Intress cerca un/a Psicòleg/a a mitja jornada per formar part de l'equip del servei de protecció d'emergència per infants d'Ucraïna, ubicat a Cerdanyola del Vallès, Barcelona.
La persona seleccionada haurà de proporcionar atenció psicològica especialitzada a les persones usuàries ateses per a la millora de la seva salut mental, independència i qualitat de vida per al seu propi benestar.
Què farás?
Què oferim?
Incorporació: immediata
Jornada: 19h setmanals.
Horari: de dilluns a dijous amb horari flexible que pot ser de matins i tardes + teletreball.
Retribució: 918,51€ + plus validació 46,46€ bruts mensuals (x 14 pagues: 13.416,66€ bruts anuals).
Formaràs part d'una entitat dedicada a l'àmbit social, on creiem en la integració de les persones que es troben en situació de vulnerabilitat social.
The Robotics and Automation Unit of Eurecat Technology Center (Barcelona) is looking for a highly motivated researcher to work in Autonomous Navigation for Ground Mobile Robots, with relevant experience in path planning and SLAM. The candidate will work with different challenges involving autonomous operations in agriculture, logistics, healthcare, advanced manufacturing and others. We are looking for candidates with good level of software development for robotics solutions (including ROS/ROS2), preferably with experience with robotics platforms and field experiments.
Overall, the robotics group is specialized in applied research and development on Service and Industrial Robotics. Our objective is to increase the level of robot autonomy and intelligence to enable more complex robotics behaviours. We focus on the following topics: aerial and terrestrial autonomous navigation, industrial robotics, manipulation, human-robot cooperation, perception, cognition, and robot behavior.
Over the last 15 years, our group has developed extensive experience in solutions and developments for our industrial and service private customers, as well as in several of the most successful European and Spanish projects in robotics.? Check out our research lines and projects website:
We are a team of energetic young people passionate about robotics. Come join us!
The main responsibilities will focus on the scientific contribution and technological developments including:
The Robotics and Automation Unit of Eurecat Technology Center (Barcelona) is looking for a highly motivated Robotics engineer with special interest in applied R&D. This specific vacancy is seeking people with passion for robotics, software and artificial intelligence regardless the amount of experience and age.
We need candidates with good level of Software development for robotics solutions (including ROS) and a particular interest in specializing and developing a career in some of this research challenges (HRI, planning, learning, navigation, manipulation, perception, etc)
Our group is specialized in applied research and development on Service and Industrial Robotics. Our objective is to increase the level of robot autonomy and intelligence to enable more complex robotics behaviours. Our projects cover a wide range of robotics topics and sectors such as advanced manufacturing, field robotics (agriculture and others), logistics, healthcare, inspection and maintenance, etc.
Over the last 15 years, our group has developed extensive experience in solutions and developments for our customers, as well as in several of the most successful European and Spanish projects in robotics. Check out our research lines and projects website:
We are a team of energetic young people passionate about robotics. Come join us!
The main responsibilities will focus on the scientific contribution and technological developments including:
Our laboratory is located in Cerdanyola del Vallès, in the outskirts of Barcelona city (Spain). Barcelona besides being easily connected to the rest of Europe, provides a great quality of life and a great robotics ecosystem full of initiatives, research groups, robotics companies and interesting events. And many more to come!
And …
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