be on top of a key transformative asset for eCommerce activity plus other complementary assets:

  • Be accountable of a challenging roadmap delivery.
  • Manage high level stakeholders to drive the right level of traction towards transformation assets.
  • Be accountable of Quality of Service of assets under the scope.
  • Be accountable of supporting business cases by delivering expected features at expected level of quality and timing.
  • Be accountable of estimates on Change Requests, User Stories, Project efforts.
  • Be accountable of delivery operating model and provider management for both external staff and services.
  • Be accountable of all IT Business as Usual activities of the assets under the scope.
  • Be accountable of the overall application architecture, cost efficiency and its scalability.
  • Be responsible for stability and security of the named portfolio in line with changes requested by the business.
  • Be responsible to ensure the changes are delivered in terms of quality, budget & stability for the present, medium and long terms aims of the portfolio.
  • Develop and manage services as a product across their entire lifecycle: lead the ideation, development, launch, pricing and continual improvement of innovative products to drive maximum customer satisfaction.
  • Interact with senior professionals all cross the organization (project managers, business owners, finance, underwriting, marketing, sales, human resources, communication…) on both technical and non-technical topics.
  • Assist in shaping business requirements into viable and valuable enhancements.
  • Provide clear and concise professional analysis and explanations to senior management on projects (current and future) to aid in budget planning and forecasting.
  • appropriate users
  • Manage a team of tech leads and delivery managers.

By joining the company, you will work in a responsible environment that values expertise and diversity. We focus on accelerating skill development while offering competitive compensation and opportunities for growth. Additionally, we strive to make a real difference in people's lives. When amazing things happen, and we create opportunities for a better life, the feeling of pride is extraordinary

  • Fix salary and bonus.
  • Diets
  • Flexibility
  • Social benefits
Jornada sin especificar
Contrato sin especificar
70.000€ - 80.000€ bruto/año
Docent CP auxiliar administratiu (Santa Coloma de Farners)

La Fundació Pere Tarrés cerca un/a docent expert/a en operacions auxiliars de serveis administratius i generals per impartir un Certificat de professionalitat a Santa Coloma de Farners.


  • Programar i impartir docència en modalitat aula virtual dels mòduls assignats.
  • Atenció, seguiment i avaluació de l'alumnat i mòduls impartits.

Qué oferim?

  • Centre de treball: Santa Coloma de Farners
  • Modalitat: Presencial
  • Jornada laboral i horari: Dilluns a divendres de 9h a 14h.
  • Duració: del 1 de març del 2025 al 10 de juliol del 2025
  • Tipus de contracte: fixe-discontinu
Jornada parcial - indiferente
Otros contratos
Salario sin especificar
Assistant de Direcció - Agència Catalana de Turisme
Agència Catalana de Turisme
Barcelona, Barcelona
15 de octubre

Missió del lloc: assistir a la Directora General de l'ACT donant-li suport administratiu i operatiu, facilitant la gestió eficient de les activitats diàries i contribuint al compliment dels objectius estratègics.

Responsabilitats Principals:

  • Gestió d'Agenda: Organitzar i mantenir l'agenda de la directora, programant reunions, cites i esdeveniments, i assegurant la disponibilitat de temps per a les activitats prioritàries.
  • Comunicació: Actuar com a punt de contacte entre la direcció i les unitats organitzatives, així com amb clients/es i empreses proveïdores, gestionant la comunicació en els diferents canals de manera efectiva.
  • Preparació d'Informes: Elaborar informes, presentacions i documents necessaris per a les reunions i decisions estratègiques, assegurant que la informació sigui clara i concisa.
  • Coordinació de reunions: Organitzar reunions, incloent la logística, la preparació de materials i la presa d'actes, assegurant el seguiment dels acords assolits.
  • Gestió de Projectes: Donar suport en la planificació i seguiment de projectes estratègics, col·laborant amb diferents equips per assegurar el compliment de terminis i objectius.
  • Organització de viatges: Planificar i coordinar viatges de negocis per a la directora, incloent la reserva de vols, hotels i transport, així com la preparació d'itineraris detallats.
  • Confidencialitat: Manejar informació sensible i confidencial amb la màxima discreció i professionalisme.
Jornada sin especificar
Otros contratos
Salario sin especificar
Adjunt/a Servei Urgències. Hospital Sant Joan de Déu de Manresa (Barcelona)
Althaia Xarxa Assistencial Universitària de Manresa
Manresa, Barcelona
15 de octubre 
 (Publicada de nuevo)
S'incorporarà a ALTHAIA, Xarxa Assistencial Universitària de Manresa, www.althaia.cat, que gestiona recursos d'Atenció Especialitzada, Atenció Primària, Atenció Socio sanitària, Salut Mental i Atenció Mutual i Privada. Som una xarxa assistencial de referència per a 270.000 habitants, de Catalunya central. Com a Institució docent, en el grau de Medicina i Cirurgia col·laborem amb la UIC i la UVic-UCC. Disposem de 407 llits d'aguts i amb un Servei d'Urgències autònom i professionalitzat integrat a la dinàmica hospitalària, que realitza més de 130.000 urgències a l'any i disposa d'una base concertada de SEM. El Servei d'Urgències disposa de 4.500 metres quadrats amb 54 punts d'atenció que es poden ampliar a 74 en cas de necessitat. La disponibilitat d'espai permet potenciar el triatge, a partir d'un sistema informàtic que permet classificar l'espera dels pacients segons la gravetat. També disposa d' una Àrea de descontaminació i de seguretat especial.
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar
Dissenyador/a Gràfic (Temporal)


Sumem més de 100 anys d'història i som una empresa en constant creixement, amb diferents línies de negoci i amb un compromís ferm en el nostre Equip, format per persones entusiastes, motivades i capaces d'assumir responsabilitats.

Vols formar-ne part?

Volem incorporar un/a Dissenyador/a Gràfic/a, amb coneixement de l’entorn digital, que pugui treballar en les diferents línies de negoci de Sorli. Entre les seves funcions hi haurà la creació de campanyes de publicitat, packaging, campanyes d’entorn digital i XXSS, retolació de nous punts de venda i decoració d’espais.

Valorarem experiència prèvia a una empresa de retail alimentació, centres esportius o similars.

Principals aptituds i funcions:

  • Creativitat
  • Treball en equip
  • Proactivitat i comunicació
  • Gestió, planificació i seguiment de molts projectes diversos
  • Experiència professional en disseny gràfic
  • Es requereix coneixement en creació de campanyes, retolació de punts de venda i retocs d’imatge
  • Es valorarà el coneixement en entorn digital.
  • Alt domini pack Adoble, principalment Indesign, Photoshop, Illustrator.
  • Es valorarà programes d’edició de vídeos com el Final Cut Pro o el Premier i altres com Figma i Canva.
  • Es valorarà coneixement en decoració d’interiors i la utilització de programes per dissenyar renders.

Apunta’t si:

  • Ets una persona creativa, proactiva i comunicativa
  • Tens experiència professional en disseny gràfic
  • Valores i et sents còmode amb el treball en equip
  • Tens compromís amb els projectes i terminis

Què oferim:

  • Incorporació immediata
  • Contracte temporal
  • Jornada completa
  • Flexibilitat horària
  • Posició híbrida
  • Descomptes exclusius per treballadors/es Sorli
Jornada completa
Otros contratos
Salario sin especificar
41446 - Comercial

Comercial intern / extern a l'empresa. Gestió i seguiment d'ofertes comercials i oportunitats de negoci. Tramitació de comandes de clients i a proveïdors. Confecció de pressupostos. Att. personalitzada i assessorament tècnic (juntament amb l'ajuda del departament tècnic) a clients a través de telèfon o e-mail. Fidelització de cartera de clients. Gestió d'incidències amb clients. Altres tasques vinculades.

  • Tipus de relació professional: Contracte
  • Tipologia de contracte: Indefinit
  • Núm. Hores setmanals: 38
  • Horari: De 8 a 16h
  • Retribució brut anual: 19000 + incentius
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
18.000€ - 21.000€ bruto/año
Danish Digital Marketing Consultant - Google Ads
Description Are you a Google fan? Do you love Google products? Are you passionate about the web and new technology? If you are tech savvy, creative, outgoing, and willing to roll up your sleeves and get things done in a fast-paced, rapidly changing environment, we may have the perfect job for you! Teleperformance Spain, with more than 4,700 employees in 10 sites (certified with Great Place to Work and Top Employer), is looking for a highly-skilled group of professionals to help improve the business, and identify areas of growth based on digital advertising campaigns. Purpose of the role As a Digital Marketing Consultant your role is to identify and apply the appropriate advertising solutions through an active collaboration with Danish companies and Digital Marketing & Online Advertising Agency Partners. You would work with a wide variety of advertisers, and deliver the optimal digital advertising solution for each customer. It is a target driven environment, where you will work towards individual sales targets and be part of a larger sales team increasing the Client customer base across EMEA. You will be part of the largest team who creates unique customer experiences while actively affecting the Danish online marketing environment. Responsibilities Implement creative ways to improve our client companies and agency relationships, by tailoring and sharing performance-enhancing suggestions, and upsell or promote other Google products. Provide strategic advice and help businesses and agencies get the best ROI on their clients’ advertising investment by working closely with them in a consultative role. Consistently deliver against assigned quota, while prioritizing and delivering outstanding customer sales experience. Communicate with the customers proactively, via phone, video conference and email. Benefits Full time position (39h per week, Monday to Friday). Salary: starting from 24.650€ gross/year + up to 4.350€ gross/year in bonus. This is a Hybrid working model in Barcelona. Referral Program: Bring a Friend and get a Referral fee (up to 2.000€ depending on the language/project). Permanent Contract. Relocation support 4 weeks of intense introduction training on Google Ads and specific sales training. A permanent presence of coaches who will facilitate your personal and professional development. Established career path to grow within the project. Continuous training and certifications within Google products. Bi-weekly, monthly or quarterly contests. Employment with the world's largest provider of contact centre services. Excellent work environment, great colleagues, social arrangements and personal development. Dynamic business casual environment with colleagues of all ages gathered in a highly-motivated team. Office location surrounded by the sea (World Trade Center, Barcelona, Spain).
Jornada indiferente
Contrato indefinido
24.000€ - 29.000€ bruto/año
Dutch Digital Marketing Consultant - Google Ads
Are you a Google fan? Do you love Google products? Are you passionate about the web and new technology? If you are tech savvy, creative, outgoing, and willing to roll up your sleeves and get things done in a fast-paced, rapidly changing environment, we may have the perfect job for you! Teleperformance Spain, with more than 4,700 employees in 10 sites (certified with Great Place to Work and Top Employer), is looking for a highly-skilled group of professionals to help improve the business, and identify areas of growth based on digital advertising campaigns. Purpose of the role As a Digital Marketing Consultant your role is to identify and apply the appropriate advertising solutions through an active collaboration with Dutch companies and Digital Marketing & Online Advertising Agency Partners. You would work with a wide variety of advertisers, and deliver the optimal digital advertising solution for each customer. It is a target driven environment, where you will work towards individual sales targets and be part of a larger sales team increasing the Client customer base across EMEA. You will be part of the largest team who creates unique customer experiences while actively affecting the Dutch online marketing environment. Responsibilities Implement creative ways to improve our client companies and agency relationships, by tailoring and sharing performance-enhancing suggestions, and upsell or promote other Google products. Provide strategic advice and help businesses and agencies get the best ROI on their clients’ advertising investment by working closely with them in a consultative role. Consistently deliver against assigned quota, while prioritising and delivering outstanding customer sales experience. Communicate with the customers proactively, via phone, video conference and email. Full time position (39h per week, Monday to Friday). Permanent Contract. Salary: 30.000€ gross/year + up to 3.500€ gross/year in bonus. This is a Hybrid working model in Barcelona. Referral Program: Bring a Friend and get a Referral fee (up to 2.000€ depending on the language/project). Relocation support 4 weeks of intense introduction training on Google Ads and specific sales training. A permanent presence of coaches who will facilitate your personal and professional development. Established career path to grow within the project. Continuous training and certifications within Google products. Bi-weekly, monthly or quarterly contests. Employment with the world's largest provider of contact centre services. Excellent work environment, great colleagues, social arrangements and personal development. Dynamic business casual environment with colleagues of all ages gathered in a highly-motivated team. Office location surrounded by the sea (World Trade Center, Barcelona, Spain). If you want to know more about moving to Barcelona, please click
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar
Norwegian Digital Marketing Consultant - Google
Description Are you a Google fan? Do you love Google products? Are you passionate about the web and new technology? If you are tech savvy, creative, outgoing, and willing to roll up your sleeves and get things done in a fast-paced, rapidly changing environment, we may have the perfect job for you! Teleperformance Spain, with more than 4,700 employees in 10 sites (certified with Great Place to Work and Top Employer), is looking for a highly-skilled group of professionals to help improve the business, and identify areas of growth based on digital advertising campaigns. Purpose of the role As a Digital Marketing Consultant your role is to identify and apply the appropriate advertising solutions through an active collaboration with Norwegian companies and Digital Marketing & Online Advertising Agency Partners. You would work with a wide variety of advertisers, and deliver the optimal digital advertising solution for each customer. It is a target driven environment, where you will work towards individual sales targets and be part of a larger sales team increasing the Client customer base across EMEA. You will be part of the largest team who creates unique customer experiences while actively affecting the Norwegian online marketing environment. Responsibilities * Implement creative ways to improve our client companies and agency relationships, by tailoring and sharing performance-enhancing suggestions, and upsell or promote other Google products. * Provide strategic advice and help businesses and agencies get the best ROI on their clients’ advertising investment by working closely with them in a consultative role. * Consistently deliver against assigned quota, while prioritising and delivering outstanding customer sales experience. * Communicate with the customers proactively, via phone, video conference and email. Benefits * Full time position (39h per week, Monday to Friday). * Salary: starting from 25.500€ gross year + up to 4.500€ gross/year in bonus. * This is a Hybrid working model in Barcelona. * Referral Program: Bring a Friend and get a Referral fee (up to 2.000€ depending on the language/project). * Permanent Contract. * Relocation support * 4 weeks of intense introduction training on Google Ads and specific sales training. * A permanent presence of coaches who will facilitate your personal and professional development. * Established career path to grow within the project. * Continuous training and certifications within Google products. * Bi-weekly, monthly or quarterly contests. * Employment with the world's largest provider of contact centre services. * Excellent work environment, great colleagues, social arrangements and personal development. * Dynamic business casual environment with colleagues of all ages gathered in a highly-motivated team. * Office location surrounded by the sea (World Trade Center, Barcelona, Spain).
Jornada indiferente
Contrato indefinido
25.000€ - 30.000€ bruto/año
Técnico de Nóminas (Inglés Alto)
  • Empresa lider|Estabilidad

A renowned company in the retail secor is looking for a Payroll profile to join its team. If you want to be a part of a large company and develop your professional career, don´t hesitate to apply!

  • Working closely with the payroll team and payroll provider Cegid to deliver payroll.
  • Preparation and checking of high-volume payrolls to help ensure that employees are paid accurately and on time.
  • Working flexibly to set deadlines.
  • Following detailed payroll checking procedures across all areas such as report production, payroll checking and correction, sickness processing, etc.
  • Maintaining an allocation of stores by processing information received from People and Culture teams and providing an excellent service to all our customers.
  • Learning and applying current Spanish and Portuguese labour laws, their collective agreement regulations and company rules on calculating and entering company & statutory payments.
  • Dealing with correspondence enquiries in a timely and efficient manner from stores, payroll provider, wider global payroll team, authorities and other third parties.
  • Processing timely payment of monthly salary payments in compliance with tax and social security law conditions.
  • Preparation and checking extra payment payrolls, statutory payments, and special payments under collective bargaining agreement law.

  • Long term contract
  • Salary 28.000€-35.000€
  • Offices in the center of Madrid
  • Two days working from home.
  • Monday to Friday from 9H to 18H
Jornada sin especificar
Contrato sin especificar
28.000€ - 35.000€ bruto/año
Treasury Director. Multinational company. Bilbao
  • Multinational company with worlwide presence|Great opportunity to lead the Group's global treasury department

Listed multinational company, with worlwide presence, with headquarters in Bilbao.

WeWe are lookinglooking forfor a TreasuryTreasury Director basedbased inin Bilbao. ReportingReporting toto thethe VPVP CorporateCorporate FinanceFinance, thethe TreasuryTreasury Director willwill leadlead thethe TreasuryTreasury functionfunction, definingdefining thethe treasurytreasury andand financingfinancing longlong termterm strategystrategy as wellwell as thethe shortshort-termterm goalsgoals.

ThisThis isis anan excitingexciting role forfor a treasurytreasury senior professionalprofessional toto leadlead a teamteam ofof twotwo treasurytreasury professionalsprofessionals andand managemanage projectsprojects relatedrelated toto cashcash managementmanagement, fundingfunding, riskrisk managementmanagement andand bankbank relationshipsrelationships.

KeyKey ResponsibilitiesResponsibilities:

  • LeadLead a teamteam ofof twotwo treasurytreasury professionalsprofessionals, coachingcoaching themthem andand guidingguiding theirtheir development
  • developmentCash Cashand andLiquidity LiquidityManagement,Management ensuring ensuringliquidity liquidityrequirements requirementsare met metand andstrategies strategiesto tooptimize optimizecash cashbalances, investments,investments and andcash cashconcentration concentrationstructures structuresare in inplace.place
  • Risk RiskManagement:Management
    • Evaluate Evaluatefinancial financialrisks risksand anddevelop developmitigating mitigatingstrategies strategiesincluding includingforeign foreignexchange exchangeor orinterest interestrate ratehedges hedgesas well wellas other otherderivatives.derivatives
    • Implement Implementrisk riskhedging hedgingstrategies strategiesto toprotect protectthe thecompany companyfrom fromadverse adversemarket marketfluctuations.fluctuations
  • Manage Managerelationships relationshipswith withfinancial financialinstitutions,institutions negotiating negotiatingfavorable terms termsand andservices.services
  • Oversee Overseeglobal banking bankingservices,services proposing proposingimprovements improvementsin intreasury treasurytechnology technologysolutions.solutions
  • Ensure Ensurecompliance compliancewith withinternational internationalfinancial financialregulations regulationsand andinternal internaltreasury treasurypolicies.policies
  • Prepare and andpresent presentinsightful insightfulfinancial financialreports reportsto tosenior management managementto tosupport supportdecision decisionmaking.making
  • Provide Providefinancial financialanalysis analysisand andinsights insightsto tosupport supportstrategic strategicdecision-decisionmaking,making developing developingand andmaintaining maintainingfinancial financialmodels modelsto tooptimize optimizecapital structure structureand andfunding.funding
  • Knowledge Knowledgeand andexperience experiencewith withtraditional traditionalpayment paymentnetworks networks(SWIFT,SWIFT ACH,ACH RTP)RTP along alongwith withfunds-fundsin inacquiring acquiringfrom fromcredit creditcard cardand anddebit debitcard cardflows.flows
  • Knowledge Knowledgeand andexperience experiencewith withcapital structuring structuring(Debt Debtand andEquity)Equity and andletter letterof ofcredit creditmanagement.management

  • Company with worldwide presence, and leader in its sector.
  • Excellent human team.
  • Great opportunity to lead the Group's treasury department.
  • Hybrid work
  • Attractive remuneration package.
Jornada sin especificar
Contrato sin especificar
Salario sin especificar
Business Development Executive with Farsi (Limassol)
Wibit Consulting & Services (WibitCS)
Sin especificar
14 de octubre

In collaboration we are working with a leading investment firm offering Forex and CFD trading companies. We are looking to recruit a Business Development Executive with Farsi for their Limassol office.

Location: Limassol, Cyprus.

Employment type: Full-time

Remuneration: Base salary.


  • Identify sales targets
  • Present our products and services to new and existing clients
  • Conduct market research on a regular basis
  • Identify key markets and provide with their input
  • Build strategies for specified markets
  • Plan webinars, seminars and promotions for targeted markets
  • Maintain good working relations with existing and new clients
  • Arrange meetings with existing and prospective contacts
  • Attend major industry events
  • Document business development activities.


  • Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration or any other related field
  • 1+ years in a similar role within the financial sector
  • Computer literacy with good working knowledge of Microsoft Office apps
  • Ability to work under pressure, face constant challenges, adapt to changes
  • Team Player with a strong work ethic
  • Fluent in Farsi both verbal and written (C2 level). Fluent in English (minimum B2 level)
  • Able to work under pressure
  • Ability to work under pressure and meet pressing deadlines
  • The ability to travel is a must
  • Must be eligible to work in Cyprus.


  • Salary dependent on candidate's profile and experience
  • Company health insurance
  • 13th salary
  • Modern working space at a central and convenient location in Limassol close to the highway
  • Friendly multinational environment comprising a combination of younger enthusiastic and more experienced colleagues
  • Opportunities for professional learning and growth
  • Shifts: 24/7 from 08 AM - 04 PM, 04 PM-midnight, midnight - 08 AM (shift allowance).

Departamento: Sales
Jornada sin especificar
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Salario sin especificar
Product Development Manager (Seeds)
Acertto Talent Linkers is a consultancy firm specialising in the recruitment and selection of qualified professionals at national and European level. Currently, we’re hiring a Product Development Manager for a multinational company on the seeds industry withing the R&D department. The main responsibilities will be to implement the newest techniques for accelerated breeding and trait integration programs for seed crops, while running all operations in the Product Acceleration Facility. Your daily tasks: * Designing and implementing highly efficient workflows, combining different accelerated breeding techniques (planting, sampling, speed and molecular breeding). * Improve and implement standard operating procedures. * Coordinate with key stakeholders in the planning process for the optimal use and efficiency of the facilities. * Establish seamless operations guaranteeing high success rates and timely deliveries for customers. * Coordinate and monitor KPIs while working with an international team in close collaboration among departments.
Jornada sin especificar
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Salario sin especificar
Key Account Manager

DMD Solutions is a consultancy company specialized in aerospace design and RAMS engineering, providing outsourcing of projects and engineering tools development. Our customers are manufacturers and maintainers of aeronautic products located in Europe. We help them achieve their engineering quality goals with a focus on certification.

Since June 2023, DMD Solutions has been part of The Talent Club, an international talent consortium, promoting our evolution and consolidation in the sector thanks to its experience and ethics.

As part of our expansion plan, we are hiring a Key Account Manager to support our client project- position onsite at client premises in Barcelona, with experience in B2B activities. The ideal candidate will be responsible for planning, coordinating and implementing the commercial plan to grow and establish strong relationship with our clients worldwide.

What will I do?


  • Identify new business opportunities in the Aeronautics and Aerospace market and develop effective strategies to empower growth.
  • Build strong relationships with potential customers, maintain active communication, and follow up regularly.
  • Collaborate with the rest of the team to present compelling business proposals and negotiate contracts.
  • Participate in relevant industry meetings and events to generate contacts and promote the company brand.
  • Stay up-to-date on the latest trends and practices in commercial activities.


  • Full-time permanent contract
  • Flexible schedule with options for remote work
  • Young, international, and stimulating work environment with interesting opportunities for career growth
  • Possibility of being part of a company in full growth at an international level
  • Access to training and professional development opportunities
  • Compensation for working time on customer's premises.

  • Free coffee and snacks at the office.

Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar


Tens experiència en el sector immobiliari? Et consideres una persona amb bones habilitats comercials? T’agradaria formar part d’una organització en ple creixement i expansió?

Què busquem?

Busquem un/a agent immobilari per la zona de Barcelona i Sant Cugat del Vallés


  • Assessorament a clients: Proporcionar assessorament expert sobre el mercat immobiliari, condicions de finançament, valor de propietats, etc.

  • Màrqueting: Promoure les propietats utilitzant tècniques de màrqueting com ara anuncis en línia, xarxes socials, i altres estratègies per atreure compradors o llogaters potencials.

  • Visites guiades: Organitzar i realitzar visites a les propietats per a clients interessats.

  • Negociació: Negociar els termes i preus entre compradors i venedors (o llogaters i arrendadors).

  • Gestió de transaccions: Gestionar tota la documentació necessària per a la compravenda o lloguer de propietats, incloent ofertes, contractes de lloguer, i acords de finançament.

  • Assistència legal i fiscal: Coordinar amb advocats, assessors fiscals i altres professionals per garantir que les transaccions immobiliàries compleixin amb les normatives legals i fiscals.

  • Seguiment postvenda: Proporcionar suport continu als clients després de tancar una transacció, com ara ajudar amb qüestions de garantia o recomanacions de serveis locals.


  • Persona experiència en el sector de la construcció i les obres
  • Coneixement de materials
  • Coneixement de processos constructius
  • Bona comunicació verbal
  • Empatia
  • Disponibilitat per desplaçar-se
  • Carnet de conduir i vehicle propi

Què oferim?

  • Lloc de treball ubicat a Barcelona i Sant Cugat del Vallés
  • Horari de dilluns a divendres de 9 a 14 i de 16 a 19h
  • Projecte professional estable en una sòlida organització.
  • Possibilitats de desenvolupament professional.
  • Incorporació immediata.
  • Salari fix + variable a negociar
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar
comercial, inmobiliario
Risk Analyst
  • Global specialist in commercial foreign exchange|Ideally 2 years experience working in a risk reporting and credit risk analytics

Global specialist in commercial foreign exchange.

Providing assistance and support to the Risk team in any risk related matters, such as:

  • Carrying out financial analysis on the group's client and liquidity provider counterparties and making recommendations in line with best practice and the group's risk appetite.
  • Managing multiple margin requests in a timely and effective fashion, producing well-researched and accurate credit reports, and working directly with colleagues across business units and across borders to address credit requests and issues.
  • Striving to drive and develop processes and procedures to limit risk and to improve credit risk management efficiency.
  • Preparing margin facility proposals for consideration by the client and management.
  • Assisting with the preparation of any risk related documentations, including collateral agreements, ISDAs, guarantee agreements, etc.

Monitoring counterparty risk exposures, such as:

  • Calculating the Mark to Market value of an open position.
  • Ensuring that the credit risk exposure of a client is within the risk limits.
  • Monitoring and reporting a client's initial margin and variation margin position.
  • Monitoring and reporting the exposure concentration of the group's margin termportfolio.
  • Escalating limit excesses appropriately to management.

General risk related responsibilities, such as:

  • Monitoring the progress of a margin call.
  • Understanding the risk policy framework in the context of the group's overall risk appetite.
  • Coordinating stress analysis on a client's credit profile.
  • Producing risk analysis and risk information reports for the management 's review.
  • Monitoring changing market conditions that might affect the credit quality of the group's credit risk exposure.
  • Providing timely alert to the management for appropriate actions.
  • Creating and implementing rules and ideas in raising the risk management standard of the business and raising the front office's risk awareness.
  • Coordinating the risk committees, including producing papers, taking minutes and following up on all action points.

  • Industry leading basic salary.
  • Rapid career progression.
  • Training and mentoring from some of the world's most experienced and successful FX professionals.
  • Career development opportunities and support to relocate and work abroad.
  • Spacious and modern office located in Madrid.
Jornada sin especificar
Contrato sin especificar
Salario sin especificar
Accounting Manager - Professional Services - Hybrid
  • Background in Multinational companies|Experience leading teams

Multinational Professional Services company

Reporting to the Operational Director, your main responsibilities will be:

Client Management:
* Accountable for client services provided by the team for a set of clients, being identified by the client as a senior point of contact, owner of the relationship.
* Acts as client escalation point, establishing good relationship with client management contacts.
* Supports Sales team & participates in Sales meetings with prospect clients, preparing service proposals when needed.
* Works closely with key stakeholders (e.g. Legal) to ensure that all processes remain compliant.
* Monitors client service (schedule, risks, scope of work and budget) and ensures that team has a clear understanding of client requirements.
* Monitors client risks and defines action plans when needed.

Team Management:
* Takes a leading role in clear and effective communication with the team, cascading down company messages, answering questions and escalating when needed.
* Values & behaviour aspirations are embraced. Leads by example, is able to manage change and to engage. Takes ownership.
* Adopt company meeting dynamics (e.g. one on one, team meeting, ...)
* Promotes individual development of team members.
* Measures performance in the team in a clear and consistent way. Timely provides clear feedback to improve performance and results.
* Supports and stands up for his/her team members and other Managers when in need of support and/or advice.
* Delegate responsibilities where possible and step in where necessary.
* Supports Director in the definition of team's annual goals.Other Management Responsibilities:
* Able to work establishing honest and collaborative relationships with other departments.
* Responsible to all HR topics related to the team (e.g. holiday organization, sickness leave back up, recruitment,...).
* Performs random audits to the team to ensure standard quality of processes, detecting possible deviations and working on processes improvements.
* Works with the team in identifying and proposing new efficiencies on daily operations.
* Remain updated and informed about all legislative changes applicable to accounting & tax compliance. Raise training needs when necessary.

Hybrid work model


Jornada sin especificar
Contrato sin especificar
Salario sin especificar
Senior Social Media Specialist

About us
At RavenPack, we are at the forefront of developing the next generation of generative AI tools for the finance industry and beyond. With 20 years of experience as a leading big data analytics provider for financial services, we empower our clients—including some of the world's most successful hedge funds, banks, and asset managers—to enhance returns, reduce risk, and increase efficiency by integrating public information into their models and workflows. Building on this expertise, have now launched a new suite of GenAI and SaaS services, designed specifically for financial professionals.

With the launch of Bigdata.com we’re on an exciting journey to transform financial decision-making through cutting-edge AI and innovative data sets. Powered by RavenPack, the global leader in data analytics for financial services with over 20 years of experience and recognized as the frontrunner in the field of Alternative Data

Bigdata.com is focused on making AI truly useful for financial professionals, enabling smarter, faster, and more informed decisions. This is a unique opportunity to work on breakthrough technology used by leading financial institutions, including some of the world’s most successful hedge funds, banks, and asset managers.

Job Overview:

We are seeking an experienced and strategic Senior Social Media Manager to lead our social media efforts and elevate the RavenPack and Bigdata.coms presence across multiple platforms.

As a Senior Social Media Manager, you will develop high-impact social media strategies, oversee the execution of campaigns, manage a team of social media specialists, and collaborate with various departments to ensure brand consistency.

Your goal will be to grow audience engagement, drive leads, and boost brand awareness through innovative and data-driven strategies.

The ability to communicate effectively in English, both in writing and verbally is a must. Knowledge of Spanish is not a business requirement.

European Union’s legal working status is required.

Key Reasonability's: 

Develop Social Media Strategy:

  • Identify trends, opportunities, and platform innovations to ensure the brand remains competitive in the digital landscape.
  • Work in collaboration with head of communications and social media lead to ensure brand voice, tone, and messaging across all social platforms is coherent

Team Leadership & Collaboration:

  • Collaborate closely with Social Media Led, Head of Comms, Creative team to ensure alignment and consistency across all campaigns.

Advanced Content Creation & Campaign Execution:

  • Oversee the creation of social media content on own channel-specific platforms (posts, videos, etc.)
  • work in collaboration with social media lead to ensure the content calendar is up to date and followed and respond dynamically to real-time marketing opportunities.
  • Develop innovative, channel-specific strategies for platforms such as Instagram, TikTok and X

Analytics & Data-Driven Decision Making:

  • Set key performance indicators (KPIs) for social media initiatives and regularly analyze campaign performance using tools such as Google Analytics, Sprout Social, or HubSpot.
  • Use data and insights to optimize strategies, adjust campaigns, and report ROI to leadership.
  • Conduct competitor and audience analysis to inform content development and positioning.

Stakeholder Communication & Reporting:

  • Collaborate with social media lead to present social media strategies, campaign results, and growth opportunities to CMO.
  • Prepare assets to ensure stakeholders are kept up to date on emerging trends, campaign successes, and any challenges

Innovation & Trend Monitoring

  • Stay updated on industry developments, algorithm changes, and platform features to continuously innovate in social media tactics.
  • Proactively identify new opportunities for the brand to engage with audiences in creative and impactful ways.

Key Skills and Qualifications:

Experience: 5+ years of social media management experience, with at least 2 years in a senior role.

Education: Bachelor’s degree in Marketing, Communications, Digital Media, or a related field. Master’s degree is a plus.

Leadership Skills: Proven experience managing a team and leading cross-functional collaboration.

Strategic Thinking: Ability to craft long-term social media strategies with a focus on brand growth, community engagement, and business goals.

Advanced Analytics Skills: Proficiency with social media analytics tools (e.g., Sprout Social, Hootsuite, Google Analytics) and experience making data-driven decisions.

Creative Vision: Strong ability to lead content creation that is innovative, on-brand, and aligned with audience preferences.

Paid Social Expertise: In-depth knowledge of paid social media advertising (e.g., Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, LinkedIn Ads).

Communication: Excellent verbal, written, and presentation skills, with an ability to articulate complex strategies to stakeholders.

Adaptability: Experience working in a fast-paced environment, with an ability to pivot quickly based on trends or business needs.

What We Offer:

Competitive salary and comprehensive benefits package.

Leadership role with room for professional growth.

Opportunity to work with a creative and dynamic team.

We are an equal opportunity employer and value diversity at our company. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, colour, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, marital status, veteran status, or disability status

Departamento: Marketing
Jornada sin especificar
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Salario sin especificar
Growth Marketing Manager

About us

At RavenPack, we are at the forefront of developing the next generation of generative AI tools for the finance industry and beyond. With 20 years of experience as a leading big data analytics provider for financial services, we empower our clients—including some of the world's most successful hedge funds, banks, and asset managers—to enhance returns, reduce risk, and increase efficiency by integrating public information into their models and workflows. Building on this expertise, have now launched a new suite of GenAI and SaaS services, designed specifically for financial professionals.

With the launch of Bigdata.com we’re on an exciting journey to transform financial decision-making through cutting-edge AI and innovative data sets. Powered by RavenPack, the global leader in data analytics for financial services with over 20 years of experience and recognized as the frontrunner in the field of Alternative Data

Bigdata.com is focused on making AI truly useful for financial professionals, enabling smarter, faster, and more informed decisions. This is a unique opportunity to work on breakthrough technology used by leading financial institutions, including some of the world’s most successful hedge funds, banks, and asset managers.

Job Overview:

We are looking for a data-driven, innovative and hands-on Growth Marketing Manager to lead our Digital Marketing team in developing our growth marketing efforts, focusing on driving customer acquisition, activation, retention, and revenue growth.

The person will be responsible for designing and supervising the execution of growth strategies that are scalable, experimenting with new tactics, and optimizing existing channels. You will work closely with cross-functional teams to unlock growth opportunities and develop strategies that impact business objectives. The role reports straight to the CMO.

The ability to communicate effectively in English, both in writing and verbally is a must. Knowledge of Spanish is not a business requirement.

European Union’s legal working status is required.

Key Responsibilities:

Team Leadership

  • Lead a team of two highly skilled Digital Marketing Specialists, fostering a collaborative and high-performing environment while supporting their professional development.
  • Define project assignments and strategic priorities for the team, overseeing and evaluating their performance.
  • Provide technical guidance, mentorship, and support, ensuring team members have the tools and knowledge needed for success.
  • Conduct regular one-on-one meetings with team members, documenting progress and feedback in the Performance Management Platform.
  • Offer guidance in areas for improvement to support team members' career path progression.
  • Participate in the recruitment process for new team members as needed, ensuring the continued growth and capability of the team.

Growth Strategy Development & Execution:

  • Lead the design and execution of a comprehensive growth strategy focusing on customer acquisition, activation, retention, and revenue.
  • Identify, prioritize and guide the team in pursuing growth opportunities, including new channels, partnerships, and marketing initiatives.
  • Oversee the development and implementation of a testing framework for rapid experimentation (A/B tests, multi-channel campaigns) to optimize growth.

Channel Optimization & Management:

  • In partnership with our Sr Social Media Manager oversee performance across digital marketing channels such as paid search (Google Ads), paid social (LinkedIn and others), email marketing, SEO, and influencer marketing.
  • Monitor, analyze, and optimize key growth channels to ensure ROI and efficiency.
  • Direct the development and optimization of paid advertising strategies, managing budgets, bid strategies, and creative testing.

Customer Journey Mapping & Funnel Optimization:

  • Lead efforts to analyze the customer journey to identify friction points and opportunities for improvement.
  • Drive the optimization of the conversion funnel from lead acquisition through to retention and referral.
  • Collaborate with Product, Design, and Engineering teams to improve user experience and increase conversion rates.

Data-Driven Decision Making & Reporting:

  • Use analytics tools to track, measure, and report on performance metrics such as conversion rates, LTV (Lifetime Value), CAC (Customer Acquisition Cost), churn, and ARPU (Average Revenue Per User).
  • Provide insights and recommendations based on data to optimize campaigns and drive scalable growth.
  • Present results, insights, and strategic recommendations to Leadership and cross-functional teams.

Experimentation & Growth Hacking:

  • Foster a team culture of rapid experimentation and continuous improvement.
  • Lead the team in conducting A/B tests and other growth experiments to uncover new growth levers.
  • Lead initiatives for user segmentation and personalization to increase user engagement and retention.

Cross-Functional Collaboration:

  • Work closely with Product, Design, Sales, and Development teams to ensure alignment between growth initiatives and Product development.
  • Collaborate with Customer Success and Sales teams to ensure smooth handoffs between marketing-generated leads and sales teams.
  • Partner with external agencies, influencers, or freelancers when necessary.

Retention & Referral Programs:

  • Design, develop and oversee the implementation of strategies focused on increasing customer retention and lifetime value.
  • Develop and optimize referral programs, loyalty programs, or other incentivization schemes to enhance organic growth.
  • Ensure that retention strategies align with overall growth goals, working closely with the marketing and customer success teams

Key Skills and Qualifications:

Experience: 5+ years in growth marketing, digital marketing, or performance marketing roles with demonstrated experience in scaling products or services (SaaS).

Education: Bachelor’s degree in Marketing, Business, Economics, or a related field. A Master’s degree or MBA is a plus.

Analytical Skills: Strong proficiency in data analysis, using tools like Google Analytics, Mixpanel, HubSpot, or Tableau to make data-driven decisions.

Channel Expertise: Deep understanding of key growth channels (SEO, SEM, paid social, content marketing, email marketing, influencer marketing).

Optimization & Testing: Experience running A/B tests, multi-variant tests, and conversion optimization experiments.

Technical Skills: Familiarity with marketing automation tools (e.g., HubSpot, Marketo), CRM systems, and basic knowledge of HTML/CSS is a plus.

Growth Hacking Mindset: Strong ability to think creatively and identify unconventional ways to drive growth (growth hacking, viral loops, etc.).

Communication Skills: Strong verbal and written communication skills to collaborate effectively across teams and present data-backed recommendations.

Adaptability: Ability to work in a fast-paced environment, with the flexibility to pivot strategies quickly when needed.

Jornada sin especificar
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Salario sin especificar
Digital Marketing Consultant with Danish
Wibit Consulting & Services (WibitCS)
Barcelona, Barcelona
11 de octubre

In collaboration we are working with a leading Outsourcing/BPO consultancy who is seeking to onboard a Danish-speaking Digital Marketing Consultant for their Barcelona office.

As a Digital Marketing Consultant your role is to identify and apply the appropriate advertising solutions through an active collaboration with Danish companies and Digital Marketing & Online Advertising Agency Partners. You would work with a wide variety of advertisers, and deliver the optimal digital advertising solution for each customer.

Full time position (39h per week, Monday to Friday)

Permanent Contract.

Location: Barcelona, hybrid.


  • Implement creative ways to improve our client companies and agency relationships, by tailoring and sharing performance-enhancing suggestions, and upsell or promoting other Google products
  • Provide strategic advice and help businesses and agencies get the best ROI on their clients’ advertising investment by working closely with them in a consultative role
  • Consistently deliver against assigned quota, while prioritizing and delivering outstanding customer sales experience
  • Communicate with the customers proactively, via phone, video conference, and email.


  • BA/BS degree and/or equivalent practical experience
  • Excellent level of Danish (C2)
  • Ability to speak and write English fluently and idiomatically
  • +1 Years of experience in digital marketing, preferably building and optimising PPC Campaigns
  • Minimum 0-1 Years of experience in Sales
  • Knowledge of Google products such as Ads, AdSense or YouTube
  • A team player with leadership and high communication skills
  • Strong presentation, analytical and problem-solving skills
  • Passionate about Marketing, Technology, and online Advertising, with a desire to learn and develop.


  • A permanent presence of coaches who will facilitate your personal and professional development
  • Established career path to grow within the project
  • Continuous training and certifications within Google products
  • Bi-weekly, monthly or quarterly contests
  • Employment with the world’s largest provider of contact center services
  • Excellent work environment, great colleagues, social arrangements and personal development
  • Dynamic business casual environment with colleagues of all ages gathered in a highly motivated team
  • Relocation support
  • Private health insurance
  • And many others!

Departamento: Marketing
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